Socialist Welfare Unbelievable Jerk of the Year

What was I saying about how socialism doesn’t work because people are naturally lazy, selfish and greedy?

Via Moonbattery and original article at News of the World, this has got to be the the poster child for why socialism and welfare states must be avoided like the HIV-Ebola-Cancer-Plague that they are.



This is Mohammed Salim. He used to be a teacher earning £27,000 a year (£2250 a month) for his hard work and meaningful contribution to society.

Since he has quit his job, he’s been receiving £29,096 a year in benefits (£2424.67 a month)… For doing absolutely nothing except loafing around at home.

He gets £19,000 a year Jobseeker’s Allowance, £6,600 Child Benefit, £2,496 free school meals and £1,000 Council Tax Relief.

For doing what again? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the British public is working hard and paying taxes so that Mohammed ‘Lazy Bum’ Salim can have a five-bedroom house, a minibus, two TVs, a computer, and a garden full of toys.

He has ELEVEN children and is expecting a TWELFTH. He refuses to use condoms as: “It was awful. Never again, it’s nothing like the real thing.” Never mind that there are other contraceptives such as the permanent vasectomy… But who can fault Mohammed ‘Base Instincts’ Salim’s cunning and guile?

Even now, the Dhimmitude Government of Britainistan is giving multiple benefits for multiple wives. So why not have another three wives and thirty-six kids? It’s not like you actually have to feed and clothe them, that’s the Government’s job.

Mohammed ‘Nothing Better To Do With My Endlessly Free Time’ Salim once stood as a candidate in the Rochdale constituency in the 2005 General Election, using an anti-war message. But he only got 361 votes — less then one per cent of the total cast.

Justifying his totally sucky achievements, he says: “It goes to show that we are not living in a democracy, because a democracy is supposed to reflect the opinions and the interests of the majority. The so-called democratic process has let down the Rochdale people, just as it let down the people of the entire country when the Blair government went to war in Iraq.”

It is then you realize how amazingly self-deluded Mohammed ‘I Deserve To Be King’ Salim really is. In his twisted world of unreality, because the majority of Rochdale voted to kick him out, therefore Rochdale is not a democracy where the majority chooses who to kick out.

Democracy in his warped definition means that the majority vote is accepted, unless it doesn’t match his own views, whereupon democracy has been evilly thwarted.

Oh nooooo, it couldn’t possibly be that no one else in Neighbourhood Level Rochdale agreed with Mohammed ‘Emo Whiner’ Salim’s own nuanced opinions and interests, particularly on the Top Government Level issue of Iraq. Bush and the Zionists must have rigged the system so that Rochdale’s bountiful anti-Iraq War votes were destroyed in the BushZionist-planned 9/11 incident.

Now he spends his time running his political party, Islam Zinda Badd, whose name means ‘Long Live Islam’. A party which exists to attack the same British government that gives his family their food, clothes and house for free.

Mohammed ‘Ungrateful SOB’ Salim explains: “Islam teaches sharing of wealth. The people who put money in might complain, but the people who can earn need to look after those who can’t.”

But we have to ask Mohammed ‘Not Handicapped Yet Refusing To Earn His Own Money’ Salim: Where does the money come from when everyone is as lazy, useless and deluded as yourself?

If North Korea’s socialist utopia is anything to go by, the money and basic necessities like food will come from capitalist neighbours who have not yet succumbed to socialist suicide.

And to finish, Mohammed ‘Who Cares How Reality Works’ Salim says: “The only people I object to are people who abuse the system.”

As the News of the World says: We know just what you mean, Mohammed.


PS. If you come from the same place I do…

Does Mohammed ‘Bloodsucking Parasite’ Salim’s example of having endless children who will bring in more free money, living an easy life on taxpayer’s sweat and tears, and disdaining the very people who make his undeserved life of lazy luxury possible… Seem eerily familiar to you?

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6 Responses to “Socialist Welfare Unbelievable Jerk of the Year”

  1. darrell Says:

    ‘jobseeker’s allowance’? Ugh. That kind of pc euphemism really nauseates me. Yes, socialism has been a complete and dangerous failure every single time it has been tried. there are NO exceptions. PLEASE read ‘moderate muslims, wherefore art thou?’ It’s at the top of

  2. hutchrun Says:

    There may be moderate muslims, but I-slam itself is never moderate. There`s always the `Instant Jihad Syndrome` to contend with.

  3. Mr Blair Says:

    I went into Iraq and lied to do it stole millions of tax payers money but you moan about 27,000. At least somebody has a job as Gods servant and the courage to tell the truth.

