Plants vs Zombies Survival: Endless – Scott’s Setup

UPDATE 21 NOV 2009: A commentor, jelo has been continually experimenting and has now achieved more than 100 flags with a vastly superior setup to my own!


Plants vs Zombies Survival: Endless

The strategy is described here.

And if you want to reach 200 Flags, try his updated setup HERE!


UPDATE 4 Nov 2009: Influenced by jelo’s design, I’ve come up with my own variant:

Plants vs Zombies Survival: Endless

This setup is based on maximizing plant utility.

Fume Shrooms: Both columns can begin firing on zombies as soon as they take a step onto the lawn. Splash damage hits all in the row. Can be modified to add one more Fume instead Winter Melons of behind the two Fumes on rows 1 & 6, as so:

Plants vs Zombies Survival: Endless

Gloom Shrooms: Pool rows decimate water zombies and handle rows 2 & 5. The four at the back are placed to knock out Digger Zombies within zero to two bites – I found Spikerocks too slow to down them, so decided that the overlapping Gloom blasts would be quicker. The ones in column 2 are also able to hit thrown Imps (at surprising ranges!) and Bungee Zombies. Alone, they may not be able to stop Bungees in time, but that’s why I have…

Ice Shroom: One original and one Imitater. Leave it asleep until Bungees are about to drop down or Gargantuars become threatening, at which point I wake with a Coffee Bean. You can also plop down a Chomper as soon as the ice hits to get as many as 8 bites on a frozen Gargantuar, as long as no vehicles are there. Beware of the delay in popping though!

Spikerock: jelo’s layout doesn’t utilize them, but I like their stalling Gargantuars a lot. The furthest right column doesn’t have any, so that Gargantuars can wander into range of more Glooms at rows 2 & 5, and get hit more times at rows 1 & 6, before finally pounding on the wall of Spikerocks. They’ll pop Zombonis as well, but Catapults will usually be stopped short of popping their tyres on the Spikerocks (lost a few back column plants to their attacks though). All in all, leaving the rightmost column free saves a lot of damage, Sun and micro-ing.

Cattails: As per jelo’s advice, there are four to deal with overloads of Balloon Zombies.

Winter Melon: You’ll note that I pack in many more than jelo’s strat. The extra two on rows 1 & 6 are to compensate for the lack of pool Gloom Shroom pwnage there, which is why the landed Glooms are stuck at 2 & 5 to make room. The slow and heavy splash damage make them indispensable.

Twin Sunflower: For quick Sun recovery in case of Jack-in-the-Box Zombie mishaps. You can try replacing with anything you fancy – spare Ice Shrooms, Cob Cannons – as the rear pool plants aren’t really necessary for damage. You may need the extra Sun recovery later, however.

Pumpkin: Protect everything you can! Spikerocks excluded of course.

At later stages, some must-have seeds based on what’s coming…

Jack-in-the-box-Zombie: Lily Pad, Fume Shroom, Gloom Shroom, Coffee Bean – to replace exploded Glooms.

Gargantuar, Zomboni: Spikeweed, Spikerock, instants – to replace smashed Spikerocks and take them down faster.

Bungee Zombie: Ice Shroom – to delay for defenses to kill them before they grab.

And in general, Pumpkin, Imitater Pumpkin, and instants like Cherry Bomb, Jalapeno, Squash, Ice Shroom and Chomper as needed. (See Ice Shroom entry above for how Chomper is used.)



Older postings follow below.

Plants vs Zombies Survival: Endless

Plants vs. Zombies is a great tower-defense style game. It’s my second purchase via the game downloading service provider, Steam – at only USD10. Read these articles or watch some Youtubes to find out more: (update: link no longer works, Jess suggests this link instead – thanks!)

For clarification on the terminology, plant types and zombie types, try searching on the Plants vs. Zombies wiki.

Playing and beating all the various game modes unlocks Survival: Endless mode, where wave after wave of zombies comes at your defenses, pausing every now and then for you to swap some of your defense choices.

After trying out my own preliminary defense layouts and reading the excellent strategies at GameFAQs guides, here’s my current finalized layout and explanation of my placement choices (Note: see very bottom for update on layout):

Plants vs Zombies Survival: Endless

The red target bullseye is where I usually launch Cob Cannon nukes (along with the corresponding square on the other side of the pool).

Here are some scenes from waves of zombie attacks, including a Cob launch at the spot I was talking about that fries a top-right Gargantuar:

Plants vs Zombies Survival: Endless

Plants vs Zombies Survival: Endless

Plants vs Zombies Survival: Endless

Every plant placement serves a specific purpose.

If you’re familiar with the usual strategies for Survival: Endless, the first thing you probably noticed is my unusual use of Gatling Peas in the top rows and Winter Melons in the bottom rows. Most guides will go for only Winter Melons in all rows. But I have my own reasoning for my choice.

First, I wanted to see which was more effective: 6 Winter Melons, or 5 Gatling Peas with one Torchwood at the front to ignite the peas (20 flaming area-damage peas = better than 24 single-hit peas). I didn’t mix the two together in adjacent rows, because apparently the fire will neutralize the cold slow effect.

In practise, they kill zombie waves about as quickly since they both do area damage. The Gatling rows are however more consistent, releasing a constant stream of flaming peas, while the Winters lob in slow volleys. In practise, the Winters usually end up a just a little slower to mow down the zombie waves (see the progress of the zombies in the action pics above), but since they also slow with their cold, it evens out in the end.

Second, since the cost of shop-purchased plants goes up by 50 Sun with every planting, using 7 Gatlings and 7 Winters is significantly cheaper than going for 14 winters. Third, since Gatling and Winter seeds have a very slow cooldown between plantings, it’s quicker to replace one of each that falls to zombies.

