Que Zergy, Zergy

An original song, sung to the tune of “Que Será, Será”…

When I was just a little worm larva
I asked the Overmind, what will I be? Overmind
Will I be Zergling? Z<p>ergling
Will I be Scourge? Scourge
Here’s what it said to me…Dot

Que Larva, Larva larva
Whatever will be, will beDot
The game’s just begun you seeDot
Que Larva, LarvaDot
What will be, will beDot

And when I had become a Drone Drone
I asked the Overmind, what should I build? Overmind
Do I make Spire? Spire
Creep Colony? Creepcolony
Here’s what it said to me…Dot

Que Droney, Droney Drone
Whatever will be, will beDot
The Fog of War’s there you see Dot
Que Droney, DroneyDot
What will be, will beDot

Now that I am a Hydra Den Hydraden
I ask the Overmind, what do I tech? Overmind
Muscular Augments? MusularAugments
Grooved Spines for range? GroovedSpines
Here’s what it said to me…Dot

Que Hydra Den-ey Hydraden
Get Lurker Metamorph-ey Lurker
We’ll kill all their SCVs SCV
Que Hydra Den-eyDot

Play Starcraft, you’ll see
Que Zergy, Zergy!



One Response to “Que Zergy, Zergy”

  1. Funny Keyword Errors Says:

    I haven’t played starcraft in so many years. I loved that game.

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