Extremist Pro-Life Christian Fascists Have Killed Millions in the Name of Stopping Abortion! (Well, Maybe Not Quite That Many)

Sourced via Moonbattery

Quiz time: How many people have unhinged, fascistic, extremist fundamentalist Christian bigots murdered in recent years?

Judging by the insinuating vehemence shown by liberals and atheists towards Christians and their beliefs, it must be a whoooooooole lot, right? After all, those nutter pro-lifers regularly attack abortionists and firebomb Planned Parenthood clinics.

Just look at how many incidents of mass murder pro-lifers have carried out in the name of stopping abortion:

Crutcher notes that in the years 1993 and 1994, the worst period of violence in pro-life history in which five abortionists and clinic workers were killed, more farmers and twice as many hairdressers were murdered on the job. (The total number of murders that have occurred since Roe v. Wade passed in 1973 is seven.)

Oh, dear Morgan Freeman! Seven murders over 35 years? That’s one murder every five years, or one fifth of a murder every single year! Christian religious terrorism is so ghastly! 

The Associated Press concurs on that point:

When it comes to fears about a terrorist attack, people in the U.S. usually focus on Osama bin Laden and foreign-based radical groups. Yet researchers say domestic extremists who commit violence in the name of their cause — abortion or the environment, for example — account for most of the damage from such incidents in this country.

Amazing! Since we aaaaaaaall know that the liberal media doesn’t lie, EVAH, that means that Christo-maniacs have wreaked more havoc than 9/11 ever did!!

*Ahem.* To put things into perspective, over 3000 people died in a single morning from 9/11. Seven abortion enablers were killed by pro-lifers.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the liberal media seeks to convince you that 7 > 3000.

The editors must have been working really hard at their fuzzy maths textbooks. Or maybe they believe that Osama is a Southern Baptist stooge, so anything he does counts as anti-abortion-clinic terrorism.

Meanwhile, Atheistic Communism killed perhaps 100 million people over the past century.

And currently, more than ONE MILLION BABIES are murdered in the womb every single month.

The dementia of liberals and atheists leads them to continually accuse Christians of being the world’s worst people. They denounce us as hate-filled fascists who just can’t wait for a chance to sacrifice unbelievers in the name of their cruel and demented God.

But the real world facts show otherwise.
(They always do, Moonbats, they always do.)

(Yes, Samuel Skinner, this post is partly addressed to your remarks, 2nd last sentence.)

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27 Responses to “Extremist Pro-Life Christian Fascists Have Killed Millions in the Name of Stopping Abortion! (Well, Maybe Not Quite That Many)”

  1. zortnac Says:

    The original claim was that domestic terrorism is responsible for damage than foreign terrorism. Abortion and the environment are two causes for which extremists have committed acts of domestic terrorism. Never mind that these are just two examples of domestic terrorism, which was the actual point, but even among the two examples given, you’re focusing entirely on one of them, and drawing from it the imaginary claim that anti-abortion extremists are responsible for more deaths than the 9/11 terrorists.

    I think you might be too eager to both defend your views on abortion, and to find an opportunity to generalize and then attack a group of people. I think you should bring the embellishing down a tad.

  2. Scott Thong Says:

    But without embellishment, I would become more reliable and trustworthy than the MSM… And we wouldn’t want that, now would we? /sarcasm

    So how does domestic ‘terrorism’ account for a worse threat than 3000 killed in one blow? Did it kill more than 3000? Are the stated goals of the various domestic ‘terror’ groups to wipe out all Americans and nonbelievers? Do they wish to extend their jihad… Opps, I mean campaign… To the rest of the world?

    The only category domestic attacks wins in is total number of attacks (seven times more likely, which means by frequency – but says nothing about severity). Which is a bit like saying a hundred ant bites to the shin is worse than one great white shark bite to the head.

    I’ll put it straight forward then, with no embellishment – the AP and the lie-beral MSM and all like-minded Moonbats are DELUDED MORONS if they really convince themselves that a few unhinged, self-funded activists firebombing a business is a worse threat than tens of thousands of sociopaths who believe it is their godly duty to kill us all for not being like them and who are sponsored by entire nation-states.

    (Don’t believe it’s such a high number? 23000 already died in Iraq. Imagine how many more there are hiding in the woodwork. https://scottthong.wordpress.com/2007/10/02/more-than-23000-terrorists-killed/ )

    It’s just another way for them to wail in fear at the imaginary threat of Conservative Christian Fascism while the real danger runs around under their noses, behind their backs and with their tacit and vocal support!