Rows 2 and 5 seem to have far fewer Gatlings and Winters and thus much lower damage output, but the Gloom-shrooms in the pool make up for it.

Gloom-shrooms are standard issue for most Survival: Endless strategies. The three columns at the far right in the pool are usually enough to take out any pool zombies, including annoying Doplhin Rider Zombies who will bypass the first two columns but die to the third. They also heavily area-damage zombies coming via rows 2 and 5, which makes possible freeing up some plots for utility plants in those rows.

Speaking of utility plants, notice the Gloom-shrooms in column 1 (the leftmost)? They’re there to deal with those ever-annoying Digger Zombies, who will bypass your forward defenses. Originally, I tried using Magnet-Shrooms to stop them:

Plants vs Zombies Survival: Endless

Plants vs Zombies Survival: Endless

But even with 4, the cooldown was too slow to stop all the Diggers, and just two Cattails were too slow to take down Diggers which reached the back row before they bit into the Pumpkins (and soon-exposed plants inside) too much. One Gloom-shroom’s area damage is enough to drop Diggers of any number after just three or four bites (as you can see from the first few pics at the start of this post), more than making up for the fact that it doesn’t contribute anything to the front-line battle – rows 2 and 5 are adequately covered by their pool-planted compatriots, anyway.

Meanwhile, the other utility plants in rows 2 and 5 are four Umbrella Leafs, which are VERY necessary against Bungee Zombies. In a round with Bungees, a wave of attackers will often begin this way:

Plants vs Zombies Survival: Endless

If you have no suitable defenses, it’s instant bye-bye to several hundred or thousand Sun worth of upgraded plants! A particularly unlucky grab can lead to your being overrun due to sudden reduction in offensive power. Umbrella Leafs at the right spots will put paid to such vandalism:

Plants vs Zombies Survival: Endless

During a round with no Bungees (see the zombie lineup at the start of each flag before you choose your seeds), you can dig up the Umbrellas and plant Sunflower to recoup some Sun. If you can get 150 Sun from one, you’ve paid back the cost to plant the Sunflower and replant the Umbrella. You could put in offensive plants, but they won’t really reduce the already-minimal takedown time. You could also plant a Gold Magnet to collect all the loose change being dropped by pwned zombies, but honestly, money making should be done in a coin-collecting run.

The two Cattails are enough to stop all Balloon Zombies that try to fly by. They’re towards the front to pop the balloons faster, and take out Dolphins marginally faster. They were placed early on in the starting stages to take down the first few weak zombies with their homing shots, but by this point they add almost nothing to the damage output of the Spikes, Glooms, flaming Gatlings and Winters.

The Spikerocks at the far right are the toughest plants available and key to surviving later levels, as they are the only plant that can take more than one hit from a Gargantuar or roll-over by a Zomboni or Catapult. They pop (kill) the latter two with one blow, and deal area damage to all zombies that walk over them.

From experience, I chose three columns of them to give enough breathing space when large waves of Gargantuars come – survival will boil down to instants (Cherry Bombs, Jalapenos, Squash, Cob Cannon launches, etc) and the cooldown timer on the Spikerock seed. Two just wasn’t enough.

Unfortunately, Jack-in-the-Box Zombies will still occasionally explode before you cn take them out, leaving scary gaps in the defenses that you must scramble to replant before Gargantuars, Zombonis and Catapults come:

Plants vs Zombies Survival: Endless

The Cob Cannons are there mainly to take down Gargantuars quicker. As I said, survival or brain-eatenness will boil down to how long you can keep replacing Spikerocks that fall. The quicker Gargantuars die, the less time they have to whack your Spikerocks. In a pinch and with some lead time, a Cob launch can also end a too-heavy wave of Diggers or Dolphins that might threaten your back rows. Since each takes up two plots, they can’t be protected by Pumpkins. But it’s unlikely that any zombies will make it that far left across the pool.

Four Cob Cannons should give you plenty of leeway to authorize launches:

Plants vs Zombies Survival: Endless

Plants vs Zombies Survival: Endless

If you spend the first rounds just collecting Sun (see next paragraph), having only two Twin Sunflowers should provide enough Sun to replace an plants or Pumpkins you happen to lose.

And of course, everything is Pumpkined (except the Cob Cannons which are too large – but as I said, will likely never be hit). Beginning the first few rounds by planting ALL plots with Sunflowers, except the three columns of spikes and two Cattails, and keeping it that way until the zombie waves neccesitate more offensive power, is how you collect enough Sun to Pumpkin every plant and set up all those expensive upgrades. Using the Imitater as another Pumpkin will help speed up the process.

And once the setup is finalized, I’ll usually choose the following if I don’t need any specific seeds to patch zombie-eaten holes in the defenses:

Imitater Pumpkin
Cherry Bomb

The Spikes are for Gargantuar-stomped replacement, the Pumpkin and Imitater for repairing Dolphin and Digger damage, and the instants for emergencies and assisting cob Cannon whacking of Gargantuar waves.

The rest of the slots are for Umbrella replacement exercises, or whatever you think will be eaten and need replacing during the round. I’ll bet on Lily Pad, Fume-shroom, Coffee Bean and Gloom-shroom seeds to fix up your pool-bound Gloom-shrooms in the very unfortunate case of a Jack-in-the-Box explosion in row 2 or 5!

Go ahead and try your own placements – and have fun!

