Pink Panther – In the Pink of the Night

Just saw this classic cartoon on Cartoon Network the other day. Brings back memories of watching it many times on VCR as a kid – even thought I had completely forgotten about the existence of this episode, I can now still remember the music and sound effects used to accentuate particular happenings in the episode.

Especially love the antics and vocalizations of the ‘cuckoo bird’ – especially especially that COO-COO!!! just before getting its beak tied!


2 Responses to “Pink Panther – In the Pink of the Night”

  1. Fester Says:

    I also love dis one:

    Pinky: “Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?”
    The Brain: “The same thing we do every night, Pinky—try to take over the world!”

  2. hapi now Says:

    Ok, you got it

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