Archive for the ‘Combat & War’ Category


September 11, 23

We remember, in September

That’s the night Vienna was freed

We made the enemy bleed

General Patton’s Speech & the Gospel Accounts

May 29, 20

General Patton is famous for giving a very well-received, inspirational speech to the soldiers. Here’s one rendition of it from the 1970 film Patton:

However in reality, this ‘speech’ was not one speech but a series of them that Patton gave to multiple audiences. What is taken to be his famous speech is actually a conglomerated, edited, harmonized combination fron the notes and memories of several listeners:

Compare this to the sermons and lessons given by Jesus in the Gospel accounts. It is possible that His disciples summarized or combined phrases and key points from multiple teachings on similar topics – resulting in what we have recorded in the New Testament.

The point of this being, there is nothing wrong or deceptive about things like telescoping by a Gospel author, or our harmonizing between Gospel accounts – people do this all the time in everyday life.

Bush Saved 11,000 Iraqi Lives per Month During Invasion Period (10x Lower Death Rate Than Pre-Invasion!)

March 18, 13

Get this… The Lancet now admits only 120,000 died in Iraq invasion’s 8 years:

Iraq: Study Says 120,000 Died During War

A new report in “The Lancet” says at least 116,000 Iraqi civilians and more than 4,800 foreign troops died in Iraq between March 2003, and the withdrawal of U.S. forces in 2011.

This is roughly 1,250 deaths per month.

Contrast this against 3,035 deaths per month under Saddam’s ironfisted rule, and 9,259 deaths per month under the UN sanctions… That’s a total of 12,294 deaths per month during the time when both were in effect.

Which means to say, Bush’s invasion of Iraq led to a death rate 10 times LOWER than existed before!

Every month of the invasion, (12,294 – 1,250) = 11,044 fewer Iraqis died than before bloody warmongering killer Bush crushed the peaceful and happy existence of Iraq!

And this is surely further reduced with the Operation Iraqi Freedom and the jihadi insurgency basically over today. (UPDATE 2014: No thanks Obama for withdrawing the US troops to make a vapid political point, letting ISIS run rampage and drive the death rate back up!)

See related and calculations:

Conspiracy Theory: Is Anders Breivik Actually a Pro-Islam Agent?

June 25, 12

I’ve written on how Anders Breivik is a non-practising ‘Christian’ and how his usage of Scripture is entirely out of whack.

Now I’ll put myself in the mindset of conspiracy theorists and conjecture: Is Anders Breivik actually an agent provocateur for Islam?

Consider the following:

1) He claims to have carried out his shooting massacre in protest the colonization/conquest of Europe by Muslim immigrants. But who did he actually decide to kill? Not Muslims or immigrants, but Caucasians of irreligious/nominally Christian leanings.

2) He cites the Bible and argues his justification for killing. But his citations are out of context and way off, requiring incredible stretches and leaps of logic to fit his agenda. He acts nothing like a Christian, but ordinary Christians bear the brunt of the outraged backlash.

3) He claims his actions are to inspire the West to arouse from its slumber and begin resisting the ‘Muslim invasion’… But anyone with the slightest grasp of what gutless, spineless, milquetoast postmodern European sociopolitics is like (and Breivik claims to be all too aware of it) would know that an act like this would only arouse mass support for Islam, as well as give Muslim agitators potent ammunition in wringing out concessions to make up for the West’s ‘Islamophobia’.

So in one fell swoop, NO MUSLIMS ARE KILLED OR INJURED… But plenty of godless, immoral liberals lie dead. Those Islamophobic conservatives and crusader-spawn Christians take a major PR blow. And Muslims get a (for once) concrete reason for Western Politically Correct handwringing, groveling, apologizing and promises to make up to the Islamic world for the ‘hatred’ shown against their noble culture.

Even though no Muslims were actually hurt, or even directly ‘hated’, in Breivik’s attack.

However, I personally don’t believe that Anders Breivik is some sort of Islamophilic apologist for Muslims, carrying out an incredibly intricate and devious ploy to rouse public and political sympathy for Muslim immigrants (as if there wasn’t enough of that already).

How do we usually know that a terrorist attack (attempted or successful) is motivated by jihad? Their history is usually clearly marked by public proclamations of faith (e.g. Nidal Hassan‘s derision for his infidel coworkers); browsing of extremist and jihadist websites, chatrooms and message boards (e.g. many of the BUSTED terrorist wannabes that The Jawa Report regularly; and of course the telltale giveaway cries of “Allahu akhbar!” as they carry out their murder spree (e.g. Nidal Hassan again and countless others).