UPDATE: After having lots of annoyance from tons of Imps being thrown by injured Gargantuars directly to column 3, I decided to relocate the Cattails there to deal with them quicker:

Plants vs Zombies Survival: Endless

This also helps take down Diggers faster, two or three bites if the Cattails start shooting at them immediately.


Lol, someone decided to try my Instants-Only idea:


PS. Other game-tips related post at Gratuitous Space Battles Quick Tips and The Most Embarassing Ways to Die in Alien Swarm.

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134 Responses to “Plants vs Zombies Survival: Endless – Scott’s Setup”

  1. Justin Says:

    Crap,this game looks good! I like the disco zombie the most. What’s your review of the game?

  2. Scott Thong Says:

    9 out of 10 for addictiveness.

    You can try out the free demo by downloading it at (you need the free Steam downloader from ) or

  3. Travis Says:


    Thanks for bringing this game to my attention; I play alot of Team Fortress 2 and I regularly see this advertisement, but I had no idea it was a tower defense. I spent so many gleefull hours with WC3 and its many iterations of tower defense, I will certainly check this out.

  4. Sherwin Says:

    How many flag does this kind of defense can survive?

  5. Scott Thong Says:

    I forget. I’ve gotten at least to 50-60, then stopped playing due to busyness.

  6. Sherwin Says:

    Hey, Your Defense strategy is awesome. By imitating your defense, I have managed to Survive 36 flags as of now. However, Is there any end to this endless survival mode?

  7. Scott Thong Says:

    Only when you die… Just like the old arcade games! If you change some of the lineup from my style and find it works better, do share so that I can improve too!

  8. Malaysia Mali Says:

    Hi Scott

    Great tips, but how you managed to get the so high sun power.


  9. Scott Thong Says:

    Since the first few levels are easy, I rushed to 9990 Sun by planting Sunflower almost everywhere.

    First, buy a Garden Rake at the store and start the stage as normal – mostly Sunflower, let the Rake kill the first zombie, use Spud Bomb and Squash to cheaply kill the next few until you can plant a Cattails. Two Cattails will defeat everything in the first round.

    Keep planting Sunflower in every space you can, except the front rows where you plant Spikeweed. When you can, put the attack plant of your choice one per land lane.

    The idea is to keep on clicking and collecting Sun like crazy until you reach near 9990 Sun. Only after that do you start building up your permanent defenses, and always waiting to reach near 9990 Sun before removing a Sunflower to put anything else.

    This way, when the harder waves of zombies start coming and damaging your plants, you will have lots of Sun to replant with. Eventually, the damage done will be more than your Sun stockpiles can handle, or else too fast for yoru seed cooldowns.

    Btw, I’ve moved on to Puzzle Kingdoms now! Another game of great fun for 10 bucks, I recommend it.

  10. Newmicon Says:

    Thanks for the guide, really enjoy this game.

  11. sachima Says:

    wow, the guidelines for collecting sun look so great, will surely check them out to night. thanks so much Scott!

  12. jelo Says:

    hi there we have almost the same strategy.. this is mine.. =)

    i will try yours,, =) i love this game

  13. Scott Thong Says:

    Wow dude! You actually can afford two slots to spare for Gold Magnets? If I’m going for cash I maximise Daisies, but for long survival I ignore the coins aspect.

    How do the regular magnets work out? I found that they recharge too slow to help much against waves of metal-carrying zombies and then let the Diggers past.

  14. jelo Says:

    actually now im tryng a new strat but its not working out good. i now have 8 cob cannons but it doesnt really let me survive for long(and is soooooooooo expensive).. only around 33 flags or so.. =( well in my previous post, i just felt like putting those 4 magnets coz i ddnt know what else to place there.. but ill try replacing them with winters(w/c is rly expensive) hehe.. btw i think ill be replacing the 2 twin sunflowers(1 from the top and 1 from the bottom) with gloom shrooms.. becoz diggers still harm pumpkins with just 1 gloom shroom… my real problem up to know is dealing with those with wheels and those imps and gigas!

  15. jelo Says:

    oh and btw as u can see i was rly broke at that time that’s y i placed two gold magnets.. hehehe =) i had no aquarium and mushroom garden yet lol but now my zen garden is full so ill be replacing the magnets with winters =)

  16. Scott Thong Says:

    Heh sure thing… But if you want fast cash, you’d do better to go for a ‘suicide’ strategy where you plant as much Marigold as possible and some Gold Magnets with the bare minimum of defenses to keep you alive. You’ll lose within a few flags, but get far more coin in that short span!

  17. jelo Says:

    check this out.. it’s my latest set up.. actually i used a cheat here just to set it up fast and test it.. then ill play again without cheat and build this set up again and see how long ill survive.. hehe =)

  18. jelo Says:

    my only problem here would be those catapults but i doubt that they’d hit my back defense because the 10 cob cannons can be fired continuously. 8 is still not enough but 10 is perfect.. the gloom shrooms beside the cobs can take care of the annoying imps,, ill keep u posted =)

  19. jelo Says:

    LOL i forgot i already have umbrella leaves hahaha so catapults arent probs anymore lol

  20. jelo Says:

    sad.. its a failure.. i thought the gloom shrooms could take care of the imps from eating my cobs.. =(

  21. Scott Thong Says:

    Wait, your cobs aren’t on the water?

  22. jelo Says:

    no theyre not.. ill place them on the water nxt time and place tall nuts in front of them to protect against dolphins

  23. Scott Thong Says:

    If they’re right at the back, dolphins can never reach them unless they’ve chewed through the middle plants first.