    MORANS!!!!!!!!!1! (sic)

  3. Paul William Baylot Jr. Says:

    —– Original Message —–

    From: Paul Baylot

    To: info@majellasociety.org

    Cc: J.T. Finn

    Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 4:51 PM

    Subject: Nobody To Mourn

    I sent this to J.T. Finn and all 50 states of Prolife poeple in June 2008,please help me clear my name or at least that none of my family will be hurt, punished or killed I would appreciate any help.

    Hi my name is Paul William Baylot Jr. and I live with my parent in League City,Texas me and my parents and all the family I know are for giving and living Life,man GOD is awsome. For years random poeple have been following me and some start to try to

    get to know me and then they start to act like they don’t know me and some even drug me.

    One day my sister Teresa comes up to me and asks for my help she wants me to drive her to the doctor,this is unlike her she is somewhat independent like our father is and I am honored that she would ask me for any kind of help let alone drive her to the doctor in her car no one drives her car. This was a hard time in her life she was going through a divorce with her ex-husband in Texas who stole stole her 2 kids and now was in a high dollor custidy battle(girl)Taylor Paige Kaderli,(boy)Marlin Tucker Kaderli.

    We drive from Saylorsburg,Pa. to New Jersey I think nothing of it,I was raised on the road and the states up north seem much smaller than most states. We get there I go inside with her, I did notice that there were alot of single very pretty girls and women in this doctors office. Time passes I go outside to smoke a ciggarette and there are people about 80-100 yards away shouting things at me it was exstremly windy that day and it sounded like they were shouting WE ARE GOING TO KILL YOU BABY and YOU KILLER BABY and other things I could not make out or hear now remember it was very windy that, I don’t know what to think so I flipped them off and shouted back at them IF YOU WANT TO KILL ME HERE I AM and I WILL BE BACK OUT SOON AND WILL SEE WHO’S WHO THEN MOTHERF- – – -RS. TWILIGHT ZONE TIME… I go back inside and tell the young woman what happened and to call the police and she blankly asks to me, sir do you know where you are? I said yes, alot of confusion on my part seconds pass and she say blankly this is a abortion clinic or she might have said office. I look through the glass as she pulls down the metal shutters behind the glass I look around and notice maybe 30-50 girls ages 12-50 and about 10-15 men various ages, I go numb my head spins and I caught myself before I hit the floor. A year later to the day my sister dies in a car wreck. I AM PRO-LIFE as is all of my family, my sister LORD GOD I PRAY YOU TAKE HER.

    In MY Time Of Dying,Want Nobody To Mourn… I believe those good people that day were trying to shout out that help is here amongst other things aswell but mainly help is here.

    Can or would any of you good people get those people who it seems are trying to remind me every day of my life of what I was unknowingly involved in to let me try to live my life or at least to quit drugging me and open up A line of communication I can and will be of great help to save the unborn and to have a fair chance at this awsome gift we all share (LIFE). It is easier in life to do wrong it seems than it is to do wright we are all led through temtation to fail and not do good or succed,and if one does not no how? How can I tell? Well I have been there. I will have many things to answer for come judgement day I am a sinner, but killing or taking a innocent life will not be one of them I Promise. THANKYOU GOD-FORGIVE ME JESUS AMEN AMEN.

  4. Paul William Baylot Jr. Says:

    —– Original Message —–
    From: Paul Baylot
    To: info@prolifeaction.org
    Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 4:00 PM
    Subject: Nobody To Mourn

    Thank you for your prayer and I am confident that most of all pro-life people are good if not very good people, but from what has been shared with me and my research on the internet tells me there are groups of people out there who meetup and plan out acts such as I described below.I have shared this with pastors,priests,jewish people even a monk here in the states, working in Iraq off and on the past 3 years you get to take a break every 120 days and instead of going back to the states on most of my R&R’s I would visit the countries of where my mom and dads people are from (dads)Sweden and France,(moms)Scotland and Ireland I have shared with a priest in each country and 2 pastors. I guess the only other way to get the truth out is by puting it on paper and by internet. Thankyou sincerely for your reply. Thankyou,Paul William Baylot Jr.