None of these markers were present in Anders Breivik, who spent his time polluting fascist chatrooms instead of jihadist ones. He did not ‘come out’ as a Muslim

Very seldom do we hear of a

That said, if Anders Breivik really does turn out to be a ‘secret Muslim supporter’ or a Muslim himself, then his ability to hide/fake his online history and plan out such a convoluted, Tom Clancy-esque strategy shows that is he is a cut above the rest.

Israel Was Jewish Before 1948 War

June 20, 12

Found this well argued letter back from Malaysiakini Letters 2009. Bolding emphasis is mine:

Israel’s destruction no solution to Palestinian issue
4:12PM Feb 9, 2006

Abdar Rahman Koya accuses me and others of practicing an indifference to history rather than merely being pragmatic in our solution to this problem when we defend the continued existence of the state of Israel and point out the errors in history that have justified anti-Semitism. Yet it is an indifference to history that Koya and others practice that paints a black and white picture of the Palestinian-Israeli issue that continues to promote misunderstanding and even hatred. Always ‘Arab good, Jew Bad’!

When Israel was created, thousands of Palestinian lives had not yet been taken. It was not created through the mass shedding of blood but through debate, albeit heated at times, and the signing of a pen. There were numerous Arab initiated riots prior to that time that had shed blood, mostly Jewish, but not on a massive scale. Israel was created in an area of the Middle East that already had a clear Jewish majority living in it. Just like Transjordan, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon before it, Israel was created by international powers. The only difference was that it had a majority Jewish population and not Arab Muslim. And contrary to what Koya would say, the vast amounts of Jews who came to this land before and after the Second World War and who eventually fought and died in the ensuing Arab initiated wars, were refugees and not invaders or conquerors. Yet Koya would also probably have us believe that the ethno-cultural background of the Jewish state is not part of the reason that the surrounding countries and peoples sought its elimination.

Mass Arab Palestinian lives were only taken only after the Arab nations declared war and invaded and then maintained this state of war for 60 years. That is historical fact and all of Koya’s desire for revisionism can’t change that. All I ask is when will Arab nations and their Muslim brethren around the world acknowledge their role in the plight of the Palestinian people and their responsibility for finding a peaceful solution outside of the destruction of Israel and the conquering of its people?

It is at least a shared blame as I fully acknowledge Israel’s far than perfect nature and do not absolve them of all their actions in the last 60 years. However, the destruction of Israel and the resulting death of its people (as they will not allow this to happen), counter to what Koya insinuates, is the goal of Hamas. Just read their charter in its entirety to understand that.

I do know what kind of ‘state’ I’m talking about? Israel for all its obvious faults is still a vibrant democracy. Arab Israelis can vote and participate in politics, run newspapers and protest. There is a strong movement for peace and negotiation among all types of Israelis who are free to voice their opinions. There is an active and progressive Supreme Court who forwards the causes of equal rights and human rights for all Israelis. It is one of the few courts in the world to declare illegal all forms of torture including non-lethal torture as was used in Gitmo and Abu Gharib by the Americans. Do I see them as ‘occupiers’ of the West Bank? Yes, they should withdraw to the 1967 borders and dismantle all settlements there. Should Palestinians have a state of their own? Of course I believe that, but not if it means the destruction of another state and the expulsion or death of its people. Who could really accept such a solution?

The International Jew was inspired by and based on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. So whether the latter is a fake is extremely important to whether we can accept the former. As a former book publisher, Koya should realise this. Hamas in its charter accepts the Protocols as the truth, it is key in their war against Israel and the Jews. Ford and his family, accepted the truth about the fraudulence of the Protocols and apologised for The International Jew. Yet Koya would continue to maintain its underlining “truthfulness” despite knowing that its source was an insipid fake and that the author rejected his own book in the end. That is the faith of a true zealot.

Finally, what does it matter if a book sells well or not? If it is fraudulent then the publisher is morally obliged to either say so or choose not to publish it in the first place. Sales do not mean much. The Protocols still sells well in Iran, whose view of Israel is well known and I’m pretty sure that Mien Kampf still sells well to the neo-Nazis. So what? It means little. If an idea is based on lies and racism then the idea itself is deceitful and racist even if it was unintended to be so.

By the way, it was Jordan illegally occupying Jerusalem up until 1967.

From Melanie Phillips:

The San Remo Treaty of 1920, in which the victors of the First World War parcelled out the remnants of the defeated Ottoman Empire, created a geographical area called Palestine along both sides of the Jordan River.