  24. jelo Says:

    i gave up the cobs and came up with this lol.. the two cobs are just for emergencies.. omg it can hold of by gargantuars, catapults and zombonis by itself! the only problem would be gigas and constant repairs of the tall nut pumkins due to dolphin damages.. but i think this set up works great for me.. diggers cant even touch any of my plants.. =)

  25. Scott Thong Says:

    Kewl arrangement… Makes me want to try again with my own variant.

    I’d probably add Spikerocks at the front to delay Gigas as much as possible (should be able to afford it at least early on).

  26. jelo Says:

    my gosh i cant believe it! i reached over 100 flags with this set up and still going.. yeah!!!!

    without cheat! =) and also it’s a low cost set up coz there are only a few melon pults.. actually this wasnt the set up i started with.. i had like 1 more melon pult on the first and last lanes but at 1 point gigas squished them and i ended up with this set up and found out that it could hold off all zombies(except gigas) just the same.. im rly happy with this set up.. plus no more worries abt the back rows, the spikerocks can handle all the diggers,. all u need to do is always have slots for gloom and fume shrooms, and lily pads bcoz ull never know when a jack in d box would explode and destroy ur glooms infront.
    as for the gigas, all u need is great timing of ice shrooms, jalapenos, cherry bombs and squash

  27. Scott Thong Says:

    Spike rocks at back row? Who would’ve thought!

    106 flags is far more than I ever managed… You, sir, have mastered the game! I’m featuring your setup in my blog post. Take a look at the top!

    If you care to do a short write up about how you set it up from the start, and how each plant has a function, I can even blog a new post just for that! I can guess how some of them work, but I’m not 100% sure like the Glooms in mid screen (for Imps I guess?).


  28. jelo Says:

    aww thanx so much.. =) ok ill try to do a write up abt my set up.. thanks so much for appreciating.. =) and yeah the glooms in the mid are for imps.. and now we dnt have to worry abt diggers anymore.. no matter how many they may be..

  29. jelo Says:

    About my set up, the Spikerocks at the far left of the lawn are placed there to take care of any number of digger zombies instead of using 2 or 3 gloom shrooms(w/c is also expensive since it’s an upgrade).
    4 cattails are placed in columns 1(from left) and 6 becoz ive tried to use only 2 cattails but at some point the balloon zombies were really many and some got passed my defenses so I decided to use 4 instead.
    All gloom shrooms can take care of bungee zombies and imps thrown in columns 2,3 and 4.
    6 twin sunflowers are ESSENTIAL bcoz in my experience, I had 9990 sun and then at one level there were gigas, zombonies, jack in d box and football zombies all at the same time! Jack in d boxes kept on blowing up and my glooms in the far right of the pool got destroyed. Replacing them from time to time cost me A LOT OF SUN and I almost went to only 100 sun from 9990 sun. So never underestimate the importance of twin sunflowers.. Remember, it powers an entire infantry.. hehe
    1 melon pult per row is enough to slow down almost all approaching zombies except for row 3(from top) column 4(from left) bcoz I reserved it as a slot for ice shrooms.
    The 2 fume shrooms at the top most and bottom most rows are placed there coz they damage ALL zombies in the fume cloud which is good. Also, they can easily be replaced when destroyed by a giga gargantuar or attacked by a group of football zombies.. My fave part is, they’re so CHEAP! =) I also place extra fume shrooms sometimes when there are gigas just to be pounded on bcoz it slows them(gigas) a bit when they pound on plants.
    oh and btw just a tip. All of us experience jack in the box accidents all the time, and if u do not have fume and gloom shrooms, lily pads and coffee bean in ur list, then it just might be the end of ur lawn. I always save slots for them. When there are gigas, regardless of the other zombies, these are the plants I choose.. cherry bomb, jalapeno, squash, lily pad, fume, gloom, coffee bean, ice shroom, imitater ice shroom and pumpkin. But if there are no gigas, I would only replace the imitater ice shroom with imitater pumpkin to repair all damaged pumpkins from the previous zombie waves with annoying imps.. hope this helps.. =)
    That’s about it.. hehe Thanks for featuring my set up Scot! =)

  30. jelo Says:

    here’s a link to my current game.. =)

  31. Scott Thong Says:


    What do you use to record your game?

    I suggest you put your strategy in to GameFAQs and other game guide sites…

  32. jelo Says:

    hehe thanks.. i used camstudio.. it’s free and is an ok recorder.. i used movie maker to edit it

  33. Scott Thong Says:

    jelo, I’ve posted my own variant at the top. Let’s see if it can hold out!

  34. jelo Says:

    great set up.. update me about how long it can go.. it’s packed with melons i see. 7 twin sunflowers is a good idea. it would be easier to recover sun when there are too much jack in the box explosions..

  35. Scott Thong Says:

    I’m pondering a setup where rows 1 and 6 and left almost empty… The idea is to use lots of Gloom Shrooms in the water rows and rows 2 & 5. The water rows kill pool and row 2 & 5 zombies (as usual), while rows 1 & 6 let zombies walk on unchallenged to be hit by Glooms at rows 2 & 5.

    I base this theory on the fact that water zombies are weak, so the Glooms in the pool are mostly safe. Gargantuars and Zombonis coming on rows 2 & 5 get blasted by the pool Glooms (as usual), so they don’t reach the plants in rows 2 & 5 before dying. Those that come on rows 1 & 6 have nothing to hit, so walk past the Glooms in rows 2 & 5 to be blasted.

    It’s like a non-confrontational approach. I’ll test it when I have time, if you do so, tell me how it works out!

