Ann Coulter’s Most Piercing and Snarky Quotes of 2010 onwards

Inspired by Right Wing News’ The Best Quotations From Ann Coulter’s 2009 Columns (62 Quotes), I’ve backtracked and begun collecting my favourite, snarkiest, most sarcastic quotes from Ann Coulter’s 2010 columns, interviews and whatnot onwards (with links to the archives included!) and other incidences.

And yes, she’s Ann Coulter. But does that mean that everything she says is incorrect and unfactual?

This list will continue to be updated throughout 2010, and occasionally bumped to the front page.

Enjoy or have a conniption, whichever works for you!


YEAR 2014:

Bergdahl’s unit commander, Evan Buetow, told CNN’s Jake Tapper that intercepted Taliban “chatter” soon revealed that Bergdahl was looking for a member of the Taliban who spoke English. (Other than his father.) Buetow said he couldn’t prove it, but he believed Bergdahl began helping the Taliban attack his own unit. After that, Buetow says, the assaults were much more direct, and Bergdahl would have known the unit’s tactics and how they would respond to an attack. BOWE BERGDAHL, JUST DESERTS

But to Obama, Bergdahl was the picture of American manhood and military honor. He released five of the most dangerous terrorists in the world — captured at great cost to our military — in order to give Bergdahl an exit plan from his Great Adventure. (Before he ever set foot in Afghanistan, Bergdahl had told a fellow soldier, “If this deployment is lame, I’m just going to walk off into the mountains of Pakistan.”) Bergdahl wasn’t being “left behind” or “left on the battlefield.” He was being left where he wanted to be, with the poor, innocent Talibanists, far away from this “disgusting” country that made him “ashamed to be an American.” BOWE BERGDAHL, JUST DESERTS

Mass murder at a sunny college campus in a beach town would normally be considered “newsy,” but Elliot Rodger’s massacre at the University of California-Santa Barbara last Friday is getting surprisingly little press. This is not a good case for liberals: The killer was an immigrant, a person of color, and the majority of his casualties resulted from attacks with a car or knife. It makes as much sense to rant about the NRA as to blame the Auto Club of America or the National Knife Collectors Association.DON’T STIGMATIZE MURDERERS!

Rather, what we have is yet another mass murder committed by a schizophrenic — just like those of Seung-Hui Cho, Jared Loughner, James Holmes and Adam Lanza. Yes, they all used guns. Also, they were all males. They were all college-aged. They all had hair. Those are not distinctive characteristics. When the last five mass murderers share something that only 1 percent of the population has, I think we’ve found the relevant common denominator.DON’T STIGMATIZE MURDERERS!

It’s hard to feel sorry for a mass murderer, but it was cruel to Elliot Rodger to allow him to refuse medication and turn himself into a monster. It was beyond cruel to his innocent victims — as well as the other victims of psychopathic killers. But liberals are more worried about “stigmatizing” the mentally ill than the occasional mass murder. – DON’T STIGMATIZE MURDERERS!

The New York Times has been touting a study purporting to show that 4 percent of death row inmates have been “falsely convicted.” “Falsely convicted” is not “innocent.” But after being processed through the lawyer-to-journalist telephone game, “insignificant procedural errors” quickly becomes “27 guys didn’t do it!” What the study actually shows is that those sentenced to death are more likely to have their convictions overturned than those sentenced to prison. Yeah, we knew that. Anti-death penalty fanatics fight every execution tooth and claw. Sometimes they get lucky. What the statisticians have proved is that it’s very difficult to be executed in this country. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS SHOWS 4% OF NYT REPORTERS ARE SERIAL KILLERS

The New York Times editorialized about “A Grievous Wrong” being done to Troy Davis, citing “reports about police misconduct, the recantation of testimony by a string of eyewitnesses and reports from other witnesses that another person had confessed to the crime.” … Those of you who follow my work assiduously know that Davis shot and killed an off-duty cop, Mark MacPhail, in a busy Burger King parking lot in front of dozens of witnesses, including people who knew him, as well as a van full of Air Force airmen. After shooting the cop once, Davis sauntered up to the cop’s body and shot him again, directly in the head. As one of the airmen told the jury in identifying Davis: “You don’t forget someone that stands over and shoots someone.” STATISTICAL ANALYSIS SHOWS 4% OF NYT REPORTERS ARE SERIAL KILLERS

Always check to see if the person suddenly confessing to a crime will face any penalty for doing so. You will find that surprise confessions invariably come from those already serving the maximum sentence or that the statute of limitations has run. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS SHOWS 4% OF NYT REPORTERS ARE SERIAL KILLERS

As described in last week’s column, The New York Times and other sanctimonious news outlets censored details about the crime that put Clayton Lockett on death row, the better to generate revulsion at his deserved execution. You might say they buried the facts alive. For example, the Times neglected to mention anything about the raping that preceded the murdering, which seems odd for a newspaper so consumed with the “War on Women.” (At least Lockett never refused to pay for a woman’s birth control pills!) The Times also dropped the part about Lockett’s dangerous behavior while incarcerated, such as ordering hits on the witnesses against him, his threats to kill prison guards, and the bounty of homemade weapons seized from him in prison — saw blades, sharpened wires, shivs and shanks… The newspaper also failed to report that Lockett had ended up in an adult prison by the age of 16 and then was convicted of four more felonies before committing the torture-murder of Stephanie Neiman that sent him to death row. DEATH PENALTY OPPONENTS, HAVE I GOT A DEAL FOR YOU!

You want horrifying? Imagine a 2-inch baby being chopped up with scissors. That can’t feel great. Maybe they — and MSNBC’s similarly high-minded Rachel Maddow — should comfort themselves by thinking of Lockett’s execution as a very, very, very late-term abortion. You know, the kind that liberal darling Wendy Davis filibustered for 11 hours to keep legal. Since Rachel and the Times are such big fans of partial-birth abortion, would they mind if we took a gigantic pair of scissors, jammed them in the back of Clayton Lockett’s head and let his brain slide out? Let’s get Kermit Gosnell working again! Or how about giving the citizens of Oklahoma the right to choose an acid bath for condemned murderers? We’ll submerge people like Lockett in a tub filled with burning fluid until he’s mostly disintegrated and can be flushed down the toilet. (If it’s low-flow, flush twice.) Or maybe an industrial vacuum designed to tear Lockett’s body apart. Which reminds me: Would the Times ever give as detailed a description of an abortion as it does for the execution of a remorseless killer? The odds are pretty high that the baby isn’t even a rapist/murderer. DEATH PENALTY OPPONENTS, HAVE I GOT A DEAL FOR YOU!

Opposition to the death penalty has nothing to do with compassion. Liberals weeping for murderers have zero compassion for an innocent baby trying to escape an abortionist’s cranioclast. Their dead earnestness about monsters like Clayton Lockett is solely designed to demonstrate how virtuous they are. DEATH PENALTY OPPONENTS, HAVE I GOT A DEAL FOR YOU!

How about we cut the Euros and lefty activists out of the execution process altogether with a voluntary firing squad? It’s quick, it’s effective and the whole community gets to participate! The state could run ads in newspapers giving detailed accounts of the condemned man’s crime — all that stuff The New York Times frantically hides from its readers — and then ask: “Would you be interested in being assigned to his firing squad?” The Supreme Court has defined “cruel and unusual punishment” as something that offends society’s “evolving sense of decency.” When we see how many people volunteer for the firing squad, we’ll at least have a back-of-the-envelope estimate on whether society’s “evolving sense of decency” is more offended by the death of Clayton Lockett or that of Stephanie Neiman. DEATH PENALTY OPPONENTS, HAVE I GOT A DEAL FOR YOU!

Lockett savagely beat Bornt for 15 minutes with a shotgun, as Bornt’s 9-month old son wailed in the next room… Lockett and Co. ransacked the home, pausing only to pull Hair out and gang-rape her. One of Lockett’s crew orally sodomized her, then vaginally raped her. Lockett raped her vaginally, anally and orally… Lockett took Hair from one of the trucks and again raped her vaginally and orally. He returned her to the truck, where the third man forced her to perform oral sex on him… Stephanie stood by the grave being dug for her for 20 minutes. Lockett shot her… But Stephanie was still breathing — so Lockett told the others to bury her anyway. She coughed as dirt was heaped on her face. She was buried alive… This is the murderer whose recent execution has thrown liberals into deep despair.

I had listened to roughly eight hours of commentary on Donald Sterling and the ugly remarks he made in conversations secretly tape-recorded by his girlfriend, before I heard anyone mention a wife. HE HAS A WIFE?… The fact that this 80-year-old human-manatee, married with three children, has been openly consorting with prostitutes for decades does not account for 1 percent of the media’s outrage against Sterling. A MAN OF STERLING CHARACTER

Yes, what he said about blacks — under the ham-handedly leading questions of his mistress — was nasty. You were expecting this guy to be a prince on race relations? Perhaps if a little more attention had been paid to Sterling’s years of whoring, we wouldn’t be so shocked at his trashy comments about black people. A MAN OF STERLING CHARACTER

The plaintiffs are demanding $50 million apiece — for going to prison for a rape that they committed… Even after they began denying the rape, the defendants continued to admit committing these other attacks. How’d you like to be one of the people badly beaten in the park that night watching your tax dollars go to pay your assailants millions of dollars? WHAT YOU WON’T READ IN THE PAPERS ABOUT THE ‘CENTRAL PARK FIVE’

All those convictions — on the rape as well as the assaults — have been vacated because an aging district attorney wanted a glowing obituary in The New York Times. In 2002, the ancient Robert Morgenthau, Manhattan district attorney, issued a report recommending that the convictions in the Central Park rape case be vacated. Justice Charles Tejada (Fordham Law 2009 Hispanic Heritage Award winner!) granted his request. Liberals are opposed to rape in the abstract, but when it comes to actual rapists, they’re all for them. WHAT YOU WON’T READ IN THE PAPERS ABOUT THE ‘CENTRAL PARK FIVE’

Amnesty will produce the exact same result as losing the entire state of Texas. In fact, merely continuing our current immigration policies will achieve the same result; it will just take a little longer. (But wow, I’m sure glad we got “Octomom”! What a boon she’s been to our American way of life.) The population of Texas is about 27 million. With amnestied illegal aliens allowed to bring in their cousins and brothers-in-law under our insane “family reunification” policies, the 12 million illegal immigrants already here will quickly balloon to 30 million new voters — who happen to break 8-to-2 for the Democrats. BACK ANY CANDIDATE YOU WANT AS LONG AS IT’S ONE OF THESE THREE

Roche has this crazy idea that a nation’s immigration policies should be good for the citizens of that country. (Somebody get this guy in leather restraints!) BACK ANY CANDIDATE YOU WANT AS LONG AS IT’S ONE OF THESE THREE

Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg — because who cares about the needs of North Carolina workers more than a Silicon Valley one-hit wonder seeking cheap foreign labor? (I’m sure Zuckerberg has the very best interests of the country at heart.) BACK ANY CANDIDATE YOU WANT AS LONG AS IT’S ONE OF THESE THREE

Recall that Mitt Romney won an astounding 20 percent of the young black male vote by being the toughest presidential candidate on immigration in 50 years. (I guess they do want the jobs “Americans just won’t do.”) BACK ANY CANDIDATE YOU WANT AS LONG AS IT’S ONE OF THESE THREE

Dave Brat, an economics professor like Roche, is challenging Rep. Eric Cantor: Maniacal Amnesty Supporter. Cantor says “immigration reform could be an economic boon to this country.” You don’t have to be an economics professor to know that bringing in millions of workers is not “an economic boon” to the workers already here. (If only we could bring in millions of workers to compete for Cantor’s job.) Brat responded to Cantor’s baby-talk, saying immigration “lowers wages, adds to unemployment, and the taxpayer pays the tab for any benefits to folks coming in.” BACK ANY CANDIDATE YOU WANT AS LONG AS IT’S ONE OF THESE THREE

Adelson is an especially telling example of the self-interest of businessmen on immigration. His newspaper, Israel Today, the largest newspaper in Israel, is wildly patriotic on immigration (and everything else). Israel Today has trumpeted the success of the 15-foot razor-wire fence along Israel’s 140-mile border with Egypt, triumphantly noting last August that, for the first time, “no infiltrations were recorded from the Egyptian border, compared to 193 from the same month last year.” Adelson himself had suggested just such a policy to the Los Angeles Times last year, saying he wanted to “Put a big fence around our country.” By “our country,” he, of course, meant Israel. In America, he wants illegal immigrants pouring across the border to provide him with an endless supply of cheap labor. COMPETITION FOR THEE, BUT NOT FOR ME

But in last week’s New York Times story about multimillionaire farmers who need taxpayer-subsidized cheap labor, the Times lost focus and forgot to lie. In one blockbuster sentence, the paper admitted that, last year, “the diminished supply of workers led average farm wages in the region to increase by roughly $1 an hour.” I believe we have an Earth-shattering revelation there! In other words, people were willing to do the work — as soon as wages were raised. So, apparently, employers were not exploring every option to get workers, such as, for example, paying their employees ONE DOLLAR MORE. In a catastrophic blunder of epic proportions, The New York Times had inadvertently stumbled across the laws of supply and demand. COMPETITION FOR THEE, BUT NOT FOR ME

The importation of more than a million poor people to America every year also has the effect of admitting a fair number of terrorists. Among them: Rasmieh Yousef Odeh, Mohammad Hassan Hamdan, Nidal Hasan, Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Najibullah Zazi, Sulejman Talovic, Peter Odighizuwa, Ali Hassan Abu Kamal, dozens of Somali terrorists living in Minnesota, Omar Abdel-Rahman and the 9/11 terrorists. I would think that this country’s open-door policy toward terrorists would be of some concern to the owner of any Las Vegas casino — a well-known terrorist target. They won’t be coming to kiss Adelson’s ring. COMPETITION FOR THEE, BUT NOT FOR ME

The first tip-off that heinous public policy ideas were coming was that the Times introduced farmer Chuck Herrin, owner of a farm-labor contracting company, as a “lifelong Republican.” That’s Times-speak for “liberal.” MILLIONAIRES NEED YOUR HELP!

Taxpayers have been subsidizing Chuck Herrin’s underpayment of his illegal labor force for decades, with skyrocketing taxes to pay for schools, roads, bridges, food stamps, health care and so on. Now Herrin thinks “we” are supposed to support his illegal employees in their old age, too. Here’s another idea: How about a federal law mandating that employers of illegal aliens take responsibility for the people they hire? Why is the taxpayer on the hook for illegal aliens’ food, housing and medical care, when Chuck Herrin got 100 percent of the profit from their cheap labor? MILLIONAIRES NEED YOUR HELP!

And you, Chuck Herrin, got the cheap labor — not “we.” “We” got hospital emergency rooms jammed with illegal aliens when we came in with heart attacks. “We” got the crime, drunk-driving and drug trafficking associated with illegal aliens. “We” got the overcrowded schools filled with kids whose illegal alien parents don’t pay property taxes. “We” got to press “one” for English. MILLIONAIRES NEED YOUR HELP!

According to the California Hospital Association, health care for illegal aliens is costing state taxpayers well over $1 billion a year. Eighty-four hospitals across California have already been forced to close because of unpaid bills by illegal aliens. Last year alone, California taxpayers paid $32 million for indigents’ health care at hospitals located in Fresno County– which happens to be where Chuck Herrin’s company is based. How about submitting a portion of that cost to Herrin? MILLIONAIRES NEED YOUR HELP!

Not only should employers of illegal aliens be responsible for their employees’ becoming public charges, but they ought to be legally responsible for any crimes their illegal workers commit, just as parents can be for the crimes of their minor children, and bars can be for the behavior of their over-served customers. MILLIONAIRES NEED YOUR HELP!

But when I checked online recently, I discovered the premier plan… does not include treatment at any decent hospitals. That’s sort of unfortunate because THAT’S THE ONLY REASON I WANT INSURANCE! That’s the only reason any sane homo sapien wants health insurance: to cover health care costs in the event of some catastrophic illness or accident — not to pay for Mickey Kaus’ allergy appointments. But my only options under the blue-chip plan were hospitals that also do shoe repair. SCREW YOU, MICKEY KAUS

I called Blue Cross directly to ask if its most expensive insurance plan covered the only hospital I’d ever go to in an emergency. Since that’s all I wanted to know, that’s what I asked. (I like to get to the point that way.) But — as happens whenever you try to ascertain the most basic information about insurance under Obamacare — the Blue Cross representative began hammering me with a battery of questions about myself. SCREW YOU, MICKEY KAUS

I went to “” and — I guess I had heard this, but had blocked it from my memory like a rape victim unable to remember her attack — you can’t even peek at the available plans until you’ve given the government reams of personal information about yourself. How about they let me look at the merchandise first? SCREW YOU, MICKEY KAUS

The main point of the Obamacare website is to encourage people other than me to get a government subsidy. There’s also a section helping you register to vote. You just can’t see the insurance plans. (Guess which one you need a government ID for?) SCREW YOU, MICKEY KAUS

So my only two health insurance options — and yours, too, as soon as the waivers expire, America! — are: (1) a plan that no doctors take; or (2) a plan that no hospitals take. You either pay for all your doctor visits and tests yourself, or you pay for your cancer treatment yourself. And you pay through the nose in either case. That’s not insurance! It’s a huge transfer of wealth from people who work for a living to those who don’t, accomplished by forcing the workers to buy insurance that’s not insurance. Obamacare has made actual health insurance “illegal.” SCREW YOU, MICKEY KAUS

It’s not “insurance” when what I want to insure against isn’t covered, but paying for other people’s health care needs — defined broadly — is mandatory. It’s as if you wanted to buy a car, so you paid for a Toyota — but then all you got was a 10-speed bike, with the rest of your purchase price going to buy cars, bikes and helmets for other people. Or, more precisely, it would be like having the option of car insurance that covers either collisions or liability, but not both. Your car insurance premium would be gargantuan, because most of it would go to buy insurance, gas and air fresheners for other people in the plan. SCREW YOU, MICKEY KAUS

I also think all Republican candidates should be trained with shock collars and cattle prods to automatically respond, upon hearing some combination of the words “abortion,” “rape” and “incest”: “Yes, of course there should be exceptions in the case of rape or incest, and I also support giving rapists the death penalty, unlike my Democratic opponent, who wants to give rapists the right to vote. YOUNG PEOPLE DON’T CHANGE — NEITHER DOES THE N.Y. TIMES

First of all, young people are idiots. I love them, I was one once myself -– but they’re idiots. We’ll be interested in their opinions on the basic rules of civilization as soon as they have one of three things: a household to run, a mortgage or school-aged children. Being in college is like living in Disneyland. YOUNG PEOPLE DON’T CHANGE — NEITHER DOES THE N.Y. TIMES

Second, I’ve been reading that same column in The New York Times every few months for the last 20 years. Whether it’s abortion, gays, God or drugs, Times reporters are like bloodhounds in sniffing out Republicans — often kids — who are “pro-free market on fiscal issues and libertarian on social ones.” If something has been trending for decades without ever really catching on, it’s probably not about to sweep the nation… In 1996 — nearly 20 years ago! — guess what the Times said young voters cared about? Young people were: “Conservative on economic issues and liberal-leaning on social issues like health care and abortion.” It’s almost as if today’s generation of whippersnappers is exactly like their middle-aged counterparts 20 years ago! YOUNG PEOPLE DON’T CHANGE — NEITHER DOES THE N.Y. TIMES

Armey complained that while Republicans were talking about “gay marriage and so forth,” Democrats were “talking about the things people care about, like how do I pay my bills?” (Of course, as soon as Democrats get elected, then all they talk about is transgender rights for kindergartners.) YOUNG PEOPLE DON’T CHANGE — NEITHER DOES THE N.Y. TIMES

Luckily, like every generation before them, someday, young people will eventually grow up and discover that you can’t have conservative economic policies without also having conservative social policies. Imagine their embarrassment when they realize that a free society is impossible without lots of stable, married, two-parent families raising their children in safe, drug-free neighborhoods. How about not letting them vote until they’re at least old enough not to be on their parents’ health insurance? YOUNG PEOPLE DON’T CHANGE — NEITHER DOES THE N.Y. TIMES

As McConnell explained (beautifully): “(T)he political left has always faced an uphill climb in a country in which there are two self-identified conservatives for every self-identified liberal. … In order to succeed in this environment, liberals have generally resorted to one of (three tactics): obscuring their true intent; pursuing through regulation and the courts what they can’t through legislation; or muzzling their critics.”RIGHT-WING MOBS? SAY IT ISN’T SO, CONSERVATIVES!

Ryan claimed he jettisoned the spending cuts in order to restore military spending. I’m sorry, but who cares about military spending as long as Obama is president? At the rate he’s going, Obama might use our military to attack England. In any event, about a week after Ryan scuttled McConnell’s historic budget cuts, Obama’s defense secretary announced plans to reduce the Army to its smallest force since before World War II. Good work, Paul! RIGHT-WING MOBS? SAY IT ISN’T SO, CONSERVATIVES!

Khrushchev was delighted to discover that the U.S. president was so “weak.” A Russian aide said the American president seemed “very inexperienced, even immature.” Seeing he was dealing with a naif, Khrushchev promptly sent missiles to Cuba. The Kennedy Myth Machine has somehow turned JFK’s handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis into a brilliant foreign policy coup. The truth is: (1) Russia would never have dared move missiles to Cuba had Khrushchev not realized that JFK was a nincompoop; and (2) it wasn’t a victory. In exchange for Russia’s laughably empty threats about Cuba, JFK removed our missiles from Turkey — a major retreat. As Khrushchev put it in his memoirs: “It would have been ridiculous for us to go to war over Cuba — for a country 12,000 miles away. For us, war was unthinkable. We ended up getting exactly what we’d wanted all along, security for Fidel Castro’s regime and American missiles removed from Turkey.” CRIMEA RIVER

Kennedy’s successor, Lyndon Johnson, famously escalated the war in Vietnam simply to prove that the Democrats could be trusted with national security. As historian David Halberstam describes it, LBJ “would talk to his closest political aides about the McCarthy days, of how Truman lost China and then the Congress and the White House and how, by God, Johnson was not going to be the president who lost Vietnam and then the Congress and the White House.” LBJ’s incompetent handling of that war allowed liberals to spend the next half-century denouncing every use of American military force as “another Vietnam.” CRIMEA RIVER

His most inspired strategic move was to abandon the Shah of Iran, a loyal U.S. ally, which gave rise to the global Islamofascist movement we’re still dealing with today. By allowing the Shah to be overthrown by the Ayatollah Khomeini in February 1979, Carter handed Islamic crazies their first state. Before the end of the year, the Islamic lunatics had taken 52 Americans hostage in Tehran, where they remained for 444 days. CRIMEA RIVER

Bill Clinton’s masterful handling of foreign policy was such a catastrophe that he had to deploy his national security adviser, Sandy Berger, to steal classified documents from the National Archives in 2003 to avoid their discovery by the 9/11 commission. Twice, when Clinton was president, Sudan had offered to turn over bin Laden to the U.S. But, unfortunately, these offers came in early 1996 when Clinton was busy ejaculating on White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Clinton rebuffed Sudan’s offers. According to Michael Scheuer, who ran the bin Laden unit at the CIA for many years, Clinton was given eight to 10 chances to kill or capture bin Laden but refused to act, despite bin Laden’s having murdered hundreds of Americans in terrorist attacks around the world. Would that one of those opportunities had arisen on the day of Clinton’s scheduled impeachment! Instead of pointlessly bombing Iraq, he might have finally taken out bin Laden. CRIMEA RIVER

By Bush’s last year in office, monthly casualties in Iraq were coming in slightly below a weekend with Justin Bieber. In 2008, there were more than three times as many homicides in Chicago as U.S. troop deaths in the Iraq War. (Chicago: 509; Iraq: 155). CRIMEA RIVER

Apparently, increasing the minimum wage was not important for American workers during the first five years of Obama’s presidency — least of all his first two years, when Democrats controlled Congress and could have passed anything. (And did!) No. The minimum wage did not become a pressing concern until an election year in which the public’s hatred of Obamacare is expected to be the central issue. RAISE THE MINIMUM WAGE TO $14 AN HOUR USING THIS ONE WEIRD TRICK!

To most people, it seems as if the Democrats are giving workers something for nothing. But there are always tradeoffs. No serious economist denies that increasing the minimum wage will cost jobs. If it’s not worth paying someone $10 an hour to do something, the job will be eliminated — or it simply won’t be created. RAISE THE MINIMUM WAGE TO $14 AN HOUR USING THIS ONE WEIRD TRICK!

The minimum wage is the perfect Democratic issue. It will screw the very people it claims to help, while making Democrats look like saviors of the working class, either by getting them a higher wage or providing them with generous government benefits when they lose their jobs because of the mandatory wage hike. RAISE THE MINIMUM WAGE TO $14 AN HOUR USING THIS ONE WEIRD TRICK!

Since the late 1960s, the Democrats have been dumping about a million low-skilled immigrants on the country every year, driving down wages, especially at the lower end of the spectrum. According to Harvard economist George Borjas, our immigration policies have reduced American wages by $402 billion a year — while increasing profits for employers by $437 billion a year. (That’s minus what they have to pay to the government in taxes to support their out-of-work former employees. Of course, we’re all forced to share that tax burden.) RAISE THE MINIMUM WAGE TO $14 AN HOUR USING THIS ONE WEIRD TRICK!

Or, as the White House puts it on its website promoting an increase in the minimum wage, “Today, the real value of the minimum wage has fallen by nearly one-third since its peak in 1968.” Why were wages so high until 1968? Because that’s when Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 Immigration Act kicked in, bringing in about a million immigrants a year, almost 90 percent of them unskilled workers from the Third World. RAISE THE MINIMUM WAGE TO $14 AN HOUR USING THIS ONE WEIRD TRICK!

Having artificially created a glut of low-wage workers, now Democrats want to artificially raise their wages. It’s win-win-win-win-win for Democrats. Employees who get a higher minimum wage are grateful to the Democrats. Employees who lose their jobs because of the minimum wage hike are grateful to the Democrats for generous government handouts. Poor immigrants who need government benefits are grateful to the Democrats. American businesses enjoying the deluge of cheap labor are grateful to the Democrats. Democratic politicians guaranteed re-election by virtue of ethnic bloc voting are grateful to the Democrats. RAISE THE MINIMUM WAGE TO $14 AN HOUR USING THIS ONE WEIRD TRICK!

Australia has a $15 minimum wage for adults — more than twice the U.S. minimum wage. Meanwhile, their official unemployment rate is lower than ours: 6 percent compared to 6.6 percent in the U.S. — and that’s with a lousy $7.25 minimum wage. Sound good? Try immigrating there. Australia has some of the most restrictive immigration policies in the world. Their approach to immigration is to admit only people who will be good for Australia. (Weird!) Applicants are evaluated on a point system that gives preference to youth, English proficiency, education and skill level. Similarly, New Zealand will soon have an official minimum wage of $14.25 for adults. Even our Democrats aren’t proposing that! New Zealand’s minimum wage hit $10.10 — the Democrats’ current proposal for us — back in 2006. Their unemployment rate is also 6 percent — up from several years of 4 percent unemployment a few years ago. Like Australia, New Zealand’s immigration laws are based on helping New Zealand, not on helping other countries get rid of their poor people, which is our policy. RAISE THE MINIMUM WAGE TO $14 AN HOUR USING THIS ONE WEIRD TRICK!

Liberals are winning wild praise for their candor in admitting problems with Obamacare. It shows you the level of honesty people have come to expect of our liberal friends. Now, liberals are applauded for not lying through their teeth about something. NEW OBAMA PROMISE: IF YOU LIKE YOUR LIFE, YOU CAN KEEP IT

The New York Times has described Obama’s repeated claim that you could keep your insurance plan and keep your doctor under Obamacare as a mere slip of the tongue: “Mr. Obama clearly misspoke when he said that.” Misspoke? How exactly does one misspeak, word for word, dozens of times, over and over again? That wasn’t misspeaking — it was a deliberate, necessary lie. Even Democrats couldn’t have voted for Obamacare if Americans had known the truth. It was absolutely vital for Obama to lie about people being able to keep their insurance and their doctors. NEW OBAMA PROMISE: IF YOU LIKE YOUR LIFE, YOU CAN KEEP IT

Apart from those who are subsidized, everyone pays the exact same amount in penalties or insurance premiums for his age group. It doesn’t matter if you don’t make as much money as Bill Gates. Any 58-year-old male who doesn’t qualify for a subsidy will pay the same Obamacare tax as Gates. Our extremely progressive tax system, where nearly half the country pays no income tax at all, and the other half pays about 40 percent of their income, may not be fair. But most people also don’t think it’s fair to tax a guy making $80,000 a year the identical amount as one making $80 million a year. That’s exactly what Obamacare does. NEW OBAMA PROMISE: IF YOU LIKE YOUR LIFE, YOU CAN KEEP IT

This ruthless assault on the middle class is all so we can have a health care system more like every other country has. Until now, the United States has had the highest survival rates in the world for heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Cancer comparisons are the most useful because all Western countries keep careful records for this disease. For all types of cancers, European men have only a 47.3 percent five-year survival rate, compared to a 66.3 percent survival rate for American men. European women have only a 55.8 percent chance of being alive five years after being diagnosed with any type of cancer, compared to 62.9 percent of American women. American survival rates for breast, prostate, thyroid and skin cancer are higher than 90 percent. Europeans do not have a 90 percent survival rate for one of those cancers. The European rates are even worse than they sound because many cancers are not discovered until the victim’s death — twice as many as in the U.S. All those cancers were excluded from the study. Canadian cancer survival rates aren’t much better than the European rates — and they’ve been able to sneak into to the U.S. for treatment! Women in the U.S. have a 61 percent survival rate for all cancers, compared to a 58 percent survival rate in Canada. Men in the U.S. have a 57 percent survival rate compared to 53 percent in Canada. NEW OBAMA PROMISE: IF YOU LIKE YOUR LIFE, YOU CAN KEEP IT

With all the smirking on the left about their electoral victories, it’s important to remember that Democrats haven’t won the hearts and minds of the American people. They changed the people. If you pour vinegar into a bottle of wine, the wine didn’t turn, you poured vinegar into it. Similarly, liberals changed no minds. They added millions of new liberal voters through immigration. – DID I MOVE?

Apart from the fact that protecting children from the mistakes of their parents has not the slightest connection with the nation’s founding, it’s a ridiculous concept. Yes, children suffer when their parents break the law. Also when their parents get divorced, become alcoholics, don’t read to them at night, feed them junk food and take them to Justin Bieber concerts. None of that is the child’s fault. But it’s not the country’s fault either. If we have to excuse lawbreaking so as not to “punish the children,” there’s no end to the crimes that have to be forgiven — insider trading, theft, rape, murder and so on. How do you think kids feel when their father has to “live in the shadows” because he committed a rape? The kids did nothing wrong, but they have to go to bed every night wondering: Is tomorrow the day Dad is going to be caught? – DID I MOVE?

We’re living in a different country now, and I can’t recall moving! Had I wanted to live in Japan, I could have moved there. Had I wanted to live in Mexico, Pakistan or Chechnya — I could have moved to those places, too. (Although maybe not. They all have stricter immigration policies than we do.) – DID I MOVE?

By sheer coincidence, that was Christie’s job at the 2012 Republican National Convention. As the keynote speaker, it was his assignment to “deliver a knockout blow” to Obama. Let’s see how he did… The guy whose role it was to attack the president mentioned Obama exactly one time. Once. And even then, not by name. Here is Christie the Lion-Hearted taking the fight to Obama: “You see, Mr. President, real leaders do not follow polls. Real leaders change polls.” And that’s how Christie bravely threw down the gauntlet to Obama on Obamacare, on skyrocketing unemployment, on crony capitalism, on astronomical government spending and so on. He said: “Real leaders do not follow polls.” A BRIDGE TOO FAR-FETCHED

Accusing a politician of following polls is the biggest cliche in politics after “He’s dividing us!” In Obama’s case, it isn’t even true. Would that he followed polls! If he did, we never would have gotten Obamacare. A BRIDGE TOO FAR-FETCHED

And it’s not just one godawful speech. Christie’s daily checklist appears to consist of two items: (1) Suck up to liberals. (2) Ask waiter for more bread. After a 30-minute conversation with Sen. Chuck Schumer last fall, Christie capitulated to the Democrats’ need for 30 million more voters by directing his temporary Senate appointee to vote for the Schumer-Rubio amnesty bill. Schumer considered Christie so impotent that he immediately leaked the news that he had buffaloed Christie on amnesty in a single phone call. A BRIDGE TOO FAR-FETCHED

Taking a page from John McCain, the main targets of Christie’s wrath are his fellow Republicans. This has won him the respect of his most crucial constituency, liberal journalists, who have been precisely as loyal to him as they were to McCain. A BRIDGE TOO FAR-FETCHED

Immigrants — all immigrants — have always been the bulwark of the Democratic Party. For one thing, recent arrivals tend to be poor and in need of government assistance. Also, they’re coming from societies that are far more left-wing than our own. History shows that, rather than fleeing those policies, they bring their cultures with them. (Look at what New Yorkers did to Vermont.) This is not a secret. For at least a century, there’s never been a period when a majority of immigrants weren’t Democrats. GOP CRAFTS PLAN TO WRECK THE COUNTRY, LOSE VOTERS

Thanks to endless polling, we have a pretty good idea of what most immigrants believe. According to a Harris poll, 81 percent of native-born citizens think the schools should teach students to be proud of being American. Only 50 percent of naturalized U.S. citizens do. While 67 percent of native-born Americans believe our Constitution is a higher legal authority than international law, only 37 percent of naturalized citizens agree. No wonder they vote 2-1 for the Democrats. GOP CRAFTS PLAN TO WRECK THE COUNTRY, LOSE VOTERS

How are Republicans going to square that circle? It’s not their position on amnesty that immigrants don’t like; it’s Republicans’ support for small government, gun rights, patriotism, the Constitution and capitalism. Reading these statistics, does anyone wonder why Democrats think vastly increasing immigration should be the nation’s No. 1 priority? It would be one thing if the people with these views already lived here. Republicans would have no right to say, “You can’t vote.” But why on Earth are they bringing in people sworn to their political destruction? GOP CRAFTS PLAN TO WRECK THE COUNTRY, LOSE VOTERS

Yes, it’s great for the most powerful Americans to have lots of cheap, unskilled labor. Immigration definitely solves the rich’s “servant problem.” (Approximately 5 million times a day, MSNBC expresses bewilderment that any Republicans oppose amnesty when it’s supported by the Chamber of Commerce. Wow! So even people who profit by flooding the country with cheap labor are in favor of flooding the country with cheap labor!) GOP CRAFTS PLAN TO WRECK THE COUNTRY, LOSE VOTERS

She claims she was raised by a single mother, went to work at age 14 to support her family, became a single mother herself in her teens, and then — by sheer pluck and determination — pulled herself out of the trailer park to graduate from Harvard Law School! The truth is less coal-miner’s daughter than gold-digger who found a sugar daddy to raise her kids and pay for her education... Just a few years after her first divorce, Wendy was on the make, asking to date Jeff Davis, a rich lawyer 13 years her senior, who frequented her father’s dinner club. In short order, they married and had a child together. The next thing Jeff Davis knew, he was paying off her college tuition, raising their kids by himself and taking out a loan to send her to Harvard Law School. (Feminists rushed to the stores to buy the shoes Davis wore during her famous filibuster. I’d like the shoes she was wearing when she met her sugar daddy.).. Mr. Davis told the Dallas Morning News that Wendy dumped him as soon as he had finished paying off her Harvard Law School loan. “It was ironic,” he said. “I made the last payment, and it was the next day she left.” In his defense, a lot of people are confused about the meaning of “ironic.” That’s not “ironic.” Rather, it’s what we call: “entirely predictable.” THE HEROISM OF WENDY DAVIS

The reason Wendy Davis’ apocryphal story was impressive is that single mothers have to run a household, take care of kids and provide for a family all by themselves. But Wendy was neither supporting her kids, nor raising them. If someone else is taking care of your kids and paying your tuition, that’s not amazing. Hey — maybe Jeff Davis should run for governor! He’s the one who raised two kids, including a stepdaughter, while holding down a job and paying for his wife’s law school. There’s a hard-luck story! THE HEROISM OF WENDY DAVIS

In his petition for divorce, Mr. Davis accused his wife of adultery. The court made no finding on infidelity, but awarded him full custody of their underage child and ordered Wendy to pay child support. Wendy boasted to the Dallas Morning News: “I very willingly, as part of my divorce settlement, paid child support.” Would a divorced dad get a medal for saying that? THE HEROISM OF WENDY DAVIS

In response to Wayne Slater’s faux-“expose,” naturally Davis put out a statement denouncing … her probable Republican opponent, Greg Abbott. Again, Slater wrote the story. But Davis blathered on, blaming Abbott for the Dallas Morning News story and complaining that he hasn’t “walked a day in my shoes.” About that she’s certainly right. Greg Abbott could never walk a day in her shoes or anyone else’s. He’s a paraplegic confined to a wheelchair. I guess Wendy could teach him a lot about suffering. THE HEROISM OF WENDY DAVIS

Back in November 1987, 15-year-old Tawana Brawley was found curled up inside a plastic bag in an apartment building parking lot. She had feces and racist graffiti all over her body, her clothing was torn and burned, and she was apparently unconscious. When she emerged from her (fake) unconsciousness, she claimed she had been held captive in the woods for several days, while being raped and beaten by six white men, including policemen and the local prosecutor. The story being utterly preposterous, every law enforcement agency in the universe was called in to investigate — the FBI, local, county and state police. Gov. Mario Cuomo directed the state attorney general, Robert Abrams, to investigate Brawley’s claims. MSNBC’s Al Sharpton was one of Brawley’s “advisers” throughout this massively expensive investigation, along with lawyers Alton Maddox and C. Vernon Mason — both later disbarred. Eight months and 1.3 million taxpayer dollars later (in today’s dollars), the purported attack was exposed as a complete fraud. It turned out that Brawley made up the gang-rape story to avoid explaining to her volatile stepfather why she hadn’t come home for four nights straight. IS CHRIS CHRISTIE LESS BELIEVABLE THAN TAWANA BRAWLEY?

investigators found charred fibers matching the burnt clothes Brawley had been found in, the source of the material that had been stuffed in her nose and ears, and the feces that had been smeared on her. Investigators even identified the dog whose feces it was. Her dirty clothes were still in a washing machine in the building. IS CHRIS CHRISTIE LESS BELIEVABLE THAN TAWANA BRAWLEY?