    —– Original Message —–
    From: Lifelines
    To: ‘Paul Baylot’
    Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2008 7:48 AM
    Subject: RE: No Body To Mourn

    Dear Paul,

    I prayed for you today. Please be assured that good pro-life people would not cause you any harm, and there’s no need to send out e-mails asking them to clear your name. Please consider discussing your fears with a trusted counselor, friend, family member, or member of the clergy—they’re the ones that can really help you.

    I hope you are able to put these fears to rest once and for all.

    Take care,

    Maria Vitale

  5. Paul William Baylot Jr. Says:

    —– Original Message —–
    From: “Paul Baylot”
    Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 4:05 PM
    Subject: Fw: Thankyou

    > —– Original Message —–
    > From: “Paul Baylot”
    > To: “Pat”
    > Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 2:28 PM
    > Subject: Re: Thankyou
    >> Hello Pat, no I am not known at all I am just a somewhat regular guy I
    >> like women and enjoy watching some college football. And sure there may
    >> be something further that GOD requires from me I can always better myself
    >> in his eyes in someway. I believe that GOD will not let the pro life
    >> extremists get to me that’s how I have dealt with all of this, this long,
    >> he is looking out for me as is all people I am sure. Pat I am on a roll
    >> right now with this email of Nobody To Mourn story, I will contact you
    >> down the road in the near future and I will rewrite it and hope that you
    >> will accept it if not I would really appreciate your help in getting my
    >> story worded correctly. Thankyou Pat,Sincerely-Paul Baylot.
    >> —– Original Message —–
    >> From: “Pat”
    >> To: “Paul Baylot”
    >> Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 1:39 AM
    >> Subject: Re: Thankyou
    >>> Paul, you’re welcome. I’ll resend the one you deleted.
    >>> It’s really tough when you love someone and they’re gone, and you know
    >>> the things they did that you couldn’t accept.
    >>> I’m not sure of the reason why it’s an issue whether you are pro-life or
    >>> not, with all these other sites. Are you well known in some way? The
    >>> important thing is what God thinks, not what all these strangers think.
    >>> And God sees a contrite heart, and He forgives. Is there some reason why
    >>> you think He might require something further from you? That is to say,
    >>> some kind of religious belief, that stands in the way of your accepting
    >>> God’s full forgiveness?
    >>> Don’t let those pro-life extremists get to you. They’re unbelievably
    >>> ugly people, and they have probably cost a few million lives with their
    >>> antics. The way I figure it, they killed the Rescue movement, and caused
    >>> the passage of FACE. They caused people to start to turn against us
    >>> again. They thus delayed the end of abortion by several years. I’m sure
    >>> the devil is proud. I have tried to reason with them. They’re beyond
    >>> reason. They have their own little cult.
    >>> As I said, if you write me an article, I may publish it on my site. In
    >>> other words, if it is well written, I will. Otherwise, I’ll work with
    >>> you to make it good to put up. Fair enough?
    >>> Pat
    >>> Paul Baylot wrote:
    >>>> Pat, Thankyou for your reply this after noon at 04:29pm today I
    >>>> accidently deleted it. Yes it took me many years to admit to myself
    >>>> what my sister did to herself the aborted baby which could have been my
    >>>> neice or nephew and deceiving me.I had to admit to myself that she lied
    >>>> to me. In our family Pat it is just automatic or just understood that
    >>>> when a girl or woman is pregnent that we will be seeing a baby soon,
    >>>> abortion is never even considered let alone thought of. I never ever
    >>>> known of a girl or woman getting a abortion, never knew where you would
    >>>> go for one or what they are called or looked like. So that day in New
    >>>> Jersey of 1999 blew my bloody mind Pat I mean that really tripped me
    >>>> out, and I have been dealing with these pro life extremists since that
    >>>> day. Pat if you have any contact with any of the pro life people please
    >>>> mention my name and let them know where I stand I Paul William Baylot
    >>>> Jr. Am Pro-Life. ? To let people know do I just go up to them out of
    >>>> the blue and tell them where I stand on abortion? I am sure there are
    >>>> people in my position but I know of none nore how to reach them Pat.
    >>>> Thankyou Pat-Sincerely,Paul Baylot

  6. Mike Abney Says:

    hey man… this is your first cousin Mike. I am Tanner’s son. I don’t know if you remember me or not. I came across your blog and just wanted to say hi and i hope you are ok. drop me a line some time. I also saw that your grandfather just passed away. I am very sorry. he was a great man! take care of yourself!