  36. jelo Says:

    yeah ive once wanted to try that but i have a phobia for jack in the box. the idea is great, perfect in fact if only there were no jack in the box zombies becoz the glooms in rows 2 and 5 would only hit the Jacks when they’re already near. w/c is really risky coz it might explode anytime and destroy nearby glooms. but who knows. i thiink it’s still a great idea, just not jack proof

  37. Scott Thong Says:

    Hmm, good point. The designers have thought of every way to mess us up…

  38. Scott Thong Says:

    Siccing Chompers on frozen Gargantuars is fun! Can get 8 bites in before they get squashed.

  39. jelo Says:

    lol yeah ive tried doing that too and its fun to see chompers in mad action.. =) but i dnt think they do much damage tho. i tested it once just to see if it would damage gargantuars as heavily as squash but it doesnt =(

  40. Scott Thong Says:

    I’ve been thinking of this for fun – on a Night Survival, how long can I survive using only Sun-producers and Instants (Potato, Cherry, Jalapeno, Squash, Hypno, Ice, Doom)?

  41. jelo Says:

    haha great idea. im doing it right now.. ill tell u how far i can reach hehe

  42. jelo Says:

    yay i finished survival night hard with just istants, sunflower and pumkin.. =) ill post a video of the last flag soon

  43. jelo Says:


  44. Scott Thong Says:

    I didn’t use a single pumpkin… Relied heavily on the excellent Doom Shroom and an Imitater of it, but in the end lost to a wave of Pogo Zombies since they avoid Potato Mines and Hypno Shrooms! Too bad it’s hard to awaken Doom Shrooms in daytime when there are Gargantuars pounding down!

  45. jelo Says:

    ill try it too without pumpkin.. damn pogos! good thing there were no balloons. but this idea of urs is rly cool.

  46. Scott Thong Says:

    My set of seeds for later levels:

    Doom Shroom, Imitater Doom Shroom, Blover, Cherry Bomb, Jalapeno, Squash, Hypno Shroom, Potato Mine, Ice Shroom, Grave Buster.

    I’ve also tried using lots of Kernel-Pults to slow down Gargantuars in Survival Endless. Didn’t turn out so well.

  47. jelo Says:

    this is my best set up so far. it destroys everything on its own except gigas.. =)

  48. jelo Says:

    Merry Christmas my Plants Vs Zombies pal! =)

  49. Scott Thong Says:

    Merry Christmas, and let it snow Winter Melons with chilly gusts of Ice Shroom!

  50. jelo Says:

    yay it’s new yr.. =)

    and i finally got passed 200 flags.. im on the 226th flag now.. =) but look at how low my sun is in the pic lol.. too much explosions.. but ive regained my solar power now.. =)

  51. Azier Says:

    This is insane..hahahaha how long do you play the endless mode to get up to 100+

  52. Sharka Says:

    Thanks for your help on getting me started on the right strategies! Before I saw this website, I did not know to use Glooms at all, and I only made it to 28 flags.

    I learned a lot from this page, and got to 46 flags with a variation on jelo’s cobless design.

    Later, I found Draco’s Endless Survival guide ( with many of the same ideas that jelo had on cobless builds, as well as advice on builds with 2 to 8 cobs.

    I tried several cobless builds, but was only able to get to about 62 flags before Jacks destroyed my glooms. With two cobs, I was able to get to 78.

    I finally made it to 100 today, using 4 cobs:

    The forward fumes are not usually there. The last round just happened to have Jacks and football zombies and neither Gargantuars nor Zambonis, so I buffed the anti-Jack, anti-football defense. When the Garguantuars and Zambonis return, I will just let them crush the forward fumes.

    Having 4 cobs is much more reassuring than 0 or 2, and timing is not as critical as with 8 cobs. When there are Gigas, I use imitator freeze instead of imitator pumpkin, and I try to alternate between cob and freeze.

    If there are Jacks, I cob closer to the edge to try to catch them early. If there are dolphins, I cob farther away from the edge to catch the dolphins. If there are bungees, I try to time the freeze to catch them.

    If there are no Gargantuars or Zombonis, add pumpkined forward Fumes.

    Thanks again! I could not have done it without this strategy discussion!

  53. Sharka Says:

    The HTML link failed, so here is a text link:

  54. jelo Says:

    @ Azier im not xure coz when ur playing ull forget abt the time and realize uv reached ur 100th flag in no time. hehe. I just play seldom now. like 4 flags a day lol.. im still at the 240th flag.
    @Sharka this is all thanx to Scott for making this page, we are able to share our ideas and stuff.. =) the secret to a jack accidnt is always having the lily pad at hand. i always pick the lily pad when there are jacks becoz ull never know when there’ll be an accident which could cost u ur lawn.
    and yeah i do the same i pumpkin my forward fumes when there are no giants and when there are football zombies.

  55. Sharka Says:

    Lost at 127 flags. It was a round with all the bad things at the same time (Gigas, Zombonis, Jacks, Dolphins), and a Jack took out two Glooms. I think I was too passive in waiting for the 4 cobs to recharge. Next time, in such a bad round, I should just cherry bomb, jalapeno, and squash while cobs recharge.

    After I lost, I tried 8 cobs again, but I hate seeing puny backup dancers and ladder zombies eating the cobs! I made it to 71 flags. I do not have the skill for 8 cobs yet.

    I think I will go back to 4 cobs, be more aggressive against the Jacks by bombing closer to the edge, and ignore the dolphins. I rather replace pumpkins than glooms!

    Thanks, Scott and jelo!

  56. Sharka Says:

    Yay! 200 flags! I used the same 4-cob setup as before.

    There were a few close calls, when I was out of sun and down 2-3 glooms, and I thought I was done for and was ready to give up. But a lucky few rounds without jacks allowed the lawn to recover.

