Barack Obama’s Bitter Remark Editorial Cartoons


LAST UPDATED: 21 May 2008

Cartoons added as I find them. Check back once in a while for new ones.

You may also enjoy Jeremiah Wright, Hillary Clinton, Iraq surrender, Al Gore’s Nobel Prize and global warming cartoon collections.

Kudos to Moonbattery, Koderas and Carolyn at LGF for the linkage.

See Michelle Malkin: Snob-ama disses pro-gun, religious, anti-illegal immigration activists in Penn. or Moonbattery: O’Bigot: Sorry You’re Too Stupid to Get It for details.

Ann Coulter has some analysis of Democrat elitism here. Townhall has a scrutinization of Obama’s views being coloured by his own ‘bitter’ experiences.

See also Reverend Jeremiah Wright – Obama’s Racist Pastor Editorial Cartoons for more related mockery.

Click link below the sample cartoons for all cartoons at full size.





















Immediately below from The Ryskind Sketchbook:







Immediately below from The Ryskind Sketchbook:










Next is just one of tons of parody posters from The Peoples Cube:


From Michelle Malkin:




From Michelle Malkin, which has the context:


Buy SNOBwear merchandise at Michelle Malkin’s link.

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42 Responses to “Barack Obama’s Bitter Remark Editorial Cartoons”

  1. wits0 Says:

    The snooty SNOB one says it well. The audacity of snobbery.

  2. hutchrun Says:

    What is then unsettling about the Obama poster campaign is that it may be perfectly suited for a man whose candidacy is based on a personality cult, who promises overly simplistic remedies for complex issues, and who seems to have more respect for America’s critics than for the nation he hopes to lead.

  3. hutchrun Says:

    An e-mail from a reader said that, while Hillary Clinton tells lies, Barack Obama is himself a lie. That is becoming painfully apparent with each new revelation of how drastically his carefully crafted image this election year contrasts with what he has actually been saying and doing for many years.
    [ ]
    Those of us old enough to have seen the type again and again over the years can no longer find them exciting. Instead, they are as tedious as they are dangerous.

  4. wits0 Says:

    Hillary has lying Clintonite baggages ; Obama is a LIE.

  5. Alex Says:

    hahaha…cannot stop laughing

  6. Admin Says:

    A lie with two legs and a big mouth!!! I laughed reading the cartoons, but they are tragic as well. How does America get to the point that such a charlatan can con his way into the Senate and now be elected to run for President???? This doesn’t resemble the America I grew up in.

  7. Admin Says:

    Sorry… don’t know how I came to have “Admin” on the comment… but I followed your link Hottie. This is HoosierArmyMom and not some anonymous freak. LOL!!! Nice posting.

  8. wits0 Says:

    How he managed to get into the Senate also amazes me. Has the American public gotten that lame minded? Or wasn’t this cult figure highly promoted by unseen hands besides the seen?

  9. Mimi Says:

    Now I have soda all over the keyboard. The ones from Michelle Malkin are especially hilarious and I can’t even stand the broad.

    Screw the kool-aid drinkers. Obama is not a goody-goody politician. He is a con artist and a hypocrite, to boot. At least Hillary does not claim to be different from the rest of the Washington politicians. The hell with Obama and his cult. If Hillary loses, I’m voting for McCain!

  10. Hemlock Says:

    The snob pic is priceless. I clipped it for my collection , hope you don’t mind and thanks BH.

  11. Scott Thong Says:

    No problems at all, kudos go to Tennyson who created it and Michelle Malkin for putting it up.

  12. Mr. Wee Wee Says:

    Mr. Wee Wee sez “You go girl” and “Vote Barrack Obama.”
    Please join us for Mr. Wee Wee’s WEE WEE PARTY FOR OBAMA this Saturday at Wee Wee’s. Enjoy the music of WIGGLE WORM featuring LIL PEENIE and party the night away for CHANGE AND HOPE. WIGGLE WORM featuring Lil Peenie will be out at 11pm sharp. YOU GO GIRL!!! Yea!!!

  13. boon Says:

    Millions of white people are BITTER that they had to give up their jobs to less qualified African Americans under the disguise of a racist program called Affirmative Action that Obama approves to use for his own Elitist children just because they are African American

  14. wits0 Says:

    Obama is promoting reverse racism and appeasement of Middle Easterners. These alone mark him as potential disaster for the USA as well as the free world.

  15. hutchrun Says:

    Obama too is an arabic word. There`s no difference between Osama and Obama`s taqiya.

  16. wits0 Says:

    Everything about Obama’s background is vague and doubtable like his campaign that is more like a cultist Superstar roadshow.

    Note that no islamists call for his punishment for apostasy when he converted to Christianity at age 27(not before adolescent as was previously fudged by the MSM to suggest) into a weird and racist church. Nor has he seen fit to adopt a Christian name either. And the company he kept indicates his character. His wife is another version of Theresa (Ketchup) Kerry, as well. He doesn’t even look right.

  17. wits0 Says:

    In fact, “Barack” comes from the Swahili derivative of the Arabic word meaning “blessing.” According to Yale University’s “Kamusi Project” — the “Internet Living Swahili Dictionary” — the Swahili word “baraka,” meaning “blessing,” is derived from the Arabic word “bariki.”

  18. Scott Thong Says:

    In fact, “Barack” comes from the Swahili derivative of the Arabic word meaning “blessing.”