  7. LisaFrequency Says:

    We need to make abortion illegal so we can have more people to send into war…

  8. Andrés Says:

    I would love to write this with more appropiate words, but not only is my english not as good as I’d like but it also happens it’s much clear this way.

    This article is stupid.

    Not happy using the (seems to be) world famous ‘the media lies’ line and supposed-to-be jokes about that, you also had to make a general statement on atheists. Quote:

    “The dementia of liberals and atheists leads them to continually accuse Christians of being the world’s worst people. They denounce us as hate-filled fascists who just can’t wait for a chance to sacrifice unbelievers in the name of their cruel and demented God.”

    Seriously, how do you expect someone to respect christians when you guys act like morons?

    On the other hand, there’s a thing called free will, wich i will try to explain to you. You can do as you please, as long as you are responsible for your actions. The second part can also be “as long as you don’t interfere with other people actions” or other similar sentence, but I think the first option is more accurate as it can be interpreted in many ways. So, if we have free will, how come you guys get all freaked out because some stranger went to an abortion clinic? Is it you who is going to die? No.

    Whether the god thing is a myth or the true, you have no rights to judge. If god happens to exist, i guess he must be the only one with rights to judge them, if not, they can freely choose whatever they may want for their lives.

    And this post is stupid because relating a random article about the need of being concerned about local problems with 9/11 and abortion is just the most clear proof that all you wanted was to attack atheists. Was itjust for the sake of attacking us? Or perhaps because we don’t believe what you believe?

  9. Scott Thong Says:

    We need to make abortion illegal so we can have more people to send into war… – LisaFrequency

    Yes! I totally agree!

    For if we run out of fighting men and women, how will we protect the innocent against the terrorists who torture and behead civilians just for the ‘crime’ of not being extremist Islamic enough?

    Note: Modern US soldiers are professional volunteers who willingly chose to join the armed forces and risk their lives for the sake of others and freedom.

    Whereas, babies are forced to undergo brutal murder against their will by selfish others for the sake of casual convenience.

  10. Scott Thong Says:

    “The dementia of liberals and atheists leads them to continually accuse Christians of being the world’s worst people. They denounce us as hate-filled fascists who just can’t wait for a chance to sacrifice unbelievers in the name of their cruel and demented God.”

    Seriously, how do you expect someone to respect christians when you guys act like morons? – Andrés

    You apparently did not click any of the links. Try this one, and explain to me how the examples are at all grounded in reality.

    On the other hand, there’s a thing called free will, wich i will try to explain to you. You can do as you please, as long as you are responsible for your actions. The second part can also be “as long as you don’t interfere with other people actions” or other similar sentence, but I think the first option is more accurate as it can be interpreted in many ways. So, if we have free will, how come you guys get all freaked out because some stranger went to an abortion clinic? Is it you who is going to die? No.

    Whether the god thing is a myth or the true, you have no rights to judge. If god happens to exist, i guess he must be the only one with rights to judge them, if not, they can freely choose whatever they may want for their lives.

    Congratulations, you just made the argument that it is completely within rights for a serial killer (who is also a stranger) to murder you, and anyone who protests or ‘gets all freaked out’ must be a fundie bigot. He’ll eventually be responsible for his actions, if the cops can ever get round to ‘judging’ him and
    ‘interfering’ with his spree.
    “Hey, so what if he’s getting his guts pulled out through his belly button? Izzit me gonna to die? No! So why should I care?” – The cops, the public and the government

  11. Andrés Says:

    I’ve had better replies from 15 year old kids.
    And I find interesting how you always refer to your blog for references, I noticed it in several posts, I guess you must very smart as you always quote your own articles to backup your arguments. No, wait, you’re the one acting like a 12 years old, I guess you’re just not very bright, my bad.

  12. vic mackey Says:

    Wow. Someone needs to stop day-tripping, and start attending rehab sessions. If you want to be heard, stop speaking out of ignorance and stereotypes; “After all, those nutter pro-lifers regularly attack abortionists and firebomb Planned Parenthood clinics.” Writing stuff like this doesn’t change anything, and makes the writer look foolish.

  13. Scott Thong Says:

    I was ‘a being sarcastic there, vic.

  14. Scott Thong Says:

    I’ve had better replies from 15 year old kids.
    And I find interesting how you always refer to your blog for references, I noticed it in several posts, I guess you must very smart as you always quote your own articles to backup your arguments. No, wait, you’re the one acting like a 12 years old, I guess you’re just not very bright, my bad.