    In the end, I just played against the inner jacks, aiming to kill them as early as possible. I try to maintain a forward fume and cob near the edge or freeze as soon as I hear them.

    Now it is time to rest!

  57. jelo Says:

    my cobless set up lasted 273 flags.. =))

  58. jelo Says:

    ARGH and i died only becoz i accidentally picked up the kernel pult instead of the coffee bean! i couldnt wake up the new fumes argh lol. but it’s ok haha im playing another round now and so far still on the 64th flag..

  59. Scott Thong Says:

    I’m so sorry guys… I’ve been buying game packs that were on crazy offer on Steam and now I’ve neglected PvZ…

  60. syarif hidayat Says:

    wew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!seru banget tuh

  61. James Carlson Says:

    Nice guide Scott. I have been trying to put some stuff together for I,Zombie Endless, here is what I have so far:

    Plants vs Zombie – I Zombie Endless Help

    If you’ve got any great tips on that, I would love to post and give you credit.

  62. Jenny Says:

    wow! this is so amazing because i started giving up the cob cannons because they we’re eaten by IMP..ampf! ><…i'm inspired on jelo's set-up pretty genius..=p

  63. Reymundo Says:

    I’m currently doing 1300 flags with 8 cob cannons and some backup dancers and still strong.. hahaha… cool with 9990 sun. turning to be boring after some 100 flags quota per week . Play becomes routinary.

  64. Scott Thong Says:

    Yeah, I moved on to whatever latest game on mega-cheap offer I got from Steam.

  65. Ruby Jane Says:

    Thanks!!! I really really appreciate your setups. From this setup I found many plants for my zen garden, it really works…

  66. Ruby Jane Says:

    I have finished 130 flags today in survival endless. But the new zen garden plants that i got from the survival endless are all the same with my other zen garden plants.

  67. Scott Thong Says:

    What’s left to be done?

    I suppose sell your extras to make room, and spend it all on food for your Tree of Wisdom.

  68. jelo Says:

    hey scott.. long time no talk lol.. ive stopped playing too 4 about more than a month now.. it has become boring 4 me but maybe one time i;ll miss it and play it again hehehe

  69. edcel Says:

    i wish they i have a mypod

  70. neil Says:

    i like game plant vs. zombei pls download

  71. neil Says:

    pls donload

  72. neil Says:

    my favorit game is plant vs. zombei

  73. Simon Thong Says:

    a troll, a dirty minded one…

  74. Scott Thong Says:

    A spammed troll. Buh-bye!

  75. Scott Thong Says:

    Hey jelo, a game similar to tower defense:

    Gratuitous Space Battles Quick Tips

  76. Jelo Says:

    Hey scott! Havent spoken to you in a long time now hehe… thnx for suggesting that game ill try it.. =)

  77. Scott Thong Says:

    Try this FREE game too:

    The Most Embarassing Ways to Die in Alien Swarm

  78. Jason Says:

    you don’t need more than one winter melon, they do the same damage as normal melons, IT HAS BEEN PROVED

  79. mayah Says:

    I’ve tried Jelo’s most recent set-up a few times. I love and I think it’s much more fun and less stressful than cob builds. You can have your full army up in about 9 flags worth of time.
    However, I haven’t been able to get past 70 flags with the set up. After about flag 66-68 falls, I get overrun by multiple columns containing 5-8 gigas each! My timing must be off because I select cherry, jalapeno, squash, ice shroom, doom shroom, imitator jalapeno/cherry/doom shroom, and puff shroom, and I always run out of bombs when I need them. And then I start to run out of sun repairing everything.
    Can someone comment on the timing necessary to reach 100 flags? Jelo seems to be able to do it with just ice, cherry, squash, and jalapeno alone!

  80. mayah Says:

    Interesting that winter melon deals as much damage as melon pult. The game bio says that winter melon fires slower and deals slightly more damage, in addition to freezing everything.

  81. Jason Says:

    Mayah is you are overpowered it is because you are not supposed to use all the explosives at the same time, freeze the gigas first and let the glooms do some damage. When the gigas get way too close, use explosives. if it is one or two, use sqaush, if it is more use as cherry bomb or jalopeno or doom shroom. I just love the first setup on the page, it works AMAZING, if you don’t see gigas you can just let it sit there and it will do everything. i often add a money magnet too.

  82. Elson Lee Says:

    I survived for 200 flags without cob cannons.

    My best setup:No Cob Cannon,10 Gloom-Shrooms,4 Winter Melons,16 Gatling Peas,10 Cattails,8 Spikerocks,4 Torchwoods and 2 Twin Sunflowers.

    All should be protect by pumpkins.

    Always bring along Jalapeno,Cherry Bomb and Squash and always use imitater pumpkin to survive till level 200.

  83. Missy K Says:

    great tips!

    to get unlimited sunlight to 9999, just download cheat engine 5.5.