At no point did Sharpton question Brawley’s story or urge her to recant. To the contrary, as the case fell apart, Sharpton’s demagoguery rose to Olympian heights. He branded Abrams “Hitler,” called Gov. Mario Cuomo a racist, and demanded that Cuomo appoint Maddox special prosecutor on the case. (It was a reasonable request: Maddox had accused Abrams of masturbating to photos of Brawley.) Even in 1997 — a decade after Brawley’s story had been proved a hoax beyond a scintilla of a doubt — Sharpton arranged for her to give a speech to his United African Movement at a Brooklyn church. I find it hard to believe that Al Sharpton did not know Brawley was lying about being raped by a Nazi cult on the Wappingers Falls police force. IS CHRIS CHRISTIE LESS BELIEVABLE THAN TAWANA BRAWLEY?

Lots of people were irreparably harmed because of Sharpton’s outrageous conduct. There was the falsely accused prosecutor, Steve Pagones, whose life was ruined by Sharpton’s monstrous accusations. There was Bill Cosby and Mike Tyson, who embarrassed themselves by briefly believing Sharpton. (Imagine how rare and difficult it is for Mike Tyson to experience embarrassment!) There was the Wappingers Falls police officer, Harry Crist Jr., who committed suicide a few days after Brawley was found in the plastic bag — and was immediately accused of being one of Brawley’s rapists by Al Sharpton. (It was later determined that he had committed suicide after failing the test to become a state trooper for the last time.) How do you think his parents felt having their dead son accused of gang-rape in the wake of his tragic suicide?… As a matter of basic decency, Al Sharpton should never be allowed to accuse anyone of wrongdoing, especially about who knew what when. IS CHRIS CHRISTIE LESS BELIEVABLE THAN TAWANA BRAWLEY?

But why limit the list of Sharpton’s victims to the facts? Let’s take a page from MSNBC, and posit a series of “What if?” speculations. What if there were women who were raped, families whose homes were burglarized and children who got lost on their way to school and froze to death because the entire law enforcement apparatus of New York State was busy working the non-existent rape case?. IS CHRIS CHRISTIE LESS BELIEVABLE THAN TAWANA BRAWLEY?

Most immigration polls are variations on the one taken by the liberal Brookings Institution last March. Although it has been endlessly cited for allegedly showing that a majority of Americans support amnesty, the poll never asked about amnesty, or any real policy. Rather, the poll gave respondents only two options, neither of which have been proposed by either political party or are up for a vote anywhere in America. The options were: “The best way to solve the country’s illegal immigration problem is to secure our borders and arrest and deport all those who are here illegally”; Or: “The best way to solve the country’s illegal immigration problem is to both secure our borders and provide an earned path to citizenship for illegal immigrants already in the U.S.” – COULD WE GET SOME IMMIGRANTS WHO CAN TAKE A POLL?

All the “path to legalization” polls play the same trick. Either armed men round up millions of women and children at midnight, put them in leg irons and immediately deport them on stinky buses; or we offer them a “path to legalization” after meeting all sorts of onerous requirements (none of which will ever materialize). – COULD WE GET SOME IMMIGRANTS WHO CAN TAKE A POLL?

An even more honest immigration poll question would ask: At a time of massive unemployment, do you think people who have knowingly broken our laws and come here illegally with their families since the last amnesty should be rewarded with citizenship, or should they voluntarily go back the same way they came? – COULD WE GET SOME IMMIGRANTS WHO CAN TAKE A POLL?

Last year, the TechCrunch website polled this question: “Do you support or oppose deporting the 11 million undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S.?” Again: NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT DEPORTATION. We didn’t round up 11 million foreigners to get them here, and we’re not going to round them up to send them home. They’ll leave the same way they came. But even answering a stacked poll question asking about something no one has proposed — deportation — a majority of respondents, 53.4 percent, supported deportation, compared to 42 percent opposed. Among Republicans, 74.1 percent favored deportation, with only 22.3 percent opposed. – COULD WE GET SOME IMMIGRANTS WHO CAN TAKE A POLL?

YEAR 2013:

Instead of the government censoring speech, what we have is shock troops of liberal agitators demanding people’s heads for the slightest divergence from Officially Approved Liberal Opinion. THE ANUS MONOLOGUES

But liberals can’t grasp that God is not our imaginary friend, who says whatever we want Him to say, when we want Him to say it. (I promise you, except for venereal disease and eternal damnation, life would be a lot more fun if we were making it up as we went along.)… True, God created the universe and every living thing, but liberals think they can improve on His work.THE ANUS MONOLOGUES

The lake of fire and burning sulfur (Revelation 21:8) may not sound like a day at the beach, but judging by their hysterical attack on Robertson, our new earthly gods are a lot less forgiving than the real God.THE ANUS MONOLOGUES

Gays have gone from being the bullied to the bullies — a modern American phenomenon detailed in my book “Guilty: Liberal Victims and Their Assault on America.” Yes, we know you used to be unfairly victimized. But being beaten up for being gay is simply not the same as having to endure hearing someone opine that anal sex isn’t his cup of tea. THE ANUS MONOLOGUES

A&E didn’t dare cross the gays, never anticipating that the Robertson family wouldn’t back down — and the rest of the country wouldn’t, either. Even non-Christians can have only contempt for the network’s utter cravenness in suspending Robertson for stating basic Christian doctrine. THE ANUS MONOLOGUES

Despite modern perceptions that blend all the black activists of the ’60s, the Black Panthers did not hate whites. They did not seek armed revolution (although some of their most high-profile leaders were drug dealers and murderers). Those were the precepts of Karenga’s United Slaves. United Slaves were proto-fascists, walking around in dashikis, gunning down Black Panthers and adopting invented “African” names. (That was a huge help to the black community: Three of the four suspects recently arrested for the fatal carjacking at the Short Hills, N.J., mall were named Basim, Hanif and Karif.) KWANZAA: THE HOLIDAY BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE FBI

It’s as if David Duke invented a holiday called “Anglika,” which he based on the philosophy of Mein Kampf — and clueless public school teachers began celebrating the made-up, racist holiday. KWANZAA: THE HOLIDAY BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE FBI

In one barbarous outburst, Karenga’s United Slaves shot to death two Black Panthers on the UCLA campus: Al “Bunchy” Carter and John Huggins. Karenga himself served time, a useful stepping-stone for his current position as a black studies professor at California State University at Long Beach. KWANZAA: THE HOLIDAY BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE FBI

Karenga’s invented holiday is a nutty blend of schmaltzy ’60s rhetoric, black racism and Marxism. The seven principles of Kwanzaa are the very same seven principles of the Symbionese Liberation Army, another innovation of the Worst Generation. In 1974, Patricia Hearst, kidnap victim-cum-SLA revolutionary, posed next to the banner of her alleged captors, a seven-headed cobra. Each snake head stood for one of the SLA’s revolutionary principles: Umoja, Kujichagulia, Ujima, Ujamaa, Nia, Kuumba and Imani — the exact same seven “principles” of Kwanzaa. KWANZAA: THE HOLIDAY BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE FBI

It’s fantastic that we caught the Boston Marathon bombers, but why don’t Republicans fix an immigration system that brings foreign terrorists and mass murderers to our country? Let the Democrats explain why we couldn’t make room for a Danish surgeon because we needed another Chechnyan terrorist. MENTAL HEALTH LAWS ARE TROUBLE FOR DEMOCRATS

All these shootings are united by one clear thread: They all were committed by visibly crazy people, known to be nuts but not institutionalized. Mental illness was blindingly clear in the cases of Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech), Maj. Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood), Jared Loughner (Arizona shopping mall), James Holmes (Colorado movie theater), and a dozen other mass shootings in the past few decades. MENTAL HEALTH LAWS ARE TROUBLE FOR DEMOCRATS

But in every instance, Democrats’ response was: Let’s ban high-capacity magazines! Let’s limit private gun sales! Let’s publish the names of everyone who owns a registered gun! Mass shootings don’t correlate with any of these things. They correlate with not locking up crazy people. We’re not worried about school kids being systematically gunned down by angry husbands, gang members or antique gun collectors. We’re worried about a psychotic showing up in a public place and shooting everyone in sight. MENTAL HEALTH LAWS ARE TROUBLE FOR DEMOCRATS

Fixating on guns after a crazy person commits mass murder is like draining the ocean to find a ring you dropped. MENTAL HEALTH LAWS ARE TROUBLE FOR DEMOCRATS

Liberals can take the position that crazy people living on the street and filling up our prisons and homeless shelters are a necessary evil that is a consequence of their idee fixe. But then, when one of their pet victims shoots up a movie theater, they don’t get to blame it on guns. MENTAL HEALTH LAWS ARE TROUBLE FOR DEMOCRATS

In every one of these mass shootings, there was someone in a position to say before the attack, “Trust me, this person is a psycho.” Try getting Jared Loughner or James Holmes through any mental illness hearing in which they’re required to speak. (Though both might end up being offered their own shows on MSNBC.) MENTAL HEALTH LAWS ARE TROUBLE FOR DEMOCRATS

At some point in the 1980s, not being “judgmental” became the highest form of virtue — although the left is plenty judgmental about things they don’t like, such as white males, smokers, Christianity, Wal-Mart, Fox News, talk radio and NASCAR. MENTAL HEALTH LAWS ARE TROUBLE FOR DEMOCRATS

To avoid singling out gays, the government and media lied to Americans for a decade about the coming explosion of heterosexual AIDS. (We’re still waiting.) MENTAL HEALTH LAWS ARE TROUBLE FOR DEMOCRATS

These anti-stigmatization rules don’t even help the people they claim to be protecting. But defending ridiculous rules that ruin things for everyone else makes liberals feel heroic. MENTAL HEALTH LAWS ARE TROUBLE FOR DEMOCRATS

Accustomed to playing the role of Soviet commissar censoring the news when it comes to black violence, the Non-Fox Media are in a panic now that the alternative media can post videos of young black males punching out random strangers. WORDS WITH FIENDS

A 78-year-old woman is punched by a young black male for no reason, and the Times’ central point is: “Perp says it’s not a ‘game.'” Similarly, in Philadelphia magazine, Stephen Silver said of two recent knockout attacks in Philadelphia that he wasn’t counting either one as “confirmed cases of the Knockout Game” on the grounds that the puncher said he “was not participating in the Game.” Until the assailants admit they’re playing a game, liberals say the Knockout Game is a “hoax.” WORDS WITH FIENDS

As Sgt. Tom Connellan of Syracuse, N.Y., patiently explained to the Times, it’s called a “game” because there is no other motive for these attacks. They’re not done for vengeance, robbery, gang initiations or payback. Strangers are being punched out strictly for amusement. Also, there are rules. You get only one punch to knock someone out. WORDS WITH FIENDS

The Times even helped push the bogus idea in the 1990s that black church burnings were a “trend” — which turned out to be a complete lie. This led to one of Bill Clinton’s more colorful lies, about his “vivid and painful” memories of black church burnings in Arkansas in his youth. (After a massive investigation involving the state historian, the Arkansas NAACP, the Regular Arkansas Baptist Convention and the Arkansas Black History Advisory Committee, it turned out no black churches had been burned in Arkansas.) WORDS WITH FIENDS

But the Times questions the idea that the knockout assaults are a “trend” — in an article citing three recent knockout attacks in New York City, as well as “sporadic reports” of knockout attacks in one single neighborhood in Brooklyn. Nonetheless, the Times triumphantly noted that there have been no knockout attacks in Jersey City — and only one in Hoboken! Back in 2012, three prominent people talked about Hula-Hooping, and the Times branded it a “trend.” It did so without first checking to see if anyone was Hula-Hooping in Jersey City or Hoboken. Here are a few words I’m sure liberals do understand: Your days of controlling the news are over. WORDS WITH FIENDS

The left’s leading line of defense against the Knockout Game is to argue that young black males have always been violent, so, hey, this is nothing new. You’re welcome, black America! LIBERALS TALK RACE AND CRIME – AND HILARITY ENSUES!

In Slate, Emma Roller wearily recounted other episodes of black-on-white violence in order to announce: “The ‘Knockout Game’ is a myth.” Reminiscing about the flash mobs that shook many parts of the country a few years ago, Roller wrote: “I remember the summer of 2011, a story about a crowd of (black) teenagers at the Wisconsin State Fair randomly attacking fairgoers went viral as a sign of a burgeoning race war.” So you see, stupid right-wingers, young black males have always been violent, so what’s the big deal about the Knockout Game? Your honor, my client’s not a killer; he’s a serial killer. LIBERALS TALK RACE AND CRIME – AND HILARITY ENSUES!

1990, blacks committed 57 percent of all the violent crime against whites, while whites committed only 2 percent of the violent crime against blacks, according to the Department of Justice’s annual Victimization Report… At least since 1997 (I got bored and stopped looking any farther back) blacks have raped several thousand white women every year, while white-on-black rapes have numbered between “0.0” and “Sample based on 10 or fewer.” … According to the FBI, between 1976 and 2005, blacks, who are about 12 percent of the population, committed 53 percent of all felony murders and 56 percent of non-felony murders. The Centers for Disease Control recently reported that young black men are 14 times more likely to commit murder than young white men. White liberals know this. Blacks certainly know it. Despite the hoo-ha over George Zimmerman shooting Trayvon Martin, most black people’s experience is not that white vigilantes are shooting them. For every one of those, there are 1,000 black teens killing other black people. LIBERALS TALK RACE AND CRIME – AND HILARITY ENSUES!

In a particularly incomprehensible defense of black America in Mediaite, Tommy Christopher denounced the “sketchy” news reports of “the so-called ‘Knockout Game'” by citing the video of a group of black teenagers walking past teacher Jim Addlespurger, when one of the black teens steps from the group and knocks the teacher out cold, and then they all laugh about the assault as they continue walking. But Christopher helpfully notes that a cop said this “was just a random act of violence.” So don’t worry about the Knockout Game, white people — this is mostly just ordinary, everyday black-on-white violence. LIBERALS TALK RACE AND CRIME – AND HILARITY ENSUES!

Roller attributed public interest in a story about mobs of young black males attacking families at a state fair to white people’s need to validate their “fear” that black people are dangerous. (Milwaukeeans hardly even notice when mobs of whites surround their families at a state fair, punch them, kick them and smash their cars, while shouting racial slurs.) LIBERALS TALK RACE AND CRIME – AND HILARITY ENSUES!

But if liberals took the first step toward sanity and admitted that young black men commit an awful lot of violent crime, they might have to ask why that is. That’s a dangerous question for people who refuse to acknowledge the devastation of fatherless boys caused by liberal welfare policies. (See Chapter 6 of “Never Trust a Liberal Over 3” to see how the British welfare system has created the same social disaster among hordes of white people.) Unable to consider the obvious explanation — single-motherhood — liberals are left with nothing but genetic determinism. So liberals defend young black males from the charge of playing a Knockout Game by telling us young black men are always violent. Don’t worry, black America. White liberals have your back. LIBERALS TALK RACE AND CRIME – AND HILARITY ENSUES!

Back in September, The New York Times promoted Bill de Blasio’s mayoral candidacy with an editorial titled, “Don’t Fear the Squeegee Man.” The editorial informed readers that crime wouldn’t get worse under de Blasio because “policing is far better than it used to be, thanks to innovations by Mayor David Dinkins.” (Emphasis added — the Times was not being sarcastic.) Under the policing “innovations” of Mayor Dinkins, the annual murder rate in New York City rose to an all-time high of 2,245 in Dinkins’ first year in office. After four years of hard work, the murder rate had dropped by about 10 percent, to a merely astronomical 1,995 per year. IS IT TOO SOON TO SAY “I TOLD YOU SO”?

In Mayor Rudolph Giuliani’s very first year in office, the murder rate fell 20 percent. The Times acknowledged the dramatic drop in crime with an article titled, “New York City Crime Falls But Just Why Is a Mystery.” By Giuliani’s last year in office, there were only 714 murders in the entire city, a drop of 64 percent from Dinkins’ personal best. By continuing Giuliani’s aggressive crime policies, Mayor Michael Bloomberg got the murder rate for 2012 down to 419 in a city of 8 million people. IS IT TOO SOON TO SAY “I TOLD YOU SO”?

They have learned nothing and forgotten nothing. Liberal zealots view de Blasio as a breath of fresh air because he’s stuck in policies of the 1960s. That’s when Americans were assured by brain-dead liberals that if we could just improve criminals’ self-esteem, crime would disappear. You’ll see! The result? The violent crime rate quadrupled. We never got an apology on behalf of the tens of thousands of Americans who were murdered, maimed, raped and robbed as a direct result of liberal law enforcement strategies — much less the show trials these people deserved. IS IT TOO SOON TO SAY “I TOLD YOU SO”?

Mayor-elect de Blasio recently met with convicted criminals to get their views on policing policies. Wow! Look at de Blasio’s new ideas! The ex-cons actually complained to de Blasio that they don’t like being watched so much. IS IT TOO SOON TO SAY “I TOLD YOU SO”?

The left simply refuses to believe that locking up criminals has any effect on crime and insists we just need to explain to them that committing violent felonies is wrong. (New York Times headline from Aug. 10, 2000: “Number in Prison Grows Despite Crime Reduction.”) It’s strange because liberals totally understand cause-and-effect when it comes to … well, um, nothing. IS IT TOO SOON TO SAY “I TOLD YOU SO”?

Barsky claimed that the massively rich have been the primary beneficiaries of record-low crime rates in New York — “those who can actually afford its housing, attend concerts in Lincoln Center, eat in its fancy restaurants and pay for parking to boot.” That could be said only by someone who has never been the victim of a violent crime. Could someone please mug this guy? The rich in New York are always the last to experience a spike in crime. They might not even notice when the murder, rape and robbery rates go through the roof under de Blasio — for the very reasons Barsky names: They can afford expensive neighborhoods, paid parking and concerts at Lincoln Center. It’s the poor and middle-class New Yorkers, unprotected by doormen, chauffeurs and ticket-takers, who will be the first victims of de Blasio’s innovative new ideas on policing. The non-1 percent live in neighborhoods that aren’t the province of multimillionaires, with doormen standing guard every 15 yards. IS IT TOO SOON TO SAY “I TOLD YOU SO”?

What are conservatives doing demanding Baldwin’s head for calling some pestilential paparazzi a “c*ck-s*cking little f*g.” It is perfectly obvious Baldwin was just cursing the guy out with whatever bad words popped into his head, not engaging in “homophobia” against an actual gay person. Conservatives attacking Baldwin for his latest fit of (justified) anger are being small-time and shortsighted. You think this sets liberals back? They don’t care about Baldwin. You’re just reinforcing their worldview, where careers are ended over a word. ALEC BALDWIN VS. LIBERAL BULLIES

Liberals don’t mind abortion, sexual promiscuity, adultery, lying or criminal behavior. They save all their moral indignation for people who use politically incorrect words. ALEC BALDWIN VS. LIBERAL BULLIES

The same injustice was done to Clarence Thomas, when he was falsely accused by Anita Hill of sexual harassment. Although 70 percent of the public believed Hill was lying after watching the hearings, the media consensus was that Thomas must have done something to Hill, despite Hill being proved a liar over and over again. As Time magazine headlined its article on the case: “He Said, She Said.” No, it was: “He Said, She Lied.” Here’s a world exclusive for liberals: Sometimes women lie. This is the advantage aggressive bullies have over their victims. Even when the public can see that they are lunatics, they still manage to dirty up their prey. ALEC BALDWIN VS. LIBERAL BULLIES

I know people who were with Baldwin before he made that call. He had been working overtime all week on two TV shows, but instead of kicking back with friends when it was over, Baldwin went out of his way to keep a phone appointment with his daughter. She didn’t answer and he exploded, mostly at his wife, albeit via an angry message to his daughter. Baldwin’s voicemail was immediately released to the press by Basinger’s people. The court punished him for leaving the message. It did not punish Basinger for leaking it to the press. ALEC BALDWIN VS. LIBERAL BULLIES

Up and down the family law system, the deck is relentlessly stacked against men. There are state and federal laws against “deadbeat dads” — rigorously enforced — but judges rarely enforce a father’s visitation rights. This has real-life consequences. Feminists don’t care, just as they don’t care about the real-life consequences of women in combat, abortion on demand or insane sexual harassment rules. It’s only about their side winning. They’re for the Girl Team. ALEC BALDWIN VS. LIBERAL BULLIES

They bully men through feminist-designed divorce and sexual harassment laws —magically suspended in the case of President Clinton because liberals approved of his pro-abortion views. That isn’t the rule of law; it’s the rule of bullies. ALEC BALDWIN VS. LIBERAL BULLIES

In a weird confluence of the nation’s two most pressing issues — Obamacare and our insane immigration laws — this week we found out that the tens of thousands of “navigators” hired by the government to enroll people in Obamacare will include convicted felons. Despite some “navigators” having already been exposed as having arrest warrants against them, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has no plans to screen out the criminals. (But rest assured: If your identity is stolen as a result of trying to sign up for Obamacare, no one will be more upset about it than President Obama.)… Before Obamacare was even online, Minnesota’s health exchange emailed the Social Security numbers and other identifying information for about 2,400 Americans to a man applying to be a “navigator.” TO SPEAK TO A NIGERIAN PRINCE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH CARE, PRESS ‘1’ NOW

To much fanfare, in 2006 Medicare announced that only 7 percent of its payments were a result of fraud. Two years later, The New York Times reported that it was actually 31.5 percent — and that Medicare had aggressively hidden the fraud from outside auditors. Do you think a privately run insurance company would take three years to notice that one-third of its payouts had been obtained by fraud? But with federal programs, there’s a powerful incentive not to look for fraud. That would merely vindicate critics of big government! TO SPEAK TO A NIGERIAN PRINCE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH CARE, PRESS ‘1’ NOW

Wherever there’s a government program, there’s a gigantic opportunity for criminals. A staggering percentage of the health care workers scamming Medicare and Medicaid are foreign-born — much higher than their numbers in the medical profession generally.… None of the scammers should be foreigners! We can’t do anything about our native-born crooks, but why are we importing them? TO SPEAK TO A NIGERIAN PRINCE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH CARE, PRESS ‘1’ NOW

Under the law, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is to determine what every health insurance plan must cover — and any plans that don’t are illegal. As a result, gay guys are now going to be forced to buy plans that cover maternity care. Mormons will have to buy plans that cover gambling addiction therapy. Elderly couples can buy only insurance that includes pediatric dental care. Catholic hospitals will be required to provide birth control and abortions… Obviously, health insurance premiums are going through the roof with all these federal mandates. Michael Tanner of the Cato Institute reports that health insurance premiums will be higher than before Obamacare in at least 45 states — an astronomical 256 percent higher in some cases. HEALTH CARE FOR THE PUSHY

Policies are being canceled because your old plan — the one you shopped for and liked — is now illegal. It doesn’t cover Sandra Fluke’s dental dams. Obama is blaming the insurance companies for discontinuing policies that he made illegal. (At least he isn’t blaming the cancellations on a guy who put a movie trailer on the Internet this time.) HEALTH CARE FOR THE PUSHY

Isn’t it your basic duty as a caring human being to buy an expensive health care plan you don’t really want? Because who knows better about the health care needs of 310 million Americans than a smug gender-feminist? Certainly not you. And absolutely not your doctor. While campaigning for national health care, our “Conspiracy Theorist-in-Chief” repeatedly claimed that a doctor would rather amputate your foot or leg and make $50,000 than treat you for diabetes because “if that same diabetic ends up getting their foot amputated, that’s $30,000, $40,000, $50,000 — immediately the surgeon is reimbursed.” (Leaving aside Obama’s unwarranted slander against doctors, Medicare reimburses a surgeon $740 to $1,140 for a leg amputation.) HEALTH CARE FOR THE PUSHY

The best we can hope for is that influence-peddlers and government bureaucrats make wise decisions about our health care, just as they did with Solyndra, Social Security, public education and the Amtrak food service. Oops! (Only the government could lose billions of dollars with a monopoly.) From the people who brought you the Postal Service … here’s Obamacare! HEALTH CARE FOR THE PUSHY

And for what? Eighty-five percent of Americans were happy with their health care before Obamacare, according to the American Customer Satisfaction Index — higher than almost any other product or service polled, with even Amazon coming in at 88 percent satisfaction. Even uninsured Americans were as satisfied with their health care as Canadians were with their national health care. HEALTH CARE FOR THE PUSHY

No group of government bureaucrats can substitute for hundreds of millions of Americans making individual choices about their own lives and their own health. It would be as if the government took it upon itself to tell us whom to marry. Only someone who went to Harvard would think central planners should do that. The smart people in the Soviet Union tried to plan the nation’s agriculture, and the result was 50 years of “bad weather.” And they were dealing with inert objects — land, seeds and crops… Our central planners think they can direct something infinitely more complex than farmland: human beings and their individual health needs. HEALTH CARE FOR THE PUSHY

As a consequence, Democrats won the presidency, as well as huge majorities in Congress. The last time Democrats had controlled the presidency, the House and the Senate was 16 years earlier, back in 1993. Remember what they did back then? The very first thing? (No, Clinton masturbating on an intern came later.) That’s right: They tried to pass Hillarycare. Hillarycare went down in humiliating defeat, and the Democrats had to wait nearly two decades for the stars to be perfectly aligned again. Then, the very next time they had the presidency, the House and Senate, they went right back to national health care. (Notice that, in neither instance, was public opinion involved.) THANK THESE REPUBLICANS FOR OBAMACARE

Al Franken’s Senate seat is another one that should be on Republicans’ radar. He stole the 2008 election in Minnesota, going from a thousand votes down the day after the election to 300 votes up a few months later, after vast numbers of Franken votes kept being discovered in heavily Democratic districts. As economist John Lott pointed out at the time, the magical appearance of hundreds of new votes for Franken was a statistical impossibility. THANK THESE REPUBLICANS FOR OBAMACARE

The inability to distinguish Coleman and McConnell — and whomever else the conservative purists have in their maw — from Obamacare-ratifying Democrats is as insane as the left’s inability to distinguish Saddam’s rape rooms from the shortage of female CEOs in the U.S. THANK THESE REPUBLICANS FOR OBAMACARE

Republicans have exposed Democrats as hypocrites who are forcing the rest of the country to live under Obamacare, while shutting down the government rather than live under it themselves. HANG ONE, TO ENCOURAGE THE OTHERS

West Virginians heard Raese had homes in Palm Beach and Telluride and didn’t believe he was one of them. Political consultants heard he had homes in Palm Beach and Telluride and started shopping for Jaguars. HANG ONE, TO ENCOURAGE THE OTHERS

No major legislation has ever been passed like Obamacare — and I’m using the word “passed” pretty loosely. It became law without both houses ever voting on the same bill. (Say, is the Constitution considered “settled law”?) Not one Republican voted for it — and a lot of Democrats immediately wished they hadn’t… No law, certainly not one that fundamentally alters the role of the government, has ever been passed like this. But now, this greased-through, irregular law is relentlessly defended as “settled law” and “the law of the land”! (At least the parts that Obama hasn’t unconstitutionally waived — again, anybody know if the Constitution is “settled law”?) Wow — Obamacare sounds fantastic! Not only does Congress refuse to live under it, but its proponents’ strongest argument is that it’s “settled law!” IT DEPENDS ON WHAT THE MEANING OF ‘SETTLED LAW’ IS

Wasn’t “stop and frisk” “settled law”? Why yes, it was, upheld in 1996 by a New York appeals court in People v. Batista. But that settled law was recently overturned by a liberal judge in a case funded by George Soros… And how many dozens of states have expressly voted against gay marriage? Are we up to three dozen yet? But liberals consider repeated votes of the people merely an invitation to run to the courts to get the people’s will overturned. IT DEPENDS ON WHAT THE MEANING OF ‘SETTLED LAW’ IS

“Settled law” has nothing to do with it. When Republicans won’t give up on an issue, it is because they are defending the will of the people, not pushing some harebrained scheme cooked up by a small group of zealots and imposed on the nation by an activist judge or freak Congress. When Democrats refuse to give up on an issue, it’s against the will of the people with one party laughing, “Ha ha! We have 60 votes!” IT DEPENDS ON WHAT THE MEANING OF ‘SETTLED LAW’ IS

Americans didn’t ask for Obamacare, they don’t want it, but now their insurance premiums are going through the roof, their doctors aren’t accepting it, and their employers are moving them into part-time work or firing them to avoid the law’s mandates. Contrary to Obama’s promises, it turns out: You can’t keep your doctor, you can’t keep your insurance — you can’t even keep your job. In other words, it’s a typical government program, but this one wrecks your health care. DEMOCRATS TO AMERICA: WE OWN THE GOVERNMENT!

Merely to be eligible for millions of dollars in grants from the federal government under Obamacare, programs are required to meet racial, ethnic, gender, linguistic and sexual orientation quotas. (That’s going to make health care MUCH better!) DEMOCRATS TO AMERICA: WE OWN THE GOVERNMENT!

Finally, the Republicans voted to fully fund the government, but added a requirement that everyone live under Obamacare. No more special waivers for Congress and their staff, and no waivers for big business without the same waivers for individuals. Obama refused to negotiate and Senate Democrats refused to vote on it. So as you can see, Republicans are the big holdup here… Needless to say, they absolutely will not consider the Republicans’ demand that Democrats merely live under Obamacare themselves. DEMOCRATS TO AMERICA: WE OWN THE GOVERNMENT!

A longtime Democratic operative, Karen Finney, explained the Democrats’ intransigence on MSNBC to a delighted Joan Walsh (aka the most easily fooled person on TV) by comparing House Republicans to a teenager trying to borrow his mother’s car. “No, I’m not negotiating!” Mother says. “It’s MY CAR!” This wasn’t a stupid slip of the tongue that other Democrats quickly corrected. Finney had used the exact same metaphor to a panel of highly agreeable MSNBC guests the day before. (MSNBC books no other kind of guest.) Liberals think the government is their car and the people’s representatives are obstreperous teenagers trying to borrow it. The government. Which belongs to Democrats. DEMOCRATS TO AMERICA: WE OWN THE GOVERNMENT!

If you are in the minority of Americans not already unalterably opposed to Obamacare, keep in mind that the only reason the government is shut down right now is that Democrats refuse to fund the government if they are required to live under Obamacare. That’s how good it is! DEMOCRATS TO AMERICA: WE OWN THE GOVERNMENT!

