Russell Crowe Fightin’ Around the World

From an episode of South Park, Russell Crowe’s very own TV show!

Makes a good desktop background!

[Theme Song]
Born in New Zealand in ’64,
A hot-headed actor named Russell Crowe.
He loves to act but he loves one thing more,
Fightin’ Around the World!

He fights his directors and he fights his fans,
It’s a problem no one understands.
(If there’s two things he loves, it’s fighting and)
Fightin’ Around the World!

Making movies
Making music
And Fightin’ Around the World~~ (Russell Crowe!)

Listen to his fun theme song! (230kb) (To save to your computer, right-click on the link and choose Save Target As)

RC2   RC3

He fights a passerby who walked onto his camera shot.

He fights fans who recognized it’s Russell Crowe.

He fights Chinese in China and Indians in India.

He fights people who realize, hey isn’t that that guy from Gladiator?

He fights a technician who cut short some of his footage, exaggerated from real life case

Russ1   RC4

He sings a song, which causes his friend Tugger to attempt suicide.

In the hospital, he threatens a doctor who interrupts his soul searching to tell him about Tugger’s condition.

…Then fights the doctors anyway ‘cos he’s happy Tugger will be okay.

He takes up a cause after being inspired by the attempted suicide. He decides to… Fight cancer! Where are you, you yellow-belly Cancer? Come out and fight!

He couldn’t find Cancer, but he managed to find a patient with cancer. Biff! Pow! Take that, cancer!

Making movies, Making songs, And Fightin’ Around the World~~!

                       “Oy! What are YOU lookin’ at?!”

Watch the opening credits of Russell Crowe Fightin’ Around the World!

Follow the full episode of Russell Crowe Fightin’ Around the World in still pictures!

5 Responses to “Russell Crowe Fightin’ Around the World”

  1. Mike Says:

    Hey Scott,

    Do you by chance have a larger size of RC3, the screencap where Russell Corwe is in fighting guys in China? I’m building an album of a trip I took to China with some friends and this was a huge joke of ours.

    Thanks! 🙂 You can find my e-mail on the comment if you’re logged in.


  2. Bass Says:

    Russel Crowe FTW WOOOAAAARRRrr

  3. nick Says:

    MAKE A TSHIRT!!!!!!

  4. Lotto Fan Says:

    I have a passion for Russel Crowe, last week I went to see the latest movie with Russel Crowe. Man that’s a very good motion picture , I can certainly endorse it …

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