  84. axiem Says:

    scott and jelo, dont know if you guys are still reading this, but this is the best guide ever. thank you so much. i’ve made it to 168 flags with one of the setups. EVERYONE READ THIS!!!: to make the best defense ever, use no cob cannons or gloom shrooms. instead fill the pool with cattails. fill rows 1 and 6 from column 1-5 with gatling peas, then put a torchwood in column 6. also fill rows 2 and 5 with gatling peas, but instead of a gatling pea in column 2, put an umbrella leaf to deal with catapults. to get sun, fill columns 2-5 in the pool with twin sunflowers, then fill column 1 and columns 6-9 with cattails. cattails will take care of all your needs such as digger, balloon, and bungee zombies. on land you can put spikes in columns 8 or 9 if you want, but make sure to leave at least 2 spaces open (7,8,or 9) for explosives. i recommened putting spikes in 8 and leaving 7 and 9 open. make sure that once you have everything set up that you always bring the following: pumpkins, cherry bomb, jalapeno, squash, ice shroom, doom shroom, coffee bean, and either imatator cherry bomb or pumpkin. the reason you need to keep 2 columns open for explosives in the fornt in because (as you know) as crater is left behind when you use a doom shroom so you need another column in case you need to place a jalapeno, squash, or replacement spikes. as you progress, if you find that you need a bit more firepower, i recommend replacing some of your twin sunflowers with cattails or ( and i know this contradicts what i said in the begining but…) cob cannons. at flag 248 ( im still going i didnt die there) my entire pool was filled with cattails except for 3 twin sunflowers. the reason that i recommend this is because the cattails to gether is like a continuous cob cannon in some regards, such as that the 30 cattail spikes that you would get from having all the spaces in the pool filled up with cattails except the 3 twin sunflowers is (although not an area attack) stronger than a cob cannon hit. 3 quick sets of 30 cattail spikes would kill a gargantuar. 2 sets thanks to the gatling peas. in my experiences with this setup, i barely need the explosives, but having this setup combined with lets say 1500 sun and all those explosives at the ready, you cannot die. it is that simple. if your wondering what to do with the last couple slots, you can chose between replacement lily pads and cattails, or replacement spikeweed and spikerocks. THANK YOU SO MUCH SCOTT AND JELO AND THANK YOU TO ANYONE WHO TRIES OUT THIS AMZING SETUP!!

  85. Scott Thong Says:

    axiem, if you can post a screenshot at high level flags, I’ll put it up and recommend your setup.

  86. JJ Ryan Says:

    Thanks for this guide. Would it be possible to do a step by step guide from Flag #1 on how to setup at the start, etc? I’ve used other guides online and they don’t work as well. I’m going to give this one a try tonight.

    One question though. This is one of the first guides that doesn’t use the Cob Cannon. What is the thinking behind this? With this setup do you have to do a lot of replanting, etc or does the setup almost hold its own with no interaction.

  87. JJ Ryan Says:

    Scott & Jelo – This is the setup I found and tried before finding your site. Thoughts? It uses the Cob Cannons.

    I’m doing this on the Xbox 360 version. I need to survive 40 flags for the achievement that I’m trying to get.

  88. Scott Thong Says:

    Well, my setup is obviously surpassed by those submitted by commenters, including jelo.

    But here’s how I rushed to max Sun while building towards the setup:

    Early rounds: Sunflower all the back land columns, using cheap instants like Potato Mine (and Imitater) to hold off the first few zombies. A rake helps too. Quickly get the Cattails up, they will handle all the early zombies. Follow with your main hitters in each row (Melons or Glooms). These are the seeds you’ll be picking: Sunflower, Potato Mine, Imitater Potato Mine, Lily Pad, Cattail, fighting plants.

    Mid rounds: Every plot should have normal Sunflower except those you need for fighting plants. The plots which will be Twin Sunflower forever should be made so. Try to put your fighting plants into the correct spot from the start to save on relanting later.

    Later rounds: As your Sun approaches max, replant a plot with your final setup, thus knocking your Sun back down again. Repeat until all your setup is in place. You should be able to do this and still have max Sun before the first Giga Gargantuars appear.

    In later stages, I found that the usage of instants (especially Ice Shroom) and constant damage to my plants necessitating replacements drained my Sun to zero, so I gave up on the Cob Cannons and stuck 8 Twin Sunflowers there instead.

  89. Scott Thong Says:

    Well, my setup is obviously surpassed by those submitted by commenters, including jelo.

    But here’s how I rushed to max Sun while building towards the setup:

    Early rounds: Sunflower all the back land columns, using cheap instants like Potato Mine (and Imitater) to hold off the first few zombies. A rake helps too. Quickly get the Cattails up, they will handle all the early zombies. Follow with your main hitters in each row (Melons or Glooms). These are the seeds you’ll be picking: Sunflower, Potato Mine, Imitater Potato Mine, Lily Pad, Cattail, fighting plants.

    Mid rounds: Every plot should have normal Sunflower except those you need for fighting plants. The plots which will be Twin Sunflower forever should be made so. Try to put your fighting plants into the correct spot from the start to save on replanting later.

    Later rounds: As your Sun approaches max, replant a plot with your final setup, thus knocking your Sun back down again. Repeat until all your setup is in place. You should be able to do this and still have max Sun before the first Giga Gargantuars appear.

    In later stages, I found that the usage of instants (especially Ice Shroom) and constant damage to my plants necessitating replacements drained my Sun to zero, so I gave up on the Cob Cannons and stuck 8 Twin Sunflowers there instead.

  90. JJ Ryan Says:


    Thanks for the reply. I forgot to reply and let you know that I was able to take the most recent setup and get the xbox 360 achievement using it! I could have kept going but stoppedat 42 and dug up my plants.

    Thanks for the one guide that actually helped me 🙂 I appreciate you help and work. I’m going to go back and see how far I can get this setup to last now.

  91. phil Says:

    i need a newer update by the way i like the 360 versio

  92. Bryan Says:

    ur gatling peas and winter melon idea is good but the 2nd n 4 th row should use winter melon instead of peas beacause it slows down the zombie n letting the gloomshroom attack the slowed zombies

  93. joseph Says:

    hmm,,,your using sun weak…..