It may seem counterintuitive that a TV show about a meth cook could have a conservative theme, much less a Christian one, but that’s because people think Christian movies are supposed to have camels — or a “Little House on the Prairie” cast. READ THE BIBLE! It’s chockablock with gore, incest, jealousy, murder, love and hate. Because the Bible tells the truth, the lessons are eternal — which also marks the difference between great literature and passing amusements. Recall that even Jesus usually made his points with stories. ‘BREAKING BAD’: A CHRISTIAN PARABLE

Proving that everyone hates it, Congress has now exempted itself from Obamacare’s provisions, having asked for, and received, a waiver from President Obama. Yes, these are the exact same politicians who lecture us that Obamacare is “the law of the land!”… They are the same sanctimonious frauds who tell us that Obamacare is “the right thing to do!” Those guys waived Obamacare for themselves. If national health care is so great, why don’t they want it? CRUZ CONTROL SHOULD BE STANDARD ON GOP MODELS

In every single category of Crap Forced On the Country by the Left, liberals always have a work-around for themselves. They love the public schools and denounce school choice — but their kids go to St. Albans or Sidwell Friends… Liberals are always eager to release criminals and block crucial crime-fighting strategies such as stop-and-frisk — which they announce from the safety of their antiseptic, crime-free neighborhoods. They love the homeless, but try putting a homeless shelter in their doorman buildings. They tell us guns won’t protect us — and then we find out the loudest of them all have armed guards… Are you beginning to see the pattern? Liberals love affirmative action — provided their offspring still get into Harvard, Yale or Princeton… Class warriors Warren Buffett and the Nation magazine’s Katrina vanden Heuvel hired phalanxes of lawyers to fight the IRS when informed they weren’t paying the government what they owed. George Soros and the Kennedy family stash their money in offshore accounts, safe from U.S. taxation. Liberals also strongly support every manner of environmental regulation — unless it blocks the view from the Kennedy compound. In deference to Teddy Kennedy’s ferocious opposition to wind farms off the coast of Cape Cod, the federal government reduced the number of turbines, moved them farther off the coast and ordered them painted white to blend in with the view. CRUZ CONTROL SHOULD BE STANDARD ON GOP MODELS

the number of mass shootings has skyrocketed from 4 per year, between 1900 and 1970, to 29 per year since then. Something seems to have gone horribly wrong right around 1970. What could it be? Was it the introduction of bell-bottoms? That date happens to correlate precisely with when the country began throwing the mentally ill out of institutions in 1969. Your memory of there not being as many mass murders a few decades ago is correct. Your memory of there not being as many homeless people a few decades ago is also correct. But liberals won’t allow the dangerous mentally ill to be committed to institutions against their will. (The threat of commitment is very persuasive in getting disturbed individuals to take their medicine.) CRAZIER THAN LIBERALS

In 1972 and 1973, paranoid schizophrenic Herb Mullin went on a killing spree in California that left 13 dead, including a 72-year-old World War I veteran, a college coed, four teenaged campers and a mother with her two little boys, murdered as they played with marbles. Mullin killed his victims with a baseball bat, knives, his fists, as well as with guns. How’s your “high-capacity” magazine ban going to stop that, Democrats? How would piling on yet more gun control laws have helped the priest whom Herb Mullin beat, kicked and stabbed to death? What about the elderly boarders that Dorothea Puente — diagnosed with schizophrenia — poisoned and buried in her backyard? What additional gun restrictions would have helped the group of bicyclists Linda Scates intentionally drove her car into because voices were telling her to “kill the demons”? CRAZIER THAN LIBERALS

Taking guns away from the mentally stable only makes us less safe: Even psychotics know enough to keep choosing “Gun-Free Zones” for their mass murders. CRAZIER THAN LIBERALS

Democrats are gung-ho about deploying the U.S. military provided only that it will harm the national security interests of the United States, but vehemently oppose interventions that serve American interests. Republican President Dwight Eisenhower, the supreme commander of the Allied forces in World War II, said he could conceive of no greater tragedy than the U.S. getting heavily involved in Vietnam. He sent aid to the anti-communist forces, but no troops. Democratic President John F. Kennedy sent troops. But in short order he was conniving to assassinate South Vietnamese president Ngo Dinh Diem — also known as “our ally in the middle of the war.” JFK’s brother, the Democratic attorney general, actually suggested that Americans donate blood to the North Vietnamese — or “our enemy” — as a gesture of good will… Kennedy’s successor, Lyndon B. Johnson, escalated the war in Vietnam in order to prove that Democrats could be trusted with national defense. Which they cannot. SYRIAL LOSERS

When Islamic fundamentalists staged a revolution in Iran, Carter refused to come to the aid of the shah, a staunch American ally. Liberals praised Ayatollah Khomeini to the skies — Carter’s U.N. ambassador Andrew Young, Princeton’s Richard Falk and LBJ attorney general Ramsey Clark all assured us that life would be peachy under him. What could go wrong? The ayatollah had barely seized power when Islamic lunatics took 52 Americans hostage in Tehran, where they remained for 444 days, until Carter was safely removed from office. By giving Islamic fanatics their first nation-state, Carter produced the global Islamofascist movement we’re still dealing with today. SYRIAL LOSERS

For absolutely no reason, with no objective and no concept of “victory,” Barack Obama came into office and massively escalated the number of troops in Afghanistan. When Bush left office, there had been only about 625 U.S. troop fatalities in the entire course of the Afghanistan War. Obama has quadrupled that to nearly 2,300 troop deaths today. For no purpose whatsoever — no purpose, that is, other than fulfilling Obama’s idiotic campaign talking point about Afghanistan being a “war of necessity,” contrasted with Iraq, a potty little “war of convenience.” Then Obama threw away our victory in Iraq. By withdrawing every last troop, Obama has allowed al-Qaida and Iran to overrun this one shining example of an Arab democracy. We have American troops stationed in Germany, Japan, Belgium, Africa, Norway (a notorious al-Qaida hotbed!), Singapore, Qatar, Diego Garcia, even little Djibouti. But no troops for you, Iraq! SYRIAL LOSERS

Gadhafi had already agreed to give up his nuclear program after George W. Bush invaded Iraq. Seeing that, the Libyan strongman went whimpering to the British to ask if Bush was going to invade him, too. The Iraq War turned every Middle Eastern despot into President Bush’s bitch. But now Obama is their bitch. SYRIAL LOSERS

Oh, how I long for the days when liberals wailed that “the rest of the world” hated America, rather than now, when the rest of the world laughs at us. COMMUNITY ORGANIZER GOES TO WAR

With the vast majority of Americans opposing a strike against Syria, President Obama has requested that Congress vote on his powers as commander in chief under the Constitution. The president doesn’t need congressional approval to shoot a few missiles into Syria, nor — amazingly — has he said he’ll abide by such a vote, anyway. Why is Congress even having a vote? This is nothing but a fig leaf to cover Obama’s own idiotic “red line” ultimatum to President Bashar al-Assad of Syria on chemical weapons. The Nobel Peace Prize winner needs to get Congress on the record so that whatever happens, the media can blame Republicans. COMMUNITY ORGANIZER GOES TO WAR

It would be completely different if we knew with absolute certainty that Assad was responsible for chemical attacks on his own people. (I’m still waiting to see if it was a Syrian upset about a YouTube video.) It would be different if instead of killing a few hundred civilians, Assad had killed 5,000 civilians with poison gas in a single day, as well as tens of thousands more with chemical weapons in the past few decades. It would be different if Assad were known to torture his own people, administer summary executions, rapes, burnings and electric shocks, often in front of the victim’s wife or children. It would be different if Assad had acted aggressively toward the United States itself, perhaps attempting to assassinate a former U.S. president or giving shelter to terrorists who had struck within the U.S. — someone like Maj. Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood terrorist. It would be different if Assad were stirring up trouble in the entire Middle East by, for example, paying bounties to the families of suicide bombers in other countries. It would also be different if we could be sure that intervention in Syria would not lead to a multi-nation conflagration. It would be different if we knew that any action against Syria would not put al-Qaida or the Muslim Brotherhood in power, but rather would result in a functioning, peaceful democracy. And it would be different if an attack on Syria would so terrify other dictators in the region that they would instantly give up their WMDs — say, Iran abandoning its nuclear program. If all of that were true, this would be a military intervention worth supporting! All of that was true about Iraq, but the Democrats hysterically opposed that war. They opposed it even after all this was known to be true — indeed, especially after it was known to be true! The loudest opponent was Barack Obama. COMMUNITY ORGANIZER GOES TO WAR

As for chemical weapons — the casus belli for the current drums of war — in a matter of hours on March 16, 1988, Saddam Hussein slaughtered roughly 5,000 Kurdish civilians in Halabja with mustard, sarin and VX gas. The victims blistered, vomited or laughed hysterically before dropping dead. Thousands more would die later from the after-effects of these poisons. Saddam launched nearly two dozen more chemical attacks on the Kurds, resulting in at least 50,000 deaths, perhaps three times that many. That’s to say nothing of the tens of thousands of Iranians Saddam killed with poison gas. Indeed, in making the case against Assad recently, Secretary of State John Kerry said his use of chemical weapons put him in the same league as “Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein.” Not even close — but may we ask why Kerry sneered at the war that removed such a monster as Hussein? COMMUNITY ORGANIZER GOES TO WAR

There were endless United Nations reports and resolutions both establishing that Saddam had used chemical weapons and calling on him to give them up. (For the eighth billionth time, we did find chemical weapons in Iraq, just no “stockpiles.” Those had been moved before the war, according to Saddam’s own general, Georges Sada — to Syria.) COMMUNITY ORGANIZER GOES TO WAR

Of course, once Republicans got the Democrats to stop terrorizing black people, there was no one else doing it. Nonetheless, for decades, the media would highlight every apparent white-on-black crime, treating each such incident as the Crime of the Century. White-on-black crimes were, and are, freakishly rare. But the media weren’t showcasing these one-off events as man-bites-dog stories, but rather as dog-bites-man stories in a universe brimming with packs of rabid dogs. According to liberals, whites attacking blacks was an epidemic — a nationwide “cancer,” in the words of erstwhile New York City Mayor Ed Koch. IT’S SUPER-MEDIA! WITH THE POWER TO DETECT NON-EXISTENT RACISM

In 1986, only 2.6 percent of all homicides in the entire country were white-on-black killings. Black criminals killed nearly three times as many white people (949) as whites killed blacks (378) and they killed 16 times as many black people (6,235) as whites did. IT’S SUPER-MEDIA! WITH THE POWER TO DETECT NON-EXISTENT RACISM

Just a week before the Howard Beach attack there was another interracial crime in a neighborhood only slightly farther away from The New York Times’ building than Howard Beach is. A 63-year-old white woman, Ann Viner, was attacked at her home in New Canaan, Conn., savagely beaten, dragged to her swimming pool and drowned by two 20-year-old black men. It was the first murder in the affluent town in 17 years. That seems like a newsworthy event to me. But the Times mentioned Viner’s murder only in three short news items, totaling less than a thousand words. The longest piece, 500 words, was an initial report on the murder — when there was still hope that the killers were white! No other major news outlets in the country mentioned Viner’s murder. IT’S SUPER-MEDIA! WITH THE POWER TO DETECT NON-EXISTENT RACISM

Liberals’ rosy predictions for Egypt’s Islamic revolution didn’t turn out as planned. Who could have guessed that howling mobs in Tahrir Square in 2011 would fail to produce a peaceful democracy?… Oops! Within less than a year, we found out that the truth wasn’t “complex”: The Muslim Brotherhood was behind the revolution. They rigged an election and were planning to implement Sharia law — until the Egyptian military stepped in on behalf of the people this year and removed the Brotherhood’s Mohammed Morsi as president. ARAB SPRING: WORST SOAP EVER

Also in 2011, Obama ordered air strikes in Libya against Moammar Gadhafi — at the precise moment Gadhafi was no longer a threat to anyone. After Bush invaded Iraq, Gadhafi promptly gave up his nuclear program and invited U.N. weapons inspectors in to prove it. Apparently, he wasn’t interested in becoming the next Saddam Hussein. Obama’s bombing of Gadhafi was also enthusiastically supported at the Times. Gadhafi, you see, had killed hundreds of his own people. Meanwhile, President Bashar Hafez al-Assad of Syria can preside over the slaughter of more than 100,000 of his people since that time without a cross word from the left. ARAB SPRING: WORST SOAP EVER

The one place Obama should have intervened was Iran. The moderate, pro-Western, educated Iranian people were being shot in the street in 2009 for protesting an election stolen by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a messianic lunatic in a Members Only jacket. There was a clear alternative in that case that didn’t involve the Muslim Brotherhood, to wit: the actual winner of the election. But Obama turned his back on the Iranians. Democrats are so opposed to promoting the United States’ interests around the globe, it doesn’t occur to them that, sometimes, our national interests might coincide with the interests of other people. ARAB SPRING: WORST SOAP EVER

Stop-and-frisk was a crucial part of the package of law enforcement measures implemented by New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani that saved the city. Under David Dinkins, who preceded Giuliani, murders averaged about 2,000 a year. There were 714 murders in New York the year Giuliani left office. Continuing Giuliani’s policing techniques, Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s New York had only 419 murders last year. Just during his first year in office, Giuliani’s policies cut the murder rate an astonishing 20 percent. That first year of his administration was responsible for 35 percent of the crime drop nationwide from 1993 to 1995. The New York Times hailed this remarkable achievement with an article headlined, “New York City Crime Falls but Just Why Is a Mystery.” It was mostly black lives that were saved by Giuliani’s crime policies. By the end of his administration, the Rev. Calvin Butts, liberal pastor of Harlem’s Abyssinian Baptist Church, was comparing Giuliani to King Josiah of the Bible, who “brought order, peace, the law back to the land.” The black minister told The New York Times, “I really think that without Giuliani, we would have been overrun.” – RACISM CARD LOOKING A LITTLE DOG-EARED

Liberals wail about guns, but how do they imagine police get guns off the street without going to high-crime neighborhoods and stopping young men acting suspiciously? Giuliani’s policing policies, including stop-and-frisk, reduced gun homicides in New York by 75 percent within five years. It is precisely the fear of being caught with a gun that induces young hoodlums not to carry them. The word gets out: Don’t carry a gun! It’s not worth the risk. Of course cops don’t find many guns anymore! That’s because they’re doing stop-and-frisk. By liberals’ logic, the government should stop doing meat inspections because it turns up so few cases of contamination these days, anyway. We can also drop the metal detectors at airports. How many people does the TSA actually catch trying to sneak guns onto airplanes? – RACISM CARD LOOKING A LITTLE DOG-EARED

When a policy that has saved thousands of black lives is attacked as “racist,” the word has no meaning. At this rate, liberals will be claiming that peanut butter sandwiches are racist — except that wouldn’t be as crazy. – RACISM CARD LOOKING A LITTLE DOG-EARED

Voter ID laws don’t actually save black lives the way stop-and-frisk policies do, but it’s not clear how such laws hurt them. I suppose the argument is that by allowing Democrats to steal elections, they can pass all those laws that improve black lives immeasurably, like promoting trial lawyers, gay marriage, abortion and amnesty for illegals. You know, the Democratic policies that really enhance black lives. – RACISM CARD LOOKING A LITTLE DOG-EARED

The claim that modern voter ID laws are a racist Republican plot to prevent minorities from voting is complicated by the fact that, in 2011, such a law was enacted by the overwhelmingly Democratic Rhode Island legislature and, in fact, was pushed through by black Democrats. Despite the pleas of national Democrats who realized their cover was being blown, the state senate’s only black member, Democrat Harold Metts, sponsored a voted ID bill. He said he’d heard complaints about voter fraud for years, telling the story of one poll worker who encountered a voter who couldn’t spell his own last name. A black legislator in the House, Anastasia Williams, complained that when she showed up to vote in 2006, she was told she had already voted. Another time, she saw a Hispanic man vote, go to the parking lot and change his clothes, then go back in and vote again. – RACISM CARD LOOKING A LITTLE DOG-EARED

Erol Ricketts, a (black) demographer and sociologist with the Rockefeller Foundation who researched the origin of black female-headed families in the 1980s. His studies showed that the black family was thriving from the late 19th century through most of the 20th century. You don’t get much poorer, deprived or discriminated against than being a black person in America just a generation out of slavery. Examining nearly a century of U.S. census reports, Ricketts found that between 1890 and 1950, blacks had higher marriage rates than whites. Until 1970, black women were more likely to get married than white women — and that was despite the high mortality rates among black men, leaving fewer available for marriage. In three of four decennial years between 1890 and 1920, black men out-married white men… Whatever else may cause illegitimacy and its associated problems, it isn’t poverty, discrimination, lack of education, unemployment or slavery. Black Americans had all those handicaps — and yet they still had strong families and low crime rates from 1890 until the 1960s. BILL O’REILLY IS SMARTER THAN LAWRENCE O’DONNELL

In 1970, for the first time, the marriage rate for black women fell below 70 percent. But even then, a majority of black children were still living with both parents. By 2010, only 30.1 percent of blacks above the age of 15 were married, compared to 52.7 percent of whites. BILL O’REILLY IS SMARTER THAN LAWRENCE O’DONNELL

Liberals keep using the bad consequences of their policies as an argument for more of the same policies. Government subsidies to unwed mothers increase the illegitimacy rate, which in turn leads to poverty, criminal behavior and more illegitimacy. So Democrats reverse cause and effect to claim it’s the poverty that causes illegitimacy and then demand more payments to unwed mothers. BILL O’REILLY IS SMARTER THAN LAWRENCE O’DONNELL

You will notice that the Freedom Rides and civil rights marches all took place under Democratic presidents. It was the only way to get Democratic administrations to intervene against their fellow Democrats. O’REILLY: KILLING HISTORY

But in the rest of the South, schools remained segregated as long as Bobby Kennedy was attorney general and either JFK or LBJ was in the White House. (LBJ on the 1964 Civil Rights Act: “I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years.”) Black Americans may say hosannas to Bobby Kennedy, but they would have to wait for Richard Nixon to become president to win the promise of Brown v. Board. Within Nixon’s first two years in the White House, black students attending segregated schools in the South declined from nearly 70 percent to 18.4 percent. There was more desegregation of American public schools in Nixon’s first term than in any historical period before or since. It was not an accident that Nixon launched his comeback in 1966 with a column denouncing Democrats for trying to “squeeze the last ounces of political juice out of the rotting fruit of racial injustice.” It’s also not an accident that James Meredith was a Republican. O’REILLY: KILLING HISTORY

In December 1984, Bernie Goetz shot four black men who were trying to mug him on the New York City subway… As the Times summarized the feeling at the Claremont housing project where Cabey lived, “many people said the four teen-agers were troublemakers and probably got what they deserved.”… The Washington Post also interviewed Cabey’s neighbors. Eighteen-year-old Yvette Green said: “If I’d had a gun, I would have shot him.” Darryl Singleton, 24 years old, called Cabey, “a sweet person,” but added, “if I had a gun, I would have shot the guy.”… the black woman called by the defense at Goetz’s trial? Andrea Reid, who was on the subway car during the shooting, testified: Those “punks were bothering the white man … those punks got what they deserved.”… Juror Robert Leach, a black bus driver from Harlem, was one of Goetz’s most vehement defenders in the jury room, even persuading the others not to convict Goetz for unlawful possession of any guns, other than the one he used in the shooting. In the end, three blacks and one Hispanic on the jury voted to acquit Goetz of all 13 charges except for the minor one of carrying an illegal firearm. – UNSUNG BLACK PEOPLE

Black liberals keep bemoaning the danger to their own teenage sons after the “not guilty” verdict in George Zimmerman’s murder trial. To avoid what happened to Trayvon Martin, their boys need only follow this advice: Don’t walk up to a stranger and punch him, ground-and-pound him, MMA-style, and repeatedly smash his head against the pavement. The Justice-for-Trayvon crowd keeps pretending there hasn’t been a trial where the evidence overwhelmingly showed that Trayvon committed the first (and only) crime that night by assaulting Zimmerman. – TO AVOID LOOKING LIKE A CRIMINAL, DON’T COMMIT A CRIME

Whenever a much-celebrated claim of racism turned out to be false — which was almost always — you’d just stop hearing about it. There would never be a clippable story admitting that the media’s harrumphing had been in error: Attention, readers! That story we’ve been howling about for several months turned out to be a complete fraud. A little time would pass, and then we’d get an all-new, excited “America is still racist” media campaign. Journalists are incapable of learning that they should get all the facts before launching moral crusades. – TO AVOID LOOKING LIKE A CRIMINAL, DON’T COMMIT A CRIME

In Van Houten’s case, even after it was blindingly clear that Perry had mugged him, the truth was only revealed amid great sorrow. When the facts were unknown, the cop was a racist. When it turned out Perry had mugged the cop, it was no one’s fault, but a problem of “violence,” “confusion” and “two worlds” colliding. Perhaps, someday, blacks will win the right to be treated like volitional human beings. But not yet.TO AVOID LOOKING LIKE A CRIMINAL, DON’T COMMIT A CRIME

Instead of turning every story about a black person killed by a white person into an occasion to announce, “The simple fact is, America is a racist society,” liberals might, one time, ask the question: Why do you suppose there would be a generalized fear of young black males? What might that be based on? Throw us a bone. It’s because a disproportionate number of criminals are young black males. – TO AVOID LOOKING LIKE A CRIMINAL, DON’T COMMIT A CRIME

As explained in The New York Times: “Had Mr. Martin shot and killed Mr. Zimmerman under similar circumstances, black leaders say, the case would have barreled down a different path: Mr. Martin would have been quickly arrested by the Sanford Police Department and charged in the killing, without the benefit of the doubt.” (Also, CNN could have dropped the “white” and referred to Zimmerman exclusively as “Hispanic.”)THIS YEAR’S DUKE LACROSSE CASE

The people who say this are counting on the rest of us being too polite to mention that it is nearly impossible to imagine such a case in a world where half of all murders and a majority of robberies are committed by blacks… The only reason it’s hard to imagine the Zimmerman case with the races reversed is that it’s hard to imagine a white teenager living in a mixed-race, middle-class community, mugging a black homeowner. This is not a problem of society’s reactions, but of the facts. – THIS YEAR’S DUKE LACROSSE CASE

If Hispanics voted 50.1 percent for Democrats, amnesty would be a bad deal for Republicans. But, in fact, they vote 70 percent to 80 percent for Democrats. How did it become an urgent priority for Republicans to bring in 30 million new voters, 80 percent of whom will vote Democratic? I GOT 30 MILLION REASONS

It’s a crisis! Illegal immigrants are “living in the shadows”! That’s not a “crisis.” At most — and this is highly dubious — it’s a crisis for the illegal immigrants. But evidently, “living in the shadows” is at least better than living in Guadalajara… Sorry to sound legalistic, illegal aliens, but you broke the law and — look me in the eye — you know you broke the law. You hid in the backs of trucks, traveled across remote desert locations, ran from U.S. agents and stole American IDs. It’s supposed to be uncomfortable to break the law. I GOT 30 MILLION REASONS

If illegals were Republicans, Chuck Schumer would be a “Minuteman,” patrolling the Mexican border 24-7. I GOT 30 MILLION REASONS

Oh boy! Are Hispanics ever going to take revenge on Republicans! The obvious retort is: If these people vote 80 percent against Republicans, how does it hurt Republicans if they can’t vote? Is the claim that next time legal Hispanics vote against you, they’ll have an angry glint in their eye? Voting machines don’t register angry glints. I GOT 30 MILLION REASONS

We already have “de facto amnesty.” I gather Marco Rubio considers this his big showstopper, since he says it in every interview as if he’s announcing the Kochen-Specker theorem. But if we already have de facto amnesty, why is this bill even necessary? Oh, that’s right! The Democrats need 30 million new voters. I GOT 30 MILLION REASONS

…weirdly, Democrats are obsessed with amnesty only for the lawbreakers that will get them 30 million new voters. (Violent felons come next.) I GOT 30 MILLION REASONS

It should not come as a surprise, though it always does, that people opposed to abortion are out-populating those who consider abortion a right… But liberals always have a workaround. For decades, their solution to the left’s demographic collapse has been immigration… With native-born liberals unwilling to reproduce themselves, liberals need a constant influx of new Democratic voters from other countries… That’s all it’s about. Liberals want the rest of the world’s poor to come here not only to raise their children, clean their houses, manicure their lawns and cook their meals, but to give birth to the Democratic children that liberals aren’t having. NEW GOP STRATEGY: GIVE DEMOCRATS A BIG HEAD START!

Then, it always turns out: No, there’s not going to be a backlash. The only politicians ever punished for a gun vote were the entire House Democratic caucus in the Republican sweep of 1994. The only politician who was ever punished for his position on global warming is Al Gore. But Democrats love to act like everything’s a crisis, so Republicans don’t have time to think and can be stampeded into doing something stupid. When it comes to government, doing nothing is often the best course. NEW GOP STRATEGY: GIVE DEMOCRATS A BIG HEAD START!

Well, of course the government is spying on Americans! Look at the havoc caused by American citizens engaging in terrorism. There’s “American citizen” David Coleman Headley, who conspired with Pakistani military officers to commit the 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India, that left more than 160 people dead. Headley’s ancestors served under Gen. George Washington — no, I’m sorry, Headley was born “Daood Sayed Gilani” in Washington, D.C., to a Pakistani father. AVOID THE NEED FOR SPYING USING ONE NOT-SO-WEIRD TRICK

There were the 20 “American” men from the Minneapolis area who joined a terrorist group in Somalia in 2008. I knew the Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party would cause trouble one of these days! No, wait — wrong again. We invited these foreign terrorists to immigrate here after the collapse of Somalia’s government in 1991… Who could have guessed that Shirwa Ahmed would be America’s first suicide bomber? (My money had been on a guy named “Jim Peterson.”) AVOID THE NEED FOR SPYING USING ONE NOT-SO-WEIRD TRICK

(We have no room for Scottish bankers because we have to make room for entire villages of illiterates from Afghanistan, thanks to Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 Immigration Act.) Zazi’s own step-uncle described him as “a dumb kid, believe me,” according to The New York Times. (Sorry, Scottish bankers — that’s our immigration law!) AVOID THE NEED FOR SPYING USING ONE NOT-SO-WEIRD TRICK

Now we have to spy on Americans because of all the imported Tsarnaevs and Zazis. We have created two huge problems where none existed before — domestic terrorism and government spying — all to help the Democrats win elections by changing the electorate. Not only do our post-1965 immigration policies create an unemployment problem, not only have they massively increased the crime rate, but now all Americans are being asked to give up their civil liberties to fulfill Teddy Kennedy’s dream of bringing the entire Third World to live right here in America. (And vote Democrat!) AVOID THE NEED FOR SPYING USING ONE NOT-SO-WEIRD TRICK

Who convinced Republicans that Hispanic wages aren’t low enough and what they really need is an influx of low-wage workers competing for their jobs? Maybe the greedy businessmen now running the Republican Party should talk with their Hispanic maids sometime. Ask Juanita if she’d like to have seven new immigrants competing with her for the opportunity to clean other people’s houses, so that her wages can be dropped from $20 an hour to $10 an hour. A wise Latina, A.J. Delgado, recently explained on why amnesty won’t win Republicans the Hispanic vote — even if they get credit for it. Her very first argument was: “Latinos will resent the added competition for jobs.” IF THE GOP IS THIS STUPID, IT DESERVES TO DIE

It is obviously in the interest of the left to show us liberal groups also harassed by the IRS, so it’s striking that they haven’t been able to produce one yet. TIPS FOR RIGHT-WINGERS ON THE IRS SCANDAL

Also last week, immigrants, mostly Muslims, began rioting in peaceful Sweden — burning schools to the ground, torching cars and throwing rocks at the police. (Who among us hasn’t lost his temper trying to assemble an Ikea china cabinet?) SEND US YOUR VIOLENT BIGOTS, YEARNING TO BUTCHER OUR CITIZENS

The English Defense League (EDL), for example, is portrayed in the media as a bunch of racist football hooligans. So I was surprised to learn that the EDL has not only a Jewish division, but a gay division. (Harvey Fierstein could be their president!) They expressly support Israel against Muslim terror and burn Nazi flags at their rallies. Apparently it is considered “fascist” to oppose actual fascists immigrating to your country. SEND US YOUR VIOLENT BIGOTS, YEARNING TO BUTCHER OUR CITIZENS

A month ago, the head of the EDL, Tommy Robinson, provoked a round of liberal sneering when he tweeted: “welcome to twitter homepage has a picture of a mosque. what a joke.” Various media outlets leapt to point out that the photo was, actually, the Taj Mahal. The liberal Guardian mocked: “It’s worth pointing out that the ‘mosque’ that started this … was in fact the Taj Mahal, the marble mausoleum in India. It’s almost as if the very existence of the EDL is based on false information, suspicion and idiocy.” Except — oops –– it wasn’t the Taj Mahal. It was a mosque — the Grand Mosque in Muscat, Oman, to be precise — as The Guardian quietly admitted in an altered photo caption after stealthily removing the comment about the EDL’s “idiocy” for imagining it was a mosque. It’s almost as if the very existence of The Guardian is based on false information, suspicion and idiocy. SEND US YOUR VIOLENT BIGOTS, YEARNING TO BUTCHER OUR CITIZENS

Liberals get a kick out of accusing their opponents of what they themselves are guilty of. But this may be the most audacious reverse-guilt play yet. For objecting to the importation of primitive, violent, child-rape-forgiving bigots, the opponents of mass immigration are accused of bigotry. SEND US YOUR VIOLENT BIGOTS, YEARNING TO BUTCHER OUR CITIZENS

Pre-1965 immigrants were what made this country what it was for a reason: They were the pre-welfare state immigrants. From around 1630 to 1966, immigrants sank or swam. About a third of them couldn’t make it in America and went home — and those are the ones who weren’t rejected right off the boat for being sick, crippled or idiots. That’s why corny stories of someone’s ancestors coming here a half-century ago are completely irrelevant. If their ancestors hadn’t succeeded, their great-grandchildren wouldn’t be here to tell the story because no one was given food stamps, free medical care and housing to stay. (And vote Democrat.) – WHEN DID WE VOTE TO BECOME MEXICO?

The immigrant story of lore is that the first generation is poor but works hard, then the second, third and fourth generations soar up the socioeconomic ladder. But innumerable studies have shown that Mexican first-generation immigrants work like maniacs — and then the second, third and fourth generations plunge headlong into the underclass. – WHEN DID WE VOTE TO BECOME MEXICO?

Currently, the average illegal alien gets about $24,721 in taxpayer-funded benefits and pays about $10,334 in taxes. After full legalization, they will be eligible for a whole new panoply of government benefits such as direct welfare payments, Obamacare, Social Security and Medicare. Heritage concludes that the total government benefits to these former illegal aliens will then rise to about $43,900 per household, while the taxes paid by them will increase only modestly to around $16,000.

Dynamic scoring simply requires that changes in behavior brought on by new rules be considered in evaluating the impact of those rules. I can tell you, for example, how dynamic scoring works with tax cuts. Liberals say if we double tax rates, we’ll double the amount of tax revenue the government takes in. But conservatives point out that when tax rates are low, people have an incentive to work harder and longer, to take extra jobs, and to move their money out of tax shelters, such as municipal bonds, and into stocks and business expansion. The economy explodes, jobs are plentiful, everyone makes a lot of money — and the government ends up with a bigger haul on a lower tax rate. We know those incentives are there because we’ve seen them work. As detailed repeatedly by economist Thomas Sowell, the Treasury took in vastly more money after taxes were cut under Calvin Coolidge, John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan. HERE’S THAT ‘DYNAMIC SCORING’ YOU ASKED FOR, SENATOR

Wall Street Journal Republicans love to sneer that immigrants are doing the jobs “Americans just won’t do,” but I notice they’re not lobbying to bring in a lot of immigrants to compete for jobs as editorial writers at The Wall Street Journal. HERE’S THAT ‘DYNAMIC SCORING’ YOU ASKED FOR, SENATOR

Dynamic scoring better include the ruinous incentives that will be foist on African-Americans by Rubio’s amnesty. They’re already our fellow citizens deserving of our concern. Black people are about to realize that they are the hardworking wife who put her husband through medical school, and Hispanics are liberals’ flashy new trophy wife. HERE’S THAT ‘DYNAMIC SCORING’ YOU ASKED FOR, SENATOR

The Times keeps touting Evangelicals for Amnesty as evidence of a “shift,” a “change of heart” and a “secret weapon.” Breaking the same news story every two months since 2006 isn’t a shift; it’s propaganda. – BEWARE OF LIBERALS WHO COME IN EVANGELICALS’ CLOTHING

Any Evangelical promoting the McCain-Rubio amnesty plan has the moral framework of Planned Parenthood. Like the abortion lobby, they have boundless compassion for the people they can see, but none for those they can’t see… This is the same moral courage that allows some of these ministers to rain fire and brimstone on gays, while never getting around to criticizing divorce. They don’t know any gays — but they have lots of divorcees in their pews. – BEWARE OF LIBERALS WHO COME IN EVANGELICALS’ CLOTHING

Moreover, it’s not clear that Jesus wouldn’t care how people came to this country. Did they come here in disobedience of the laws of God and of man? Was their first act on American soil to defy the law of the nation? And why can’t Jesus love them if they’re back in Mexico? Does the Bible say that Christ died only for U.S. legal residents? – BEWARE OF LIBERALS WHO COME IN EVANGELICALS’ CLOTHING

Adopting a classic liberal trait, these Christians incapable of abstract thinking seem to believe that true compassion consists of giving away something that isn’t theirs. They repeatedly cite the biblical passage about treating the stranger as you would yourself. But I note that they don’t invite strangers to move into their houses, sleep in their beds, eat their food and have sex with their wives. – BEWARE OF LIBERALS WHO COME IN EVANGELICALS’ CLOTHING

Lott’s economic analysis of the effect of concealed-carry laws on violent crime… decades-long studies of concealed-carry laws have been probed, poked and re-examined dozens of times. (Most of all by Lott himself, who has continuously re-run the numbers controlling for thousands of factors.) Tellingly, Lott immediately makes all his underlying data and computer analyses available to critics — unlike, say, the critics. He has sent his data and work to 120 researchers around the world. By now, there have been 29 peer-reviewed studies of Lott’s work on the effect of concealed-carry laws. Eighteen confirm Lott’s results, showing a statistically significant reduction in crime after concealed-carry laws are enacted. Ten show no harm, but no significant reduction in crime. Only one peer-reviewed study even purported to show any negative effect: a temporary increase in aggravated assaults. Then it turned out this was based on a flawed analysis by a liberal activist professor: John Donohue, whose name keeps popping up in all fake studies purporting to debunk Lott. – AMERICA’S MOST FEARED ECONOMIST

In 1997, a computer crash led to the loss of Lott’s underlying data. Fortunately, he had previously sent this data to his critics — professors Dan Black, Dan Nagin and Jens Ludwig. When Lott asked if they would mind returning it to him to restore his files, they refused. (One former critic, Carlisle Moody, conducted his own analysis of Lott’s data and became a believer. He has since co-authored papers with Lott.). – AMERICA’S MOST FEARED ECONOMIST

Donohue’s previous oeuvre includes the racist claim that the crime rate declined in the 1990s as a result of abortion being legalized in the ’70s. (Nearly 40 percent of the abortions since the 1973 case of Roe v. Wade were of black children.) This study was discredited (not “discredited”) by many economists, including two at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, who pointed out that Donohue’s study made critical mistakes, such as failing to control for variables such as the crack cocaine epidemic. When the Reserve economists reran Donohue’s study without his glaring mistakes, they found that there was “no evidence in (Donohue’s) own data” for an abortion-crime link. – AMERICA’S MOST FEARED ECONOMIST

“Discredited” in liberal lingo means, “Ignore this study; it didn’t come out well for us.” – AMERICA’S MOST FEARED ECONOMIST

My thought is, maybe we should consider admitting immigrants who can succeed in America, rather than deadbeats. But we’re not allowed to “discriminate” in favor of immigrants who would be good for America. Instead of helping America, our immigration policies are designed to help other countries solve their internal problems by shipping their losers to us. The problem isn’t just illegal immigration. I would rather have doctors and engineers sneaking into the country than legally arriving ditch-diggers. THE PROBLEM ISN’T JUST ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, IT’S LEGAL IMMIGRATION, TOO

The six men murdered by Mexican immigrant Salvador Tapia at the Windy City Core Supply warehouse in Chicago in 2003, from which he had been fired six months earlier. Tapia was still in this country despite having been arrested at least a dozen times on weapons and assault charges. Only foreign newspapers mentioned that Tapia was an immigrant. American newspapers blamed the gun. THE PROBLEM ISN’T JUST ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, IT’S LEGAL IMMIGRATION, TOO

We have no choice about native-born losers. We ought to be able to do something about the people we chose to bring here. Meanwhile, our government officials just keep singing the praises of “diversity,” while expressly excluding skilled immigrants who might be less inclined to become “disaffected” and lash out by killing Americans. THE PROBLEM ISN’T JUST ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, IT’S LEGAL IMMIGRATION, TOO

But, incomprehensibly, Rubio swore up and down that the newly legalized illegal immigrants won’t get government benefits: “And then they don’t qualify for any federal benefits. This is an important point. No federal benefits, no food stamps, no welfare, no Obamacare.” How on Earth does Rubio plan to enforce this “important point”? Just three weeks ago, the U.S. Senate voted down a proposal to prevent illegal immigrants from receiving benefits under Obamacare. – >a href=””>IF RUBIO’S AMNESTY IS SO GREAT, WHY IS HE LYING?

As I’ve noted before, Hispanic women have a higher illegitimate birthrate than any other ethnic group in the country, including blacks. Currently, 71 percent of illegal immigrant households with children collect federal benefits. In California — which will be America if Rubio’s plan goes through — 82 percent of households headed by an illegal immigrant are on welfare, as are 61 percent of households headed by legal immigrants, according to the March 2011 Current Population Survey by the Center for Immigration Studies. If you think Republicans are Hispandering now, wait until the children of 20 million illegal aliens start to vote. Rubio’s amnesty isn’t just bad for America, it’s the end of America.

This allows liberals to act as if Republicans’ only counter-argument to their idiotic gun control proposals is: We don’t mind dead children.

The truth is the opposite. Republicans are pushing policies that will reduce gun violence; Democrats are pushing policies that will increase gun violence. All the actual evidence — mountains of it, in peer-reviewed studies by highly respected economists and criminologists and endlessly retested — shows that limits on magazine capacity, background checks and assault weapons bans will accomplish nothing. Only one policy has been shown to dramatically reduce multiple public shootings: concealed-carry laws. LIBERALS GO CRAZY FOR THE MENTALLY ILL

For most of the 20th century, from 1900 to 1970, there was an average of four mass public shootings per decade. Throughout the ’70s, as the loony bins were being emptied, the average number of mass shootings suddenly shot up to 13. In the 3.3 decades since 1980, after all the mental institutions had been turned into condos, mass shootings skyrocketed to 36 on average per decade. Mass shootings don’t correlate with gun ownership; they correlate with not locking up schizophrenics. LIBERALS GO CRAZY FOR THE MENTALLY ILL

Meanwhile, the only target of Democrats’ gun proposals — legal gun owners — are less likely to commit violent crimes than others. To the contrary, armed civilians justifiably kill about 1,500-2,800 felons a year, compared to 300-600 legal killings by the police. Responsible armed citizens protecting us from violent criminals should be subsidized rather than taxed and harassed. LIBERALS GO CRAZY FOR THE MENTALLY ILL

Warning: Read the bill. You will find nothing in any of the Democrats’ “gun safety” proposals that will make it easier to commit a crazy person or to prevent him from buying a gun. The Democrats’ argument for doing absolutely nothing about the dangerously mentally ill, while disarming crime-preventing armed citizens is: Tell it to this weeping mother. If the Democrats’ “gun safety” bill passes, there’ll be plenty more weeping mothers to tell it to. LIBERALS GO CRAZY FOR THE MENTALLY ILL

CNN’s case for Knox’s innocence consists primarily of making snarky remarks about the prosecutor. This is going to be a long series if CNN plans on vindicating Knox by smearing all those who say she is guilty — the judges, forensic scientists, police, the other man also convicted of the murder — as well as the man falsely accused of the murder by Amanda. According to CNN, the prosecutor, Giuliano Mignini, was a total jerk for diligently investigating Meredith’s murder, proving he had caved to media pressure. DON’T KNOX THIS ‘SERIOUS NETWORK’

The main purpose of the article was to tweak America’s oldest civil rights organization, the National Rifle Association, for opposing some of the more rash anti-gun proposals being considered by state legislatures, such as allowing courts to take away a person’s firearms on the basis of a temporary restraining order. It’s a new position for liberals to oppose the rights of the accused. Usually the Times is demanding that even convicted criminals be given voting rights, light sentences, sex-change operations and vegan meals in prison. – THE LEFT’S CONTINUING WAR ON WOMEN

Another recent Times article about communities trying to keep sex offenders out of their neighborhoods quoted a liberal saying: “It’s counterproductive to public safety, because when you have nothing to lose, you are much more likely to commit a crime than when you are rebuilding your life.” But that was about convicted child molesters. This is about guns, so all new rules apply. – THE LEFT’S CONTINUING WAR ON WOMEN

As her husband was breaking in, Deborah called her parents and 911. Her neighbors called 911, too. But the police didn’t arrive in time. Even her parents got to the house before the cops did, only to find their daughter murdered. The protection order didn’t help Deborah Wigg; the police couldn’t help; her neighbors and parents couldn’t help. Only if she’d had a gun and knew how to use it — after carefully disregarding everything Joe Biden has said on the subject — might she have been able to save her own life. – THE LEFT’S CONTINUING WAR ON WOMEN

Numerous studies, including one by the National Institute of Justice, show that crime victims who resist a criminal with a gun are less likely to be injured than those who do not resist at all or who resist without a gun. That’s true even when the assailant is armed. Liberals’ advice to rape and domestic abuse victims is: Lie back and enjoy it. The Times’ advice is: Get a restraining order. The NRA’s advice is: Blow the dirtbag’s head off. Or, for the delicate: Resist with a gun, the only effective means to stop an attack. – THE LEFT’S CONTINUING WAR ON WOMEN

The Republican Party owes Sanford nothing. He had a chance and he blew it. National Review wasted five years of cover stories on how awesome he was, but he never accomplished anything of substance… The most memorable thing Sanford did in his entire life was to make himself a laughingstock as governor by running off with his Argentine honey and then going on TV to announce — in front of his wife and children — “I’ve fallen in love!”WHERE’S LUCA BRASI WHEN YOU NEED HIM?