Article 6 of the Palestine Mandate signed by the League of Nations in 1922 stipulated ‘close Jewish settlement’ on the land west of the Jordan River. The river served as the boundary because that year the UK created a new Arab country, today known as Jordan, by unilaterally bestowing the land east of the river onto the Hashemite dynasty and thus giving some three quarters of Palestine away.

That Mandate treaty obligation to settle the Jews in Palestine from the river to the sea has never been abrogated and endures today. The 1945 UN Charter, Chapter XII, Article 80 explicitly says than nothing within it shall ‘alter in any manner the rights whatsoever of any states or any peoples or the terms of existing international instruments to which Members of the United Nations may respectively be parties’.

Furthermore, Israel’s ‘occupation’ of these areas is legal twice over – since it merely gained them in a war of self-defence in 1967, and is thus legally entitled to hold onto them until the belligerents stop waging war upon it. Which they still have not.

Combined 816 mentions by name and synonym Zion. And zero times by name in the Quran.

See also:

1873 Ottoman Empire Map – NO PALESTINE NOTED

Admit It – People Hate Israel and Jews Just For Being Israel and Jews – Israel is an artificial state formed by the Western colonial powers? So are Algeria, Morocco, Jordan – in fact almost ANY Arab state or nation that used to be under Ottoman rule – Malaysia, Pakistan (another case of cut along the dotted religious lines) – and yes, Palestine. And the formation of Israel got a greater than 70% vote in the UN.

Global March to Jerusalem Aims to Reverse 3000 Years of History

4000 Years in 4 minutes – Israel Animated History

See also amazing archaeological finds confirming the Bible’s historical claims at this site.

And more: Search for ‘Israel’ on my blog

North Korea vs South Korea: We Require More Minerals

April 26, 12

Via Comixed, from The Oatmeal. So sadly true…

North Korea South Korea Minerals Starcraft

Once again, I thank the selfless Americans who allowed me to be a middle class capitalist pig, wasting time on teh Internets, instead of having to be a dirt farming tourist leech.

So, who wants to espouse Communism/Socialism over capitalism?

PS. So why is it murderous commies were also always atheists?

Admit It – People Hate Israel and Jews Just For Being Israel and Jews

April 19, 12

Come on, just admit it already. Admit that you have searched your heart and soul deep down, and can say that the above is not true.

Israel occupies land that it took by force? So does China with Tibet, Indonesia with Irian Jaya (and up to recntly East Timor),the current ruling Al Saud family in Saudi Arabia, and pretty much every Muslim state today if you want to go back that far. Plus these did not have seven surrounding nations declare unilateral war and invade.

Israel commits mass murder, genocide and killing of civilians? Far worse by orders of magnitude goes on in Syria, Libya, and Iraq while under Saddam Hussein. Far worse is the status quo in other states in the Middle East. Far worse happens every single day in whichever places are currently featured at the list updated daily here.

Israel carries out oppression and discrimination against those of differing race, religion or political thought? Nothing comparable to what goes on in Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Sudan, Iran, Syria, and whichever places are currently featured in the pages of the latest Barnabas Fund news alerts.

Israel is an artificial state formed by the Western colonial powers? So are Algeria, Morocco, Jordan – in fact almost ANY Arab state or nation that used to be under Ottoman rule – Malaysia, Pakistan (another case of cut along the dotted religious lines) – and yes, Palestine. And the formation of Israel got a greater than 70% vote in the UN.

So of all the nations and peoples in the world, why is only one singled out for more UN resolutions than all other nations combined? Why is only one not recognized by most of the Muslim majority nations in the world – despite the aforementioned UN-ratified-and-approved formation? Why is only one used as an excuse to justify racist attacks only totally unrelated, apolitical persons worldwide? Why do only the Palestinians have their own separate UN refugee agency, receive more aid than all other refugees combined, and with their people passing down refugee status to multiple generations of descendants instead of being settled into receptive host nations like every other refugee group? (Apart from the fact that they try to overthrow the host nation.)

So just come clean, be honest, and admit that you are biased against Israel and Jews. Then go a step further and admit why you have this bias.

Bomb Blast in Haadyai – Long Running Brutal Terror Campaign Now Hits Malaysians

April 2, 12

Excerpt from The Star 2 April 2012:

Fears rise as tourism belt is hit by Thailand blasts

Saturday’s blast at the Lee Gardens Hotel has become the biggest talk up in the northern states because most of us would have stayed there at one time or another. Or worse, could have visited Haadyai over the weekend.

The Muslim insurgents have been blamed for the deadly coordinated attacks but there’s a huge difference this time.

In the past, the bombs were planted in small, isolated towns that are off the highway. They were mostly small scale with little damage caused.

Sometimes, monks were beheaded in gruesome manner to send powerful messages of discontent to the authorities in Bangkok.