  94. Scott Thong Says:

    What’s sun cheat

  95. Jelo Says:

    LOL @ JOSEPH! u r prolly the last one to know that it’s not impossible to reach 9990 sun even in just 4 flags..! =))

    Scott long time no speak..,.. Happy New Year!!!! =))

  96. PVZLITEME1234567890 Says:

    I Complete the whole night time survival endless only using sun shrooms and fume shrooms. Plant sun shrooms in column 1 and fume shrooms in columns 2 to 9. Total sun used 3125. If zombies eat your plants, re plant them.

  97. john Says:

    this is beautiful game this game is amazing

  98. Sfk84 Says:

    Im playing this on the ipad and just realised after reaing this guide that on the pc version there are 10 slots for plants instead of only 9 on the ipad version 😦

    Great guide btw, before this all i got to was flag 16 🙂

  99. Scott Thong Says:

    Can you buy another slot?

  100. Sfk84 Says:

    Nope, no more option to buy another slot after crazy Dave sold the 9th

  101. jscraw Says:

    Thx for the tips, Jelo and everyone else who contributed to this site. I was stuck on a little over 50 flags before I tried the cobless setup identical to Jelo’s except I have one extra sun instead of a winter melon. I’m still in the midddle of a game and I’m at 146 flags.

  102. Romeo Diongzon Says:


  103. Sfk84 Says:

    Finally got to more than 100 flags, up to 274 actually now.

  104. Qulunn Says:

    I use cheat engine 5.5 to hack the game to gaint 9999 sun.

    huahahahahaha…! your tips is no more

  105. joshieh99 Says:

    how do you do fog hard

  106. the MAAD DAAAD Says:

    thx 4 ur strategies. my best is 1026 flags (after a few weeks of 30 min playing. they sent like 20 gigas at me on one row and my gatlings couldn’t handle it!) still, whats the difference between demo and full and pvz is on steam? do any of u guys have black ops or team fortrerss 2? and SHUT UP QULUNN. I CAN HACK COOL DOWN TIMES AND SUN SO DONT THINK UR SO COOL CAUSE UR A NOOB. I SURVIVED UP TO 1026 WITHOUT HACKS AND NOOBS LIKE YOU CANT WITHOUT NOOB HACKING. SO SHUT UP

  107. sh*t happens Says:

    i used to be mad dad

  108. sh*t happens Says:

    just kidding qulunn im not THAT mad at your annoyingness

  109. >:.;.'> Says:

    this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment this is the longest comment

  110. V. Huangoz Says:


  111. PvZ fan (Nigel) Says:

    Err great strategies but i want to note the hybrid gatling and melon does not work. Although your explanation was great on how it is cheaper, at about flag 20+ there will be tons of ladders and doors. I found the gatlings cant deal with them as they block the attacks from the gatlings.

  112. Scott Thong Says:

    Thanks for the tip!

  113. zombiesmasher Says:

    I have a WordPress on Plants vs Zombies ( Can I post a link to your blog from my blog?

  114. Scott Thong Says:

    Of course mate, go right ahead

  115. Other Recommended Websites | plantsvszombiesinfo Says:

    […] Scott thong’s amazing PvZ strategies! […]

  116. tatt Says:

    300 + with this set up.

  117. Plants vs. Zombies Trainer Says:

    Plants vs. Zombies Trainer…

    […]Plants vs Zombies Survival: Endless – Scott’s Setup « LEADING MALAYSIAN NEOCON[…]…

  118. Nickos Says:

    guys i discover new setup for survival! NB’s setup is the new and best setup i ever used!! try it! more than 2thousands flags now and still counting!! look up this site for the picture!

    plss have comment on that site or reply on this messege for your comment! thanks in advance . :))

  119. zzz Says:

    i’m now on 300 ++ and i’m lazy to play now cause it seems “really” endless to me. :p
    check my strategies here.

  120. Dee Says:

    I play this game too, and thanks for the guide.. my record just 29 flags -_- hopefully it’ll get higher after I see your guide…

  121. Mr. No one Says:

    Im playing it on iPad and has until now reached flag 1030….BUT!…I think the end is near:(……BUT!(again)I think i can die “happily”as my sort of goal was 1000 flags.

  122. Organic Seed Says:

    My cousin gave me the link to this site and she is completely right in
    every way! keep up all the terrific work

  123. akshay hibare Says:


  124. kinzmet Says:

    scott and jelo, have you two ever tried the laddered set up? its letting the ladder zombies put ladders on pumkined plants on columns 2,3 and 4 (where the imps land). With this kind of set up you’ll only be needing 1 gloom on each side to kill all the imps, and by making the back columns free space you’ll also be digger zombie immune.
    look at this link
    *note only columns 2 and 3 are laddered in this image.

  125. kinzmet Says:

    The imps well be no problem, so as the diggers, the zombonies, and all other zombies except footballer which can have a bite or two on fumes (i use ice shroom to address this problem)and gigas (i also used ice shroom,then buffers to stall on them like puff and flower pots-they are 0 – 25 sun cost with fast recharge)
    as you can see this is similar to jelo’s best set up but a modified gloom-on-the-pool orientation to add four spaces for the doom shroom.
    *the image i linked is from wikia uploaded by hitori.

  126. kinzmet Says:

    For the free spaces on the back columns, use it as a warehouse for ice shroom or plant sunflowers or twins to recover sun whenever thier are no diggers on the round. Also always bring a fume and gloom as replacement in case of jack accidents and smashed glooms. =))

    To scott and jelo: i think i played this game a bit too late (its been around for 4 to 5 years i think) but its a good strategy tower defence game.
    I hate those people accused us of using cheats to reach hundreds or thousand flags. They are just noobs. Anyway thanks for making this page.

    PS: don’t have the screen shot of my current playing state but it’s 500+ flags cobless-laddered build like the one i linked.

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