It’s one thing to stigmatize “Big Gulp” drinkers, but liberals are hopping mad at this attempt to stigmatize teen pregnancy, 90 percent of which is unwed. To put it another way, if you’re a New York teen with a distended belly these days, it had better be because you’re pregnant. TROUBLE IN THE NANNY STATE

Coincidentally, Planned Parenthood happens to provide reproductive health care! Liberals act as if gun owners, soda-guzzlers and smokers are innocent victims of the gun, food and cigarette industries, but the $542 million-a-year birth control industry is a quarry of angels. TROUBLE IN THE NANNY STATE

Far from opposing stigmas, liberals are the main propagators of them — against cigarettes, guns, plastic bags, obesity, not recycling, Fox News, racist “code words,” not liking “Lincoln” and junk food. The stigma against smoking has gone so swimmingly that you can’t enjoy a little tobacco pleasure 50 yards from another human being without some bossy woman marching over and accusing you of poisoning her. TROUBLE IN THE NANNY STATE

The only thing single mothers are “victims” of is their own choice to have sex with men they’re not married to. Liberals seem to believe that drinking soda is voluntary, but getting pregnant is more like catching the flu. TROUBLE IN THE NANNY STATE

Since the deinstitutionalization movement got under way in the 1970s, the mentally ill remain mentally ill, but now instead of living in warm, safe institutions, they live out on the streets, in homeless shelters and in soup kitchens, or drift back to their helpless families, occasionally showing up in “gun-free zones” to commit mass murder. After the Virginia Tech shooting, an ABC poll showed that while Americans remained dubious about the effect of more gun control laws, 83 percent supported requiring states to provide information on the mentally ill for gun background checks. BELTWAY GOPS: VOTE FOR US OR WE’LL BORE YOU AGAIN!

Having given up on trying to persuade Americans that taking guns away from law-abiding citizens will reduce the murder rate, Democrats have turned to their usual prohibitionary argument: “Why does anyone need (an assault weapon, a 30-round magazine, a semiautomatic, etc., etc.)? …prissy Brit Piers Morgan thought he’d hit on a real showstopper with, “I don’t know why anyone needs an assault rifle.” Of course, where he comes from, policemen carry wooden sticks. WHY DOES ANYONE NEED TO READ ABOUT CELEBRITIES?

Since when do Americans have to give the government an explanation for why they “need” something? If that’s the test, I can think of a whole list of things I don’t know why anyone needs… I don’t know why anyone needs to burn an American flag at a protest. The point could be made just as well verbally… I don’t know why anyone needs to bicycle in a city… I don’t know why anyone needs to have anal sex at a bathhouse. I won’t stop them, but I don’t know why anyone needs to do that… I don’t know why Karen Finley needs to smear herself with chocolate while reading poems about “love.” But not only do Democrats allow that, they made us pay for it through the National Endowment for the Arts. WHY DOES ANYONE NEED TO READ ABOUT CELEBRITIES?

Democrats are willing to make gigantic exceptions to the “need” rule for things they happen to personally like. Their position is: “I don’t know why anyone needs to hunt; on the other hand, I do see why your tax dollars should be used to subsidize partial-birth abortion, bicycle lanes and the ballet.” They’ll say that no one died in my examples (except abortion) (and bicycling) (and bathhouses) (and national parks), but the victims of mass shootings weren’t killed by gun owners. They were killed by crazy people. WHY DOES ANYONE NEED TO READ ABOUT CELEBRITIES?

“I don’t see why anyone needs …” is code for: “I don’t do it, so let’s ban it.” The corollary is: “I enjoy this, so you have to subsidize it.” WHY DOES ANYONE NEED TO READ ABOUT CELEBRITIES?

That’s the difference between a totalitarian and a normal person. Liberals are obsessed with controlling what other people do… Meanwhile, we’re all required to subsidize their hobbies — recycling, abortion, the “arts,” bicycling, illegal alien workers, etc. WHY DOES ANYONE NEED TO READ ABOUT CELEBRITIES?

President George H.W. Bush created “diversity visas,” massively increased legal immigration and eliminated the English requirement on the naturalization test. In the 1992 election, he won 25 percent of the Hispanic vote — less than what Romney got. Although Hispanic politicians, spokesmen and TV networks benefit from Rubio’s mass legalization scheme, there’s no evidence that Hispanic voters care very much about it. Amnesty never shows up in polls as a top concern of Hispanics. HISPANICKED GOP ELITE: THEY’LL RESPECT US IN THE MORNING

After Reagan signed an amnesty bill in 1986, unemployment among Hispanics skyrocketed when, suddenly, there was increased competition for low-skill jobs.… How’s this for an idea: Why don’t Republicans remind Hispanic voters that the more low-skilled immigrants who are admitted, the lower their wages will be? HISPANICKED GOP ELITE: THEY’LL RESPECT US IN THE MORNING

Hispanics are less likely to go to church or be employed than non-Hispanics. They are less opposed to gay marriage than everyone else — 44 percent compared to 50 percent. (By contrast, 55 percent of African-Americans oppose gay marriage, according to a 2012 Washington Post/ABC poll — even more, according to how they vote.) HISPANICKED GOP ELITE: THEY’LL RESPECT US IN THE MORNING

The poverty rate of second-generation Hispanics is lower than the first — but the third generation’s poverty rate is higher than the second. Perhaps this has something to do with the fact that Hispanics have the highest illegitimate birthrate in the country. According to the Centers for Disease Control, in 2010, for every 1,000 unmarried Hispanic women, 80.6 had children out of wedlock, compared to 65.3 for unmarried black women and 29 for unmarried white women. HISPANICKED GOP ELITE: THEY’LL RESPECT US IN THE MORNING

It wasn’t a “tough” decision for Eisenhower to send troops to Little Rock in 1957. In the presidential campaign the year before, the Republican platform had expressly endorsed the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education. The Democratic platform did not. To the contrary, that year, 99 members of Congress signed the “Southern Manifesto” denouncing the court’s ruling in Brown. Two were Republicans. Ninety-seven were Democrats. WHITE LIBERALS TELL BLACK LIES ABOUT CIVIL RIGHTS

Even after that, the bill was still opposed by 18 senators — all of them Democrats. To the easily astounded Chris Matthews, Tanenhaus breathlessly remarked, “Not one Republican voted against that bill!” — as if the 1957 Civil Right Act was a Democratic idea and they were delighted to get any Republican support at all. Imagine a modern German historian saying: “Remember — it wasn’t just Germans who opposed the Holocaust. The English and Americans did too!” Such a historian would be beaten bloody, quite rightly so. WHITE LIBERALS TELL BLACK LIES ABOUT CIVIL RIGHTS

Every single segregationist in the Senate was a Democrat. Only one of them ever became a Republican: Strom Thurmond. The rest remained not only Democrats, but quite liberal Democrats. These included such liberal luminaries as Harry Byrd, Robert Byrd, Allen Ellender, Albert Gore Sr., J. William Fulbright, Walter F. George, Russell Long and Richard Russell. Fulbright was Bill Clinton’s mentor. Gore was “Al Jazeera” Gore’s father. Sam Ervin headed Nixon’s impeachment committee. The segregationists who were in the Senate in the ’50s were rabid Joe McCarthy opponents. In the ’60s, they opposed the Vietnam War and supported LBJ’s Great Society programs. In the ’90s, they got 100 percent ratings from NARAL Pro-Choice America. – WHITE LIBERALS TELL BLACK LIES ABOUT CIVIL RIGHTS

It’s one thing to rewrite history to say the Holocaust was when the Swedes killed the Jews. But it’s another to say that the Holocaust was when Jews killed the Germans. That’s how liberals rewrite the history of civil rights in America. For the truth, get Mugged. – WHITE LIBERALS TELL BLACK LIES ABOUT CIVIL RIGHTS

Obama faced zero opposition from his party, the media, the education establishment or Hollywood, all of which were madly in love with him. And yet, Obama may be the only president ever to win re-election with fewer votes than his initial election, down nearly 4 million votes compared to 2008. THE REPUBLICANS’ PRIMARY PROBLEM

Republicans had to run against an incumbent with a unified party and a unified media, 100 percent behind him, and they had to do it after waging their own bitter, endless primary fight, providing a wealth of sound bites for Obama TV ads. Still, Obama did worse than nearly any other incumbent who has won re-election. Indeed, had the election been held a week earlier, Obama probably would have lost. THE REPUBLICANS’ PRIMARY PROBLEM

Barack Obama did far worse in his re-election than nearly any other incumbent who won re-election – RUBIO’S AMNESTY: A PATH TO OBLIVION FOR THE GOP

The Democrats never change their ideas; they change the voters. For decades, Democrats have been working feverishly to create more Democrats by encouraging divorce (another Democratic voter!), illegitimacy (another Democratic voter!) and Third World immigration (another Democratic voter!). – RUBIO’S AMNESTY: A PATH TO OBLIVION FOR THE GOP

The only thing the newly legalized illegal immigrants won’t get immediately is citizenship. Rubio claims that under his plan, they won’t be able to vote or go on welfare. But in practice, they’ll have to wait only until the ACLU finds a judge to say otherwise. Even under Rubio’s scheme, all the children born to the 11 million newly legalized illegals will be instant citizens, able to collect welfare for their whole families and vote as soon as they are old enough. – RUBIO’S AMNESTY: A PATH TO OBLIVION FOR THE GOP

Instead, the Democrats will jawbone about “assault weapons” and other meaningless gun laws for the sole purpose of scaring soccer moms into hating the National Rifle Association. Expect to hear a lot about Republicans preferring “the gun lobby” to “children.” (Which is evidently not at all like preferring the teachers lobby to children.) – ENDING GUN VIOLENCE REQUIRES COMMITMENT, NOT ALL OF IT VOLUNTARY

The only differences in the semi-automatics the Democrats want to ban and the ones they don’t are purely cosmetic details, such as bayonet mounts or pistol grips. When is the last time anyone was killed with a bayonet in this country? Bayonets were rarely used even during the Civil War. Obama mocked the idea of bayonets during one of his debates with Romney. Now he’s terrified of them! – ENDING GUN VIOLENCE REQUIRES COMMITMENT, NOT ALL OF IT VOLUNTARY

In the late 1980s, New York City Mayor Ed Koch tried to institutionalize Joyce Brown, a mentally ill heroin addict living on the street who went by the name “Billie Boggs” (after local television host Bill Boggs). Brown was defecating on herself, removing all her clothes, burning money, running into traffic and shouting obscenities at passers-by. In other words, she was a prototype for Occupy Wall Street. Brown’s family desperately wanted to have Brown committed to Bellevue Hospital. A Columbia psychiatrist argued for her institutionalization. The neighbors supported her commitment. But the New York Civil Liberties Union wanted Brown back on the street. Her NYCLU attorney, Robert Levy, boasted that “Billie Boggs” was as sane as “a member of the board of the Civil Liberties Union.” A New York judge, Robert Lippman, agreed –- but not the way I do. Instead of ordering the entire NYCLU board institutionalized, he ordered the release of this poor, mentally disturbed woman. She promptly spoke at Harvard. (Princeton already had Peter Singer.) Then she was back on the street, taking heroin and getting into fights with other homeless people. – ENDING GUN VIOLENCE REQUIRES COMMITMENT, NOT ALL OF IT VOLUNTARY

Taking guns away from single women who live alone and other law-abiding citizens without mental illnesses will do nothing about the Chos, Loughners, Holmeses or Lanzas. Such people have to be separated from civil society, for the public’s sake as well as their own. But this is nearly impossible because the ACLU has decided that being psychotic is a civil right. Consequently, whenever a psychopath with a million gigantic warning signs commits a shocking murder, the knee-jerk reaction is to place yet more controls on guns. By now, guns are the most heavily regulated product in America. It hasn’t worked.- GUNS DON’T KILL PEOPLE, THE MENTALLY ILL DO

There is an academic, peer-reviewed, long-term study of the effect of various public policies on public, multiple shootings in all 50 states over a 20-year period performed by renowned economists at the University of Chicago and Yale, William Landes and John Lott. It concluded that the only policy to reduce the incidence of, and casualties from, mass shootings are concealed-carry laws. The Times will never mention this study. DOING THE RESEARCH THE NEW YORK TIMES WON’T DO

Instead, Rosenthal’s column proclaimed that armed guards do not reduce crime because: “I recently visited some Latin American countries … where guards with guns grace every office lobby, storefront, ATM, restaurant and gas station. It has not made those countries safer or saner.” So there you have it: The cock crowed, then the sun came up. Therefore, the cock’s crowing caused the sun to come up. Rosenthal went to Harvard Medical School. Here’s a tip: High-crime areas are often bristling with bulletproof glass, heavy-duty locks, gated windows and armed guards. The bulletproof glass doesn’t cause the crime; it’s a response to crime. On Rosenthal’s logic, hospitals kill people because more people die in hospitals than outside of them. DOING THE RESEARCH THE NEW YORK TIMES WON’T DO

Whether or not the homicide rate went up or down in Australia as a result of strict gun control laws imposed in 1997 is a fact that could have been checked by Times researchers. But they didn’t, because facts wouldn’t have given them the answer they wanted. Needless to say, the effect of Australia’s gun ban has been extensively researched by Australian academics. As numerous studies have shown: After the gun ban, gun homicides in Australia did not decline any more than they were expected to without a gun ban. Thus, for example, according to the Australian Institute of Criminology, the homicide rate has been in steady decline from 1969 to the present, with only one marked uptick in 1998-99 — right after the gun ban was enacted. DOING THE RESEARCH THE NEW YORK TIMES WON’T DO

New Zealand is strikingly similar to Australia. Both are isolated island nations, demographically and socioeconomically similar. Their mass murder rate before Australia’s gun ban was nearly identical: From 1980 to 1996, Australia’s mass murder rate was 0.0042 incidents per 100,000 people and New Zealand’s was 0.0050 incidents per 100,000 people. The principal difference is that, post-1997, New Zealand remained armed to the teeth — including with guns that were suddenly banned in Australia. While it’s true that Australia has had no more mass shootings since its gun ban, neither has New Zealand, despite continuing to be massively armed. The only thing Australia’s strict gun control laws has clearly accomplished is increasing the amount of violent crime committed with guns immediately after the ban took effect. DOING THE RESEARCH THE NEW YORK TIMES WON’T DO

What possible benefit derives from having a dishwasher that makes absolutely no noise? Was that gentle whooshing sound driving some homeowners bonkers? Is this a product designed by the same people who gave us the electric car, a vehicle so silent that the first sign of its approach is the sound of your pelvis breaking as the car hits you? – BAD INVENTIONS

YEAR 2012:

Despite modern perceptions that blend all the black activists of the ’60s, the Black Panthers did not hate whites. They did not seek armed revolution (although some of their most high-profile leaders were drug dealers and murderers). Those were the precepts of Karenga’s United Slaves. United Slaves were proto-fascists, walking around in dashikis, gunning down Black Panthers and adopting invented “African” names. (That was a big help to the black community: How many boys named “Jamal” are currently in prison?) – KWANZAA: HOLIDAY BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE FBI

It is a fact that Kwanzaa was invented in 1966 by a black radical FBI stooge, Ron Karenga — aka Dr. Maulana Karenga — founder of United Slaves, a violent nationalist rival to the Black Panthers. He was also a dupe of the FBI… It’s as if David Duke invented a holiday called “Anglika,” which he based on the philosophy of “Mein Kampf” — and clueless public school teachers began celebrating the made-up, racist holiday. – KWANZAA: HOLIDAY BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE FBI

Karenga himself served time, a useful stepping-stone for his current position as a black studies professor at California State University at Long Beach. – KWANZAA: HOLIDAY BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE FBI

The seven principles of Kwanzaa are the very same seven principles of the Symbionese Liberation Army, another charming legacy of the Worst Generation. In 1974, Patricia Hearst, kidnap victim-cum-SLA revolutionary, posed next to the banner of her alleged captors, a seven-headed cobra. Each snake head stood for one of the SLA’s revolutionary principles: Umoja, Kujichagulia, Ujima, Ujamaa, Nia, Kuumba and Imani — the exact same seven “principles” of Kwanzaa. – KWANZAA: HOLIDAY BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE FBI

When Karenga was asked to distinguish Kawaida, the philosophy underlying Kwanzaa, from “classical Marxism,” he essentially said that, under Kawaida, we also hate whites. – KWANZAA: HOLIDAY BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE FBI

Luckily, some years ago, two famed economists, William Landes at the University of Chicago and John Lott at Yale, conducted a massive study of multiple victim public shootings in the United States between 1977 and 1995 to see how various legal changes affected their frequency and death toll. Landes and Lott examined many of the very policies being proposed right now in response to the Connecticut massacre: waiting periods and background checks for guns, the death penalty and increased penalties for committing a crime with a gun. None of these policies had any effect on the frequency of, or carnage from, multiple-victim shootings… Only one public policy has ever been shown to reduce the death rate from such crimes: concealed-carry laws.WE KNOW HOW TO STOP SCHOOL SHOOTINGS

The effect of concealed-carry laws in deterring mass public shootings was even greater than the impact of such laws on the murder rate generally. Someone planning to commit a single murder in a concealed-carry state only has to weigh the odds of one person being armed. But a criminal planning to commit murder in a public place has to worry that anyone in the entire area might have a gun. – WE KNOW HOW TO STOP SCHOOL SHOOTINGS

You will notice that most multiple-victim shootings occur in “gun-free zones” — even within states that have concealed-carry laws: public schools, churches, Sikh temples, post offices, the movie theater where James Holmes committed mass murder, and the Portland, Ore., mall where a nut starting gunning down shoppers a few weeks ago. Guns were banned in all these places. Mass killers may be crazy, but they’re not stupid. – WE KNOW HOW TO STOP SCHOOL SHOOTINGS

If the deterrent effect of concealed-carry laws seems surprising to you, that’s because the media hide stories of armed citizens stopping mass shooters. At the Portland shooting, for example, no explanation was given for the amazing fact that the assailant managed to kill only two people in the mall during the busy Christmas season. It turns out, concealed-carry-holder Nick Meli hadn’t noticed that the mall was a gun-free zone. He pointed his (otherwise legal) gun at the shooter as he paused to reload, and the next shot was the attempted mass murderer killing himself. (Meli aimed, but didn’t shoot, because there were bystanders behind the shooter.) – WE KNOW HOW TO STOP SCHOOL SHOOTINGS

In a nonsense “study” going around the Internet right now, Mother Jones magazine claims to have produced its own study of all public shootings in the last 30 years and concludes: “In not a single case was the killing stopped by a civilian using a gun.”… The magazine reaches its conclusion by simply excluding all cases where an armed civilian stopped the shooter: They looked only at public shootings where four or more people were killed, i.e., the ones where the shooter wasn’t stopped.… It would be like testing the effectiveness of weed killers, but refusing to consider any cases where the weeds died. – WE KNOW HOW TO STOP SCHOOL SHOOTINGS

I note that rich liberals — who somehow manage to avoid paying high taxes themselves — are always wildly enthusiastic about raising taxes on the middle class to keep the strivers down. Forget the top 2 percent. The top 1 percent of the top 1 percent keep voting for higher taxes — and then take advantage of indefensible tax loopholes and deductions. Get them. – TAX RICH LIBERALS

Californians, for example, apparently adore high taxes. By contrast, Texans — and the Californians who have relocated there — do not. So why should residents of high-tax states be able to deduct their state and local taxes from their federal taxes? Texas and other no- or low-tax states are being forced to subsidize the profligate states. The five highest-taxed states are New York, New Jersey, California, Vermont and Rhode Island — with California soon pulling into the lead. The five least-taxed states are Florida, Alaska, Nevada, South Dakota and Wyoming. See the pattern? – TAX RICH LIBERALS

Whites are 76 percent of the electorate over the age of 30 and only 58 percent of the electorate under 30. Obama won the “youth vote” because it is the knife’s edge of a demographic shift… More than half of all babies born to Hispanic women today are illegitimate. As Heather MacDonald has shown, the birthrate of Hispanic women is twice that of the rest of the population, and their unwed birthrate is one and a half times that of blacks. AMERICA NEARS EL TIPPING POINTO

Black males would apparently like to work more. Nearly 20 percent of black males under 30 voted for Romney, more than three times what McCain got. AMERICA NEARS EL TIPPING POINTO

One bright spot of Barack Obama’s re-election was knowing that unemployment rates were about to soar for the precise groups that voted for him — young people, unskilled workers and single women with degrees in gender studies. – MAKE THE DEMOCRATS OWN THE OBAMA ECONOMY

Why do only tax cuts come with an expiration date? Why not tax increases? Why not Obamacare? How about New York City’s “temporary” rent control measures intended for veterans returning from World War II? – MAKE THE DEMOCRATS OWN THE OBAMA ECONOMY

The Non-Fox Media managed to persuade a majority of voters that the last four years of jobless misery was George W. Bush’s fault, having nothing whatsoever to do with Obama. The media have also managed to brand Republicans as the party of the rich, even as eight of the 10 richest counties voted for Obama. And that doesn’t include pockets of vast wealth in cities — Nob Hill in San Francisco, the North Shore of Chicago, the Upper East Side of Manhattan and the Back Bay of Boston — whose residents invariably vote like welfare recipients. Seven of the 10 richest senators are Democrats. – MAKE THE DEMOCRATS OWN THE OBAMA ECONOMY

Meanwhile, Romney promised to institute major reforms to Medicare, repeal Obamacare and impose a 20 percent across-the-board tax cut. He said he’d issue a 50-state waiver to Obamacare on his first day in office. (Why he didn’t promise it to all 57 states I’ll never know.)ROMNEY WAS NOT THE PROBLEM

Having vanquished liberal Republicans, the party’s problem now runs more along the lines of moron showoffs, trying to impress tea partiers like Jenny Beth Martin by taking insane positions on rape exceptions for abortion — as 2 million babies are killed every year from pregnancies having nothing to do with rape.ROMNEY WAS NOT THE PROBLEM

Under Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 immigration act, our immigration policy changed from one that replicated the existing ethnic population to one that strictly favored unskilled immigrants from the Third World. Since 1968, 85 percent of legal immigrants have come from what is euphemistically called “developing countries.” We can’t admit computer scientists from Spain fleeing their failing socialist nation because we have to make room for a recent Senegalese immigrant’s brother-in-law with no skills but great needs. – DEMOGRAPHY IS DESTINY

If yuppies had to compete with well-educated European immigrants, they might be a little less enlightened on the immigration question. As it is, only unskilled workers, mostly blacks and Latinos, are harmed by our immigration policies.

Because recent immigrants have no skills, they arrive in dire need of government assistance. Their desperation has been an enormous boon to the Democratic Party. Thirty-nine percent of native households receive some form of government assistance. By contrast, 57 percent of immigrant households — legal immigrants — get government assistance. We can’t do anything about the native population, but why on Earth is America taking in immigrants who require taxpayer support? If you come to America and immediately go on welfare, by definition, you are not a desirable immigrant. Except as a voter for the Democratic Party. – DEMOGRAPHY IS DESTINY

Most recent immigrants oppose abortion, gay marriage and big government. The problem is that poor, uneducated people — the Democratic base — are easily demagogued into voting tribally. A white person can vote for a Republican or a Democrat without anyone saying to him, “HOW CAN YOU VOTE AGAINST YOUR RACE?” But that is exactly how poor Hispanics and blacks are pressured into voting Democratic. – DEMOGRAPHY IS DESTINY

Democratic candidate John Kerry won 8 million more votes than Al Gore did in 2000, and he still couldn’t win. All the Democrats’ money, media, Bush Derangement Syndrome and even a demoralized conservative base couldn’t trump the power of incumbency in 2004. – DON’T BLAME ROMNEY

One of Obama’s first acts in office was to bail out the auto industry to help him in states he’d need in the upper Midwest, such as Michigan and Ohio. He visited Ohio nearly 50 times, while not visiting lots of other states even once. Obama was working Ohio from the moment he became president. – DON’T BLAME ROMNEY

The reason we have Obamacare is not because the public was clamoring for the federal government to take over health care. It’s because the Democrats had 60 senators. In the frozen ideology of the left, it doesn’t matter if anyone wants government health care. Democrats had been waiting around for 50 years to win huge majorities in the House and Senate and the presidency, so they could check off this box on “FDR’s Unfinished Business.” Unlike all other major legislation in the nation’s history, Obamacare was passed exclusively by one party that had just won an aberrationally large majority in Congress. Not a single Republican in either the House or Senate voted for it. ROMNEY IS WHAT THE COUNTRY NEEDS NOW

As soon as all Americans have been thrown off their employer-provided insurance plans and are forced to start depending on the government for health care, Republicans will never be able to repeal it. The private insurance market will be gone. Most Americans won’t be able to conceive of getting health care that doesn’t come from the government — just as people in the Soviet Union couldn’t imagine how they’d get bread if the government didn’t provide it. (Also similar to Communist systems, you’ll have to know someone in power to get decent medical care.)

A powerful health care Leviathan will arise, composed of self-paced, well-pensioned, unionized government workers who will manage our health care from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., except federal holidays, sick days, mental health days and in bad weather. (The day after Hurricane Sandy, everything was open on the mostly unaffected Upper East Side of New York — but not the post office.) This new phalanx of government workers will spend the bulk of their time campaigning to ensure the election of more Democrats who promise to lessen their workload and increase their benefits. Even Republicans will have to run for office promising only to enlarge Obamacare. Newt Gingrich will be calling plans to alter Obamacare “right-wing social engineering.” ROMNEY IS WHAT THE COUNTRY NEEDS NOW

Such people simply cannot grasp that doubling tax rates will not double government revenues because people won’t work as hard for half the money. ROMNEY IS WHAT THE COUNTRY NEEDS NOW

In 2008, a single county in Florida — Miami-Dade — received more money in Medicare home health care payments than the entire rest of the country combined. This continued throughout the entire year and was finally noticed by our Department of Health and Human Services in December 2009. Do you think it would take a private insurer two years to catch onto the fact that health care claims coming from a single county in Florida were larger than the rest of the country combined? ROMNEY IS WHAT THE COUNTRY NEEDS NOW

The way to fix health care is to take as much as possible away from the government and give it to the private sector. It is a universal law of nature that everything run by the government gets worse and more expensive over time — the postal service, airport security and Amtrak. Everything run by the private sector gets better and cheaper over time — cellphones, computers, hair products, dishwashers, etc. ROMNEY IS WHAT THE COUNTRY NEEDS NOW

Among many such myths, there’s Reagan’s Philadelphia speech, George W. Bush’s speech at Bob Jones University, someone yelling “Kill him” at the mention of Barack Obama’s name at a Sarah Palin rally, tea partiers calling Rep. John Lewis the N-word, Scott Brown’s red pickup truck, dog whistles, code words, and on and on and on. All of these myths are disproved in my book, “Mugged: Racial Demagoguery From the Seventies to Obama.” You should brush up on the facts because liberal lies never die. They just hide from the light like cockroaches and rush back out after dark. OBAMA: HALF-BLACK BUT ALL DEMOCRAT

Just two months ago, Lawrence O’Donnell was accusing Sen. Mitch McConnell of racism for saying Obama “has been working to earn a spot on the PGA Tour.” (What IS it about black people and golf? It’s such a dusty old stereotype!) When most people think of golf, they think of the single whitest sport in the world, after polo. A few years ago, a PGA reference would have been made by Democrats only in order to sneer about elitist, country club Republicans. But according to O’Donnell, McConnell was trying to align “the lifestyle of Tiger Woods with Barack Obama.” Liberals feel they have the right to say what symbols mean, which can change at will, according to circumstances. OBAMA: HALF-BLACK BUT ALL DEMOCRAT

Why, Chris is so crazy about black people, he’s even considering hiring one someday to work on his show! Not yet, but soon. OBAMA: HALF-BLACK BUT ALL DEMOCRAT

Liberals always cry racism in moments of stress, so it’s understandable that Matthews would lash out. It must be very stressful seeing Obama go down in the polls even following the debates he allegedly won. With the economy in the toilet and the Islamic world on fire, when Obama appears in person it’s even worse than if he were sleeping. That’s why — contrary to popular belief — the first debate was Obama’s best performance. OBAMA: HALF-BLACK BUT ALL DEMOCRAT

Perhaps if liberals hadn’t coddled Obama his entire life, giving him college acceptance letters, standing ovations and Nobel Peace prizes just for showing up, he would have been more prepared to debate someone a little more challenging than John McCain. OBAMA: HALF-BLACK BUT ALL DEMOCRAT

why don’t white liberals ever vote for black representatives in their own congressional districts? Black Democrats apparently can get elected to Congress only from majority black districts, whereas black Republicans are always elected from majority white districts: Gary Franks, J.C. Watts, Tim Scott, Allen West and (we hope!) Mia Love. OBAMA: HALF-BLACK BUT ALL DEMOCRAT

The august New York Times recently explained that illegal immigration has no effect on unemployment because illegal immigrants compete only with “native-born workers without a high school diploma.” As noted by Vanderbilt law professor Carol Swain, author of “Debate Immigration,” that means black workers. Illegal immigration, she says, harms blacks “the most because they’re disproportionately low-skilled.” In liberals’ view, blacks don’t count. They aren’t — in the Times’ words — “the bulk of native workers.” OBAMA: HALF-BLACK BUT ALL DEMOCRAT

According to the Times, Obama’s black supporters were dismayed at a White House meeting last year when cards were passed out to campaign donors with talking points about how Obama had helped various groups. There were cards for women, Jews, gays and lesbians. But no talking points for how Obama had helped black Americans. OBAMA: HALF-BLACK BUT ALL DEMOCRAT

The best question at the second presidential debate came from Michael Jones, an African-American who said: “Mr. President, I voted for you in 2008. What have you done or accomplished to earn my vote in 2012? I’m not that optimistic, as I was in 2008. Most things I need for everyday living are very expensive.” To which Obama said: “Are you my half-brother?” Actually, all Obama could say was that he had ended the war in Iraq (while pointlessly escalating the war in Afghanistan) and that Osama bin Laden is dead (and so is our ambassador). Both of which must be a great comfort to Mr. Jones as he tries to pay his bills every month. OBAMA AT HOFSTRA: RELATIVELY ALERT, ERGO BIG WINNER

In the media room, journalists cheered Obama’s cheap shot about Romney being rich, according to The Washington Times. Say, who did the Democrats run for president right before Obama? That would be the richest man in the U.S. Senate, John Kerry. But liberals believe Kerry acquired his fortune more honestly than by building businesses and creating jobs. He married a rich woman. OBAMA AT HOFSTRA: RELATIVELY ALERT, ERGO BIG WINNER

Meanwhile, my new favorite actress, Stacey Dash, sends an inoffensive little tweet supporting Mitt Romney and is buried in tweets calling her “an indoor slave” and a “jiggaboo,” who was “slutting (herself) to the white man.” (And those were just the tweets from the Obama 2012 Re-election Campaign!) GOT RACISM?

After President George W. Bush appointed Condoleezza Rice the first black female secretary of state, she was maligned in racist cartoons portraying her as Aunt Jemima, Butterfly McQueen from “Gone With the Wind,” a fat-lipped Bush parrot and other racist cliches. … When Michael Steele ran for senator from Maryland, he was depicted in blackface and with huge red lips by liberal blogger Steve Gilliard. Sen. Charles Schumer’s Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee dug up a copy of Steele’s credit report — something done to no other Republican candidate. … Mia Love, a black Republican running for Congress in Utah had her Wikipedia page hacked with racist bile, heavy on the N-word. Her campaign headquarters has been bombarded with racist graffiti and slimy mailings with pictures of Klansman next to photos of her family. … On less evidence than the birthers have, liberals slandered both Clarence Thomas and Herman Cain with the racist stereotype of black men as sexual predators. GOT RACISM?

In 2008, Bill Clinton said of Obama “a few years ago this guy would have been carrying our bags.” Democratic Sen. Harry Reid praised Obama for not speaking in a “Negro dialect.” Joe Biden complimented Obama for being “clean” and “articulate.” … Two years ago, liberal newsman Dan Rather said the criticism of Obama was that he “couldn’t sell watermelons if you gave him the state troopers to flag down the traffic.” (I immediately called for Rather’s firing for that, and then remembered that he didn’t have a job.) GOT RACISM?