    Really. I thought it was just how a Chinaman pronounces ‘black’ to show how transcendental of race Obama is.

  19. Raymond Says:

    Arabic word “bariki.”

    In Pakistan goat is bakri. Hari Raya Haji there is called Bakri Eid (so they slaughter goats).

  20. Martin Benjamin Says:

    @witO – exactly right about the origins of “Barack.” However, the Kamusi Project has moved from Yale to the World Language Documentation Centre (

    The dictionary entry for “barack” can be found here:


  21. Jamie Says:

    So do they slaughter Obamas too?

  22. test » Blog Archive » Comment on Barack Obama’s Bitter Remark Editorial Cartoons by boon Says:

    […] Jim Naughton wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptMillions of white people are BITTER that they had to give up their jobs to less qualified African Americans under the disguise of a racist program called Affirmative Action that Obama approves to use for his own Elitist children just … Read the rest of this great post here […]

  23. test » Blog Archive » Comment on Barack Obama’s Bitter Remark Editorial Cartoons by test … Says:

    […] unknown wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerpt… of white people are BITTER that they had to give up their jobs to less qualified African Americans under the disguise of a racist program called Affirmative Action that Obama approves to use for his own Elitist children just … … Read the rest of this great post here […]

  24. jessica_inzc Says:

    Obama sounds boring, he always repeat his words wherever he goes….hhhhhhh…tired!

  25. jessica_inzc Says:

    Duh….and who is that stupid Obama girl…she sucks….

  26. jessica_inzc Says:

    Obama doesnt know whats going on in Iraq, he went there once and hes talking nonsense about bringing back the troops in a jiffy???come on Barack where is your fishbrain dude??

  27. jessica_inzc Says:

    …..and a good muslim is a **** muslim….amen!

  28. tryst Says:

    “…..and a good muslim is a **** muslim….amen!”
    What`s this? Americans think Muslims are Red Indians or sumfin.

    NOOOOOO NOOOOOOO a good muslim is one who knows how to treat non muslims worse than animals.

    In Qur’an 25:44, Allah says that unbelievers are worse than cattle and animals.

    Ibn Kathir provides the reason why non-Muslims are worse than animals and grazing cattle: cattle only do what they were created to do, but these people were created to worship Allah alone without associating partners with Him, but they worship others with Him, even though evidence has been established against them and Messengers have been sent to them.

  29. tryst Says:

    “So do they slaughter Obamas too?”

    Not while they serve the purpose. If not…………….

  30. Seasick Seagull Says:

    He blabbering about bitterness but still hangs around with pund scum like JEREMIAH WRIGHT

  31. Hater Says:

    ya’ll stop hating you are all dum a**holes becuse obama is a great man and you should be ashamed that you can make up some sh*ty crap like this. do you know he has feelings 2 and if you dont care then GO TO F*CKING HELLL!!!

  32. Hater Says:


  33. No.ofthebeast Says:

    It is believed Obama is an “illegal alien”

  34. 13 year old american Says:

    Obama has the most liberal veiws I have ever seen or heard of

    PS: TO: hater Have you been to Obama’s website and seen how much he trashes John McCain which is a great american who has served his country his whole life

    WOW I managed to get a point across with out cussing 7 times

  35. 13 year old american Says:

    HATER: you call us dum but you can’t even spell DUMB

  36. wits0 Says:

    Obama has 39 lies/half truths to account for. By the looks of them, he can’t come up with any credible explanation till kingdom come.

  37. Grandma Says:

    sick and racist words. I feel so bad for this, I thought i would never live to see such a thing as how badly we treated a people because they were different and called it christianity, wholesome even respectful and patriotic. McCann has lied many times the worse was on torture, the keating 5, the GI Bill and the lobbyist scandals. Look up those. He never even stood up to his own party when they smeared him with the campaign ad that he fathered a black child out of wedlock, the child he does have is adopted. I do notice she is being kept out of the camera this time around. Obama is with his Grandma who he is very close with while she lays ill. Take a day off from your hate. Research why there was an affirmative action and how employers still get around it. Then thank your hateful parents for bringing you up, because I know what you feel was taught at home and they are the reason why we needed to do affirmative action

  38. President Barack Obama - Four More Years! « BUUUUURRRRNING HOT Says:

    […] Barack Obama’s Bitter Remark Editorial Cartoons – Take that, you bitter gun-clingers! […]

  39. nyny Says:

    Barack Obama is the next downfall of america as we know it. I would not object to the election of him if we didnt have dumb n*ggers that voted for him due to the fact hes black… simply look at howard sterns small test he did to see if the c*ons actually knew what they were voting for

  40. Rick Christian Says:

    I love Barrack and like seeing him in a gray suit! He is soooo sexy!!! Send me your Barrack fantasies! I will like reading them over and over!

  41. Zombieman Says:

    Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****! Kill the N*****!

    [It took me all of 30 seconds to sanitize your comment. – Scott]

  42. MissAmi Says:

    The cartoons are marvelous and really show Obama’s true colors. He is a charismatic cult of personality; quite dangerous, and moving us more toward something like the USSR was. I will be surprised if in 20 years everything of any value is not rationed. Health care will be the start of it….

    A level playing field is not what we need. And if Obama truly believed in equality for all, his girls would be in public school.

    So much to say and not enough time……

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