    – Andrés

    If you bothered actually clicking the links, you might learn that those blog posts of mine that I reference contain material and citations from reputable sources.

    What do you have? Not a blog. Not even outside links to back up your insinuations.

    And your grammar is atrocious. If that’s too big a word for a 12-year old like me to use, then I mean that your English sucks.

  15. simon thong Says:

    Bertrand Russell is said to have opined that vegetarians are fierce, just like herbivores. He might have added, “and so are atheists”….except that he had atheistic leanings too, and he was fierce! Calm down, andres..cool it, man.

  16. Charlotte Says:

    If every human life is holy and precious then why does it matter than only seven people have been killed? They are humans and their lives were precious, the fact that more people have died in other circumstances shouldn’t in any way detract from the horror of their murder.

    Pro choice activists want to give women and everyone a choice, they don’t want people to have abortions, they just want the option to be there so that in certain circumstances it can be done if needed. They do not disrespect the right of pro life or catholics who are against abortion – if these people are against abortion then they themselves can choose not to have the procedure. The simple fact is it is not up to anyone but the mother to decide how she raises or chooses not to raise her child, and until you are willing to take on the burden of her pregnancy, her situation and help to raise love and nurture that unwanted child you have no place telling the mother what she has to do. Try to remember that it just happened that you were born the way you were and into your situation, try to place yourself in the position of others.

    Your extreme comments and offensive slurs concerning pro life activists are directly hypocritical of your message. If you want to convince the world pro life activists are not in the wrong then why act like that? You are causing the stereotype to grow not disproving it.

  17. Scott Thong Says:

    Pro choice activists want to give women and everyone a choice, they don’t want people to have abortions, they just want the option to be there so that in certain circumstances it can be done if needed.

    No no no no no no no no no…

    You don’t get off that easily.

    Pro-abortion is not pro-choice:

    Let’s use the example of a young woman, unmarried but dating. Being a liberal feminist, she sees no problem with having multiple sex partners. Free love is the philosophy!

    Then one day, discovers that she is pregant. And being a liberal feminist, she heads straight for the abortion clinic to be rid of the ‘inconvenience’ and ‘punishment’ and get back to her carefree, high-flying lifestyle.

    Now before she made the ‘choice’ to have an abortion, the ‘choice’ which the pro-abortion side makes such a big deal about, she had the following ‘choices’ to make:

    She had the choice not to have premarital sex.

    She had the choice not to have sex around her fertile time of the month.

    She had the choice to use contraception while having sex.

    She had the choice to seek support from the baby’s father (if she even knows which guy that is), from her family, from social services, from the local (pro-life) church, from adoption agencies.

    Instead, she makes the choice to terminate the pregnancy…

    And that removes the right of choice from the person who stands to lose the most from the abortion – the baby.

    Did anyone ask the baby if he or she made the choice not to be carried to term? Did anyone ask the baby if he or she made the choice to be murdered? Did anyone ask the baby if he or she made the choice to surrender life just like that?

    What if the baby had been allowed to be born, grow up and becomes fully mature… And then be asked his or her opinion on what choice to pick now – life or death? And if he or she agrees to it, then the forestalled murder can be carried out?

    Does anyone really think the potentially-aborted person would wish his or her life had been snuffed out all those years ago?

    Would YOU, o pro-abortion activist, agree to be ‘aborted’ today to prove your point?

    “I’ve noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born.”Ronald Reagan

    Abortion is not the right of choice. It is the ill-conceived privilege to make mutiple bad choices, and then escape from the consequences of those choices by denying the right of the baby to make any choices at all.

    Why should the baby be punished f- with DEATH – for the mother’s selfish and careless mistakes?

    Roe v. Wade allows women to abort their babies if it makes them feel unhappy in the slightest. Because it counts as ‘jeapordizing the woman’s health’.

    Why not the other way round – let the baby be born, then do away with the attempted-murderer (i.e. the irresponsible mother who wanted to kill her own child) – since doubtless the mother’s rejection of the child would cause ’emotional distress’ to the baby?

    Why is the woman’s (or the abortionist’s) life worth more than the baby’s?

  18. Why I Like to Bash Obama « BUUUUURRRRNING HOT Says:

    […] have very nominal faith as compared to Conservatives and Republicans. (And some are outright disdainful of Christianity.)Just look at who the Evangelicals and Bible Belt vote for (i.e. Bush). Obama is, […]

  19. Ron Says:

    Quiz time: How many people have unhinged, fascistic, extremist fundamentalist Christian bigots murdered in recent years?