But this is probably the first time that the Haadyai town centre has been hit. The bombing killed three people including a Malaysian.

By picking the 405-room Lee Gardens Hotel, a favourite of Malaysian and Singaporean tourists, the insurgents have now shifted their targets.

So I must ask moron apologists for terror again… How does whatever the eviiiiiiiiiiillllll Thai government do to Pattani Muslims justify the murder of Malaysians?

And such apologists please be warned… If you try and come at me with moral equivalence and/or justification for the above, I am more than prepared to smack your noob a$$es down.

The commentary also mentions beheaded monks. What exactly is it talking about?

Well, here are some of the photos:


A beheaded motorcyclist. A threatening warning note was found on the body.


The removed head left near the body. Gruesome…


A soldier after the terrorists had their way with him. I forget, which is the merciless, inhuman organization of oppression again? The Thai government?


Brutalized dead body, probably of a monk, found in a house in a very unnatural position.


A tiny censor box to blot out the gore from a victim left on the train tracks to be run over… But that doesn’t stop you from realizing “Oh **** where’s the rest of the body?!”


Worst of the lot – the viciously defiled body of a monk, so gory and heartless that basically the entire photo had to be censored to post it on my blog.

More, including links to the uncensored sources of the photos, at my original old posts here and here:

And a Malaysian was one of the dead, among plenty other Malaysian injured.

SARAH PALIN Caused the Zimmerman and Toulouse Shootings

March 27, 12

AoSHQ has this title, Media Pretty Sure of George “White Hispanic” Zimmerman’s Racist Motive, But Not Quite Sure What Might Have Motivated Mohammad Merah.

Pull quotes:

Ooh, look! George Zimmerman! His motives we know! … The media is very inconsistent about when it “knows” things and when the picture is just too darned fuzzy to say anything.

And pull quotes from the article he read:

The killing of Trayvon Martin was almost universally understood as racism. So, why is the Toulouse murderer just an “overgrown adolescent”?

Ace and Tablet Mag there are contrasting it with what he’s noticed about the Zimmerman/Martin case:

I appreciate the media dubbing Zimmerman “a white Hispanic.” Like the Israelis, he’s now an honorary member of the Oppressive White Majority.

And this via AosHQ:

But what I felt was, this is a stunning coincidence, an example of mind-numbing intentional-myopia vs preternatural prescience, eeriely similar to another paired contrast of violent happenings.

Behold a whiles back, the Fort Hood vs Tucson shootings:

…until investigations are complete, no one can begin to imagine what could possibly have motivated this latest appalling rampage. – Fort Hood shooting, where Nidal Malik Hasan (who browsed jihadist sites) shouted “Allahu akhbar!” as he shot people whom he had previously treated as disdainful infidels


[I]t is legitimate to hold Republicans and particularly their most virulent supporters in the media responsible for the gale of anger that has produced the vast majority of these threats, setting the nation on edge. – Tucson shooting, immediately after the event when nobody had any information whatsoever yet

Actually, no, it’s not even surprising anymore – the postmodernist liberal media does this on an all too regular basis.

So I thought, what the heck, might as well go ahead and say It’s Sarah Palin’s fault for creating the climate of HATE that directly inspired and unavoidably, inevitably, incontrovertibly led to the Zimmerman and Merah shootings!!!

Hence, my post title.

Global March to Jerusalem Aims to Reverse 3000 Years of History

March 20, 12

That’s a lotta work.

Tipped by hutchrun, Fact Sheet: Global March to Jerusalem (GMJ), March 30, 2012 reveals that the GMJ’s aim is to highlight the so-called ‘Judaization of Jerusalem’.


The ‘Judaization of Jerusalem’ which began roughly since King David went and conquered it and made it capital of the Jewish kingdom, circa 1000 B.C.

The ‘Judaization of Jerusalem’, a city specifically mentioned 655 times in the Old Testament, 146 times in the New Testament, and 0 times in the Quran.

The ‘Judaization of Jerusalem’, the city which is No. 1 Most Holy Place in Judaism and only No. 3 Most Holy Place in Islam… And this is not counting the fact that – as mentioned above – it is never once mentioned by name in the Quran, and only assumed to be ‘the Remote House of Worship’ that their prophet visited. (Really, check out that link, they have to add it in in parentheses as a commentator’s note.)

The ‘Judaization of Jerusalem’, a city which has countless features, locations and nearby landmarks described in the Bible which either still exist today or have been uncovered by archaeological digs. Examples: water systems, defensive walls, city walls.

