When we post these memes as a challenge, the usual response is to either suddenly drop out of the comment thread entirely… Or divert to a different point!

1) You accuse nonCalvinists of being Pelagian / Semi-pelagian? Tell us the definition of those terms without checking first. Related: If you bring up Pelagius being condemned as a heretic, tell us what the actual charges were.

2) You used to be Arminian before discovering the truth of Calvinism? Name the Articles of Remonstrance without checking first.

3) You object to our memes because they ‘mock fellow believers’? Well, have you ever similarly scolded Calvinist memers who are much longer established and with far larger fanbases?

4) If Total Depravity is true, why would Jesus use parables to prevent the unbelieving crowd from understanding? Why would the devil snatch the word, or blind those born already blind to the Gospel? Why would God harden already stone hearts? This is the Total Redundancy problem that helped people like Leighton Flowers, Michael L Brown, Bobby Conway, Alana L realize Calvinism is wrong.

5) John Calvin and others have described Evanescent Grace as indistinguishable from genuine saving grace to the Reprobate. If so, then how does ANYONE know for sure whether they are really saved or just being tricked by God? Note that citing Bible passages reassuring believers does not work, since it doesn’t answer how one knows whether they are a real believer or not in the first place. (This epistemic problem is related to Tim Stratton’s Deity of Deception Argument and Idol Killer’s Total Depravity & Spiritual Truths Problem.)

6) If Calvinism is taught by the Bible, and Paul & Jesus were basically teaching it… Then why do actual scholars – including Calvinists like Boettner, Bavinck & Berkhof – admit that nobody in the first 400 years of the early church taught what former Manichean Gnostic Augustine introduced into Christianity?

7) If you believe that God from eternity past already unchangeably decreed everything that comes to pass, then why are you complaining about the memes that God decreed we make? (Or shall we say, God decreed you to come see our memes and complain?) Whereas as we always say, we believe you came here of your own free will!

8.) Related to the above… When you complain about us ‘wasting time on the Internet making memes’, did you forget what platform you are on where you freely chose to spend your time browsing our memes and complaining?

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