Europeans Love America!

Click the image to watch the most knock-down, laugh-out-loud scene I’ve seen for a long time!!! C’mon, view it, it’s just 17 seconds long.


From Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo, a show that’s often funny, has plenty of explicit as well as innuendo, and is totally gross throughout – even for a Rob Schneider film! And being set in Europe around the time of the US-led Invasion of Iraq, Trans-Atlantic relations also serve as fodder.

Here’s to European Anti-American sentiment! Fun times for all! Though its era may be passing, as G.W. Bush will soon leave office and pro-American leaders are being elected in Europe (the way Ann Coulter sees it).

So let’s enjoy it while it lasts, eh!

2 Responses to “Europeans Love America!”

  1. Anne Says:

    Hahah!!! We were just watching this over the weekend! Where did you get this?

  2. Scott Thong Says:

    Purposely looked for it on YouTube… Can’t find everything on the Net, but luckily someone enjoyed the scene enough to upload a video šŸ˜‰

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