  4. Islamaphobe Says:

    This is a thinly veiled racial and religous attack on a muslim, thats makes me happy as an islamaphobe because the piecemeal muslim genocide is not going as well as we had ‘hoped’. I get very sad when I pay my taxes and my brave soliders come home in body bags. Thats the real waste of money, them afghans are nutters ask russia and the iraqis are worse. But this salim guy is a small fish he only gets what he’s entitled to by welfare law let him have his say, we got the tanks, missiles, jet fighters what have they got but faith alone and belief in a prophet who unfortunately for us told them everything about this Allah’s plan for muslims and non-muslims both now and until the day of doom. I was told by a muslim once that Mohammed (peace be upon him-just in case he was the truth) said my prophesy will not be complete until islam is in every living room in every household in the world. It’s scary that he said living room long before anyone ever dreamnt of putting TV’s in living rooms, or even thought of inventining TV’s. thats pretty specific.

  5. Scott Thong Says:

    This is a thinly veiled racial and religous attack on a muslim, thats makes me happy as an islamaphobe because the piecemeal muslim genocide is not going as well as we had ‘hoped’. I get very sad when I pay my taxes and my brave soliders come home in body bags. Thats the real waste of money, them afghans are nutters ask russia and the iraqis are worse.

    Oh don’t get me wrong mate… I hate welfare parasites of all stripes and creeds, and I hate jihadi hatemongers separately. This fella happens to combine the two in a convenient Package of Total Disgust.

    You may be spot on about Afghanistan, but at least Iraq is benifiting from the (mainly American) efforts. Take a look. Even the liberal Democrats in the USA can’t deny the progress anymore – they try and take credit for it instead.

    But this salim guy is a small fish he only gets what he’s entitled to by welfare law let him have his say, we got the tanks, missiles, jet fighters what have they got but faith alone and belief in a prophet who unfortunately for us told them everything about this Allah’s plan for muslims and non-muslims both now and until the day of doom.

    They also got trillions in oil money, much of which flows to jihadist and terrorist efforts through ‘donations to charities’ and money laundering. They also got the moronic British and European governments who grovel and bow to dhimmification while banning their own patron saint, St. George, for fear of offending Muslims.

    I was told by a muslim once that Mohammed (peace be upon him-just in case he was the truth) said my prophesy will not be complete until islam is in every living room in every household in the world. It’s scary that he said living room long before anyone ever dreamnt of putting TV’s in living rooms, or even thought of inventining TV’s. thats pretty specific.

    Pah!!! I seriously doubt that the prophecy actually mentions ‘living room’. Even if it did, do you honestly think that it couldn’t simply refer to rooms where the family gathers, which have been in existence since… Oh, I dunno… Houses were first built?

    You give way too much credit to the so-called prophecy, fella.

    And if you want to talk about TVs, Christianity has one of its own too:

    “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.Luke 21:25-27

    Oh wow, how could Jesus know 2000 years ago (Mohammed was only 1400 years ago, natch) that there would be such things as 24-hour TV coverage that reaches the whole world??? See, I even give the citation so you can look it up and know I’m not talking fake.

    So are you scared of Christianity too yet?


    I don’t want to insinuate, but overall your tone sounds more like a Muslim who is playing the role of a nonMuslim who is oh-so-impressed by Islam even-against-his-will. Am I wrong to think so… Mr Blair? (yes, you two are one and the same dude.)

    I went into Iraq and lied to do it stole millions of tax payers money but you moan about 27,000. At least somebody has a job as Gods servant and the courage to tell the truth. – Mr Blair, one comment ago, with the same IP address as Islamaphobe

    Well well well… A Muslim hatemonger is God’s servant, you say? Not Allah’s servant? Allah = The Almighty God and not YHWH? Obviously you can’t be a strong Christian then. And you consider whining in public about how SUCK Britain’s system is as work?!!

    And more whining about Iraq, even though Saddam killed 7 times more Iraqis per year than Bush, and Clinton killed 14 times more per year than Bush, ‘cos it’s actually about having Muslim pride hurt by the kaffirs who dare step foot in the Middle East?

    The real work done is in Iraq, by the British and American soldiers, and the payoff is 29 million people no longer living under threat of constant death from Saddam or Islamofascist fanatics. What has Mr. Welfare Slug achieved by comparison? Apart from b*tching about how Britain SUCKS?

    I rest my case. Prove me wrong if you wish.

  6. Anxiety Depression : Says:

    government jobs are still the best when it comes to job security :-.

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