Tyrants of Communist North Korea Endorses Obama

Okay, so I was wrong… The most damaging endorsement possible for Obama isn’t from The Goracle.

From OneFreeKorea:

The Chosun Sinbo, the mouthpiece of North Korea’s Japanese front organization Chongryon and often for the North Korean regime itself, has announced its preference for Obama over McCain, whom it calls “a variant of Bush” and “nothing better than a scarecrow of neoconservatives,” which is a bit odd considering that the Bush Administration’s giveaway diplomacy is better for Kim Jong Il than even Clinton’s awful performance.

Kim Jong-Il, eh? “I velly pweased to endwoss Obama faw Amelican Plesident!”

Michelle Malkin, Little Green Footballs and The Jawa Report are all carrying this Snob-pendous piece of news!

One after the other, tyrants, terrorists and whack-a-doodle-heads line up to endorse Obama. What is it about this man that attracts the maniacs of the world to his cause?

Malkin’s commentor Tennyson sums it up neatly with this mockery:

My list of supporters Obama would rather not have:

And some editorial cartoons mockery at Obama’s 57 States: A Muslim Freudian Slip?

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7 Responses to “Tyrants of Communist North Korea Endorses Obama”

  1. hutchrun Says:

    Not surprising at all but Mr. Kim tok some time so he must have thot real hard about it.
    Chavez, Gaddafi, Ahmadinejad, Castro were quicker thinkers.
    But why`s Mugabe taking so long?

  2. Kesava Says:

    Next up: Obama points to his eight years as First Lady to Bill Clinton as having given him the experience to lead.


  3. Yet Another America Hating Commie Endorses Barack Obama | Road Sassy Says:

    […] Continue reading Tyrants of Communist North Korea Endorses Obama […]

  4. Hindu Monkey God Hanuman Endorses Obama « BUUUUURRRRNING HOT Says:

    […] that Obama isn’t getting endorsements from all sorts of characters […]

  5. Jules Crittenden » What Not To Do (Foreign Edition) Says:

    […] above from a Malkin commenter via leading Malay neocon Scott Hong, who last June helpfully rounded up a long list of foreign FObs … Friends of […]

  6. simon thong Says:

    The dark glasses are meant to create that famous/infamous inscrutable NorthKoreanman look. It used to be the inscrutable Chinaman look. LOL.

  7. PriceLess Says:

    “Are you better off now than you were 4 days ago?”

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