Archive for the ‘Fun Fun Doodle Dum!’ Category

Trump & Biden Debate Election (in Romans 9)

February 14, 24


December 8, 23

The final episode more than any other ties in massively to theological concepts and challenges.

“How do you choose who lives and who dies?” – a conundrum under Molinism unless Transworld Damnation is true.

People deserve the free will to make choices, even if it leads to their own destruction like Sylvie argues? Is it still their choices or not, if someone else paved the way and they just walked on it?

And the Christlike decision to sacrifice for others, instead of sacrificing them for your own glorious purpose: “I know what kind of god I need to be, for you, for all of us.”

I was half wondering if Loki would bump into The One Above All and have it explained that there is already someone ensuring everyone else gets to freely choose, and He Who Remains is not really at the top of the controlling all history pyramid like he thinks.

May be an image of 1 person and text that says '"Most purpose, is more burden than glory"'

Meme Making Resources

October 24, 23


September 11, 23

Pleasantly surprised by the Netflix live action adaptation of One Piece – and with Netflix’s meme-level reputation for horrific anime adaptations, that’s really saying something!

It’s not an easy anime to portray with the original’s outlandish action, slapstick comedy and sometimes bizarre character designs (compared to something much more grounded like Rurouni Kenshin’s five historical setting films), but I feel they landed on a palatable selection & blend of realism and fantastic.

They went for a more ‘Caribbean’ pirates feel with a mix of different races (makes sense e.g. with Yasopp & Usopp having curly hair) and shanty-ish background music, something which the anime doesn’t go for. The sets and locations feel real while still looking very reminiscent of the source material – Baratie feels like a classy restaurant inside and a Club Med hotel outside, Arlong Park feels like a pool party. The plot changes and rearranging are sensible without straying too far.

Plenty of easter eggs or foreshadowing for the fans, like young Mihawk witnessing Roger’s execution, the News Coo’s gear, or wanted posters of Bellamy and Foxy.

The casting is spot on too, with a grounded take on the exaggerated personalities of the manga/anime that still falls within the orbit of the originals – Luffy is much less hyperactive and childish than the original, while Zoro is suitably serious and stoic (all while his look keeps reminding me of Great Teacher Onizuka lol). Especially the side characters they could easily have done a slapdash interpretation of – like Coby, Helmeppo, Morgan, and Garp (with a gruff Scottish accent that somehow fits lol).

Overall worth a watch, just that fans shouldn’t expect a 100% direct conversion of the anime and it’ll be enjoyable enough – including for normies, who might find this a much more comprehensible introduction to the franchise than the anime.

When the Memers Use 100% of Their Humour

July 5, 23

This is amazing. Someone posted that dumb old meme to Sot101 Discussion:

And multiple comments dunked on it with their own countermemes:

And of course, my own from more than a month ago:


July 5, 23

I’m subscribed to 10+ film review channels and so far every one of them – men and women and future rulers from the center of the Earth – is massively excoriating and mocking Indiana Jones 5 for its nonsensical plot, bad action sequences, refusal to just give fans what they want, and of course yet another murder of a beloved action star on the altar of yet another Kathleen Kennedy self-insert British Brunette Mary Sue who is so much better than George Lucas… whoops, I mean, the old has-been hero she replaces. Noted by many that poor Harrison Ford now has had this done to his legacy character TWICE by Kathleen!

The Critical Drinker and everyone else on Critical Drinker After Hours

It’s A Gundam



Jesse Grant


The Bonebridger


Red Letter Media

Vex Electronica

Knights Watch


Jeremy Jahns

The Athletic Hero


Overlord DVD #DoomcockWasRight

More to be added as they get round to suffering through the film so that we don’t have to. Just like The Little Mermaid 2023, I’m getting far more hours of entertainment from YouTubers dunking on the show than the actual length of the show itself!

Santa’s Bizarre Delivery – Christmas is Forever

December 25, 22

Above part of the 1000+ original memes (mostly about soteriology) at

When You Read the Bible and it Does Gnostic

November 10, 22

Ironically, this is EXACTLY correct for many Calvinists who tell me that the reason I don’t interpret Bible passages they way they do to derive TULIP is because God hasn’t supernaturally revealed those truths to poor little unenlightened me.

Whereas when they read the Bible, God DOES ‘Gnostic’ the correct understanding into them! 🤣

Oil Palm is the Great Preventer – Not the Driver – of Deforestation

August 1, 22

An old essay I submitted for a competition, with lots of tongue-in-cheek in the tone of Ezra Levant and Ann Coulter (but also, FACTS).

Wow Such Divine, So Council

January 29, 22

Much likes: