Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize – Reactions Collection

UPDATE: And Obama claims his prize, while admitting that he doesn’t deserve it.

False humility? Yes:

I am living testimony to the moral force of non-violence.


UPDATE: Not a joke – Obama awarded a black belt in tae kwon do by the President of South Korea.

His pandering to the UN, gently petting terrorists and their regimes, cozying up to dictators, keeping mum while civilians die, quietly letting Iran get nukes, and apologizing to the world for America for 9 months has paid off – Obama has won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Recall that unlike the science Prizes, the Nobel Peace Prize winner is decided by just five liberals who hail from uber-liberal Norway:

three of them would be considered hard-left liberals in American politics. One of those belongs to Norway’s Socialist Left party. And all five people on the committee are politicians selected by the Norwegian parliament, and generally hew to a Norwegian view of foreign affairs — internationalist in outlook and with a broad affinity for Obama’s posture on the world stage.

This award is perfectly matched to Obama after the farce that was Nobel Peace Prize Winner Al Gore (similarly opposes capitalist lifestyle while being filthy rich) and past winners like Yasser Arafat and Jimmy Carter (similarly is no friends of Israel).

Meanwhile at home, he is driving his country (and his opinion ratings) into the ground.

So congratulations Obama! You’ve earned it (really!). By plowing America into the dirt, you’ve ingratiated yourself to everyone who isn’t America!

Oh, and… Good luck with that home crowd.

Others covering this:

  • The Jawa Report: Why Does Glenn Greenwald Hate America? – Greenwald didn’t automatically bow and sing hosannas re: Obama’s Nobel Prize (for the wrong reason, but we’ll take it), and, according to Eric Boehlert, that makes him by definition un-American and a terrorist.

I too agree with what Jim Hoft concludes – Bush saved 600,000 Iraqi lives and liberated 50 million.

Actually, it’s probably because he forced American taxpayers to fund abortions for the rest of the world.

As this Saturday Night Live skit portrays!

Like I said, 5 Norwegian liberals.

  • IMAO: Obama Wins the Nobel Peace Prize by Listening to Me – A lot of you laughed when I first unveiled my peace plan over seven years ago, but who is laughing now? This morning, America crashed a probe into the moon causing an explosion. And the result? Obama has won the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • Hot Air.com: Video: SNL’s pitiful Obama Nobel sketch – There are a million good black comics out there; Lorne Michaels can’t find one who can do a solid Obama impression and make him a featured player? It took me five minutes of Googling to find the Marlin Hill clip embedded below.

  • The Washington Times: – Mr. Obama took office on Jan. 20. Gosh, it’s so long ago now. What “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy” did he make in those first 12 days? Bowing to the Saudi king? Giving the British prime minister the Wal-Mart discount box of “Twenty Classic Movies You’ve Seen a Thousand Times”?
  • Moonbattery: Use Zazzle – Of course, the decision is not without its critics. The Taliban, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Republic National Committee Chairman Michael Steele have all made statements criticizing the committee’s decision.
  • Gateway Pundit: Top Quotes From This Year’s Nobel Peace Prize Winner – They bring a knife, we bring a gun… Get in their faces!… I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!… Hit back twice as hard… The United States cannot use its military to solve humanitarian problems and that preventing a potential genocide in Iraq isn’t a good enough reason to keep U.S. forces there.
  • Moonbattery: Barack Obama: ‘Oh, did I mention I won the Nobel prize?’ – Consider the emails his White House is sending out. No opportunity to shoehorn in a mention of the Nobel prize is being missed. Obama apparently sees the award of the prize as his biggest achievement so far, with the possible exception of his election victory. Well, it sure beats actually doing something.

Someone wasn’t happy

Hugo Chavez told the delegates at the Copenhagen junk science conference that Obama smells like sulfur, too.

If Obama, Nobel War Prize, said here, by the way, it smells of sulfur here.

The Nobel War Prize has just said here that he came to act. Well, then show it, sir, don’t leave by the back door.

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31 Responses to “Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize – Reactions Collection”

  1. Chane Brown Says:

    Mr. Thong you are bitter. You have so much hatred (you are probably young but your views are very old). Calm down. There is too much hatred already in this world.

  2. Adifferentview Says:

    Can’t tell the difference between bitterness and a healthy dose of informed scepticism? Chane Brown, you are on the broad road that leads to…obama worship.

  3. Scott Thong Says:

    Funny, Chane Brown… That’s exactly the kind of descriptive term Obama used.

  4. Steve Says:

    Great post! I really like your blog!!

    ps. Link Exchange?

  5. Scott Thong Says:


  6. wits0 Says:

    Chane Brown, when you live in a First world country you can afford the luxury of inane post modernism rather than holding on to commonsense.

    “Trembling and quivering is the mind,
    Difficult to guard and hard to restrain.
    The person of wisdom sets it straight,
    As a fletcher does an arrow.”

    – The Dhammapada

    Commonsense require a lot of this sort of steadiness of mind to see things as they really are.

    The Nobel Prize does not indicate that Obummer has much of what it takes. It changes nothing.

  7. anarchistallison Says:

    “His pandering to the UN …. cozying up to dictators, keeping mum while civilians die,”

    Exactly! The Nobel Peace Prize is given to blood thirsty tyrants ALL the time! It’s given to the loudest and most active advocates for global government! To the most aggressive eugenists!

    It’s as sick of a joke today as it was thirty years ago!

    People are beginning to open up their eyes, people have to wake up from slumber at some time and the time is now. There’s even a game called “2011: Obama’s Coup Fails” that’s built around the scenario of Obama scarping the US Constitution in favor of a global form a government. You can google it.

    Hahhah! And here we have it! Obama receiving award and ceremony for undermining the contract he swore to uphold and protect when he took office. Keep up the boot licking Obama, there will be more glitters for your treason down the road!

  8. wits0 Says:

    Even CNN has to carry this story:

    Does ‘strengthening diplomacy’ warrant Nobel? Americans split

    CNN) — The decision to award President Obama the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to “strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples” appears to have left some in the United States divided over whether non-tangible achievements are worthy of such an esteemed award.


    “So can anyone tell me how this man won the Nobel Peace Prize?” iRepoter Katy Brown wondered, asking whether it had more to do with him becoming the first black U.S. president. “The people who have won the Nobel Peace Prize in the past ­– I’m sorry but the legitimacy of this award has gone down the drain.”……

  9. Adifferentview Says:

    Don’t forget where the money came from in the first place: dynamite, weapons of war..how IGnobel!

  10. wits0 Says:


    Norway opposition urges Nobel chief’s resignation
    Sat, Oct 10, 2009

    OSLO, Oct 10, 2009 (AFP) – The leader of Norway’s main opposition called Saturday for the resignation of the Nobel Committee’s chairman, one day after US President Barack Obama was awarded the peace prize, a newspaper reported…………

  11. oneworldmaybenot Says:

    A Nobel prize for not achieving anything yet? Hell, I also want the Nobel prize. This Obama worship is looks like a cult following

  12. BitterHappiness Says:

    Look at all the white racists bemoan about Obama’s DESERVED Nobel Prize. What’s next? You guys going to talk about bringing slavery back, or perhaps even genocide?

  13. wits0 Says:

    BitterHappiness, the Rwandan genocide was not by Blacks? Incidentally, Obama is a Mulatto claiming to be Black.

  14. Adifferentvoice Says:

    I’m not white or black or red but yellow..actually, a banana. And I don’t think obama deserves that award. Also, no talk of slavery or genocide, so don’t be so bitterhappy that you become delirious or ridiculous.

  15. Scott Thong Says:

    Did you say cult following?

  16. Scott Thong Says:

    Look at all the white racists bemoan about Obama’s DESERVED Nobel Prize. What’s next? You guys going to talk about bringing slavery back, or perhaps even genocide? – BitterHappiness

    Oh yeah man. Certainly can’t be supporting slavery or genocide, can we?

    Barack Obama’s Family Owned Slaves – According to the research, one of Obama’s great-great-great-great grandfathers, George Washington Overall, owned two slaves who were recorded in the 1850 census in Nelson County, Ky. The same records show that one of Obama’s great-great-great-great-great-grandmothers, Mary Duvall, also owned two slaves.

    Michelle Obama may have white slave-owner ancestor – Michelle Obama had a great-great-great grandfather who was white and may have been the master of a black slave known as Melvinia, living in South Carolina.

    Obama Becomes First Nobel Peace Winner Who Endorsed Genocide – Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama said Thursday the United States cannot use its military to solve humanitarian problems and that preventing a potential genocide in Iraq isn’t a good enough reason to keep U.S. forces there.

    Maybe I should bring back slavery and genocide like you say, and win me a Nobel Peace Prize too!

  17. Obama, Prêmio Nobel da Paz? « Liberdade de Expressão Says:

    […] Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize – Reactions Collection https://scottthong.wordpress.com/2009/10/09/obam-wins-nobel-peace-prize […]

  18. wits0 Says:

    Does Michelle O and many blacks care to know who provided the slaves for the US in the bad old days? Who were the slave procurers/traders from the African end? The arabic word for slave and black is “abey”, no?

  19. hutchrun Says:

    Jan.20 – he gets inaugurated as POTUS
    Feb.3 – nominations close for the Nobel
    In 2 weeks he qualified for the Nobel Prize. Lucky it is not the Noble.

  20. hutchrun Says:

    Here’s Charles Krauthammer (by phone, about halfway through, but you get Bill Kristol at the top) on President Obumbler’s winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

    Let’s go to the videotape.

    Both Kristol and Krauthammer are spot-on.

  21. hutchrun Says:

    Any wonder why the White House is attacking Fox News? Let’s go to the videotape where Interim White House Communications Director Anita Dunn slams Fox News.