In the speech, Obama lied about America to portray the nation as irredeemably racist. Channeling Kayne West, Obama said the government doesn’t “care about” black people in New Orleans. This was based on his assertion that New York City received more help from the federal government after 9/11, and Florida got more after Hurricane Andrew. Unlike blacks in New Orleans, he said, those victims were considered “part of the American family.” Obama was a sitting senator when he spouted this nonsense. He had to know that months earlier, $100 billion in federal disaster relief had been sent to the Gulf states hit by Katrina — or five times more than the disaster relief funds sent to New York after 9/11. All this was edited out of the clips Rachel played from Obama’s speech. This allowed her to smirk: “This is how (Obama) snuck into the White House, right? People didn’t actually know he was this black, and if they had known he was this black, they never would have elected him. That’s the idea here, right?” MSNBC’S MOTTO: ‘LEAN RACIST’

As noted in that great new book “Mugged: Racial Demagoguery From the Seventies to Obama,” it’s always the person with the least black heritage who is angriest at the anti-racism meetings. The ones who have never actually experienced anything resembling Jim Crow — in fact, nothing but white suck-uppery — are the most consumed with rage about things having nothing to do with their lives. MSNBC’S MOTTO: ‘LEAN RACIST’

Last week, Mitt Romney used the word “apartment.” That font of racial understanding, Chris Matthews (who has no black friends, neighbors or employees), revealed on MSNBC that the word “apartment” is racist. So please add that to your New Racist Dictionary, along with others common to native English speakers, such as “law and order,” “welfare,” “Chicago,” “kitchen cabinet,” “golfing” and “the.” (“The” became racist when Donald Trump said he had a “great relationship with the blacks.”) … In 2010, even Scott Brown’s pickup truck came in for a charge of racism on MSNBC. … Keith produced the smoking gun: “What were the Scott Brown ads, though? Every one of the Scott Brown ads had him in a pickup truck.” MSNBC’S MOTTO: ‘LEAN RACIST’

Liberals reason that if a Republican said it, it must be racist, and proceed from there. MSNBC’S MOTTO: ‘LEAN RACIST’

Democrats spent the first century of this country’s existence refusing to treat black people like human beings, and the second refusing to treat them like adults. LIBERALS CAN’T BREAK 200-YEAR RACISM HABIT

After fighting the Civil War to continue enslaving black people and then subjecting newly freed black Americans to vicious, humiliating Jim Crow laws and Ku Klux Klan violence, Democrats set about frantically rewriting their own ugly history. Step 1: Switch “Democrat” to “Southerner”; Step 2: Switch “Southerner” to “conservative Democrat”; Step 3: Switch “conservative Democrat” to “conservative.” LIBERALS CAN’T BREAK 200-YEAR RACISM HABIT

You will never see anything so brave as a liberal fighting nonexistent enemies. LIBERALS CAN’T BREAK 200-YEAR RACISM HABIT

Then came the O.J. verdict. Millions of Americans watched as a mostly black jury acquitted an obviously guilty black celebrity and saw black America cheer the verdict. The sight of black law students whooping and applauding O.J.’s acquittal had the same emotional impact as watching Palestinians celebrate the 9/11 attack. Overnight, the white guilt bank — once thought “too big to fail” — was shut down. Henceforth, instead of producing stuttering embarrassment, liberal moral intimidation on race produced only eye-rolling. With that, America became a much healthier country, especially for black people. LIBERALS CAN’T BREAK 200-YEAR RACISM HABIT

Without nonsense claims of racist “code words” to stop them, Republicans were finally able to implement long-sought reforms on crime and welfare. The unqualified success of Rudy Giuliani’s crime policies in New York saved tens of thousands of black lives. Welfare reform was such a stunning success that Bill Clinton claimed credit for it. Blacks had won the final civil rights battle: The right to be treated like adults. LIBERALS CAN’T BREAK 200-YEAR RACISM HABIT

Only our totally unbiased watchdog media could turn the burning of U.S. embassies in countries where Barack Obama had recently supported mob revolts into Mitt Romney’s blunder. Journalists couldn’t risk having Obama’s campaign slogan “Osama is dead” being amended with “and so is our ambassador.” ELITIST, OUT-OF-TOUCH MEDIA COMPLAIN ROMNEY NOT REGULAR GUY

The Obama administration insisted that Romney had his “facts” wrong: Obama had absolutely nothing to do with the statement — the embassy staff was freelancing — and, even if the White House had approved it, it was a good statement because the riots were caused by the movie trailer, and furthermore, the embassy statement was issued before the riots even began. This is known as an argument in the alternative: “I didn’t break into that house, and if I did, I didn’t steal the silver, and if I did, I only got twenty bucks for it.” ELITIST, OUT-OF-TOUCH MEDIA COMPLAIN ROMNEY NOT REGULAR GUY

A friend of mine who spent time in Russia during the ’70s told me that whenever a Russian would bring up the extensive coverage of Watergate, he’d sigh, thinking he’d have to explain that the American political system was not as corrupt as the commissars would have it. But all they ever wanted to ask him was: “Do all Americans have such nice shoes?” The lesson is: You can’t always control what the audience notices. ELITIST, OUT-OF-TOUCH MEDIA COMPLAIN ROMNEY NOT REGULAR GUY

When President Obama intervened in Libya last year, he claimed that “it’s in our national interest to act” to remove a tyrant who — in response to Bush’s invasion of Iraq — had just given up his weapons of mass destruction and pledged to be America’s BFF. Apparently Gadhafi neglected to also tell Obama, “I’ve got your back.” LIBYA COMMEMORATES 9/11

French liberal blowhard Bernard-Henri Levy announced that “Libya will go down in history as the anti-Iraq. Iraq was a democracy parachuted in by a foreign power in a country which hadn’t asked for it. Libya was a rebellion which demanded help from an international coalition.” The Charleston (W.Va.) Gazette editorialized: “Most of the world is rejoicing because of the historic success in Libya. We’re glad it was accomplished by Libya’s people, not by a U.S. invasion ordered by right-wing American politicians.” I note that the American ambassador in Iraq has not been murdered and his corpse dragged through the streets. I also recall that, a few years ago, when Muslims around the globe erupted in rioting over some Dutch cartoons, one Muslim country remained utterly pacific: George W. Bush’s Iraq. Apparently U.S. invasions ordered by right-wing American politicians are the only ones that work in the Middle East. Fake uprisings orchestrated by Muslim fanatics are less propitious. LIBYA COMMEMORATES 9/11

The much-ballyhooed “Arab Spring,” with mobs of men gang-raping American reporters, firing guns in the air and murdering their erstwhile dictators, is more akin to the pointless bloodletting of the French Revolution. That godless antithesis to the founding of America is the primogenitor of the horrors of the Bolshevik Revolution, Hitler’s Nazi Party, Mao’s Cultural Revolution, Pol Pot’s slaughter and America’s periodic mob uprisings, from Shays’ Rebellion to today’s union thugs in Madison, Wis., and Occupy Wall Street. LIBYA COMMEMORATES 9/11

On “Hardball” that night, Matthews continued his welfare rant: The Romney ad was “ethnically charged” and a “dog whistle.” (The phrase “dog whistle” is a dog whistle for imaginary sightings of racism.) MATTHEWS A FEW RACE CARDS SHORT OF A FULL DECK

Poor Mickey Kaus. He’s the liberal intellectual (not an oxymoron — he’s the last known living “liberal intellectual”) lefties on TV are usually stealing from, but now that this welfare reform maven has concluded that Romney’s welfare ad is basically correct, liberals refuse to acknowledge his existence. NEW YORK TIMES FACT CHECKERS: BED REST IS WORK!

And liberal Kaus — whom liberal hacks are usually plagiarizing from — has written a series of blog posts explaining in detail why the Times is wrong and Romney’s ad is not incorrect. True, he says the ad is “oversimplified,” but I think most people grasp that a 30-second ad will not provide the lush analytical detail of a Kausfiles blog posting. We know liberals are reading Kausfiles; why aren’t they stealing from him this time? NEW YORK TIMES FACT CHECKERS: BED REST IS WORK!

A 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office found that some states were accepting such non-work substitutes from welfare recipients as “bed rest,” “personal journaling,” “motivational reading,” “exercise at home,” “smoking cessation,” “weight loss,” and “helping a friend or relative with household tasks and errands.” (Under Sebelius, the work requirement will also be satisfied with “playing Xbox and eating Doritos.”) NEW YORK TIMES FACT CHECKERS: BED REST IS WORK!

Akin was endorsed by the Democratic Party. The Democrats carefully nurtured Akin with millions of dollars in campaign money because he was the candidate they most wanted to run against. (Akin thinks all those Democrats voting for him in the primary merely shows that he’s got tremendous crossover appeal!) MISSOURI: THE ‘SHOW ME ANOTHER G.O.P. CANDIDATE’ STATE

Our miracle senator, Scott Brown of Massachusetts, wasted no time in repudiating Akin and calling on him to withdraw. I promise you, the Democrats’ campaign against Brown will be: “Do you want to vote for the Brown-Akin ticket?” MISSOURI: THE ‘SHOW ME ANOTHER G.O.P. CANDIDATE’ STATE

The media finally got their evidence for the “Republican War on Women” from a Democrat-supported congressman no one had ever heard of until Monday. All their other evidence was so laughable, it was hardly worth responding to. MISSOURI: THE ‘SHOW ME ANOTHER G.O.P. CANDIDATE’ STATE

Yes, there’s a double standard. Yes, the non-Fox media are Democratic flacks. Yes, if Joe Biden had said it, it would be a harmless “gaffe.” That’s the world we live in. MISSOURI: THE ‘SHOW ME ANOTHER G.O.P. CANDIDATE’ STATE

When Social Security was enacted in 1935, the average lifespan was 61.7 years. Today, it’s almost 79 and rising. But liberals believe the age at which people can begin collecting Social Security must never, ever be changed, even to save Social Security itself. WHY LIBERALS BEHAVE THE WAY THEY DO

Mobs, according to Le Bon, have a “fetish-like respect” for tradition, except moral traditions because crowds are too impulsive to be moral. That’s why liberals say our Constitution is a “living, breathing” document that sprouts rights to gay marriage and abortion, but the age at which Social Security and Medicare benefits kick in is written in stone. WHY LIBERALS BEHAVE THE WAY THEY DO

liberal elites will be mostly untouched by the rotten medical care to which they are consigning the rest of us. Note how Democrats’ friends, such as government unions, immediately received waivers from Obamacare. Rich or connected liberals, such as George Soros, Warren Buffett, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama, will always have access to the best doctors, just as Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez do. It is similar to the way that Democrats, who refuse to pass school choice, always seem to bypass the disastrous public schools for their own children, who end up at Sidwell Friends or St. Albans. WHY LIBERALS BEHAVE THE WAY THEY DO

No, the idea that McCarthy threw out unsubstantiated charges and switched numbers, from 57 to 205, were the wild-eyed allegations of McCarthy haters, which, on closer examination, turned out to be completely false… It was proved false at the time — not just decades later, when McCarthy was vindicated with a whoop when Soviet archives and cables were revealed to the world. LIBERALS’ SECRET WEAPON: REPUBLICANS WHO DON’T READ

The claims of Will and Krauthammer are as true as liberal slanders about Karl Rove outing a CIA agent, tea partiers calling a black congressman the N-word and Duke lacrosse players raping a stripper. LIBERALS’ SECRET WEAPON: REPUBLICANS WHO DON’T READ

Former U.S. senator Christopher Dodd, now head of the Motion Picture Association of America, instantly came out for gun restrictions in response to the Colorado shooting. If I were Hollywood’s chief lobbyist, I think I’d keep my yap shut after a mass shooting that was inspired, at least in part, by a Hollywood movie. OBSCURITY: NO CRUELER PUNISHMENT!

Nor have any terrorists attempted to hijack any airplanes since 9/11, though there are other factors at work there, such as George W. Bush killing them first. OBSCURITY: NO CRUELER PUNISHMENT!

Time magazine didn’t put the idea of mass murder in Wesbecker’s head. Years earlier he had discussed killing people with his psychiatrist — specifically people at work. But Time’s cover story blaming the guns did prompt Wesbecker to purchase those types of guns, which he began to do right after the article appeared. Perhaps it also convinced him, as Time’s editors were convinced, that it would not be his fault, but the gun’s fault — an argument that is strangely compelling to mental patients. OBSCURITY: NO CRUELER PUNISHMENT!

The same process that has already destroyed California is working its way through the entire country. While conservatives have been formulating carefully constructed arguments, liberals have been playing a long-term game to change the demographics of America to get an electorate more to their liking. They will do incalculable damage to the nation and to individual citizens, but Democrats will have an unbeatable majority. Just like California, the United States is on its way to becoming a Third World, one-party state. DEMOCRATS’ IDEAL VOTER: ILLEGAL ALIEN, SINGLE MOTHER, CONVICTED FELON

The “browning of America” is not a natural process. It’s been artificially imposed by Democrats who are confident of their abilities to turn Third World immigrants into government patrons. It’s worked. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, 57 percent of all immigrant households in the U.S. get cash, Medicaid, housing or food benefits from the government — compared with 39 percent of native households. The highest rates are for immigrants from the Dominican Republic (82 percent), Mexico and Guatemala (tied at 75 percent). DEMOCRATS’ IDEAL VOTER: ILLEGAL ALIEN, SINGLE MOTHER, CONVICTED FELON

Liberals’ other plan to expand the Democratic rolls has been to destroy the family. Every time someone gets a divorce, Democrats think: We got a new Democratic voter! Every time a child is born out of wedlock: We got a new Democratic voter! And if the woman has an abortion — we got a new Democratic voter! According to recent polls, Obama has a negative job approval rating of 45 to 49 percent. The reason the polls are tied between Obama and Romney is that single women support Obama by a 2-to-1 margin. The Democrats’ siren song to single women is: Don’t worry, the government will be your husband. DEMOCRATS’ IDEAL VOTER: ILLEGAL ALIEN, SINGLE MOTHER, CONVICTED FELON

Our prisons are overflowing with the results of the Democrats’ experiment of subsidizing illegitimacy. Children raised by a single mothers commit 72 percent of juvenile murders, 60 percent of rapes, have 70 percent of teenaged births, commit 70 percent of suicides and are 70 percent of high school dropouts. DEMOCRATS’ IDEAL VOTER: ILLEGAL ALIEN, SINGLE MOTHER, CONVICTED FELON

Until someone can tell us otherwise, there is only one explanation for why President Obama’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives gave thousands of guns to Mexican drug dealers: It put guns in their hands to strengthen liberals’ argument for gun control. Precisely because this is such a jaw-dropping accusation — criminality at the highest level of government to score a political point — Republicans refuse to make it. But the problem with Republican rectitude in discussing this scandal is that as soon as they start talking about subpoenas and dates and documents, TV channels change across America. They’re never going to get answers unless they first explain to the American people why it matters. FAST AND FURIOUS IS NOT A D.C. LAW FIRM

A typically idiotic Democratic scheme, the “assault weapons” ban prohibited the sale of semiautomatics that are operationally indistinguishable from deer rifles, but which looked scary to liberal women. FAST AND FURIOUS IS NOT A D.C. LAW FIRM

In 2010, even Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon demanded that the U.S. reinstate the assault weapons ban — on the grounds that Mexican drug violence was directly linked to the law’s repeal. The claim was preposterous for many reasons, including the fact that the type and quantity of armaments being used by Mexican drug cartels can be obtained only from places such as North Korea, China, Russia, Venezuela and Guatemala. FAST AND FURIOUS IS NOT A D.C. LAW FIRM

So, then the Obama administration did exactly what Democrats had been falsely accusing American gun sellers of doing: They put American guns in the hands of Mexican drug cartels… There is no conceivable law enforcement objective to giving Mexican drug dealers thousands of untrackable guns. It’s not even fun for the agents, like an armed raid on a private home. If there’s some other explanation, Holder isn’t telling. FAST AND FURIOUS IS NOT A D.C. LAW FIRM

Did Democrats wait for a smoking gun to accuse Karl Rove of treason for revealing Valerie Plame’s identity as a CIA agent? It turned out Rove didn’t reveal it, and it wouldn’t have been a crime if he had. Did they wait for proof to accuse Sen. John McCain of committing adultery? They had none, and yet that story ran on the front page of The New York Times. Did they have any evidence before accusing the entire Republican House leadership of complicity in Mark Foley’s creepy emails to young male interns? See if you can guess… Liberals just make wild-eyed accusations and demand Republicans prove themselves innocent. FAST AND FURIOUS IS NOT A D.C. LAW FIRM

Innocent people dying was the objective of Fast and Furious, not collateral damage. It would be as if the Bush administration had implemented a covert operation to dump a dangerous abortifacient in Planned Parenthood clinics, resulting in hundreds of women dying — just to give pro-lifers an argument about how dangerous abortion clinics are. FAST AND FURIOUS IS NOT A D.C. LAW FIRM

The French Revolution is the godless antithesis to the founding of America… Both revolutions are said to have come from the ideas of Enlightenment thinkers, the French Revolution informed by the writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the American Revolution influenced by the writings of John Locke. This is like saying presidents Reagan and Obama both drew on the ideas of Twentieth Century economists — Reagan on the writings of Milton Friedman and Obama on the writings of Paul Krugman. ON JULY 4, REMEMBER: WE ARE NOT FRENCH

Americans celebrate the Fourth of July, the date our written demand for independence from Britain based on “Nature’s God” was released to the world. The French celebrate Bastille Day, a day when a thousand armed Parisians stormed the Bastille, savagely murdered a half dozen guards, defaced their corpses, stuck heads on pikes — all in order to seize arms and gunpowder for more such tumults. It would be as if this country had a national holiday to celebrate the L.A. riots. ON JULY 4, REMEMBER: WE ARE NOT FRENCH

Among the most famous quotes from the American Revolution is Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty or give me death!” Among the most famous slogans of the French Revolution is that of Jacobin Club “Fraternity or death,” recast by Nicolas-Sébastien de Chamfort a satirist of the revolution, “Be my brother or I’ll kill you.” ON JULY 4, REMEMBER: WE ARE NOT FRENCH

Our revolutionary symbol is the Liberty Bell, first rung to herald the opening of the new Continental Congress in the wake of the Battle of Lexington and Concord, and rung again to summon the citizens of Philadelphia to a public reading of the just-adopted Declaration of Independence. The symbol of the French Revolution is the “national razor” – the guillotine. ON JULY 4, REMEMBER: WE ARE NOT FRENCH

Of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence, all died of natural causes in old age, with the exception of Button Gwinnett of Georgia, who was shot in a duel unrelated to the revolution. Of all our founding fathers, only one other died of unnatural causes: Alexander Hamilton. He died in a duel with Aaron Burr because as a Christian, Hamilton deemed it a greater sin to kill another man than to be killed. Before the duel, in writing, Hamilton vowed not to shoot Burr. President after president of the new American republic died peacefully at home for 75 years, right up until Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in 1865. Meanwhile, the leaders of the French Revolution all died violently, guillotine by guillotine. ON JULY 4, REMEMBER: WE ARE NOT FRENCH

Democrats will never stop trying to take our guns away. They see something more lethal than a salad shooter and wet themselves. But since their party was thrown out of Congress for the first time in nearly half a century as a result of passing the 1994 “assault weapons ban,” even liberals know they were going to need a really good argument to pass any limitation on guns ever again. So it’s curious that Democrats all started telling the same lie about guns as soon as Obama became president. THE BIGGEST SCANDAL IN U.S. HISTORY

And then, thanks to Fox News — the first network to report it — we found out the 90 percent figure was complete bunkum. It was a fabrication told by William Hoover, of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATF), and then spread like wildfire by Democrats and the media. Mexican law enforcement authorities send only a fraction of the guns they recover from criminals back to the U.S. for tracing. Which guns do they send? The guns that have U.S. serial numbers on them. It would be like asking a library to produce all their Mark Twain books and then concluding that 90 percent of the books in that library are by Mark Twain. You begin to see why the left hates Fox News so much. THE BIGGEST SCANDAL IN U.S. HISTORY

Obama backed away from the preposterous 90 percent claim. His National Security Council spokesman explained to Fox News that by “recovered,” they meant “guns traceable to the United States.” So, in other words, Democrats were frantically citing the amazing fact that almost all the guns traceable to the U.S. were … traceable to the U.S. THE BIGGEST SCANDAL IN U.S. HISTORY

Why must a certain type of woman always start shouting about her vagina whenever the topic of abortion comes up? Do what you want with your vagina. Pro-lifers just want to stop babies from being killed. It would be as though a slaveholder complained that Republicans wanted to regulate his anus by abolishing slavery and taking away his right to crap on his slaves. VULGARIANS ON THE LOOSE!

Another guest, Eve Ensler, authoress of “The Vagina Monologues,” talked about the magic of thousands of women shouting “vagina” in public: “Many young women came up to thank both of us for giving them voice, for allowing them to be authentic, for allowing them to love their bodies, for allowing them to feel agency over their bodies and their rights, to know that they have choices, that what they decide to do with the reproductive decisions or abortion decisions or whatever they decide is their choice. It’s their body.” That is, unless your little body hasn’t been born yet, in which case, liberals think it can be torn to shreds and dumped in the garbage — a point they argue by shouting “vagina” and claiming Republican legislators want to date-rape them. VULGARIANS ON THE LOOSE!

When Democrats say the public sector is suffering, they mean public sector employees have half the unemployment rate of the rest of the country — 4.2 percent compared to 8.2 percent. OBAMA’S PUBLIC SECTOR FULL EMPLOYMENT PLAN

Nearly every product you can think of has gotten better and cheaper in the last 20 years because of market competition: cell phones, television sets, computers, food delivery, airline tickets (constrained by the cost of fuel), express mail, and on and on. There aren’t a lot of restaurants serving lousy food or dog walkers who lose your dog because they’d go out of business pretty fast if they provided rotten services. They’re not the only game in town. But you know what is the only game in town? The government, including putatively private businesses that are heavily regulated by the government. Only with the government do we continuously get worse service for a higher price. Take away the ability to fire people, and you have airport security, public schools, Veterans Administration hospitals, the Postal Service, General Motors and Pinch Sulzberger, New York Times family scion. OBAMA’S PUBLIC SECTOR FULL EMPLOYMENT PLAN

Health insurance companies don’t need to compete for your business — they’re all offering the same product, anyway. Moreover, because of government regulation concerning how health insurance is taxed, most people aren’t choosing their insurers. Their employers are. As a result, insurance companies have become outrageously unresponsive to both patients and doctors. Insurance companies need only concern themselves with satisfying government regulators and corporate purchasers. Meanwhile, doctors have to please only the insurance companies, which don’t particularly care how patients are treated, as long as it’s cheap. OBAMA’S PUBLIC SECTOR FULL EMPLOYMENT PLAN

We need a free market in health insurance, which Congress could accomplish with a one-page bill stating, “There shall be interstate commerce in health insurance.” Once we were allowed to purchase health insurance across states lines — prohibited by law today — everyone would be buying insurance from companies based in states such as Utah, which have the fewest mandates about what health insurers must cover. Insurance companies would be responsive to us, the people buying their services, and not the government or corporations. Most people would choose to buy insurance only for what insurance is intended for — catastrophes — while paying for regular checkups themselves, the same way we pay for our own cell phones, computers, baby sitters, manicures and everything else that’s been getting better and cheaper, unlike all government-regulated services. Doctors would then have to be responsive to us, not to our insurance companies. OBAMA’S PUBLIC SECTOR FULL EMPLOYMENT PLAN

Nothing improves the quality of a service like being able to fire the people providing it. The media don’t want you to think about that, so they edit Romney’s remark and call it a “gaffe.” For better service right now, for example, the American people need to fire Barack Obama and hire Mitt Romney. OBAMA’S PUBLIC SECTOR FULL EMPLOYMENT PLAN

President Obama wanted to go to Wisconsin, but he just didn’t have time. He’s been doing so many campaign fundraisers lately he barely has time to play golf. THE RECALL HEARD AROUND THE WORLD

The Democrats will do anything the government unions ask, because (1) It’s not their money they’re spending, it’s the taxpayers’; and (2) Government unions reciprocate by making sure the Democrats keep getting re-elected. THE RECALL HEARD AROUND THE WORLD

All manufacturing has been driven out of the state by high taxes — and by well-compensated government employees who make it impossible to do business in New York. The state’s principal cash cow, New York City, is now entirely composed of a tiny slice of Wall Streeters and the people who serve them –- personal trainers, doormen, maids, doctors, lawyers, restaurateurs and Keith Olbermann’s cat groomer. Outside of New York City, everyone works for the government. But there’s no actual industry in the state. People are fleeing New York faster than Democrat legislators fled Wisconsin before a vote they were going to lose. Soon it will be just another mid-range, dying state. If the financial sector ever leaves, New York City will be Detroit, which itself was once the nation’s crown jewel metropolis. THE RECALL HEARD AROUND THE WORLD

There’s a reason both FDR and labor leader George Meany said it would be insane to ever allow government employees to unionize. People who work for the government don’t have a hard-driving capitalist boss on the other side of the bargaining table demanding more work for less pay. No one is worried about the profit margin because there is no profit — it’s government! Rather, the only people on the other side of the table are the unions’ co-conspirators: Democratic politicians willing to spend the public treasury on union members, who will repay the politicians by mobilizing voters. THE RECALL HEARD AROUND THE WORLD

The public sector unions are trying to oust Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker from office for impinging on their princely, taxpayer-supported lifestyles. If Walker goes down, no governor will ever again suggest that snowplow operators work when it snows. No governor will dare try to deprive public school teachers of their Viagra. Forget about ever firing self-paced, self-evaluated, unnecessary government employees. GOP WHISTLING PAST THE END OF AMERICA

Union political operatives aren’t volunteers: They’re getting salaries from the unions. But those expenditures don’t get counted as money spent on a campaign — a little detail of campaign finance laws Republicans have been screaming about for 20 years. GOP WHISTLING PAST THE END OF AMERICA

One of the most egregious union scams Walker dispensed with was the requirement — won in collective bargaining — that all school districts purchase health insurance from the same provider. The monopolist insurer was WEA Trust, which happens to be affiliated with the teachers union. Simply by eliminating this union boondoggle, Walker has already saved individual school districts millions of dollars per year, which could easily rise to hundreds of millions of dollars. (Most districts still get their health insurance from WEA Trust, but the mere threat of competition forced it to lower its price.) GOP WHISTLING PAST THE END OF AMERICA

On her show, Rachel Maddow proclaimed: “Factually speaking, spending has leveled off under President Obama. Spending is not skyrocketing under President Obama. Spending is flattening out under President Obama.” In response, three writers from “The Daily Show” said, “We’ll never top that line,” and quit. FIGURES DON’T LIE: DEMOCRATS DO

It turns out Rex Nutting, author of the phony Marketwatch chart, attributes all spending during Obama’s entire first year, up to Oct. 1, to President Bush. That’s not a joke. That means, for example, the $825 billion stimulus bill, proposed, lobbied for, signed and spent by Obama, goes in … Bush’s column. FIGURES DON’T LIE: DEMOCRATS DO

Nutting’s “analysis” is so dishonest, even The New York Times has ignored it. He includes only the $140 billion of stimulus money spent after Oct. 1, 2009, as Obama’s spending. And he’s testy about that, grudgingly admitting that Obama “is responsible (along with the Congress) for about $140 billion in extra spending in the 2009 fiscal year from the stimulus bill.” Nutting acts as if it’s the height of magnanimity to “attribute that $140 billion in stimulus to Obama and not to Bush …” FIGURES DON’T LIE: DEMOCRATS DO

The theory is that a new president is stuck with the budget of his predecessor, so the entire 2009 fiscal year should be attributed to Bush. But Obama didn’t come in and live with the budget Bush had approved. He immediately signed off on enormous spending programs that had been specifically rejected by Bush. This included a $410 billion spending bill that Bush had refused to sign before he left office. Obama signed it on March 10, 2009. Bush had been chopping brush in Texas for two months at that point. Marketwatch’s Nutting says that’s Bush’s spending. FIGURES DON’T LIE: DEMOCRATS DO

The real class warfare in this country isn’t rich vs. poor, it’s government employees vs. we, the taxpayers, who pay their salaries… Former representative and amateur home pornographer Anthony Weiner was a member of Congress until he resigned last June in order to spend more time with his hard drive. He will probably end up collecting about a million dollars from his 80 percent taxpayer-funded government pension. These are the “1 percent” deserving of the public’s wrath: We’re paying their salaries. We weren’t taxed to pay Mitt Romney’s salary at Bain Capital. We aren’t taxed to pay the salaries of Jamie Dimon or Alex Rodriguez. Anthony Weiner? Him, we pay for. SACRIFICIAL SCAMS

At the 2008 Democratic National Convention, Barack and Michelle Obama both paid heartfelt tributes to themselves for passing up money-grubbing private sector jobs to work in “public service.” In her speech, Michelle boasted that she had “tried to give back to this country.” “… That’s why I left a job at a law firm for a career in public service, working to empower young people to volunteer in their communities.” She was hired by the University of Chicago Hospital as soon as her husband became a state senator. When he was elected to the U.S. Senate, her salary nearly tripled, from $121,910 to $316,962 — and the junior senator from Illinois returned the favor by sending taxpayer dollars the hospital’s way. By Obama’s second year in the U.S. Senate, in 2006, Michelle Obama’s compensation from “public service” was approximately $375,000 a year — more than triple the average salary for a lawyer in the United States with 20 years’ experience. (America to the Obamas: “You two have sacrificed enough. Please retire and kick back a little!”) SACRIFICIAL SCAMS

The Boston Globe immediately leapt to Warren’s defense, quoting a genealogist who found a marriage license on which Warren’s great-great-uncle scribbled that his mother, Warren’s great-great-great grandmother, was a Cherokee. This is not part of the official marriage license. (If I scribble “Kenyan” on Obama’s birth certificate, does that make it true?) ELIZABETH WARREN DANCES WITH LIES

But let’s say it’s true. That would make Warren a dotriacontaroon — 1/32nd Cherokee. That’s her claim to affirmative action bonus points? You don’t know what it’s like to be 1/32nd Cherokee, to never have anyone to talk to, spending so many evenings home alone, wondering if there was some other 1/32nd Cherokee out there, perhaps looking at the same star I was. ELIZABETH WARREN DANCES WITH LIES

Unlike Democrat voter rolls, to be on the Cherokee list, proof is required. ELIZABETH WARREN DANCES WITH LIES

…a debate broke out at Northwestern University law school about whether a potential faculty hire was black enough. One professor wrote a heated three-page letter to the hiring committee complaining that the recruit “should not be considered a black candidate,” explaining, “(n)ot all with dark skins are black,” nor should they be considered “black in the U.S. context.” (Flash to: My exact position on Obama.) ELIZABETH WARREN DANCES WITH LIES

Warren’s lie is outrageous enough to someone like me, who isn’t a fan of race-based affirmative action programs. Still, she is a liar, and she stole the credit of someone else’s suffering. For liberals, it should be a mortal sin: Elizabeth Warren cheated on affirmative action. ELIZABETH WARREN DANCES WITH LIES

Our official policy is to turn away scientists in order to make room for illiterate Pakistani peasants who will drop out of high school to man coffee carts until deciding to plot a terrorist attack against the United States. That’s this week’s immigration poster boy, Najibullah Zazi. Zazi’s own step-uncle said of him: “He was a dumb kid, believe me.” Our immigration officials said, WELCOME, ZAZI!… Oops, sorry Swedish scientists and nuclear engineers — no room for you. DEPORT THE GOP ESTABLISHMENT

n a novel thought, Romney proposes that we grant citizenship to people who would make America a better place, repeatedly saying that he would like to “staple a green card” to the diplomas of foreigners who receive Ph.D.s in math or the hard sciences. He may be the first national politician in two generations who thinks we should use legal immigration to get our average up.

It would be as if the University of North Carolina recruited only the top basketball players in the county, instead of — out of fairness — taking players of all skill levels, and their relatives. What? They already do that? Way to go, Carolina! … And surely no one wants any immigrants coming here and immediately going on welfare. (That would be like North Carolina actively recruiting the blind for their basketball team.) DEPORT THE GOP ESTABLISHMENT

If you’re not sure how you feel about illegal immigration, ask yourself this: “Do I have a nanny, a maid, a pool boy, a chauffeur, a cook or a business requiring lots of cheap labor that the rest of America will have to subsidize with social services to make up for the wages I’m paying?” Press “1” to answer in English. If the answer is “no,” illegal immigration is a bad deal for you. Cheap labor is cheap only for the employer. Today, 70 percent of illegal immigrant households collect government benefits — as do 57 percent of all immigrant households — compared to 39 percent of native households.

You can either pay a little more for tomatoes picked by Americans or you can pay a lot more in welfare to the illegal immigrants who will pick them as well as to generations of their descendants.

Romney is one of the few Republicans to recognize that there is no need to “round up” illegal aliens (in the lingo of amnesty supporters) to get them to go home. Illegal aliens will leave the same way they arrived. They decided to walk across the border to get jobs — and welfare, apparently — and they’ll walk back across the border as soon as the jobs and welfare dry up. Obama has a similar plan, but instead of using E-Verify to stop illegal aliens from taking American jobs, he did it by destroying the entire job market. Hmmmm, drug-war ravaged Ciudad Juarez, or Obama’s America … I’ll take Juarez!

