Let’s Compare: DNC Protests vs RNC Protests

During the Democratic National Convention in Denver, all we saw were silly street protests and minor scuffles.

Note that the protestors were themselves liberals and Democrats, as evidenced by this video of their mobbing of the non-liberal pandering FOX News:

And these photos and video of the rabid harassment of Michelle Malkin (renowned Conservative commentor):

Malkin harassed

Now compare to the sheer disdain for the law and any standards of decency that the destructive liberals show to protest the Republican National Convention in St Paul, Minnesota:

Yahoo News: Violent march to GOP convention

ST. PAUL, Minn. – Protesters smashed windows, punctured car tires and threw bottles Monday during an anti-war march to the site of the Republican National Convention. Police used pepper spray in confrontations with demonstrators and arrested five.

Atlas Shrugs and Gateway Pundit have much more, including an 80-year old splashed in the face with poison and cement bags thrown at buses from overpasses.

Protestors ganging up to assault a Republican supporter.

Protestors smashing police vehicles.

So liberals protest and cause some minor chaos at the Democrat convention, while liberals riot and attack civilians, police and officials at the Republican convention.

Where exactly were the oft-rumoured extremist, intolerant, Christofascist, Neocon bigots lynching Blacks and gays on the streets of Denver at the DNC?

Meanwhile, see how tolerant, freedom-supporting, peace-loving and love-practising the Liberal Left is outside of the media rooms and online forums.

You make your own conclusion about who the real proponents of hatred, war and violence are.

Compare also how the left-leaning media portrays the DNC and RNC over at Newsbusters.

And flashback: First World or Third World? Look at Who Uses Violence During Protests

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9 Responses to “Let’s Compare: DNC Protests vs RNC Protests”

  1. Dale Says:

    Sounds like a REPUBLICAN RAG

  2. Xian Says:

    Right… because you commonly see “masked” violent liberal protesters. The whole point of protest is exposure. TBH, these look to me like republican-hired thugs designed to stir up media attention.

    Given a party that ignored evidence pointing to an attack on U.S. soil to further their own personal wealth goals, yes, I believe that it’s not only possible, but likely.

    Not that you’ll leave this comment up. You’ll likely delete it as soon as you see it.

  3. kesava Says:

    Xian must be a Daily Kos Witness on a migration flight. If it quacks like a duck, it can only be one, right?
    Certainly can`t be a donkey. Probly a Saint Rachel Corrie devotee.

  4. Scott Thong Says:

    Lol… Why would I delete such self-indicting truther comments?

  5. Coulter'sNemesis Says:

    You, sir, are disgusting. How dare you? How dare you equate these ‘hoodlums’ with legitimate protesters, both Independents, Dems, and REPUBLICANS alike (as demonstrated by the record numbers of republican Obama supporters..http://www.republicansforobama.org/) who were mostly demonstrating their RIGHT to show their disapproval of this incompetent Administration and voice the issues they care about!!

    So you only cover the dumb teenagers, do you? You panderer and rabble-rouser, no wonder this country is in trouble – look at the public dialogue we have – instead of congratulating your fellow Americans who went out and peacefully exercised their right to civil protest and instead of Fox news covering the peaceful, sane protesters (there were MANY http://www.statenews.com/index.php/article/2008/09/st_paul_police_chief_calls_most_rnc_protests_peaceful_despite_arrests)

    Fox reporters, Malkin and all those intentionally chose the anarchist-looking people to pick on and “interview.” They got what they deserved. Period. They should be fined for intentionally inciting riot. Isn’t it a conservative outlook: You reap what you sow? Where a short skirt and you get what is coming???

    All in all, your post is a complete waste of e-space; you skew facts, do not spark debate, and I learned nothing. Thanks, sir.

  6. Scott Thong Says:

    Dumb teenager or not, I betcha that the trouble makers all vote Obama ’08. And why was it that there were only viciously violent ‘dumb teenage’ protests against the RNC?

    Btw, it wasn’t the FOX crew who ‘got what was coming to them’ at the DNC in Denver…

    ABC reporter throttled in Denver…by police

  7. Big Sam Says:

    ScottThong: My guess is that you are way off base. Most of those “protesters” will not vote. Many are semi-professional and that is all they do. Instead, they will be like Diddy in his “Vote or Die” campaign in ’04 – where he himself did not vote.

    Sort of sad in one way. Sort of ironic in another. But definitely capturing the essence of so many of those that are out to protest.

    Come to think of it, is there anything better than an anarchist. One who wants to destroy all that makes his life possible and sustainable? If that isn’t the definition of stupid, what is?

    Sam S.

  8. Scott Thong Says:

    Good point, Sam, thanks for pointing that out. Most of the anarchists won’t be eligible or won’t bother to vote.

    They merely support Obama and the Dems out of the misguided belief that the party of socialism, Big Govt, massive taxation, banning unhealthy foods, carbon caps and Fairnes Doctrine will bring more freedom.

  9. Tweets that mention Let’s Compare: DNC Protests vs RNC Protests « BUUUUURRRRNING HOT -- Topsy.com Says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Scott D Barrish, BSW. Scott D Barrish, BSW said: @Otoolefan: Who threw rocks on buses & attacked ppl @ 2008 GOP cnvntin? http://tinyurl.com/ycp6wzp […]

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