    It’s amazing how Obama has deepened the divisions in America in his nine months in office. It’s starting to look like Israel looked 20-30 years ago.

  22. wits0 Says:

    Question for Nobel Appease Prize winner

    What happened to : “”… as president, I will make the fight against al-Qaida and the Taliban the top priority that it should be. This is a war that we have to win.” ”


  23. hahaha Says:

    The Washington Post reports that the Middle East ‘peace process’ has regressed since President Obumbler took office nine months ago, particularly in the last three weeks, and that it is unlikely that talks will resume anytime soon.

    When Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Mitchell report to the White House next week on the administration’s goal of restarting the peace talks, they will be describing a situation that has arguably regressed, particularly in the three weeks since a high-level session in New York involving President Obama, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

  24. capn_mohan Says:

    Yes Floyd: Count me in. I want to add my support to the growing nationwide movement to Impeach Barack Hussein Obama.

  25. capn_mohan Says:

    The Obama Administration exemplifies maladministration. It qualifies as the poster-child for bad behavior.

    Obama and those around him are ravaging this great country and adding a sorry chapter to a noble history.

    Impeachment, as written in the Constitution, was tailor-made for Barack Hussein Obama and our Founders placed it in our Constitution for such a time as this.

    It could be easily argued that we have a duty to impeach Barack Hussein Obama.

    Of course, our elected officials won’t have the back-bone to go it alone. That’s where you come in.

    Help us spread the word far-and-wide and our elected officials will come to know that the impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama is the will of the American people and that if they ignore the will of the people. they do so at their own political peril.

    The question is not whether we should impeach Barack Hussein Obama. Rather, the question is, can we impeach Barack Hussein Obama before it is too late?

  26. capn_mohan Says:

    Make no mistake. We’re now in the middle of a bloodless coup – the takeover of an entire nation by the hate-America crowd – a cold-blooded gang that despises American’s prosperity, our standing in the world, our trust in God and our generosity and goodness.

    America is a monument to the triumph of freedom. When Barack Hussein Obama thinks about freedom… he sees a world in which some people, due to personal initiative and good fortune, will do better than others… live better than others.

    And in that regard, he is right. But Barack Obama sees that as unfair. Where you see freedom, liberty and the opportunity for any American to be all that he or she can be, Obama sees greed and bigotry.

    And, like so many on the far-left before him, going all the way back to Karl Marx, he believes that it’s his mission to promote “equality of outcome” over “equality of opportunity” even if Americans must learn to live in chains to make it happen (in fact, servitude to the iron will of government will be required).

    That worldview makes Barack Hussein Obama a very dangerous man and one of the greatest threats to your personal liberty today.

  27. wits0 Says:

    A Dynamite Prize
    The Nobel Prize for peace that passeth understanding.
    by P. J. O’Rourke

    Once the sniggering is over and the king of Norway has had his smoked salmon spit-take toweled off, everyone will realize that giving Barack Obama the Nobel Peace Prize was an inspired choice.

    The peace prize committee members have achieved what Buddhists call satori. Enlightenment came to them through contemplation of an ancient Zen koan, “What is the sound of one American president doing *$@#-all?” The answer is “ka-ching”–a $1.4 million Nobel Peace Prize.

    The five members of the prize selection committee (chosen by the Norwegian Parliament, apparently at random from the local methadone clinic) will now travel the world offering all of humanity release from the endless cycle of death and rebirth. Or did the 1989 peace prize winner, the Dalai Lama, do that already?

    The Nobel Peace Prize has always been a joke…..


  28. X Says:

    Well, you know what they say. He may have just got it for not being bush. Which is fair enough, a breath of fresh air from a guy who knows what he’s talking about (at least compared to bush) And, for that alone, i think he deserves it. Does that make the Peace Prize a joke, no. At least, you’d need an awful lot of opinionated angry comments to back that up. Because just like th global warming feud, and the war against terror wars, it is all opinion on the net. PDF all the essays in the world, I don’t care. My faith was diminished by the invention of photoshop.

  29. Scott Thong Says:

    a breath of fresh air from a guy who knows what he’s talking about (at least compared to bush)


    You’re talking about the guy who opposed the successful Surge in Iraq, who is in a quagmire in his ‘war of necessity’ in Afghanistan, who reversed Bush’s reduction of the deficit, who is turning public opinion towards Conservatism, and who bludgeons the stock market every time he speaks!!!

    Wah kakakakakakakakakaka!!!

  30. Obama e o Prêmio Nobel « Says:

    […] Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize – Reactions Collection  https://scottthong.wordpress.com/2009/10/09/obam-wins-nobel-peace-prize  […]

  31. Mad Bluebird Says:

    Dont forget these are the same bunch of idiots that gave the prize toa terrorists(ARAFAT a failed president(CARTER) and a habitial liar and hypotcrit(GORE) these awards have lost their true meaning

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