    Answer: At least 91

  20. Scott Thong Says:

    Well, so I suppose the Obama TSA’s policy of checking geriatric nuns and 5-year-old WASPs while waving past 20-year-old Nigerian Muslims should pay dividends then. You must be so proud of how your fellow liberals so quickly leap to correctly pin a mass murder (finally, FINALLY) on a Christian rightwinger, after countless occasions of misattributing leftwing killing sprees and wilfully ignoring jihadi attacks (cos you know, we’re Islamophobes).

    All snark aside, what happened in Norway was a terrible tragedy that I denounce completely. If anyone wishes to cynically politicize the occurrence, that is their decision. If it is done on my blog, I will respond accordingly.

  21. Ron Says:

    Last time I checked, the TSA was an autonomous entity created during the Bush administration, so trying to lay whatever beefs you may have with that agency’s policies at Obama’s doorstep is a non-starter.

    You must be so proud of how your fellow liberals so quickly leap to correctly pin a mass murder (finally, FINALLY) on a Christian rightwinger, after countless occasions of misattributing leftwing killing sprees and wilfully ignoring jihadi attacks (cos you know, we’re Islamophobes).

    “Finally, FINALLY,” you say? Well, considering that your arguments are usually so tightly crafted they’re practically unfalsifiable, it must come as a shock when the challenge is finally met to exact specification. In fact, I’m surprised you didn’t proffer the classic and time-honored “he’s no true Christian” defense to smuggle your way out of this sticky situation.

    If anyone wishes to cynically politicize the occurrence, that is their decision. If it is done on my blog, I will respond accordingly.

    Sure, ask for evidence, then denounce that evidence as a cheap ploy to “cynically politicize” a tragic occurrence. Pot… meet kettle.

  22. Scott Thong Says:

    Last time I checked, the TSA was an autonomous entity created during the Bush administration, so trying to lay whatever beefs you may have with that agency’s policies at Obama’s doorstep is a non-starter.

    Totally agree! That is why I lay complete responsibility for Project Gunrunner at the feet of Nixon.

    In fact, I’m surprised you didn’t proffer the classic and time-honored “he’s no true Christian” defense to smuggle your way out of this sticky situation.

    Egads, tut tut, how absolutely unbecoming of me to neglect that! Please forgive my tardiness and be humbly presented with the following:

    – Anders Behring Breivik is a non-practising Christian who murders people.

    – Similarly, I am a non-practising vegetarian who eats pork and bacon.
    – Also, I am a non-practising Muslim who has never once carried out, or even thought about carrying out, any of the Five Pillars. And eats pork and bacon.
    – Did I mention I am also a non-practising atheist who overtly believes in God and the supernatural? Please inform the media when I finally snap and go on a shooting spree that I have always firmly avowed myself as an rational-minded atheist. IN THE NAME OF NO GOD!!!! dakka dakka dakka dakka

    – But enough about myself, Al Gore is a non-practising Global Warmist who emits magnitudes more CO2 than me, consumes far more energy and resources than me, and bought a mansion by the seaside which he fully expects to be swallowed up by the fifteen-foot sea level rise in another few years.

    Sure, ask for evidence, then denounce that evidence as a cheap ploy to “cynically politicize” a tragic occurrence. Pot… meet kettle.

    Yeah, yours would be a stunning WIN response, if it like maybe had been made three and a half years earlier.

  23. Ron Says:

    Totally agree! That is why I lay complete responsibility for Project Gunrunner at the feet of Nixon.

    Right President, wrong organization

    Egads, tut tut, how absolutely unbecoming of me to neglect that! Please forgive my tardiness and be humbly presented with the following:[..]


    Yeah, yours would be a stunning WIN response, if it like maybe had been made three and a half years earlier.

    Sorry, I’m late to the party. However, I didn’t see any “contest closes on” date in your post.

  24. Sherry Says:

    Do the pro-choicers realize that every abortion takes away the right for a woman to choose good mental health/physical health/reproduction health? Planned Parenthood hides the consequences of an abortion because there’s no money in that.

  25. Scott Thong Says:

    Abortion is the Con-Choice

  26. Sherry Says:

    Thanks for the link!~

  27. me Says:

    Wow, What a bunch of TOOLS. I know this Baylot guy personally. He is a blatant homosexual that has a long history of drug addiction. He really needs help… “If” he is still alive…

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