And if the Temple Mount area is really soooooooo sacred to Muslims – and not, say, just pushed as such in order to be used as a propaganda tool against the Jews – then why was it so poorly upkeeped and overgrown with weeds before the modern state of Israel encompassed Jerusalem?

Above tipped by hutchrun.

Combined 816 mentions by name and synonym Zion. And zero times by name in the Quran.

As usual and as expected, our own local leading Juice-fearer, Dr M is on board as an Advisory Board member (as in Obama’s spiritual mentor, Jeremiah ‘God D*mn America!’ Wright).

By the way, it was Jordan illegally occupying Jerusalem up until 1967.

From Melanie Phillips:

The San Remo Treaty of 1920, in which the victors of the First World War parcelled out the remnants of the defeated Ottoman Empire, created a geographical area called Palestine along both sides of the Jordan River.

Article 6 of the Palestine Mandate signed by the League of Nations in 1922 stipulated ‘close Jewish settlement’ on the land west of the Jordan River. The river served as the boundary because that year the UK created a new Arab country, today known as Jordan, by unilaterally bestowing the land east of the river onto the Hashemite dynasty and thus giving some three quarters of Palestine away.

That Mandate treaty obligation to settle the Jews in Palestine from the river to the sea has never been abrogated and endures today. The 1945 UN Charter, Chapter XII, Article 80 explicitly says than nothing within it shall ‘alter in any manner the rights whatsoever of any states or any peoples or the terms of existing international instruments to which Members of the United Nations may respectively be parties’.

Furthermore, Israel’s ‘occupation’ of these areas is legal twice over – since it merely gained them in a war of self-defence in 1967, and is thus legally entitled to hold onto them until the belligerents stop waging war upon it. Which they still have not.

On a tip from hutchrun, as always an often, archaeology proves the Jewish claim to Jerusalem:

Underneath the four-story modern house, 18 years of digging revealed what Siebenberg calls “the perfect continuation of Jewish history in one place.” The base layer has emptied burial caves from the era of King David and King Solomon some 3,000 years ago.

Above that are the remains of a Hasmonean mansion inhabited by children of the Maccabees – the heroes of Hanukkah fame — who ruled Judea from 142-63 BCE after liberating it from the Syrian-Greeks.

For more posts on this specific matter of laying claim to Jerusalem, see the following:

4000 Years in 4 minutes – Israel Animated HistoryMany videos on the ancient and modern history of Israel

Jordan is Palestine – Anyone familiar with the history knows it is correct. Immediately after World War One, Palestine consisted of what is now Jordan, Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. … Jordanians, for decades, were avid proponents of the ‘Jordan is Palestine’ position. They used that position as justification for the annexation of the West Bank, arguing that Palestine was one single, indivisible unit, and that Jordan was the legitimate governing body of Palestine…

What to Do to Get Israel to Do This and That – You say: Israel should give back the land to the Palestinians and retreat to the 1967/1948 borders! Israel says: If the surrounding Arab nations will never ever attempt to attack, invade and conquer Israel again – which, if you’ll remember, is what led to Israel defeating them and capturing the land in war in the first place – then sure!

Is Israel Carrying Out a ‘Holocaust’ on Gaza Palestinians? – When Israel entered Gaza in a war of self-defense in 1967, the population was 360,000. After Israel withdrew totally from Gaza in 2005, it was estimated at 1.4 million. … When Israel entered Gaza in 1967, life expectancy for women was 46. When it left Gaza, it was 73.

Hamas TV: The Jews Carried Out the Holocaust on Themselves

See also amazing archaeological finds confirming the Bible’s historical claims at this site.

This Neocon Zionist Supports The Right of Return to Palestine/Israel – As long as the Jewish right of return is also recognized.

Pakistan-Israel Hypocritical Double Standards – …why it is that the world thinks that Pakistan is a legitimate and bona fide country created when a religious minority demanded independence, but not Israel?

Don’t Fark With the Jews! – A Brief History of How Israel Kicks Butt – In 1948, the U.N. agrees to give Israel and Palestine their own states. Seven Arab nations and a specially-formed anti-Israel force responded by immediately declaring war on and attacking Israel. … Israel’s 29,677 non-professional soldiers completely kicked the butts of 54,000 well-equipped enemy troops, armour and planes. The result was a doubling of Israel’s territory under the rules of ‘whoever wins the war gets the land’. The aftermath that lasts till today is the Arabs whining about Israel’s ‘aggression’ and ‘occupation’ of those lands.

The Cyrus Cylinder – Not Isolated and Not Vague Verification of the Bible’s Historical Accou – Anyone of his people among you – may his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem in Judah and build the temple of the LORD, the God of Israel, the God who is in Jerusalem.