Gun control laws were originally promulgated by Democrats to keep guns out of the hands of blacks. This allowed the Democratic policy of slavery to proceed with fewer bumps and, after the Civil War, allowed the Democratic Ku Klux Klan to menace and murder black Americans with little resistance. … In 1640, the very first gun control law ever enacted on these shores was passed in Virginia. It provided that blacks — even freemen — could not own guns. Chief Justice Roger Taney’s infamous opinion in Dred Scott v. Sandford circularly argued that blacks could not be citizens because if they were citizens, they would have the right to own guns: “[I]t would give them the full liberty,” he said, “to keep and carry arms wherever they went.” NEGROES WITH GUNS

(Contrary to what illiterates believe, the KKK was an outgrowth of the Democratic Party, with overlapping membership rolls. The Klan was to the Democrats what the American Civil Liberties Union is today: Not every Democrat is an ACLU’er, but every ACLU’er is a Democrat. Same with the Klan.) NEGROES WITH GUNS

For more than a hundred years, Republicans have aggressively supported arming blacks, so they could defend themselves against Democrats. The original draft of the Anti-Klan Act of 1871 — passed at the urging of Republican president Ulysses S. Grant — made it a federal felony to “deprive any citizen of the United States of any arms or weapons he may have in his house or possession for the defense of his person, family, or property.” This section was deleted from the final bill only because it was deemed both beyond Congress’ authority and superfluous, inasmuch as the rights of citizenship included the right to bear arms. NEGROES WITH GUNS

But the Klan had a few resurgences in the early and mid-20th century. Curiously, wherever the Klan became a political force, gun control laws would suddenly appear on the books. NEGROES WITH GUNS

This will give you an idea of how gun control laws worked. Following the firebombing of his house in 1956, Dr. Martin Luther King, who was, among other things, a Christian minister, applied for a gun permit, but the Alabama authorities found him unsuitable. A decade later, he won a Nobel Peace Prize. NEGROES WITH GUNS

The NRA opposed these discretionary gun permit laws and proceeded to grant NRA charters to blacks who sought to defend themselves from Klan violence — including the great civil rights hero Robert F. Williams. … The NRA’s proud history of fighting the Klan has been airbrushed out of the record by those who were complicit with the KKK, Jim Crow and racial terror, to wit: the Democrats.NEGROES WITH GUNS

For years after the 9/11 terrorist attack on America, Democrats hysterically bemoaned any military action, especially in Iraq. They claimed to have many precious objections, but the truth was, they thought we deserved the attack — or at best, both sides were at fault. – FIGHTING THE LAST WAR

So when it came to Obama’s pointlessly sending more troops to Afghanistan or foolishly intervening in Libya, some Republicans’ first instinct was to demand muscular American military action, forgetting that we are the party that cares about American national security and does not fling troops around the globe just to look tough, as the Democrats do. – FIGHTING THE LAST WAR

When Reagan took office, the top marginal tax rate in this country was a staggering 70 percent. Lowering that to 28 percent was an enormous shot in the arm to the economy. Cutting the top tax rate today from 35 percent to 30 percent — or even 20 percent — cannot possibly have the same dramatic effect. Republicans, as the only responsible party, are going to have to do something that’s never been tried before in Washington: Cut government spending. – FIGHTING THE LAST WAR

Liberals so loathe Romney that in 2008, their most Christian-phobic columnist, Frank Rich, was forced to write admiringly about pro-life Christian conservative Mike Huckabee. He may have been a Christian, but at least he wasn’t Mitt Romney! – FIGHTING THE LAST WAR

Since the cat leapt out of the bag on Zimmerman being Hispanic, the media have begun calling him a “white Hispanic.” Not being a race-obsessed liberal, I don’t particularly care, but it’s indisputable that Zimmerman is brown. I saw his face carved on the side of a Mayan temple in the Yucatan. Using his mother’s maiden name, he would be admitted to the University of Michigan law school on a full scholarship. ‘POST-RACIAL’ LYNCH MOB

The NFM’s theory of the case might be true, just as it might be true that the loud bang I just heard outside my door is Godzilla returning to terrorize Manhattan. I, like the NFM, have no facts supporting my theory. (Although mine is more credible because Al Sharpton is not involved and none of my facts are provably false, such as the NFM’s claim about Zimmerman being “white.”) ‘POST-RACIAL’ LYNCH MOB

Then the same network that couldn’t find the Jeremiah Wright tapes for sale in a church lobby brought in “one of the best audio experts in the business” to enhance the tape ‘POST-RACIAL’ LYNCH MOB

Anticipating nearly every form of government corruption, our framers specifically designed the Constitution to prevent tyranny. But they never imagined the perfidy of 20th-century liberals. (Probably because the framers didn’t have NBC.) What liberals figured out — and were mendacious enough to exploit — is that there is no obvious recourse for the other branches if the Supreme Court issues an insane ruling. So, beginning in the 1960s, liberals on the court started issuing insane rulings on a regular basis. Rather than referring to the Constitution, some of their opinions were apparently based on the dream journal of Andrea Dworkin. VERRILLI NOT ADMINISTRATION’S WORST LAWYER, AFTER ALL

To take one example of a ludicrous ruling, at random, off the top of my head: In 1973, the Supreme Court announced that the Constitution mandates a right to abortion. The Constitution says nothing about reproduction, contraception, fetuses, pregnancy, premenstrual syndrome, morning sickness — much less abortion. (As the tea partiers say: Read the Constitution!) It does, however, expressly grant to the states those powers not reserved to the people (such as the right to bear arms) or explicitly given to Congress (such as the right to regulate commerce with foreign nations, among the several states and with the Indian tribes). Obviously, therefore, the Constitution implicitly entrusted abortion laws to the states. VERRILLI NOT ADMINISTRATION’S WORST LAWYER, AFTER ALL

One hint that a “constitutional” right to abortion is not based on anything in the Constitution is that during oral argument, as the lawyer arguing for this apocryphal right ticked off the constitutional provisions allegedly supporting it — the Due Process Clause, the Equal Protection Clause, the Ninth Amendment, “and a variety of others” — the entire courtroom burst into laughter. The ruling in Roe, incidentally, struck down the duly constituted and passed laws of all 50 states. (But that is soooo 53 million abortions ago …) VERRILLI NOT ADMINISTRATION’S WORST LAWYER, AFTER ALL

Curiously, the only court opinions liberals really get excited about are the ones having nothing to do with the Constitution: abortion, nude dancing, gay marriage, pornography, coddling criminals, etc., etc. VERRILLI NOT ADMINISTRATION’S WORST LAWYER, AFTER ALL

Which brings us to the brilliant ex-law professor, who manifestly doesn’t have the faintest understanding of the Constitution. On Monday, President Obama shocked even his fellow liberals when he claimed that it would be “an unprecedented, extraordinary step” for the Supreme Court to overturn “a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress.” (Which Obamacare wasn’t.) He added: “I’d just remind conservative commentators that for years what we’ve heard is the biggest problem on the bench was judicial activism or a lack of judicial restraint.” I guess now we know why Obama won’t release his college and law school transcripts! It was so embarrassing that Obama attempted a clarification on Tuesday, but only made things worse. He said: “We have not seen a court overturn a law that was passed by Congress on an economic issue, like health care,” since the ’30s. Except in 1995. And then again in 2000. (Do we know for a fact that this guy went to Columbia and Harvard Law?) VERRILLI NOT ADMINISTRATION’S WORST LAWYER, AFTER ALL

Even Ronald Reagan raised taxes as governor of California, imposing a $1 billion tax increase his first year in office. It was the largest tax hike by a governor in the nation’s history, raising income, corporate, sales and inheritance taxes. Five years later, Reagan raised taxes again by another $1.5 billion. To be fair, unlike liberals, he also provided tax rebates that, over his tenure in office, totaled $5.7 billion, including $4 billion in property tax rebates. SEND LIZZIE BORDEN TO WASHINGTON

To the contrary, every single budget Romney submitted included income tax cuts — all of which were rejected by the 85-percent Democratic Legislature. (The last time Massachusetts legislators approved an income tax cut was when it was attached to a bill raising their own salaries by 55 percent.) SEND LIZZIE BORDEN TO WASHINGTON

The NEA, you will recall, uses federal taxpayer money to subsidize crucifixes submerged in urine, photos of bullwhips up a man’s derriere, poems celebrating the Central Park jogger’s rapists, photos of amputated human genitalia, vomit, mutilated corpses and dead fetuses. (And that was just the children’s wing of the museum!) SEND LIZZIE BORDEN TO WASHINGTON

Did I miss the deadline for alternative opinions on Sandra Fluke? What with liberal women constantly talking about their vaginas suddenly pretending to be offended by the word “slut,” and conservatives pretending to be as pussified as liberals about the nasty names they’ve been called, I never got an answer to the most pressing question about Sandra Fluke: Who are you again? –THE VAGINA DIATRIBES

Rather, Fluke is the latest in a long line of my absolute favorite liberal typology: hysterical drama queens. From Murphy Brown to the Jersey Girls, Cindy Sheehan, Joe Wilson and the New School’s Jean Rohe, these fantasists inject themselves into a boiling-hot public debate and then claim victim status when anyone criticizes them. –THE VAGINA DIATRIBES

Fluke was an absolute nobody who simply thrust herself into the limelight. She’s more the Jean Rohe iteration of the liberal drama queen. Rohe, you will recall, was the student speaker at the 2006 New School commencement proceedings, who bravely insulted the official speaker, Sen. John McCain. As Rohe described her decision to attack the invited speaker, every person she talked to the day before the ceremony hated McCain with blind fury. At two graduation ceremonies a day earlier, attacks on McCain brought wild cheers from the audience. Rohe’s resolve to tell the audience what it wanted to hear was only hardened when she was told there would be media at the event. Sensing that fake heroism was within her grasp, Rohe explained: “It was something I didn’t want to do, but knew I had to out of an obligation to my own values” — such as the value of being popular, of getting a standing ovation and of being praised for her courage. Liberals’ idea of questioning authority is to check with the authorities to see if a “Question Authority” bumper sticker would be popular. –THE VAGINA DIATRIBES

Pursuing a typical path to liberal heroics, Fluke was an utter nobody whom the Democrats substituted in a last-minute witness-switch to testify about contraception — as if her haircut isn’t birth control enough — at a hearing on “religious liberty.” –THE VAGINA DIATRIBES

As a result of the huge commotion the Democrats’ made of Fluke’s “testimony,” she was ridiculed the same way people in ridiculous situations often are. She was called some mean names: “slut,” “prostitute,” “law student” … In full indignation, Fluke said her critics were trying “to silence women’s voices.” She said this on ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, NPR and a number of other national media outlets. Thus, Fluke became a liberal hero even braver than an actress standing up for abortion rights in front of a Bill Maher audience. –THE VAGINA DIATRIBES

President Obama called Fluke and told her that her parents should be proud of her and to make sure she was OK. Hillary Clinton said conservatives were trying to control women. Bill Clinton called her to see if she had any plans for the weekend. –THE VAGINA DIATRIBES

In the last century, only a handful of incumbent presidents have lost an election. Until Ronald Reagan beat Jimmy Carter in 1980, the last time a Republican took out a sitting president was in 1888, when Benjamin Harrison beat Grover Cleveland. Inasmuch as Cleveland was a pro-business, conservative Democrat — known today as “a Republican” — and also because he was defeated more than a century ago, the Reagan playbook is the only one worth studying. –

Reagan was able to sell challenging ideas to moderates because he wasn’t being constantly upstaged by loud-mouthed idiots attacking him for being insufficiently pure (as governor of California, he raised taxes more than any other governor in U.S. history and signed the most liberal abortion law in the country) or muddying the water with utterly irrelevant battles about contraception. –

In New York City, they can have live sex clubs and abortion on demand, but no salt or smoking sections. In Tennessee, they can ban abortion, but have salt, creches and 80 mph highways. At least that’s how it’s supposed to work. THE PROBLEM WITH SANTORUM

Most recently, Santorum assailed Obama for saying everyone should go to college by responding: “What a snob!” No! No! No! Santorum’s response merely reinforces the insane liberal worldview that going to college is the preserve of our betters, a hoity-toity proof of social class, a desirable consumer product like a Louis Vuitton bag. THE PROBLEM WITH SANTORUM

This isn’t the ’20s, when only the upper classes went to college. These days, every idiot who can scratch an “X” on his checkbook assumes hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt to make himself less employable by taking college courses in — for example — “Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame” (University of South Carolina, Columbia), “GaGa for Gaga: Sex, Gender and Identity” (University of Virginia), “Arguing With Judge Judy: Popular ‘Logic’ on TV Judge Shows” (University of California, Berkeley), “The Phallus” (Occidental College), “Zombies” (University of Baltimore), “Comics” (Oregon State University), “Harry Potter: Finding Your Patronus” (Oregon State University), and “Underwater Basket Weaving” (University of California at San Diego). THE PROBLEM WITH SANTORUM

My fellow Americans, Meghan McCain has a bachelor’s degree. THE PROBLEM WITH SANTORUM

Encouraging everyone to go to college creates an all-new class of people entirely dependent on the government, which is to say: reliable Democratic voters. First, the taxpayer subsidizes the wasted human space teaching these moronic courses (at prices far outpacing inflation), and then the taxpayer pays the incomes of the graduates who are resigned to filling ever-growing no-show, self-paced and self-evaluated government jobs. Who else would employ a graduate with a degree in Women’s Studies, Early Childhood Education, Physical Education , Sociology or Queer Studies but the government? THE PROBLEM WITH SANTORUM

Santorum agreed with the blind quote only to be informed that it was a quote from someone arguing in 1941 against blacks in the military. (I didn’t catch the segregationist’s full name … Franklin Delano something.) THE PROBLEM WITH SANTORUM

Just four years ago, one Republican candidate for president was avowedly pro-abortion (Rudy Giuliani). One had opposed Clinton’s impeachment and tort reform (Fred Thompson). One supported amnesty for illegals, restrictions on core First Amendment speech, federal laws to combat nonexistent global warming, and opposed Guantanamo and the Bush tax cuts (“tax cuts for the rich!”) and called waterboarding “torture.” That last one was our nominee: John McCain. This year, every Republican candidate for president opposes abortion, promises to repeal Obamacare, opposes raising taxes, and on and on. Only one candidate is strong on illegal immigration, which is second only to repealing Obamacare as the most important issue facing the nation. That’s the alleged liberal, Mitt Romney. WHAT’S THEIR PROBLEM WITH ROMNEY?

It’s a freedom issue. (Or, as Democrats call it, “the F-word.”) If liberals like it, it’s subsidized; if they don’t, it’s prohibited. … Screw you, liberals. I don’t know why anyone needs an abortion, free contraception, crap-ass “art” with photos of vaginas on the Virgin Mary, non-farming farmers or a $1 million pension for Anthony Weiner. But I’m forced to subsidize all of that. COMMUNISM BY INSURANCE MANDATE

Insurance is not supposed to be for normal expenses in the ordinary course of events, such as multivitamins, house painting or oil changes. Insurance is for unexpected catastrophes: fires, accidents, cancer. The basic idea is to spread the risk of unforeseen disasters. Filling up your gas tank, for example, is not an unforeseen disaster (though it’s getting to be under Obama). COMMUNISM BY INSURANCE MANDATE

Liberals huffily ask why it’s so important to the Catholic Church not to pay for insurance plans that cover birth control, but the better question is: Why is it so important to liberals to force them to? (Wait until they have to buy coverage for vibrating butt-plugs!) The answer is: They want the government giving official sanction to birth control and, later, abortion. That comes next. They want it for same reason gays want gay marriage — it’s purely symbolic. COMMUNISM BY INSURANCE MANDATE

Can’t we limit the health insurance we are all required by federal law to purchase to financially ruinous, actual medical problems? No, that is not in the cards. Just as liberals have turned the Constitution into a vehicle for achieving all the left-wing policies they could never get Americans to vote for, now they are going to use “insurance” for the same purpose. Their new method doesn’t even require them to get votes from five justices on the Supreme Court. The secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, will do it all on her own. COMMUNISM BY INSURANCE MANDATE

Anything close to the beating heart of feminism is about to become a mandatory part of insurance coverage: fertility treatments, chemical sensitivities, a year’s leave of absence for fathers after the birth of a child, attention deficit disorder, massages, aromatherapy, watching MSNBC, sex change operations, gender reassignment surgery, gender re-reassignment surgery. COMMUNISM BY INSURANCE MANDATE

The contraception diktat is only the beginning of the government controlling your life under ObamaCare. There are approximately 100,000 more decisions the HHS Secretary will have to make under ObamaCare that you will not be able to appeal. The bill should have been called “Kathleen Sebelius’ Dream Journal.” COMMUNISM BY INSURANCE MANDATE

Are you getting why this isn’t a Catholic issue? So what if some “compromise” is reached that makes the Catholic bishops happy? They supported ObamaCare to begin with! They ought to be forced to live with the consequences of the totalitarian regime they helped foist on the rest of us. Maybe they’ll get a waiver from the contraception mandate on religious grounds — just like unions and Obama-friendly corporations got waivers on the grounds that they realized ObamaCare would suck and they didn’t want to be a part of it. COMMUNISM BY INSURANCE MANDATE

Liberals are disgusted by people who made their own money, as Romney did at Bain Capital. But they admire ill-gotten gains, which is how John Kerry, John Edwards, Jon Corzine, John F. Kennedy, Franklin D. Roosevelt and innumerable other spokesmen for the downtrodden amassed their fortunes. PLUTOCRAT DEMS ATTACK ROMNEY AS ‘RICHIE RICH’

I’ve been diligently searching for the shrieks of horror from the media over John Kerry’s tax returns when he ran for president eight years ago, but I can’t find anything. (Although I did find a reference to Kerry’s having served in Vietnam. Anybody else hear about that?) Even when Kerry refused to release his wife’s tax returns in order to avoid the humiliation of revealing his allowance, the press was demurely silent. PLUTOCRAT DEMS ATTACK ROMNEY AS ‘RICHIE RICH’

John Edwards made well over $50 million by shaking down hardworking doctors with junk science lawsuits — as The New York Times has since admitted. The highlight of his carnival sideshows was when he channeled unborn children in front of illiterate jurors. (In the Democrats’ moral universe, the unborn have no right to life, but they’re perfectly acceptable as witnesses for the plaintiff in a malpractice suit.) PLUTOCRAT DEMS ATTACK ROMNEY AS ‘RICHIE RICH’

Maybe some people are irrationally offended by the rich, but Democrats aren’t. This is the party of George Soros, Goldman Sachs and Nancy Pelosi! The six wealthiest senators are all Democrats, half of whom married or inherited their money. … Meanwhile, with few exceptions, Republicans either made money on their own or they don’t have it. It’s not an accident that Democrats oppose a tax on wealth, which they have boatloads of, but strongly support taxes on income, something they typically do not have. PLUTOCRAT DEMS ATTACK ROMNEY AS ‘RICHIE RICH’

Democrats don’t hate the rich; they are the rich, luxuriating in fortunes acquired by inheritance or marriage, fleecing the taxpayer, trial lawyer hucksterism or disreputable money manipulation. Their contempt is reserved for those who engage in honest work for a living, whom they accuse of “greed” for wanting to pay the government a little less. PLUTOCRAT DEMS ATTACK ROMNEY AS ‘RICHIE RICH’

Oh, to be there when someone at the Times discovers this document called “the Constitution”! – THREE CHEERS FOR ROMNEYCARE!

Obamacare … a 2,000-page, trillion-dollar federal program micromanaging every aspect of health care in America with enormous, unresponsive federal bureaucracies manned by no-show public-sector union members enforcing a mountain of regulations that will bankrupt the country and destroy medical care, as liberals scratch their heads and wonder why Obamacare is costing 20 times more than they expected and doctors are leaving the profession in droves for more lucrative careers, such as video store clerk. – THREE CHEERS FOR ROMNEYCARE!

A governor can’t repeal or expand the federal tax break given to companies that pay their employees’ health insurance premiums — a tax break denied the self-employed and self-insured. A governor can’t order the IRS to start recognizing tax deductions for individual health savings accounts. A governor can’t repeal the 1946 federal law essentially requiring hospitals to provide free medical services to all comers, thus dumping a free-rider problem on the states. – THREE CHEERS FOR ROMNEYCARE!

The problem isn’t health insurance mandates. The problem isn’t Romneycare. The problem isn’t welfare reform. The problem is Democrats. – THREE CHEERS FOR ROMNEYCARE!

Romney is the most electable candidate not only because it will be nearly impossible for the media to demonize this self-made Mormon square, devoted to his wife and church, but precisely because he is the most conservative candidate. Conservatism is an electable quality. – RE-ELECT OBAMA: VOTE NEWT!

Despite shedding its paper business, Smith-Corona went bankrupt the next year. Nobody uses typewriters anymore. Ironically, a century earlier, people said Smith-Corona typewriters would never replace the pen. They probably railed against Smith-Corona as “vulture capitalists” destroying the pen industry. STRONGEST CASE AGAINST ROMNEY A FEW SHEETS SHORT OF A REAM

But instead of renegotiating, union president Randy Johnson thought it would be a great idea to immediately go on strike. As long as the nation is still in the fifth stage of grief over Steve Jobs’ death, with gushing tributes to his contributions to our wonderful new world of computerized books, letters, memos, newspapers, CDs and classified ads, ask yourselves: Would the mid-1990s have been a good time for workers in an industry made vulnerable by the new, paperless information age to stage a long, acrimonious strike? STRONGEST CASE AGAINST ROMNEY A FEW SHEETS SHORT OF A REAM

In response to Rowley’s charges, for example, the Times’ Maureen Dowd denounced federal law enforcement agencies for being “antiquated,” “inept” and “bloated.” (She also said: “I want to see some agents lose their jobs.” Maureen Dowd: Inadvertent Romney Supporter.) STRONGEST CASE AGAINST ROMNEY A FEW SHEETS SHORT OF A REAM

Earlier this week, Mitt Romney got into trouble for saying, “I like being able to fire people who provide services to me.” To comprehend why the political class reacted as if Romney had just praised Hitler, you must understand that his critics live in a world in which no one can ever be fired — a world known as “the government.” WHO WOULDN’T ENJOY FIRING THESE PEOPLE?

And no one will be able to fire them — unless they’re caught doing something truly vile and criminal, such as stealing from patients in nursing homes. Oops, I take that back: Government employees who rob the elderly also can’t be fired. … But surely we’ll be able to fire a government employee who commits a physical assault on a mentally disturbed patient? No, wrong again. WHO WOULDN’T ENJOY FIRING THESE PEOPLE?

It’s been a mixed week for Mitt Romney’s campaign. On one hand, Romney won Iowa, but on the other, he was endorsed by John McCain.IOWA SHOWS REPUBLICANS DETERMINED TO BEAT OBAMA

Instead of arguing for hours in public with partisans in order to cast a ballot, voters are supposed to put on their shoes, fight off the Black Panthers on the way to their precincts, vote in private and go home. IOWA SHOWS REPUBLICANS DETERMINED TO BEAT OBAMA

Conservatives are naturally suspicious of any candidate deemed “electable” on the grounds that the mainstream media always anoint the most liberal Republican, preferably pro-choice, as the “electable” one. And then that guy goes on to lose. But just because liberals misuse the word doesn’t mean there is no such thing as “electable.” – IOWA SHOWS REPUBLICANS DETERMINED TO BEAT OBAMA

But it would serve the rest of the world right to have Paul running the show for a term or two. Then they’d find out what it’s like to be entirely on their own, protecting their own sea and air lanes, digging themselves out of their own earthquakes, getting invaded and nuked by hostile powers, having their computers hacked by terrorists and buying oil from the new Islamic caliphate. After eight years of President Paul, it would be generations before we’d hear a peep of anti-American sentiment again.IOWA SHOWS REPUBLICANS DETERMINED TO BEAT OBAMA

Rick Perry is not electable as president for three reasons: First, he seems too much like Bush; second, he gave illegal immigrants in-state tuition; and, third, uh, oops … I can’t remember the third reason. – IOWA SHOWS REPUBLICANS DETERMINED TO BEAT OBAMA

YEAR 2011:

Taxes can be raised and lowered. Regulations can be removed (though they rarely are). Attorneys general and Cabinet members can be fired. Laws can be repealed. Even Supreme Court justices eventually die. But capitulate on illegal immigration, and the entire country will have the electorate of California. There will be no turning back. Similarly, if Obamacare isn’t repealed in the next few years, it never will be. America will begin its ineluctable descent into becoming a worthless Western European country, with rotten health care, no money for defense and ever-increasing federal taxes to support the nanny state. ONLY ONE CANDIDATE IS RIGHT ON THE TWO MOST IMPORTANT ISSUES

Gingrich is credited — mostly by himself — for single-handedly engineering the 1994 Republican takeover of Congress. Actually, I think Clinton deserves the lion’s share of the credit for that one. In November 1994, a majority of Americans didn’t know Newt’s name; they voted Republican in reaction to two years of Clinton’s liberal policies. The current speaker of the House, John Boehner, presided over a bigger Republican victory last November, handing Democrats the largest single-party loss in the House since 1938. (Again, all glory to Obama for that one.) – NEWT HELPED FORMULATE CHRISTMAS

Despite regular assurances from The New York Times that Americans don’t mind divorced presidents anymore — why, look at how well Bob Dole, John McCain and John Kerry did! — only one president in the nation’s history has been divorced: Ronald Reagan. And his first wife left him, as was well-documented in Hollywood gossip sheets. – NEWT HELPED FORMULATE CHRISTMAS

Every few years, heinous Democratic policies — abortion, gay marriage, affirmative action, Hillarycare, Obamacare, to name a few — compel previously uninvolved Americans to leap into politics. This is great, except for two things: (1) We have to get heinous Democratic policies first; and (2) newcomers have short memories, sometimes no memories at all. – NEWT HELPED FORMULATE CHRISTMAS

Ronald Reagan was also accused of waging a war on the poor. But that was on account of his implementing historic tax cuts that produced not only record revenues for the government, but decades of prosperity for the entire nation. – NEWT: SPEAK BOMBASTICALLY AND CARRY A TINY STICK

The guy who wanted orphanages for children on welfare suddenly called work requirements for adults on welfare right-wing “social engineering.” – NEWT: SPEAK BOMBASTICALLY AND CARRY A TINY STICK
In the first half of the 20th century, we got widespread use of the automobile, the airplane, the telephone, electricity, radio and television, indoor plumbing, air conditioning and refrigeration, the computer, nuclear power and rockets. All we got in the second half of the 20th century were some improvements on one of those inventions — the computer — with the personal computer, the Internet and the iPhone. (Boomers were more focused on acid trips than space trips and dropped the ball on the hard work of pushing scientific progress forward.) – NEWT PRESENTS A FRESH NEW VIRTUAL FACE

White’s proof that she had a 13-year affair is that she has two of Cain’s books signed by him — one with the incriminating inscription, “Friends are forever! Everything else is a bonus,” and the other, “Miss G, you have already made a ‘big difference!’ Stay focused as you pursue your next destination.” (I know — filthy!) If that’s proof of an affair, I’ve had thousands of them without even realizing it. – ONCE YOU GO CONSERVATIVE BLACK, YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR BACK

This is the sort of evidence you get with an actual sexual predator: Bill Clinton’s accusers had gifts, taped phone conversations with him and a semen-stained dress.Gennifer Flowers produced taped telephone calls with Clinton totaling thousands of words between them, with him counseling her on how to deny their affair: “If they ever hit you with it, just say no, and go on. There’s nothing they can do … But when they — if somebody contacts you, I need to know … All you got to do is deny it.”Paula Jones had multiple same-day witnesses — including the state troopers who worked for Clinton and had already told the press about a “Paula” they brought to Clinton’s hotel room. And that was for a single incident. Monica Lewinsky had lots of gifts from Clinton, including a hat pin, two brooches, a marble bear figurine, a T-shirt from Martha’s Vineyard and Walt Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass,” all of which she mysteriously placed with Clinton’s secretary, Betty Currie, during the investigation, as well as a semen-stained dress, which Monica kept. – ONCE YOU GO CONSERVATIVE BLACK, YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR BACK

My law firm, at the time a public interest law firm, Center for Individual Rights, had defended a lot of cases. A professor, you know, who says something like describing a simile I think he said, “The belly dancer’s stomach is like Jell-O on a plate on a vibrator.” Something to that effect. Perhaps I’m not capturing the full rhetorical point here. But anyway, this was said to a large lecture class, and he gets brought up on charges of sexual harassment. So we were often defending sexual harassment speech cases as a first amendment matter, at least if it was at a state university, for example. And it was stunning back then how little constituted sexual harassment under the hostile environment paradigm, which are about 95 percent or were, certainly back then, about 95 percent of the sexual harassment cases. So, just straight out of the chute, probably one out of every ten men who had a job in the ’90s was accused of sexual harassment. Ann Coulter Talks to NewsBusters About Media Coverage of Cain Allegations and Occupy Wall Street

Well now we have this extremely conservative black man, and an American black, not the son of a Kenyan. And the reason I mention that is the reason, you know, that everybody has such warm feelings about “Oh, the first black president, the first black president, who thought we’d ever see it here” is because of the history of the way blacks were treated in America. Not in Kenya, but in America. Americans I might add who were also known as Democrats. Slavery, the Jim Crow laws, all done by Democrats to American blacks. I do think we owe American blacks something, though I’m against state sponsored race discrimination. Herman Cain is part of that tradition. His ancestors were discriminated against. Clarence Thomas, same thing. Both of them full American blacks. Not some half-black son of a Kenyan who was raised by white people in Hawaii and went to fancy private schools. Herman Cain is such a threat to the whole Obama image and the argument “You must be a racist if don’t support Obama.” Ann Coulter Talks to NewsBusters About Media Coverage of Cain Allegations and Occupy Wall Street

But a big mob movement like this, and so beautifully acting out everything I say about mobs in my book, starting with the title, “Demonic,” they really, they’re straight out of, they’re straight out of scripture on what a demon is like. One of the more, one of the computer generated programs actually said, “The voice of the people is the voice of anonymous. Our name is legion, for we are many.” Straight from the Bible. Liberals get mad at the names I give them like “demonic” and then they seem to be going to my book to figure out how to be demonic. Ann Coulter Talks to NewsBusters About Media Coverage of Cain Allegations and Occupy Wall Street

I really, it’s a talent I have to be continuously be surprised at the perfidy of the media. After three years of calling the Tea Partiers a mob, and it’s actually a very lucky time for this mob to arise so that there’s a very clear distinction in the American way of petitioning the government – that is the Tea Party – and the liberal way of mob action that leads to chaos and liberal policies. Sometimes to totalitarianism and dictatorship. This is not the American way. The way the Tea Partiers did it was the American way. And yet Democrats and the media talked about the Tea Partiers as if they were what Occupy Wall Street is now. Ann Coulter Talks to NewsBusters About Media Coverage of Cain Allegations and Occupy Wall Street

But, but now, especially with the alternative media, Americans will be relieved. There is always been that silent majority, and we’re a lot less silent now that we have the internet. Ann Coulter Talks to NewsBusters About Media Coverage of Cain Allegations and Occupy Wall Street

The Jacobins were made up of journalists and lawyers. Sound familiar? The Democratic Party. The Jacobins were the ones who led the French Revolution, and it was not the poor starving peasants as you would believe from reading Charles Dickens “A Tale of Two Cities,” although there’s a lot of great elements of “A Tale of Two Cities.” It was not even as justified as Charles Dickens described, which was not terribly justified considering the violence he then went on to describe. It was, it was a lot of envy. Ann Coulter Talks to NewsBusters About Media Coverage of Cain Allegations and Occupy Wall Street

I mean, there is a large portion of Americans, which always seems weird to people like you and me and anyone who reads NewsBusters, who just do not pay attention to politics. They do not pay attention to current events. And many of them vote, and something like this can influence people like that. It’s a big enough story and it’s kind of ugly and disturbing enough that people are going to think, “You know, I don’t like this anymore. I don’t want these head lice rapists blocking me from getting to my local Starbucks anymore.” And which Party is supporting them? Ann Coulter Talks to NewsBusters About Media Coverage of Cain Allegations and Occupy Wall Street

Amazingly, Blitzer cited Ronald Reagan’s statement in his autobiography, “An American Life,” that he would happily compromise with Democrats if he could get 75 or 80 percent of what he wanted — implying that today’s Republicans were nuttier than Reagan if they’d refuse a dollar in tax hikes for $10 in spending cuts. Wolf should have kept reading. As Reagan explains a little farther in his autobiography: He did accept tax hikes “in return for (the Democrats’) agreement to cut spending by $280 billion,” but, Reagan continues, “the Democrats reneged on their pledge and we never got those cuts.” Maybe that’s why Republicans won’t agree to raise taxes in exchange for Democratic promises to cut spending. – I’LL GLADLY PAY YOU TUESDAY FOR A TAX INCREASE TODAY

Reagan’s defense spending crushed the Soviet war machine. What did Tip O’Neill’s domestic spending accomplish? (I mean, besides destroying the black family, increasing single motherhood and creating government bureaucracies that can never be eliminated.) – I’LL GLADLY PAY YOU TUESDAY FOR A TAX INCREASE TODAY

Although Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — the institutions most responsible for the nation’s current financial crisis — were almost entirely Democratic cash cows, they managed to dirty up enough Republicans to make it seem like bipartisan corruption. Democrats sucked hundreds of millions of dollars out of these institutions: Franklin Raines, $90 million; Jamie Gorelick, $26.4 million; Jim Johnson, $20 million. By contrast, Republicans came cheap. For the amazingly good price of only $300,000 apiece, Fannie and Freddie bought the good will of former Reps. Vin Weber, R-Minn., Susan Molinari, R-N.Y., and Newt Gingrich, R-Ga.* Former Sen. Alfonse D’Amato, R-N.Y., was even cheaper at $240,000. [*Correction: After Gingrich admitted last week to receiving $300,000 from Freddie, we found out this week that it was actually closer to $1.6 million.] IF NOT ROMNEY, WHO? IF NOT NOW, WHEN?

We look forward with cheery anticipation to an explosion of news stories on some of the stranger aspects of Mormonism. The articles have already been written, but they’re not scheduled for release until the day Romney wraps up the nomination. IF NOT ROMNEY, WHO? IF NOT NOW, WHEN?

As governor, Romney didn’t have the ability to change federal laws requiring hospital emergency rooms to treat every illegal alien, drug dealer and vagrant who walked in the door, then sending the bill to taxpayers. (Although David Axelrod, Michelle Obama, Eric Whitaker and Valerie Jarrett did figure out a way to throw poor blacks out of the University of Chicago Medical Center..) IF NOT ROMNEY, WHO? IF NOT NOW, WHEN?

Instead of sitting on our thumbs, wishing Ronald Reagan were around, or chasing the latest mechanical rabbit flashed by the media, conservatives ought to start rallying around Romney as the only Republican who has a shot at beating Obama. We’ll attack him when he’s president. IF NOT ROMNEY, WHO? IF NOT NOW, WHEN?

Herman Cain has spent his life living and working all over the country — Indiana, Georgia, Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, Washington, D.C. — but never in Chicago. So it’s curious that all the sexual harassment allegations against Cain emanate from Chicago: home of the Daley machine and Obama consigliere David Axelrod. Suspicions had already fallen on Sheila O’Grady, who is close with David Axelrod and went straight from being former Chicago mayor Richard M. Daley’s chief of staff to president of the Illinois Restaurant Association (IRA), as being the person who dug up Herman Cain’s personnel records from the National Restaurant Association (NRA). … And now, after a week of conservative eye-rolling over unspecified, anonymous accusations against Cain, we’ve suddenly got very specific sexual assault allegations from an all-new accuser out of … Chicago. Herman Cain has never lived in Chicago. But you know who has? David Axelrod! And guess who lived in Axelrod’s very building? Right again: Cain’s latest accuser, Sharon Bialek. DAVID AXELROD’S PATTERN OF SEXUAL MISBEHAVIOR

And that’s how Obama became a senator four years after losing a congressional race to Bobby Rush. (In a disastrous turn of events, Rush was not divorced.) Axelrod destroyed the only two men who stood between Obama and the Senate with illicitly obtained, lurid allegations from their pasts. In 2007, long after Obama was safely ensconced in the U.S. Senate, The New York Times reported: “The Tribune reporter who wrote the original piece (on Hull’s sealed divorce records) later acknowledged in print that the Obama camp had ‘worked aggressively behind the scenes’ to push the story.” … This time, Obama’s little helpers have not only thrown a bomb into the Republican primary, but are hoping to destroy the man who deprives the Democrats of their only argument in 2012: If you oppose Obama, you must be a racist. DAVID AXELROD’S PATTERN OF SEXUAL MISBEHAVIOR

In the last year alone, a short list of the things liberals have labeled “racist” include: — Being a Republican; — Joining the tea party; — The word “the” (Donald Trump’s statement that he has a “great relationship with the blacks”); — References to Barack Obama’s playing basketball (Trump again); — Using Obama’s middle name; — Scott Brown’s pickup truck; — Opposing Obamacare; — Opposing Obama’s stimulus bill; — Opposing Obama’s jobs bill. WHY OUR BLACKS ARE BETTER THAN THEIR BLACKS

When Bush made Condoleezza Rice the first black female secretary of state, terror swept through the Democratic Party. What if people began to notice and ask questions: “Who’s that black woman always standing with George Bush?” Never mind! He’s probably arresting her. In addition to an explosion of racist cartoons portraying Rice as Aunt Jemima, Butterfly McQueen from “Gone With the Wind,” a fat-lipped Bush parrot and other racist cliches, allegedly respectable liberals promptly called her stupid and incompetent. WHY OUR BLACKS ARE BETTER THAN THEIR BLACKS

Trafficking in racist imagery is consequence-free for liberals because they have ruined charges of “racism” with their own overuse of the term. By now, any accusation of racism has the feel of a Big Foot sighting. It’s a neat trick, rather as if the Nazis had called everything “genocide” right before launching the Holocaust, and then admonished resisters not to “play the genocide card.” WHY OUR BLACKS ARE BETTER THAN THEIR BLACKS

It is beyond insane that Herman Cain would have considered running for president if he had the tiniest skeleton in his closet. To be an out-of-the-closet black Republican, you had better be a combination rocket scientist/Baptist preacher. Which, as it happens, Cain is. Meanwhile, MSNBC is cutting into its prime-time programming to announce updates in the fact-free hit on Cain. That’s not because anyone there thinks he’ll be the nominee. Everyone knows it’s going to be Mitt Romney. But liberals are determined to make sure that, six months from now, everyone has forgotten Herman Cain so they can go back to claiming Republicans oppose Obama because they hate blacks. WHY OUR BLACKS ARE BETTER THAN THEIR BLACKS

Dozens and dozens of prisoners released from death row have gone on to murder again. No one knows exactly how many, but it’s a lot more than the number of innocent men who have been executed in America, which, at least since 1950, is zero. IF I WERE A LIBERAL …

What is liberals’ evidence that there will be more rapes and murders if Obama’s jobs bill doesn’t pass? Biden claims that, without it, there won’t be enough cops to interrupt a woman being raped in her own home — which would be an amazing bit of police work/psychic talent, if it had ever happened. (That’s why Americans like guns, liberals.) IF I WERE A LIBERAL …

Obama’s jobs bill tackles the problem of rape and murder by giving the states $30 billion … for public school teachers. Only $5 billion is even allotted to the police, but all we keep hearing about are the rapes and murders that Democrats are suddenly against (as long as being “against” rape and murder means funding public school teachers and not imprisoning or executing rapists and murderers). IF I WERE A LIBERAL …

Finally, did Flint use any money from Obama’s last trillion-dollar stimulus bill to hire more police in order to prevent rape and murder? No, Flint spent its $2.2 million from the first stimulus bill on buying two electric buses. Even if what Flint really needed was buses and not cops, for $2.2 million, the city could have bought seven brand-new diesel buses and had $100,000 left over for streetlights. Rather than reducing the rate of rape and murder, blowing money on “green” buses is likely to increase crime, since people will be forced to spend a lot more time waiting at bus stops for those two buses. It’s going to be a long wait: The “green” buses were never delivered because the company went out of business — despite a $1.6 million loan from the American taxpayer. IF I WERE A LIBERAL …

Last week, the great minds of the OWS movement, bored with playing bocce ball and getting stoned, decided to protest at the homes of Wall Street’s robber barons. They then proceeded to walk right past George Soros’ apartment building in order to protest at the homes of Rupert Murdoch and David Koch. THEY’RE NOT WALL STREET! You may not like Koch and Murdoch’s products — fertilizer and media — but neither one has anything to do with Wall Street. Unlike money manipulators such as John Corzine (Democrat), Robert Rubin (Democrat) and George Soros (Democrat and Obama’s biggest supporter), Koch and Murdoch make money from corporations that actually produce something. – ‘OCCUPY WALL STREET’ [HEARTS] WALL STREET

The Flea Partiers try to win good will by pretending to protest “Wall Street” — but they ignore Wall Street’s villains. They claim to speak for 99 percent of Americans, but their sponsor, George Soros, would be delighted if America collapsed and the 99 percent were impoverished. All he cares about is his own power and pocketbook. Recall that when the markets first opened after 9/11 and little grandmothers in Iowa were patriotically calling their local savings banks to find out how to buy a share of stock so that the American stock market wouldn’t crash because of the terrorist attack, Soros said: Sell, sell, sell! – ‘OCCUPY WALL STREET’ [HEARTS] WALL STREET

Are the protesters aware that the Democrats’ 2010 “financial reform” bill provides for future bailouts of reckless banks? Goldman Sachs and Citibank strongly supported the bill. The protesters don’t care — they have no interest in actual malfeasance by actual Wall Street bankers. They’re too busy denouncing Fox News. (Which did not, incidentally, receive a taxpayer-funded bailout.) – ‘OCCUPY WALL STREET’ [HEARTS] WALL STREET

And you have to remember that he will have the entire mainstream media bucking for him and they will lie about the economy. “Oh, it’s a turnaround, don’t stop him now.” But he doesn’t understand the economy. He’s done exactly the opposite of everything Ronald Reagan did and he’s gotten the opposite results. I mean, he could turn it around by becoming the reincarnation of Ronald Reagan. What do you think the odds are of him doing that? – Ann Coulter: Media ‘Will Lie About the Economy’ To Get Obama Reelected

So far, the only major accomplishment of the “Occupy Wall Street” protesters is that they have finally put an end to their previous initiative, “Occupy Our Mothers’ Basements.” – WINGLESS, BLOODSUCKING AND PARASITIC: MEET THE FLEA PARTY!

