
Ahmad Ismail Pendatang

Ahmad Ismail Pendatang

From Malaysia Today:

I was introduced to this new Datuk. “Inilah Datuk Syed Rahman,” Datuk Kamal said as I shook hands with him. Datuk Kamal probably saw in my face that the name did not ring a bell. He looked Indian, as some Arabs do, and if I had not been told he was a ‘Syed’ I would have thought he was just another of those millions of Mamaks running around all over the country…

– Raja Petra Kamarudin

Untuk maklumat lanjut berkenaan demikian, lihatlah Ahmad Ismail is a Pendatang, Just Like All of Us (Bahasa Inggeris) atau Kuda Ranggi: Antara pendatang dan penumpang (Bahasa Melayu).

For more information on the above, see Ahmad Ismail is a Pendatang, Just Like All of Us (English) or Kuda Ranggi: Antara pendatang dan penumpang (Malay).

Posters are #47 and #48 from Malaysian Politics Motivational Posters.

Malaysia Today excerpt on a tip from hutchrun.


25th top post on WordPress for 18 September 2008:

53rd top blog on WordPress for 18 September 2008:

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20 Responses to “Pendatang”

  1. arifabdull Says:

    Please stop using RACIAL arguments to counter a RACIST!
    Leave Ahmad be the last RACIST in Malaysia!

    Please read a message from RPK to the rakyat (Malaysians).

    Terima kasih.

  2. Horseman Says:

    He is a bloody pariah. A pariah is term used to describe a person who reuses to acknowledge his ancestry. The pariah under Oxford dictionary has a different meaning. To a pariah is he who forgets his roots. BETUL BETUL PARIAH……

  3. Kwen Says:

    lol! lets not stoop as low as them…but its facts! haha

  4. Dougzz Says:

    A wise men once said, “It’s Better to be quiet and let them assume our an Idiot than to open your Mouth and Confirm It”! In Ahmad’s case he’s an Idiot wrapped in a Moron!!!

    The More we talk/blog about him (and people like him) it only give’s his ignorant ass more publicity.

  5. BN Says:

    look at his face, no Human Characteristic at all.
    He does not look like Malay.
    This is the real face of Uno.
    He should be the 1st under ISA, double standard.
    Especially in the month of Holy, he has no place in hell even.
    His name will be curse forever and ever, like Saiful in heaven and hell.
    Let all the country not accept him if one day he force to leave.
    He is worst than Nazi and devil.

  6. kampongboy2006 Says:

    He looks like Malay, Speaks like Malay, Acts like Malay, but Shitting like P****t K***y!!


  7. tamahter Says:

    I am wondering whether this Ismail F***** would like to apply for a membership in the Ku Klux Klan – perhaps his application may be rejected because he is just too bloody f****** dark to be eligible in the KKK

  8. meetho Says:

    he has not taken a good look at himself. he is a sick man. please do not stoop to his level.

  9. data Says:

    Blazing Saddles – KKK

  10. Scott Thong Says:

    arifabdull, kwen and meetho… Thanks for your advice.

    I view my posterization as more sarcasm, mockery and ridicule of Ahmad Ismail’s ignorance and hypocrisy than a racist smear attack in the mould of his insults.

  11. data Says:

    I dont see why he and Najib haven`t been picked up tho.

  12. Top Posts « Says:

    […] Pendatang […]

  13. simon thong Says:

    No 25 for the day, not bad…

  14. Terasa Says:

    Ya lah Ahmad Ismail pun pendatang. Tetapi dia telah menjadi Melayu. Ada pendatang yeng terus dengan budaya pendatangnya. Meneruskan dengan perkauman yang amat sempit. Ini yang masalah. Ahmad Ismail boleh terima pun, tak jadi masalah. Tetapi orang Cina bila dikatakan pendatang, heboh dengan kononnya berbaur perkauman. Rasional ke begitu. Jadi Melayu tak perlu tukar warna kulit, hanya dengan syarat masuk Islam, berbahasa Melayu dan amal adat resam Melayu. Sudah. Sempit ke tu.

  15. Songkok Hitam Says:

    Apa guna berbangsa Malaysia kalau tidak berbahasa Melayu. Siapa yang rasis, kekeliruan sebegini yang perlu diperjelaskan. Orang Malaysia tetapi masih tidak mahu berbahasa Malaysia…ini yang menjadi masalahnya. Masih dengan fahaman budaya sempitnya yang berkiblatkan negara asal.

  16. Scott Thong Says:

    Terasa… Siapa kata kitorang nak jadi Melayu? Nak jadi rakyat Malaysia yang penuh hak aje…

  17. grg Says:

    Cina dan India dibawa ke Malaysia oleh British untuk melombong dan menoreh getah kerana 2 perkara
    1) Melayu ***** , ****** ,*** **
    2) Melayu *****
    Buat pe British nak bawak Cina dan India dari ribuan km jauhnya ?
    Bukannye murah!

    Tak caya, pegi England dan belek buku-buku Sejarah diorang!!!

    Siapa meLAYU dalam dunia yang cuma tak sampai 18 juta orang kalau dibandingkan dengan 1.3 billion Cina dan 1.1 billion India di dunia ? Siapalah kawan Melayu dalam dunia nie selain dari Cina dan India ? Indon ? Rasa-rasanya seluruh Indon nak bunuh semua yang ada di Malaysia kalau berpeluang. Sedar-sedar lah Melayu ! Kawan yang ada jangan dibuang, nanti takde kawan….cuba hidup selama-lamanya tanpa berkawan dengan sesiapa… orang giler je boleh begitu!

  18. Ting Says:

    Good to expose this. Scott Thong should dig out more of these people and expose them one by one and let the public know. Let them be the judge. Do not be afraid to expose them. Let no one stop you from exposing their frauds and pretenses.

  19. Ting Says:

    Some commentators tried to stop you from exposing these people because they still want their “Ketuanan concept”, but do not bother them. Just continue to do what you think is right. And I think you do the right thing. More people need to know this, so they cannot continue with their deceit.

  20. Scott Thong, Leading Malaysian Neocon | weehingthong Says:

    […] Why yes, yes it is: […]

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