Curiously, the only point universally agreed upon by the protesters and their admirers in the Democratic Party and the mainstream media is that “Occupy Wall Street” should be compared to the tea party. Yes, that would be the same tea party that has been denounced and slandered by the Democratic Party and the mainstream media for the last three years. … But apparently liberals couldn’t even convince themselves that tea partiers were an extremist group unworthy of emulation. – WINGLESS, BLOODSUCKING AND PARASITIC: MEET THE FLEA PARTY!

As long as a Republican sat in the White House, those victories were enforced. In 1957, President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent the 101st Airborne to Little Rock, Ark., to walk black children to school in defiance of the segregationist, Democratic governor of Arkansas, Orval Faubus — Bill Clinton’s friend. … But as soon as the Democrats got control of the White House, enforcement of the Supreme Court’s civil rights rulings came to a crashing halt. Elected Democrats in the states were free to violate legitimate constitutional rulings without interference from Democratic presidents. – WINGLESS, BLOODSUCKING AND PARASITIC: MEET THE FLEA PARTY!

I am not the first to note the vast differences between the Wall Street protesters and the tea partiers. To name three: The tea partiers have jobs, showers and a point. – THIS IS WHAT A MOB LOOKS LIKE

No one knows what the Wall Street protesters want — as is typical of mobs. They say they want Obama re-elected, but claim to hate “Wall Street.” You know, the same Wall Street that gave its largest campaign donation in history to Obama, who, in turn, bailed out the banks and made Goldman Sachs the fourth branch of government. This would be like opposing fattening, processed foods, but cheering Michael Moore – which the protesters also did this week. – THIS IS WHAT A MOB LOOKS LIKE

The tea partiers didn’t arrogantly claim to be drafting a new Declaration of Independence. They’re perfectly happy with the original. Tea partiers didn’t block traffic, sleep on sidewalks, wear ski masks, fight with the police or urinate in public. They read the Constitution, made serious policy arguments, and petitioned the government against Obama’s unconstitutional big government policies, especially the stimulus bill and Obamacare. Then they picked up their own trash and quietly went home. Apparently, a lot of them had to be at work in the morning. THIS IS WHAT A MOB LOOKS LIKE


50) It’s something in liberals’ DNA: They think they can pass a law eliminating guns and nuclear weapons, but teenagers having sex is completely beyond our control.

49) It’s the famous liberal two-step: First screw something up, then claim that it’s screwed up because there’s not enough government oversight (it’s the free market run wild!), and then step in and really screw it up in the name of “reform.

45) As long as American liberals are going to keep announcing that they’re embarrassed for their country, how about being embarrassed by our public schools or by our ridiculous trial lawyer culture that other countries find laughable?

44) The common wisdom holds that “both parties” have to appeal to the extremes during the primary and then move to the center for the general election. To the contrary, both parties run for office as conservatives. Once they have fooled the voters and are safely in office, Republicans sometimes double-cross the voters. Democrats always do.

43) …A world with violence — that is to say, with men — but without weapons is the worst of all possible worlds for women. As the saying goes, God made man and woman; Colonel Colt made them equal.

42) A liberal’s idea of being chivalrous is to hold the car door for you before driving you off a bridge.

35) This is liberalism’s real strength. It is no longer susceptible to reductio ad absurdium arguments. Before you can come up with a comical take on their worldview, some college professor has already written an article advancing the idea.

33) Just as we’re always told that schoolyard bullies are actually deeply insecure, liberals rationalize their own ferocious behavior by claiming to have been wounded somehow. What about the little guy our poor, insecure bully is beating the living daylights out of? How’s his self-esteem coming along? That is the essence of liberals: They viciously attack everyone else, while wailing that they are the victims.

28) When your party is controlled by a billionaire rootless international financier who expresses ‘no sense of guilt’ for collaborating with the Nazis, you might want to ease up on lecturing the rest of us about the evil rich.

27) Liberals seem to have hit upon a reverse Christ story as their belief system. He suffered and died for our sins; liberals make the rest of us suffer for sins we didn’t commit. Their claims of how awful ‘we’ are never seems to encompass themselves in the ‘we.’ Saying America is a racist nation is never meant to suggest that the speaker is a racist — it’s his neighbors who are the racists.

26) (Sheryl) Crow explained that the ‘best way to solve problems is to not have enemies.’ War solves that problem too: We won’t have any enemies because we’re going to kill them. Crow warned of ‘huge karmic retributions that will follow.’ She seemed not to understand that America going to war is huge karmic retribution. They killed three thousand Americans and now they’re going to die.

25) If he had only said he bombed the building in Oklahoma City to protest American “imperialism,” McVeigh, too, could be teaching at Northwestern University, sitting on a board with and holding fundraisers for presidential candidate B. Hussein Obama.

22) Liberals claim to love gays when it allows them to vent their spleen at Republicans. But disagree with liberals and their first response is to call you gay.

21) Gore said foreigners are not worried about ‘what the terrorist networks are going to do, but about what we’re going to do.’ Good. They should be worried. They hate us? We hate them. Americans don’t want to make Islamic fanatics love us. We want to make them die. There’s nothing like horrendous physical pain to quell anger. Japanese Kamikazes pilots hated us once, too. A couple of well-aimed nuclear weapons got their attention. Now they are gentle little lambs.

19) …By openly admitting to being philanderers, draft dodgers, liars, weasels and cowards, liberals avoid ever being hypocrites.

18) Like so many liberal icons, Marx seldom bathed and left his wife and children in poverty. As Schlafly says, no wonder liberal women think men are pigs: Their men are pigs.

15) What liberals mean by “goose-stepping” or “ethnic cleansing” is generally something along the lines of “eliminating taxpayer funding for the National Endowment for the Arts. But they can’t say that, or people would realize they’re crazy. So instead they accuse Republicans by speaking in code words.

13) Looking at the line-up of speakers at the (Democratic National) Convention, I have developed the 7-11 challenge: I will quit making fun of, for example, Dennis Kucinich, if he can prove he can run a 7-11 properly for 8 hours. We’ll even let him have an hour or so of preparation before we open up. Within 8 hours, the money will be gone, the store will be empty, and he’ll be explaining how three 11-year olds came in and asked for the money and he gave it to them.

12) …In the famous liberal two-step, they leap from one idiotic point to the next, so you can never nail them. It’s like arguing with someone with Attention Deficit Disorder.

11) But all liberals only have empathy for the exact same victims — always the ones that are represented by powerful liberal interest groups.

10) …The basic tenet of their faith is this: Maybe they were wrong on facts and policies, but they are good and conservatives are evil. You almost want to give it to them. It’s all they have left.

8) Isn’t food important? Why not “universal food coverage”? If politicians and employers had guaranteed us “free” food 50 years ago, today Democrats would be wailing about the “food crisis” in America, and you’d be on the phone with your food care provider arguing about whether or not a Reuben sandwich with fries was covered under your plan.

7) In the corporeal world, international law is whatever the United States and Great Britain say it is.

6) If it were true that conservatives were racist, sexist, homophobic, fascist, stupid, inflexible, angry, and self-righteous, shouldn’t their arguments be easy to deconstruct? Someone who is making a point out of anger, ideology, inflexibility, or resentment would presumably construct a flimsy argument. So why can’t the argument itself be dismembered rather than the speaker’s personal style or hidden motives? Why the evasions?

1) …Like all totalitarians, the Democrats’ position is: We thought up something that we know will work better than anything anyone else has done for the last 30,000 years. We don’t know why no one else has thought of it. We must be smarter. This is why the history of liberalism consists of replacing things that work with things that sounded good on paper.

The 50 Best Ann Coulter Quotes Of All-Time


I am required to point out that the question and audience reaction went like this: “In 2010, when I was deployed to Iraq …” (No booing.) “I had to lie about who I was …” (No booing — despite the fact that not talking about your sex life with your co-workers is not lying about who you are. In fact, many Americans manage quite easily to go days and days without talking about their sex lives with co-workers.) “because I’m a gay soldier …” (No booing, although we didn’t ask and would prefer that you not tell.) “and I didn’t want to lose my job.” (No booing.) To recap: So far, a remarkably boo-free interaction. Finally, we got to the question: “My question is, under one of your presidencies, do you intend to circumvent the progress that’s been made for gay and lesbian soldiers in the military?” Then there was booing. And for good reason. It is beyond absurd to demand that Republican candidates pledge not to consider altering a recent rule change overturning a military policy that had been in effect from the beginning of warfare until the last few weeks of the 111th Congress. Of course there was booing for that! At the time of the vote — five minutes ago — only eight Republicans in the entire U.S. Senate supported eliminating Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. It’s safe to assume that no one on the stage supported this sexualization of the military, except maybe one of the nut candidates polling at 3 percent. This is not an anti-gay position; it’s a pro-military position. DOES RICK PERRY HAVE A PERFORMANCE PROBLEM?

The basic idea is that sexual bonds are disruptive to the military bond. Soldiers, sailors and Marines living in close quarters who are having sex with one another, used to have sex with one another or would like to have sex with one another simply cannot function as a well-oiled fighting machine. A battalion of married couples facing a small unit of heterosexual men would be slaughtered. That’s why instead of pushing openly gay servicemen on the military, patriotic gays should come out against girls in the military. Fair is fair. (In 1994, the first year servicewomen were allowed to serve on naval aircraft carriers, 39 women assigned to the USS Eisenhower alone ended up pregnant.) DOES RICK PERRY HAVE A PERFORMANCE PROBLEM?

For decades, liberals tried persuading Americans to abolish the death penalty, using their usual argument: hysterical sobbing. Only when the media began lying about innocent people being executed did support for the death penalty begin to waver, falling from 80 percent to about 60 percent in a little more than a decade. (Silver lining: That’s still more Americans than believe in man-made global warming.) COP-KILLER IS MEDIA’S LATEST BABY SEAL

Now, a brisk 22 years after Davis murdered Officer MacPhail, his sentence will finally be administered this week — barring any more of the legal shenanigans that have kept taxpayers on the hook for Davis’ room and board for the past two decades. (The average time on death row is 14 years. Then liberals turn around and triumphantly claim the death penalty doesn’t have any noticeable deterrent effect. As the kids say: Duh.) COP-KILLER IS MEDIA’S LATEST BABY SEAL

With death penalty opponents so fixated on Davis’ race — he’s black — it ought to be noted that all the above witnesses are themselves African-American. The first man Davis shot in the car that night was African-American. I notice that the people so anxious to return this sociopathic cop-killer to the street don’t live in his neighborhood. COP-KILLER IS MEDIA’S LATEST BABY SEAL

Liberals are on their high horses about a single audience member at CNN’s Republican debate whom they believe wanted a hypothetical man without health insurance in a hypothetical coma to die — hypothetically. (Democrats want people in comas to die only when they are not hypothetical but real, like Terri Schiavo.) SO A COMATOSE GUY WALKS INTO A BAR …

Whenever liberals start loftily insisting on our obligation to our fellow man with these tear-jerkers, you know some heinous public policy is coming. As soon as the dust settles, you won’t see any innocent victims being helped, only trial lawyers, government employees and other Democratic constituencies. SO A COMATOSE GUY WALKS INTO A BAR …

Thanks to accumulated government mandates on insurance companies at that time, imposed by both the state and federal government, Obama’s Missouri supporter was allowed to buy health insurance only provided it covered: chiropractors, speech therapists, hearing therapists, psychologists, dentists, optometrists, podiatrists (Missouri), as well as mental health benefits, unlimited hospital stays for newborns and mothers, and reconstructive surgery after mastectomy (federal). When starting her own business and struggling to make ends meet, the Obama supporter might have been better served by a cheaper policy that covered only, say, actual medical problems. But the government didn’t permit her that option. Obama’s poster-child for government-run health insurance was a victim of government-micromanaged health insurance. It would be as if the government prohibited us from buying cars unless they were Lexus SUVs, fully loaded with every possible option. SO A COMATOSE GUY WALKS INTO A BAR …

By now, the only people who believe Knox and Sollecito are the usual criminal apologists and their friends in the American media. From Tawana Brawley, Mumia and the Central Park rapists, to the Duke lacrosse players and Karl Rove, liberals are always on the wrong side of a criminal case. A few times could be a coincidence; every time is evidence of a psychological disorder. – AMANDA KNOX: THE NEW MUMIA!

The vast majority of mutations are deleterious to the organism, so if the mutations were really random, then for every mutation that was desirable, there ought to be a staggering number that are undesirable. Otherwise, the mutations aren’t random, they are deliberate — and then you get into all the hocus-pocus about “intelligent design” and will probably start speaking in tongues and going to NASCAR races. LIBERALS’ VIEW OF DARWIN UNABLE TO EVOLVE

We also ought to find a colossal number of transitional organisms in the fossil record — for example, a squirrel on its way to becoming a bat, or a bear becoming a whale. (Those are actual Darwinian claims.) But that’s not what the fossil record shows. We don’t have fossils for any intermediate creatures in the process of evolving into something better. This is why the late Stephen Jay Gould of Harvard referred to the absence of transitional fossils as the “trade secret” of paleontology. (Lots of real scientific theories have “secrets.”) LIBERALS’ VIEW OF DARWIN UNABLE TO EVOLVE

If you get your news from the American news media, it will come as a surprise to learn that when Darwin first published “On the Origin of Species” in 1859, his most virulent opponents were not fundamentalist Christians, but paleontologists. LIBERALS’ VIEW OF DARWIN UNABLE TO EVOLVE

To explain away the explosion of plants and animals during the Cambrian Period more than 500 million years ago, Darwiniacs asserted — without evidence — that there must have been soft-bodied creatures evolving like mad before then, but left no fossil record because of their squishy little microscopic bodies. Then in 1984, “the dog ate our fossils” excuse collapsed, too. In a discovery The New York Times called “among the most spectacular in this century,” Chinese paleontologists discovered fossils just preceding the Cambrian era. Despite being soft-bodied microscopic creatures — precisely the sort of animal the evolution cult claimed wouldn’t fossilize and therefore deprived them of crucial evidence — it turned out fossilization was not merely possible in the pre-Cambrian era, but positively ideal. And yet the only thing paleontologists found there were a few worms. For 3 billion years, nothing but bacteria and worms, and then suddenly nearly all the phyla of animal life appeared within a narrow band of five million to 10 million years. Even the eye simply materializes, fully formed, in the pre-Cambrian fossil record.LIBERALS’ VIEW OF DARWIN UNABLE TO EVOLVE

Just two years later, at a 2008 Republican presidential candidates’ debate, Matthews asked for a show of hands of who believed in evolution. No discussion permitted! That might allow scientific facts, rather than schoolyard taunts, to escape into the world. Evolution is the only subject that is discussed exclusively as a “Do you believe?” question with yes-or-no answers. How about conservative journalists start putting mikes in front of liberal candidates and demanding, “Do you believe in the Bible — yes or no?” “Is an unborn baby human — yes or no?” and “Do you believe teenagers should have sex — yes or no?” – THE FLASH MOB METHOD OF SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY

It is a mathematical impossibility, for example, that all 30 to 40 parts of the cell’s flagellum — forget the 200 parts of the cilium! — could all arise at once by random mutation. According to most scientists, such an occurrence is considered even less likely than John Edwards marrying Rielle Hunter, the “ground zero” of the impossible. – THE FLASH MOB METHOD OF SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY

The more we have learned about molecules, cells and DNA — a body of knowledge some refer to as “science” — the more preposterous Darwin’s theory has become. DNA is, as Bill Gates says, “like a computer program, but far, far more advanced than any software we’ve ever created.” (Plus DNA doesn’t usually crash when you’re right in the middle of reproducing.) – THE FLASH MOB METHOD OF SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY

Crick, winner of the Nobel Prize for his co-discovery of DNA, hypothesized that highly intelligent extraterrestrials sent living cells to Earth on an unmanned spaceship, a theory he set forth in his 1981 book, “Life Itself.” Thus was God narrowly averted! But Crick’s solution obviously begs the question: How did the highly intelligent extraterrestrials evolve? – THE FLASH MOB METHOD OF SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY

Harvard population biologist Richard Lewontin said the Darwiniacs tolerate “unsubstantiated just-so stories” of evolution and ignore “the patent absurdity of some of its constructs” because they are committed to coming up with a theory that excludes God. “We cannot,” Lewontin said, “allow a divine foot in the door.” – THE FLASH MOB METHOD OF SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY

If a gay friend is on the fence about voting Republican in 2012, what would you tell him or her? COULTER: If he has a business, a job, property or any money, he should vote Republican. If not, feel free to vote Dem. Also, remind them: Bankrupt cities don’t have parades.Ann Coulter’s Fabulous Advice to Gay Conservatives

Image is all that matters to the mob. Obama can take in the biggest campaign haul from Wall Street in world history, as he did in 2008, but the mob will never believe he’s in the pocket of Wall Street bankers. The top-three corporate employers of donors to Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Rahm Emanuel were Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and JPMorgan. Six other financial giants were in the top thirty donors to the White House Dream Team: UBS AG, Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, and Credit Suisse Group. In 2008 alone, Goldman Sachs employees gave more to Obama — nearly $1 million – than any other employer, with the sole exception of the entire University of California, which has 230,000 employees — ten times more than Goldman. And still Republicans are called the Party of Wall Street. Bush let Lehman Brothers go under — what else do Republicans have to do? RightWingNews – The Best Quotes From Ann Coulter’s “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America”

Depending on who’s in the White House, the enemy of the liberal mob is either the president or the people. Americans are either enlightened truth-seekers or racist, paranoid haters. “Dissent is patriotic” only when a Republican is president, and we must have “respect for the office” only when a Democrat is president. RightWingNews – The Best Quotes From Ann Coulter’s “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America”

MSNBC manufactures bogus stories and pumps them out a mile a minute, while leaping on the slightest misstatement made on Fox News as proof of malice or lunacy. RightWingNews – The Best Quotes From Ann Coulter’s “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America”

Fifty-two of the fifty-six signers of the American Declaration were orthodox Christians who believed in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or as they would be known today, “an extremist Fundamentalist hate group.” RightWingNews – The Best Quotes From Ann Coulter’s “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America”

Rather, our founding fathers believed — as Madison wrote in Federalist 10 — that men are more likely to oppress another than to “co-operate for their common good.” In particular, he said the power to tax created the greatest temptation to “trample on the rules of justice,” because increasing someone else’s taxes “is a shilling saved to their own pockets.” RightWingNews – The Best Quotes From Ann Coulter’s “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America”

The Democratic Party has consistently favored racial discrimination, it just switched which race should be discriminated against. RightWingNews – The Best Quotes From Ann Coulter’s “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America”

In the four decades since Roe v. Wade took away Americans’ right to vote on abortion, eight people working at abortion clinics have been killed — versus 53 million babies. RightWingNews – The Best Quotes From Ann Coulter’s “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America”

If Charles Manson’s followers hadn’t killed Roman Polanski’s wife, Sharon Tate, Clinton would have pardoned him, too, and he’d probably be teaching at Northwestern University. RightWingNews – The Best Quotes From Ann Coulter’s “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America”

Inasmuch as blacks vote overwhelmingly Democratic, you wouldn’t expect to see a lot of them at Tea Parties. Still, the Tea Parties are not as white as Chris Matthews’s staff. They’re not as white as a Jon Stewart audience. They are not as white as Janeane Garofalo’s fans. RightWingNews – The Best Quotes From Ann Coulter’s “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America”

Somewhat astoundingly, in the entire nation’s history, there’s never been a presidential assassination attempt by a right-winger. There have been more than a dozen by left wingers. I wouldn’t mention it — I assume we’re all against political assassinations — except liberals keep warning us about the burgeoning violence on the verge of exploding from the right wing. RightWingNews – The Best Quotes From Ann Coulter’s “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America”

The liberal rule is: Any criminal act committed by white men with guns is a right-wing conspiracy, whereas any criminal act committed by nonwhites with guns is the government violating someone’s civil liberties. (If a black man ever shot an abortionist, liberal brains would explode.) RightWingNews – The Best Quotes From Ann Coulter’s “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America”

Jon Stewart transmits the party line to idiots, who sit in the audience of The Daily Show and maniacally applaud everything he says. They don’t get all the jokes, but they know who they’re supposed to hate. RightWingNews – The Best Quotes From Ann Coulter’s “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America”

American liberals were hysterically opposed to war with Germany — as long as Stalin was allied with Hitler. Only when Germany attacked Mother Russia were these stone-cold pacifists seized with war fever. RightWingNews – The Best Quotes From Ann Coulter’s “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America”

Finley Peter Dunne described a fanatic as ‘a man that does what he thinks the Lord would do if He knew the facts of the case.’ Inasmuch as liberals don’t believe in God, it’s a one-step process: ‘What would I do?’ RightWingNews – The Best Quotes From Ann Coulter’s “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America”

It’s an obsession with the Democrats to nationalize everything: health care, welfare, the speed limit, abortion, the drinking age — so there’s no escape. Like all totalitarians, the Democrats’ position is: We thought up something that we know will work better than anything anyone else has done for the last 30,000 years. We don’t know why no one else has thought of it. We must be smarter. This is why the history of liberalism consists of replacing things that work with things that sounded good on paper. RightWingNews – The Best Quotes From Ann Coulter’s “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America”

American liberals have given us ‘hate crimes,’ ‘disparate impact’ rules, ‘sexists,’ and ‘bigots.’ Acts are irrelevant; your motives are on trial. You are presumed guilty and acquittals are rare. RightWingNews – The Best Quotes From Ann Coulter’s “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America”

Even the flaky Thomas Jefferson, who was not an orthodox Christian, was a virtual Jerry Falwell compared with today’s Democrats. Jefferson said, ‘Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God? RightWingNews – The Best Quotes From Ann Coulter’s “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America”

Liberals who do not want to be manhandled by conservatives must do the following: Don’t physically attack a Republican. Conservatives who want to avoid being manhandled by liberals must do…what? Not give a speech at your party convention? Never roll your car window down in the presence of liberals? Not attend your own candidates’ debate? Never give a speech at a college campus? Not attend the Bridgehampton arts fair? RightWingNews – The Best Quotes From Ann Coulter’s “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America”

Like you, I’ve been horrified by the eruptions of mob violence around the globe this summer. But having spent the last two years researching and writing a book about mobs, I’m also grateful to the ruffians for taking to the streets so soon after my book was released. Thanks, you dirty animals. I knew you wouldn’t let me down. – LIBERALS AREN’T FUNNY, THEY’RE A RIOT!

Why were black and Hispanic gang members looting after the Rodney King verdict? As if you needed to know, a Los Angeles policeman recently told me that the gang members he arrested in the riots said they didn’t know or care about Rodney King. Why were masked hoodlums smashing Starbucks windows in Seattle a decade ago when some bankers came to town? They’re against the “global economy”? What does that even mean? Like Satan, mobs are good only for destruction and chaos. The putative “cause” is always incidental. – LIBERALS AREN’T FUNNY, THEY’RE A RIOT!

Liberals love mobs because rioting and anarchy is their path to power. – LIBERALS AREN’T FUNNY, THEY’RE A RIOT!

Democrats’ real achievement has been in destroying the family, and thereby creating an endless supply of potential rioters. When blacks were only four generations out of slavery, their illegitimacy rate was about 23 percent (lower than the white illegitimacy rate is now). Then Democrats decided to help them! Barely two generations since LBJ’s Great Society programs began, the black illegitimacy rate has tripled to 72 percent. Meanwhile, the white illegitimacy rate has septupled, from 4 percent to 29 percent. Instead of a “War on Poverty,” it should have been called a “War on the Family.” The vast and permanent underclass created by the welfare state is a great success story for the Democratic Party, which now has a loyal constituency of deadbeats who automatically vote for the Democrats to keep their Trojan horse “benefits” flowing. – LIBERALS AREN’T FUNNY, THEY’RE A RIOT!

They champion any mob that will increase their political power. Liberals promote welfare dependency, class warfare, endless government programs staffed with public sector workers, street protests, coddling criminals and physical attacks on their ideological opponents. This is how they create reliable Democratic voters. – LIBERALS AREN’T FUNNY, THEY’RE A RIOT!

In 2008, a 9-year-old British girl, Shannon Matthews, disappeared on her way home from a school trip. The media leapt on the case — only to discover that Shannon was one of seven children her mother, Karen, had produced with five different men. The first of these serial sperm-donors explained: “Karen just goes from one bloke to the next, uses them to have a kid, grabs all the child benefits and moves on.” Poor little Shannon eventually turned up at the home of one of her many step-uncles — whose ex-wife, by the way, was the mother of six children with three different fathers. (Is Father’s Day celebrated in England? If so, how?) THE SUN NEVER SETS ON THE BRITISH WELFARE SYSTEM

MSNBC might even do the unthinkable and offer Al Sharpton his own TV show. (Excuse me — someone’s trying to get my attention … WHAT?) – THE SUN NEVER SETS ON THE BRITISH WELFARE SYSTEM

The Nazi war machine couldn’t break the British, but the modern welfare state has. … like Louis XVI, British authorities are paralyzed by their indifference to their own civilization. A half-century of berating themselves for the crime of being British has left them morally defenseless. They see nothing about England worth saving, certainly not worth fighting for — which is fortunate since most of their cops don’t have guns. This is how civilizations die. It can happen overnight, as it did in Revolutionary France. If Britain of 1939 were composed of the current British population, the entirety of Europe would today be doing the “Heil Hitler” salute and singing the “Horst Wessel Song.” – THE SUN NEVER SETS ON THE BRITISH WELFARE SYSTEM

Jones famously claimed that days after arriving in Iraq with KBR, then a subsidiary of Halliburton, she had been drugged and gang-raped by fellow employees and then held at machine-gunpoint in a tiny shipping container by KBR managers, with no food or water for 24 hours, as retaliation for reporting the rape. You may have heard about Jones’ sensational allegations –- invariably reported as fact — on ABC’s “20/20”; CNN; CBS News’ “The Early Show,” MSNBC, National Public Radio, in every major U.S. newspaper and international media. … And then a few weeks ago, the Times ran a microscopic, one-paragraph Associated Press story on page 13 of a Saturday paper, reporting that a jury looked at the facts and found that … Jones made the whole story up.MEDIA: HALLIBURTON PAID DICK CHENEY TO COMMIT RAPE IN IRAN

Having showcased Jones’ original, false accusation in a 1,500-word article splashed across its front page, as soon as her story unraveled, the Times stared at its shoes and said nothing. In another six months, liberals will once again be citing Jones’ case as evidence of the “troubling trend” of sexual assaults among military contractors. – MEDIA: HALLIBURTON PAID DICK CHENEY TO COMMIT RAPE IN IRAN

If only Jones had accused Bill Clinton or any member of the Kennedy family of rape, the mainstream media might have treated her allegations with a little more skepticism. – MEDIA: HALLIBURTON PAID DICK CHENEY TO COMMIT RAPE IN IRAN

From the beginning, Jones’ story was that she woke up remembering nothing of the night before … and then suddenly realized she must have been slipped the “date rape” drug Rohypnol, beaten and gang-raped! How do you go from total amnesia to deciding that you were the star of your own Lifetime made-for-TV movie? I don’t remember offhand what I was doing last Tuesday, but this does not automatically lead me to assume I was gang-raped.MEDIA: HALLIBURTON PAID DICK CHENEY TO COMMIT RAPE IN IRAN

Just a few years after humiliating themselves over the Duke lacrosse case, it’s nice to see the media weren’t the least bit hesitant about leaping on another ludicrous rape claim. Perhaps liberals were slipped Rohypnol, and that’s why they can’t remember that not every woman claiming she was raped is always telling the truth. – MEDIA: HALLIBURTON PAID DICK CHENEY TO COMMIT RAPE IN IRAN

The New York Times wasted no time in jumping to conclusions about Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian who staged two deadly attacks in Oslo last weekend, claiming in the first two paragraphs of one story that he was a “gun-loving,” “right-wing,” “fundamentalist Christian,” opposed to “multiculturalism.”… This was a big departure from the Times’ conclusion-resisting coverage of the Fort Hood shooting suspect, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan. Despite reports that Hasan shouted “Allahu Akbar!” as he gunned down his fellow soldiers at a military medical facility in 2009, only one of seven Times articles on Hasan so much as mentioned that he was a Muslim. Of course, that story ran one year after Hasan’s arrest, so by then, I suppose, the cat was out of the bag. – NEW YORK TIMES READER KILLS DOZENS IN NORWAY

Breivik is very clear that you don’t even have to believe in God to join his movement, saying in a self-interview: Q: Do I have to believe in God or Jesus in order to become a Justiciar Knight? A: As this is a cultural war, our definition of being a Christian does not necessarily constitute that you are required to have a personal relationship with God or Jesus. He goes on to say that a “Christian fundamentalist theocracy” is “everything we DO NOT want,” and a “secular European society” is “what we DO want.” “It is enough,” Breivik says, “that you are a Christian-agnostic or a Christian-atheist.” That statement doesn’t even make sense in America – NEW YORK TIMES READER KILLS DOZENS IN NORWAY

Breivik says he is “not an excessively religious man,” brags that he is “first and foremost a man of logic,” calls himself “economically liberal” and reveres Darwinism. … Similarly, Breivik says in his manifesto that “it is essential that science take an undisputed precedence over biblical teachings” –- a statement that would be incomprehensible to all the real scientists, such as Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Descartes, Bacon, Newton, Mendel, Pasteur, Planck, Einstein and Pauli, all of whom believed the whole purpose of science was to understand God.

Every guest on MSNBC is asked the same question: Is it possible to believe that Murdoch was unaware of what some reporters at News of the World were doing? How can a network that employs Chris Matthews be unfamiliar with the concept of a “rogue employee”? – MEDIA MOGUL CHARGED WITH FIRST-DEGREE MURDOCH

Murdoch is an American who owns television networks, satellite operations and newspapers all over the world. As he said in his testimony this week, News Corp. has 53,000 employees and, until its recent demise, News of the World amounted to a grand total of 1 percent of News Corp.’s operations. Why wasn’t Les Moonves responsible for CBS anchor Dan Rather trying to throw the 2004 presidential election with phony National Guard documents one month before the election? Moonves was president, CEO and director of CBS, a company with half as many employees as News Corp. And his rogue employee constituted a much bigger part of CBS’ business than News of the World did of the Murdoch empire. And yet no one asked if Moonves was aware that his network was about to accuse a sitting president of shirking his National Guard duty. Moonves wasn’t dragged before multiple congressional panels. – MEDIA MOGUL CHARGED WITH FIRST-DEGREE MURDOCH

What about all the illegally obtained information regularly printed in the Times? Was Pinch Sulzberger unaware his newspaper was publishing classified government documents illegally obtained by Julian Assange? Did he know that in 2006 the Times published illegally leaked classified documents concerning a government program following terrorists’ financial transactions; that in 2005 it revealed illegally obtained information about a top-secret government program tracking phone calls connected to numbers found in Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s cell phone; and, that, in 1997, the paper published an illegally obtained phone call between Newt Gingrich and Republican leaders? – MEDIA MOGUL CHARGED WITH FIRST-DEGREE MURDOCH

Democrats are at an advantage in the “should the U.S. go bankrupt or not?” debate because, based on their economic policies so far, they obviously favor bankruptcy. This allows them to sit back and demand that Republicans propose all the spending cuts and then turn around and scream that Republicans have declared war on the poor and disadvantaged. … So Republicans keep proposing cuts and Democrats keep riling up the increasingly large number of people who get checks from the government. Nothing ever gets cut, but more people hate Republicans for having proposed any cuts at all.

From repeat domestic violence calls to Los Angeles car chases, hit-and-run drivers and the balloon-boy hoax, worthless louts consume vastly more law enforcement resources than the rest of us. Cops in any town will tell you all the domestic violence calls come from the exact same homes, over and over again. As long as we’re looking for new revenue streams, how about billing these white trash low-lifes for their massive consumption of police resources? The dregs of society need to be assessed a fee for their abuse of government services and thrown in debtors prison in the unlikely event that they can’t pay. CASEY ANTHONY: SINGLE MOM OF THE YEAR!

The statistics are so jaw-dropping that not giving up an illegitimate child for adoption ought to be considered child abuse. Various studies have shown that children raised by a single mother comprise about 70 percent of juvenile murderers, delinquents, teenaged mothers, drug abusers, dropouts, suicides and runaways. Imagine an America with 70 percent fewer of these social disorders and you will see what liberals’ destruction of marriage has wrought. CASEY ANTHONY: SINGLE MOM OF THE YEAR!

The plague of single motherhood isn’t an inevitable decay brought on by stupid choices of the underclass. Destroying the family is the active social policy of liberals. They enjoy experimenting with other people’s lives and leaving the taxpayer with the bill. The mainstream media and Hollywood studios are constantly issuing propaganda about the joys and triumphs of single mothers. CASEY ANTHONY: SINGLE MOM OF THE YEAR!

Eighty-five percent of mothers who kill their children through neglect are single mothers. … A 2007 New York Times op-ed column about three gold-diggers fighting for custody of Anna Nicole Smith’s illegitimate daughter said: “Surely this change is a welcome corrective to the injustice of traditional marriage laws and family values that stigmatized ‘bastards’ for life.” Except one can’t help noticing how many more illegitimate children there are — and the accompanying child abuse, neglect, suicide, runaways and murders — now that the stigma is gone. CASEY ANTHONY: SINGLE MOM OF THE YEAR!

Our revolutionary document, the Declaration of Independence, is a religious document through and through, with the colonies demanding rights entitled to them by “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” As founding father James Wilson put it, the “will of God” was the supreme law of nations. Consequently, the Declaration cites “certain unalienable rights” given to men “by their Creator.” For the “rectitude” of their intentions, the drafters appealed to “the Supreme Judge of the world.” – BONUS JULY 4TH COLUMN! EXCERPTED FROM THE SMASH BESTELLER, ‘DEMONIC’

Fifty-two of the fifty-six signers of the American Declaration were orthodox Christians who believed in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or as they would be known today, “an extremist Fundamentalist hate group.” – BONUS JULY 4TH COLUMN! EXCERPTED FROM THE SMASH BESTELLER, ‘DEMONIC’

“One of the errors of our age,” Rousseau said, “is to use reason in bare form, as if men were only mind.” Yes, much better to fire up a crowd with emotional appeals. Thus, Rousseau recommended using “signs that speak to the imagination,” complaining that words make too weak an impression. “[O]ne speaks to the heart far better,” he said, “through the eyes than through the ears.” This is the essence of how one riles up a mob—by using images, not words. (Republicans drove the car into a ditch.) Rousseau perfectly describes the governing strategy of all mob leaders, from Robespierre to Fidel Castro to today’s Democratic Party. – BONUS JULY 4TH COLUMN! EXCERPTED FROM THE SMASH BESTELLER, ‘DEMONIC’

Coulter also addressed rumors that Rep. Bachmann and Palin didn’t get along– “they like one another!” These she attributed to sexism: “liberals are just so shocked that there are so many conservative women politicians,” she argued, and assume “there are two girls in the race; they must hate each other.” – Interveiew on Sean Hannity’s show

She was the Sarah Palin of her day, completely misrepresented by historians and the media, as my book demonstrates. For example, it has gone down in history that Antoinette said of starving French peasants, “Let them eat cake!” – a line invented by the narcissistic atheist Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Similarly, it has gone down in history that Palin said, “I can see Russia from my house!” – a line invented by the narcissistic atheist Tina Fey. – Interview with RightWingeEws

The young Thurgood Marshall was an American hero. He redeemed blacks’ civil rights the American way: By bringing lawsuits asserting constitutional rights and winning those cases in court after court, including the groundbreaking Brown vs. Board of Education case back in 1954. As long as a Republican was in the White House, Marshall’s legal victories would be enforced. President Dwight Eisenhower, for example, sent the 101st Airborne Division to the Little Rock Central High School to walk black children to school in accordance with the Brown decision. But, unfortunately, Democratic presidents JFK and LBJ were in office from 1961-1969, and they dragged their feet on civil rights enforcement in order to pander to the segregationist mob within the Democratic Party. If Nixon had won the 1960 presidential election, there never would have been a need for civil rights marches, protests and civil disobedience and we’d be celebrating “Thurgood Marshall Day” rather than “Martin Luther King Day.” – Interview with RightWingeEws

This country was being torn apart by the sort of mob violence that has destroyed nations and made civilization impossible – such as the revolutions in France, Germany, Russia, China, Vietnam, Cambodia and Cuba. The response of our elite institutions was to capitulate to the mob – even when the mob at Kent State burned the ROTC building to the ground and then threw rocks at firemen and slashed their water hoses when they came to put the fire out. The shooting at Kent State put an end to the violent mayhem on college campuses with some alacrity. – Interview with RightWingeEws

Liberals are not like most Americans. They are the biggest pussies on Earth, city-bred weaklings who didn’t play a sport and have never been in a fight in their entire lives. Their mothers made excuses for them when they threw tantrums and spent way too much time praising them during toilet training. – GLENN BECK VS. THE MOB

A liberal’s idea of being a bad-a$$ is to say vicious things to a conservative public figure who can’t afford to strike back. Getting in a stranger’s face and hurling insults at him, knowing full well he has too much at risk to deck you, is like baiting a bear chained to a wall. They are not only exploiting our lawsuit-mad culture, they are exploiting other people’s manners. I know I’ll be safe because this person has better manners than I do.GLENN BECK VS. THE MOB

These brave-hearts know exactly what they can get away with. They assault a conservative only when it’s a sucker-punch, they outnumber him, or he can’t fight back for reasons of law or decorum. Liberals don’t get that when you’re outnumbering the enemy 100-1, you’re not brave. – GLENN BECK VS. THE MOB

When someone does fight back, liberals transform from aggressor to victim in an instant, collapsing on the ground and screaming bloody murder. I’ve seen it happen in a nearly empty auditorium when there was quite obviously no other human within 5 feet of the gutless invertebrate. – GLENN BECK VS. THE MOB

Perhaps instead of taking potshots at me in its Book Review section, The New York Times could consider reviewing one of my books. With only one review — not in the Book Review — after eight New York Times best-sellers, the editors can rest assured that I know they don’t like me. – N.Y. TIMES: FRAUGHT NEXUS OF LIES, STUPIDITY AND BIGOTRY

Liberals despise the rule of law because it interferes with their ability to rule by mob. They love to portray themselves as the weak taking on the powerful. But it is the least powerful who suffer the most once the rule of law is gone. (Dominique Strauss-Kahn is about to discover that the most defenseless, penniless immigrant has the same legal rights as he, in an American court.) – N.Y. TIMES: FRAUGHT NEXUS OF LIES, STUPIDITY AND BIGOTRY

Reviewing a book about the 1989 rape of the Central Park jogger last week, the reviewer sniped that “coarser pundits like Ann Coulter continue to exploit the case whenever possible.” … the book about the Central Park rape warmly reviewed in the Times was described as raising the “fraught nexus of race, class and gender.” It was said to take a “tour through America’s violently racist past and present.” What on earth does any of that have to do with the evidence in this particular case? Another way of determining the guilt or innocence of the convicted rapists would be to look at the facts of the case — the confessions, the corroborating evidence, the state of DNA testing in 1989, the jury verdicts and Reyes’ advantageously timed confession 13 years later. But looking at actual facts in a criminal trial, as I did, apparently constitutes a coarse exploitation of the case. – N.Y. TIMES: FRAUGHT NEXUS OF LIES, STUPIDITY AND BIGOTRY

SHEPPARD: To be more precise about the media and the liberal mob, how do you think they assisted junior senator Barack Obama in getting elected in 2008, and what do you think they’re doing now to assist his reelection in 2012?
COULTER: Everything. They worship him (a mob characteristic) and so they engage in sloganeering (mob) and repetition (mob) to create a contagious adoration for Obama (yet another mob characteristic) among the most gullible, simple-minded Americans, generally known as “the Democratic base.” – Newsbusters interview with Ann Coulter about her book Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America

SHEPPARD: Have you ever in your life or in your research observed the liberal media mob attack anyone like they have Sarah Palin?
COULTER: Yes, of course! Where have you been? Richard Nixon, Joe McCarthy and Clarence Thomas were attacked much more viciously than Palin – and that was before there was an alternative media to fight back! How about Rush Limbaugh, Dan Quayle, Tom DeLay, John Yoo, Scooter Libby, William Rehnquist, Ray Donovan (“Where do I go to get my reputation back?”), Robert Bork, Roy Cohn, — even Carrie Prejean and Joe the Plumber! And that’s just a few of the mob’s targets over the years. – Newsbusters interview with Ann Coulter about her book Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America

COULTER: After swearing up and down that he would talk about my book and accepting a free copy from me the day before – which he promised he’d read that night – Fareed’s only “book question” during the show was to say something to the effect of, “Politicians need to compromise, but in your book ‘Demonic,’ Ann, you argue that Republicans shouldn’t compromise.” I stared at him slack-jawed and said, “Where do I say that? You haven’t even cracked my book!” It’s interesting that CNN thinks of itself as the intellectual station – compared to low-brow Fox – when every interviewer I had on Fox had read at least large portions of my book before interviewing me about it. In three interviews on a CNN station, the only person who asked me a single question about my book or who had the vaguest notion what it was about was the comedian: Joy Behar — and she’s on Headline News. – Newsbusters interview with Ann Coulter about her book Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America

COULTER: I will say that alleged conservatives who gratuitously attack fellow conservatives are like the robber being crucified next to Jesus, who joined the mob in taunting Jesus. He’s hanging there, hours from death, a victim of the same howling mob that demanded Jesus’ crucifixion. But even though he was a victim of the mob himself, he was compelled to join the mob. It shows how powerful the instinct to side with the crowd is. – Newsbusters interview with Ann Coulter about her book Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America

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When I first wake up, I don’t open my eyes right away so I can read the backs of my eyelids, which say on the right one: “God is Republican” and the left: “Christie 2012.” Second, I turn on MSNBC because there’s nothing like a good belly laugh to start your day, then Fox News, to make sure Obama hasn’t issued an executive order banning it yet. – The Atlantic Wire interview with Ann Coulter on what she reads

I like to let the Times pile up during the week and read an entire stack of ’em over the weekend. I find it’s much more pleasant to read the Treason Times a few days out of date because then I know that, no matter what they’ve written, they haven’t destroyed the world yet. … I also get hundreds of pictures of Rep. Anthony Weiner’s penis every day. I don’t even remember subscribing to it. – The Atlantic Wire interview with Ann Coulter on what she reads

Before I go to bed I usually watch one of various true crime shows. … I pick up tips to avoid getting murdered, such as … never, EVER get in a car with a Kennedy behind the wheel. – The Atlantic Wire interview with Ann Coulter on what she reads

If state governments stop officially registering marriages, then … Who has legal authority to issue “do not resuscitate” orders to doctors? (Of course, under Obamacare we won’t be resuscitating anyone.) … Where would liberals get their phony statistics about most marriages ending in divorce?- GET RID OF GOVERNMENT — BUT FIRST MAKE ME PRESIDENT!

First of all, look at who their voters are. They openly brag about having the least informed voters. They’re very upset when Republicans and other people who don’t want voter fraud request IDs simply in order to be able to vote. They want illegal aliens they want felons, they want soccer moms, they want nonnative English speakers — they have college kids — so, you know, they have the most easily fooled, naive, and perpetually alarmed members of the country as their base – Ann Coulter in interview with Rush Limbaugh on her book ‘Demonic: How the Liberal Mob is Endangering America’

14.) Referring to President Obama’s repeated statements that Republicans drove the economy into a ditch: “It was always a ‘ditch’ and not a ‘pond’ because a pond would have been offensive to Ted Kennedy.”

13.) “Bill Clinton was called a rock star so often, the expression ‘rock star’ surpassed ‘perfect story’ as the most irritating cliché of the century. (In fairness, if ‘rock star’ means someone who sleeps with countless groupies, then Bill Clinton was a rock star.)”

11.) “Then congressman Christopher Dodd (D-CT) said the ‘greatest gift our country can give to the Cambodian people is peace, not guns. And the best way to accomplish that goal is by ending military aid now.’ This would be like suggesting the best way to help a woman being raped is to give her a little privacy.”

10.) “Having your intelligence questioned by Katie Couric must be like having Michael Moore say to you, ‘Have you put on a few pounds.’”

4.) “Of course, as the leader of twelve apostles, even Jesus had more executive experience than Obama.”

Review of Ann Coulter’s book ‘Demonic: How the Liberal Mob is Endangering America’ by Daily Caller

“In the first few years after [Planned Parenthood v. Casey], about six more people were killed in attacks on abortion clinics. Most of the abortionists were shot or, depending upon your point of view, had a procedure performed on them with a rifle.” Review of Ann Coulter’s book ‘Demonic: How the Liberal Mob is Endangering America’ by Daily Caller

Immediately after Jared Loughner’s shooting spree in Tucson, Americans were lectured on civility by the likes of Keith “the leading terrorist group in this country right now is the Republican Party” Olbermann. … But the media turned to one man more than any other to discuss how rhetoric can lead to violence: Al Sharpton — someone whose rhetoric actually had inspired violent mobs. In addition to libeling innocent men in the Tawana Brawley hoax, ginning up angry mobs outside the Central Park jogger’s rapists’ trial, whipping up mobs after a car accident in Brooklyn’s Crown Heights neighborhood killed a black child and a rabbinical student was stabbed to death, Sharpton famously incited an anti-Semitic pogrom against a Jewish-owned clothing store in Harlem, saying, “We will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business.” Someone who was listening to Sharpton later decided to storm the store and start shooting, wounding several employees, and setting a fire that killed seven people. Of course, after all this, Sharpton became a pariah — oh wait! In the opposite of being exiled, he became famous, ran for president as a Democrat and Al Gore kissed his ring, after these events. …They needn’t have worried. No one brought up any of the mayhem that had followed Sharpton’s speeches. OBAMA: HOPE, CHANGE, AND THE OCCASIONAL SEX DREAM

Another example of Anthony’s amazing forbearance is how he has not retaliated against CNN for its malicious editing of Weiner’s press conference on Tuesday. CNN obviously sabotaged the tape to make it look as if he was refusing to answer the simplest, most direct questions. (I confess I did not see the entire conference live; I was too busy sending private messages to the hundreds of college coeds I follow on Twitter, just like Anthony.) Through sheer trickery, CNN made it appear as if Anthony kept lurching back to the same irrelevant story about a heckler in an audience of 45,000 people. Anyone could see there was something off about the video because no matter what reporters asked him, CNN kept looping back to that clip of Anthony telling his long, pointless parable about a heckler in an audience and how he’d respond and then demanding that he be allowed to finish, when he obviously had already finished. This falsely suggested that he was stonewalling reporters. Perhaps the CNN tape was hacked, too. WEINER’S PENIS PHOTO DISPUTE TO BE SETTLED IN SMALL CLAIMS COURT

We’re always being chirpily informed, as an article in The New York Times put it, that when it comes to the presidency, “(d)ivorce, of course, is old hat.” But strangely, all the prominent divorced politicians listed to prove that point are the losers: John McCain, John Kerry, Bob Dole, Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Chris Dodd — all the way back to Adlai Stevenson. In fact, there’s only one exception to the rule that Americans don’t want a divorced president: Ronald Reagan. Many voters didn’t even realize Reagan was divorced. And if they knew, then they also knew that Reagan’s wife left him against his wishes — according to their children, their friends, and newspaper headlines at the time that blared: “JANE WYMAN TO ASK DIVORCE.” – WHY LARRY KING WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT
May 25, 2011

Contradicting the endless New York Times articles celebrating “the new American family,” “blended families” and “quasi marriages,” a recent census report says that only 12 percent of Americans will be married as many as two times in their entire lives. Only 3 percent will be married three or more times. (The “one of every two marriages will end in divorce” canard comes from comparing the number of marriages in a given year to the number of divorces that same year — but the divorces could be from any of the millions of marriages consummated in the prior several decades. Serial divorcers also bring the “average” divorce rate way up.) – WHY LARRY KING WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT
May 25, 2011

Only in Hollywood movies are handsome lacrosse players from nice families seen as likely rapists. In real life, they look more like the 5-foot-2-inch Roman Polanski or pudgy, unathletic Bill Clinton — or the homunculus 5-foot-2-inch Strauss-Kahn. TO LIBERALS, EVERY WOMAN LOOKS LIKE A HOTEL MAID

Second, it’s not unheard of that a wealthy liberal would assume the law does not apply to him. Actually, let me restate that: Wealthy liberals always assume that laws don’t apply to them. After all the waivers the Obama administration has been dishing out like candy, are there any liberals left to whom Obamacare will apply? TO LIBERALS, EVERY WOMAN LOOKS LIKE A HOTEL MAID

Liberals supported Polanski’s evasion of punishment for child rape, with the Hollywood left denouncing his arrest in Switzerland a couple of years ago, howling that he had suffered enough! Wasn’t he prevented from coming to the U.S. to pick up his Oscar in 2003? TO LIBERALS, EVERY WOMAN LOOKS LIKE A HOTEL MAID

As Phyllis Schlafly points out in her book “Feminist Fantasies” (with a stirring foreword by Ann Coulter), for centuries, famous left-wing men have treated “their wives and mistresses like unpaid servants.”… As Schlafly says, no wonder liberal women think men are pigs: Their men are pigs. TO LIBERALS, EVERY WOMAN LOOKS LIKE A HOTEL MAID

On the other hand, illegals being paid off the books are not helping Americans find jobs. According to a May 4, 2011, report from the (liberal) Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, 76 percent of “hard-pressed Democrats” — defined as “religious, financially struggling” — agree with the statement: “Immigrants today … are a burden on our country because they take our jobs, housing and health care.” As Kausfiles observes, maybe financially struggling Democrats believe immigrants “take our jobs” because, in fact, they do. – MORE GUTSY CALLS FROM OBAMA!

Democrats blithely act as if big labor, pro-illegal-immigration, pro-government union policies combined with massive government red tape and huge socialist programs will have no effect on jobs. They incessantly repeat “gutsy call” for “you’d have to have been brain-dead not to make the call to kill bin Laden,” hoping the Democratic Party will suddenly seem macho. Then, after a few weeks of robotically chanting “gutsy call,” they can get back to their true passion — destroying jobs — at which point they will robotically chant Bush’s name to explain why millions of Americans have lost their jobs under Obama. How gutsy. – MORE GUTSY CALLS FROM OBAMA!

American intelligence operations located Osama by following his trusted couriers, whose names were given up by al-Qaida members during harsh interrogations at CIA black sites under President Bush. Yes, the same interrogations endlessly denounced by the entire Democratic Party (save Joe Lieberman), the mainstream media, and an especially indignant Jane Mayer in The New Yorker. – NEXT TIME, USE FEDEX

Our mighty Navy SEALs not only put a bullet through Osama’s head, but carried off his computers, disks and hard drives. So far, all they’ve revealed is that Osama had multiple Netflix rentals of “Rendition,” “In the Valley of Elah,” “Fahrenheit 9/11” and “Love Actually.” – NEXT TIME, USE FEDEX

[Speaking of films like Rendition Brian De Palma’s Redacted Rejected by Audiences]

The one Islamic country that openly cheered our taking out bin Laden is Iraq. According to reports from inside the country, TV stations are treating the raid as a great victory for Iraq — the final battle in a war that was mostly fought by Iraqis on Iraqi soil. They view bin Laden’s killing as their own personal triumph in the war against Islamic terrorism. Similarly, when there was an explosion of violence throughout the Muslim world in response to some Danish cartoons in 2006, guess which Islamic nation was nothing but placid contentment? Again: our plucky Iraq. (Having U.S. Marines in your midst apparently has some sort of calming influence.) – NEXT TIME, USE FEDEX

Following the Democratic playbook, Obama’s overall approach to national security is to pointlessly fling our influence and military around the globe — in Libya, Egypt and Afghanistan — with no evident national security purpose. Thanks to our feckless president, most of the Middle East is rapidly degenerating into a terrorist fever-swamp. The Muslim Brotherhood is emerging as a power broker in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen and Libya. Meanwhile, the “democracy” movement in Syria seems likely to end with President Bashar al-Assad gaining a tighter grip on power, after he’s killed enough of his own people to remind them why he’s their president. All of these countries are becoming worse than they were before… But George Bush’s legacy — Iraq – will be standing there, all on its own, the one point of light in a sea of Islamic darkness. And the media will coo about how reassuring it is that we now have a “thoughtful” president in the White House, instead of a cowboy. – NEXT TIME, USE FEDEX

And so, in the president’s words, “we contribute to programs like Medicare and Social Security.” Except we don’t “contribute.” We are compelled under threat of imprisonment to take out a joint checking account with the government. Ask Wesley Snipes what happens when you fail to “contribute” sufficient alms to Uncle Sam. It’s easy to find him: He’s sitting in the McKean Federal Correctional Institution in Pennsylvania. – OBAMA’S BUDGET: MORE WASTE, FRAUD AND SELF-ABUSE

In the 1980 award-winning PBS series “Free to Choose,” Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman described the steps required to fire a civil servant: “In January 1975, a typist in the Environmental Protection Agency was so consistently late for work that her supervisors demanded she be fired. It took 19 months to do it, and this incredible 21-foot-long chart lists the steps that had to be gone through to satisfy all the rules and all the management and union agreements. – OBAMA’S BUDGET: MORE WASTE, FRAUD AND SELF-ABUSE

All told, the White House’s brutal, Depression-era austerity plan would have snipped a couple of billion from our multi-trillion dollar federal budget. When the Republicans proposed that, instead of cutting a few billion, the government chop $60 billion from the budget, Democrats went ballistic. They said it was madness. Republicans were proposing to bring back the miserly federal budget of 2008! You heard me right: Those lunatics were going to roll back the federal spending clock … almost three years!ON THIS ABORTED FETUS, THE DEMOCRATS PLANT THEIR FLAG

You remember the hellish, “Lord of the Flies” days of 2008 when veterans hospitals were shuttered, Social Security checks ceased to be delivered, our military was stripped of ammunition, national parks were closed and stoplights went dark. Wait, no — none of that happened. – ON THIS ABORTED FETUS, THE DEMOCRATS PLANT THEIR FLAG

And then, totally by accident, Republicans stumbled onto the Democrats’ Achilles heel. Among their specific defunding proposals, Republicans had suggested taking mere peanuts away from Planned Parenthood. The Democrats responded: NO! WE’LL CUT 40 BILLION! JUST DON’T TOUCH PLANNED PARENTHOOD! All the Republicans had to do was threaten to cut federal funding for abortion, and they won $40 billion in spending cuts overnight. – ON THIS ABORTED FETUS, THE DEMOCRATS PLANT THEIR FLAG

Comedy Central’s allegedly serious Catholic, Stephen Colbert, spent a week ridiculing Sen. Jon Kyl’s response to Reid for saying Planned Parenthood had nothing to do with abortion, but mostly provided things like cholesterol screening. …according to its own reports, Planned Parenthood performed 332,278 abortions in 2009 … Reid and Colbert must be getting a lot of cholesterol tests at Planned Parenthood if abortion constitutes only 3 percent of its services. – ON THIS ABORTED FETUS, THE DEMOCRATS PLANT THEIR FLAG

In any event, the Democrats didn’t suddenly agree to $40 billion in budget cuts to save Planned Parenthood’s cholesterol screening.ON THIS ABORTED FETUS, THE DEMOCRATS PLANT THEIR FLAG

If Republicans keep threatening to defund Planned Parenthood, they can probably get Democrats to repeal Obamacare, pass a flat tax and get a capital sentence for Khalid Sheik Mohammed. – ON THIS ABORTED FETUS, THE DEMOCRATS PLANT THEIR FLAG

The high salaries and magnificent benefits paid to government employees are used to fund the public sector unions, which then funnel a portion of that money back to the Democrats, who vote for the pay packages of government workers. The unions function as a pass-through from the taxpayers straight to Democrats running for re-election. As a result, taxpayers are paying people to continually raise their taxes. THANKS FOR RAISING MY TAXES — WHAT ELSE CAN I DO FOR YOU?

Liberals don’t love big government because they think it’s efficient, compassionate, fair or even remotely useful. They support big government because they are guaranteed the support of nearly everyone who works for the government. THANKS FOR RAISING MY TAXES — WHAT ELSE CAN I DO FOR YOU?

“Humanitarian” seems to be the Democrats’ new word for “absolutely no national interest.” The Democrats were not so interested in a “humanitarian” intervention against a much more brutal dictator in Iraq. But, of course, taking out Saddam Hussein, a state sponsor of terrorism who harbored one of the perpetrators of the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center, would make Americans safer. Democrats are furious whenever American boys (girls and gays) are put in harm’s way — unless the troops are on a mission that has nothing whatsoever to do with defending the United States. OBAMA CRIED, KIDS DIED

What did the Egyptians want? At the time, liberals angrily cited the high unemployment rate in Egypt as proof that Mubarak was a beast who must step down. Have they, by any chance, seen the recent employment numbers for the U.S.? OBAMA CRIED, KIDS DIED

On Monday night, Obama gave a speech intended to explain America’s mission and purpose in our new Libyan adventure. He said: “Some nations may be able to turn a blind eye to atrocities in other countries. The United States of America is different.” He forgot to add: “However, the United States of America will be turning a blind eye to atrocities in Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, the Ivory Coast and Bahrain.” OBAMA CRIED, KIDS DIED

When it came to Iraq, liberals proclaimed that invading a country “only” to produce a regime change was unjustifiable, contrary to international law, and a grievous affront to the peace-loving Europeans. But they like regime change in Egypt, Libya — and the Balkans. The last military incursion supported by liberals was Clinton’s misadventure in the Balkans — precisely because Slobodan Milosevic posed no conceivable threat to the United States. OBAMA CRIED, KIDS DIED

According to Noel Sheppard at Newsbusters, MSNBC’s Ed Schultz devoted an entire segment to denouncing me. He called me toxic, accused me of spreading misinformation and said I didn’t care about science. One thing Schultz did not do, however, was cite a single physicist or scientific study. I cited three physicists by name as well as four studies supporting hormesis in my column. For the benefit of liberals scared of science, I even cited The New York Times. – LIBERALS: THEY BLINDED US WITH SCIENCE

The left’s idea of “science” is that we should all be riding bicycles and using the Clivus Multrum composting latrines instead of flush toilets. Anyone who dissents, they say — while adjusting their healing crystals for emphasis — is “afraid of science.” – LIBERALS: THEY BLINDED US WITH SCIENCE

As I described in my book “Godless,” both the government and the entire mainstream media lied about AIDS in the ’80s by scaring Americans into believing that heterosexuals were as much at risk for acquiring AIDS as gays and intravenous drug users. The science had to be lied about so no one’s feelings got hurt. … A quarter-century later, and we’re still waiting for the big heterosexual AIDS outbreak. But at least science achieved its primary purpose: AIDS was not stigmatized as a “gay disease.” Scientific facts were ignored so that science would be nonjudgmental. That was more important than the truth. LIBERALS: THEY BLINDED US WITH SCIENCE

After decades of this nonsense, The New York Times’ Paul Krugman has the audacity to brag that liberals believe the “truth should be determined by research, not revelation.” Yes — provided the “research” is conducted by trial lawyers and Hollywood actresses rather than actual scientists. – LIBERALS: THEY BLINDED US WITH SCIENCE

Although it is hardly a settled scientific fact that excess radiation is a health benefit, there’s certainly evidence that it decreases the risk of some cancers — and there are plenty of scientists willing to say so. But Jenny McCarthy’s vaccine theories get more press than Harvard physics professors’ studies on the potential benefits of radiation. (And they say conservatives are anti-science!) A GLOWING REPORT ON RADIATION

Every day Americans pop multivitamins containing trace amount of zinc, magnesium, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, nickel, boron — all poisons. They get flu shots. They’ll drink copious amounts of coffee to ingest a poison: caffeine. (Back in the ’70s, Professor Cohen offered to eat as much plutonium as Ralph Nader would eat caffeine — an offer Nader never accepted.) But in the case of radiation, the media have Americans convinced that the minutest amount is always deadly. A GLOWING REPORT ON RADIATION

Fine, we understand that Wisconsin public sector employees like the system that pays them an average of $76,500 per year, with splendiferous benefits, and are fighting like wildcats against any proposed reforms to that system. But it’s madness to keep treating people who are promoting their own self-interest as if they are James Meredith walking into the University of Mississippi. This isn’t how we usually view people fighting for their own economic interests. When Wall Street opposes financial reforms or a tobacco company opposes new cigarette taxes, no one hails them as “working men and women” who “deserve a decent pay and decent retirement.”SIX-FIGURE BUS DRIVERS AND OTHER WORKING-CLASS HEROES

Fine, we like teachers, firemen and police officers. We appreciate them. (And for the record, it is statistically more dangerous to be a farmer, fisherman, steelworker or pilot than a cop or fireman. Soldiers also have pretty dangerous jobs, and they don’t get to strike.) Does that mean we should pay them $1 million dollars a year? How about $10 million? After all, these are the people who educate our kids, run into burning buildings and take dangerous criminals off our streets! Assuming the answer is no, then apparently we’re allowed to discuss government workers’ compensation — even though they do important work. As George Bernard Shaw concluded his famous quip (often attributed to Winston Churchill), “Now, we’re just negotiating over the price.” – SIX-FIGURE BUS DRIVERS AND OTHER WORKING-CLASS HEROES

…the Democratic Party is the party of public sector unions. And now, the nation watches helplessly as public sector unions and their Democratic allies say to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker: Nice state you got there, governor. Be a shame if something bad happened to it.UNCIVIL UNIONS

Members of public sector unions see their pensions and benefits the way the Mafia views its “partnership” with a restaurant, as described in the movie “Goodfellas”: “Business bad? F–k you, pay me. Oh, you had a fire? F–k you, pay me. Place got hit by lightning, huh? F–k you, pay me.” Spoiler alert: When the restaurant owner is unable to pay his mob tribute, they burn the place to the ground. But government employees aren’t exactly like the mob. At least the Mafia guys have a strong work ethic.UNCIVIL UNIONS

In fact, government employees should never, ever be allowed to organize. The need for a union comes down to this question: Do you have a boss who wants you to work harder for less money? In the private sector, the answer is yes. In the public sector, the answer is a big, fat NO. LOOK FOR THE UNION FABLE

Government unions have nothing in common with private sector unions because they don’t have hostile management on the other side of the bargaining table. To the contrary, the “bosses” of government employees are co-conspirators with them in bilking the taxpayers. LOOK FOR THE UNION FABLE

On his first day in office, the Republican governor of Indiana, Mitch Daniels, signed an executive order denying public sector employees the right to bargain collectively — something that had been granted, naturally, by a Democratic governor. As a result, Indiana government employees instantly got to take home an extra thousand dollars that no longer went to union dues — and good employees started getting raises, while bad employees got cashiered. LOOK FOR THE UNION FABLE

I think it would be a step down for her to run for president. It’s like saying Rush Limbaugh should run for president. She’s huge. She has enormous power. She sends out a Twitter on death panels and everyone’s talking about it. I think it would be crazy for her to run for president. – Talking about Sarah Palin on MSNBC

But, I do want to defend the Justin Bieber fans – yes they’re fanatics and they’re slightly crazy. But at least unlike Ron Paul supporters, they’re still 10 years old. Interview on Red Eye

Obama was so rough on the Egyptian leader, the Saudis reportedly had to ask him not to humiliate Mubarak. (You know, like Chinese President Hu did to Obama.) In fact, Mubarak may be the only despot Obama didn’t bow to. – DEMOCRATS: EMBOLDENING AMERICA’S ENEMIES AND TERRIFYING HER ALLIES SINCE 1976

You know another country where Obama wasn’t interested in democracy? (I mean, besides the U.S. when it comes to health care reform?) – DEMOCRATS: EMBOLDENING AMERICA’S ENEMIES AND TERRIFYING HER ALLIES SINCE 1976

The fact that liberals support democracy in Egypt, but not in Iraq or Iran, can mean only one thing: Democracy in Egypt will be bad for the United States and its allies. (As long as we’re on the subject, liberals also opposed democracy in Russia, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and all the Soviet satellite states, China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, Grenada, Nicaragua and Minnesota.) Democrats are all for meddling in other countries –- but only provided a change of regime will harm U.S. national security interests. – DEMOCRATS: EMBOLDENING AMERICA’S ENEMIES AND TERRIFYING HER ALLIES SINCE 1976

CPAC 2011 – Full video and selection of quotes are in this post.

(2) Have you ever spoken to an LGBT group or attended an LGBT event before? / Yes. I call them “Ann Coulter book signings.” You have no idea how many of my fans are gay. – DEAR MAINSTREAM MEDIA REPORTER WHO WASTED MY TIME…

Conservatives will: (1) Stop treating gay sex any differently from premarital sex; (2) stop blaming nice, conservative gays for the hateful, angry, leftist gays pushing fisting on kindergartners; and (3) agree to do something about their hair. Gays will drop this business about gay marriage and pushing PC rules on the military. – DEAR MAINSTREAM MEDIA REPORTER WHO WASTED MY TIME…

Gays LOVE gay jokes. Christian/conservative audiences generally don’t laugh at my gay jokes because they feel like they’re being mean. It’s really sweet. They don’t like gay marriage, but they want to be nice to gays. – DEAR MAINSTREAM MEDIA REPORTER WHO WASTED MY TIME…

During the presidential campaign, Obama said: “I don’t know of any self-respecting hunter that needs 19 rounds of anything. You don’t shoot 19 rounds at a deer, and if you do, you shouldn’t be hunting.” It would have been more accurate for him to end that sentence after the word “hunter.” – WHAT LIBERALS DON’T KNOW ABOUT GUNS, CHAPTER 217

It’s so adorable when people who wouldn’t know a high-capacity magazine from Vanity Fair start telling gun owners what they should want and need. In fact, high-capacity mags put a predator like Loughner at a disadvantage because they are so long, unwieldy and difficult to conceal. This may be why the Tucson shooting appears to be the first spree killing involving a high-capacity magazine. It would have been easier for Loughner to bring two guns. On the other hand, for a homeowner who is a poor marksman, a large-capacity clip could be a lifesaver. – WHAT LIBERALS DON’T KNOW ABOUT GUNS, CHAPTER 217

Obama compared “investing” in education to our sending a man to the moon after the Russians launched Sputnik. Say, who was the president who recently gutted spending on NASA? Oh yes, that was Obama. –HOPE, CHANGE AND ‘INVEST’

Also, solar panels. Obama said the government was already “investing” in solar panels! That’s a total relief. This must be how the president who brought us “Recovery Summer” is going to dig us out of the second Great Depression. But I do wonder why no private lender considered solar panels a wise investment, forcing solar panel manufacturers to turn to the government for loans, followed by endless tax credits just to break even. –HOPE, CHANGE AND ‘INVEST’

Remember how massive government “investments” gave rise to the telephone, the light bulb, the automobile, the airplane, the personal computer … OK, none of those. But massive government expenditures did give us Amtrak and the TSA! –HOPE, CHANGE AND ‘INVEST’

Obama said, “We are the nation that put cars in driveways and computers in offices; the nation of Edison and the Wright brothers; of Google and Facebook.” And then the government outlawed Edison’s great invention, made the Wright brothers’ air travel insufferable, filed anti-trust charges against Microsoft and made cars too expensive to drive by prohibiting oil exploration, and right now — at this very minute — is desperately trying to regulate the Internet. –HOPE, CHANGE AND ‘INVEST’

I especially enjoyed his pitch for high-speed trains where you “don’t have to receive pat-downs.” At least until one of those Muslims who is “part of our American family” blows one up — at which point they’ll be staffed with armies of genital-fondling, unionized TSA agents on the public dime. –HOPE, CHANGE AND ‘INVEST’

Still, I can’t wait for Obama’s America. An America where I can use lightning-fast, high-speed Internet to file electronically for my unemployment benefits. Or better yet, I can ditch my old “oil-powered” car and take a “sunlight and water”-powered high-speed train to the unemployment office for a change. –HOPE, CHANGE AND ‘INVEST’

After it came out that the Tucson shooter, Jared Loughner, was a liberal pothead who hated Christianity, laughed about aborted babies, never listened to talk radio, hated George Bush and cited “Mein Kampf” as one of his favorite books to annoy his Jewish mother, liberals suspended blaming “political rhetoric” for about two days. Then they went right back to blaming conservatives for the shooting. – MUD LIBEL

The media continue to avoid giving any details and simply announce that Loughner was “anti-government,” implying that he’s your standard George Will conservative who believes Congress has offended the principles of federalism by encroaching on the states’ authority under the Constitution. In fact, Loughner’s “anti-government” beliefs consist of: burning the American flag on video; denouncing our currency with the exclamation, “No! I won’t trust in God!”; and wanting to kill cops. His other big anti-government position is that he believes the government was behind 9/11 — <just like well-known tea partiers Rosie O'Donnell, Obama's "green jobs" czar Van Jones, Rehab habitue Charlie Sheen and left-wing historian Howard Zinn. MUD LIBEL

Every friend of Loughner who has characterized his politics has described him as liberal. Not one called him a conservative. One friend says Loughner never listened to talk radio or watched the TV news. Throw in “never read books” and you have the dictionary definition of a liberal. Being completely uninformed is precisely how most liberals stay liberal.LIBERALS SEEK BAN ON METAPHORS IN WAKE OF ARIZONA SHOOTING

In the most bald-faced lie I have ever read in The New York Times — which is saying something — that paper implied Loughner is a pro-life zealot. This is the precise opposite of the truth. Only because numerous other news outlets, including ABC News and The Associated Press, reported the exact same shocking incident in much greater detail — and with direct quotes — do we know that the Times’ rendition was complete bunk… “‘A girl had written a poem about an abortion. It was very emotional and she was teary eyed and he said something about strapping a bomb to the fetus and making a baby bomber,’ Ali said.” Here’s the Times’ version: “After another student read a poem about getting an abortion, Mr. Loughner compared the young woman to a ‘terrorist for killing the baby.'”LIBERALS SEEK BAN ON METAPHORS IN WAKE OF ARIZONA SHOOTING

So far, Fannie and Freddie’s default on loans that should never have been made has cost the taxpayer tens of billions of dollars. Some estimates say the final cost to the taxpayer will be more than $1 trillion. To put that number in perspective, for a trillion dollars, President Obama could pass another stupid, useless stimulus package that doesn’t create a single real job. – INVESTIGATE THIS!

Democrats saw nothing of concern in the Fannie debacle. Bad mortgages don’t contain sodium, do they? They don’t engage in “hate speech.” And they don’t emit carbon dioxide. There was nothing to catch a Democrat’s eye. – INVESTIGATE THIS!

In 2005, when the housing bubble burst, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., introduced a bill allowing Fannie Mae to buy up even more schlock mortgages, apparently reasoning that if owning some toxic mortgages is bad, owning lots of them must be better! He accused Republican opponents of his suicidal bill of being against affordable housing. (And that is a specific example of how liberals love the poor so much, they promoted policies to create millions more of them.) – INVESTIGATE THIS!

As the titanic losses were racking up, Fannie Mae’s operators, Franklin Raines and Jamie Gorelick, disguised the catastrophe by orchestrating a $5 billion accounting fraud… Enron’s accounting fraud was a paltry $567 million — and it didn’t bring down the entire financial system. Those involved in the Enron manipulations went to prison. Raines and Gorelick not only didn’t go to jail, they walked away with multimillion-dollar payouts, courtesy of the taxpayer. – INVESTIGATE THIS!


YEAR 2010:

(Compare Right Wing News’ 34 best quotes from Ann Coulter’s columns)

Elected Democrats crow about how much they love the poor by demanding overburdened taxpayers fund government redistribution schemes, but can never seem to open their own wallets. The only evidence we have that Democrats love the poor is that they consistently back policies that will create more of them. – LIBERALS GIVE ‘TIL IT HURTS (YOU)

Liberals are always indignantly accusing conservatives of claiming God is on our side. What we actually say is: We’re on God’s side, particularly when liberals are demanding God’s banishment from the public schools, abortion on demand, and taxpayer money being spent on Jesus submerged in a jar of urine and pictures of the Virgin Mary covered with pornographic photos. – SCROOGE WAS A LIBERAL

What the Bible says about giving to the poor is: “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians (9:7) Being forced to pay taxes under penalty of prison is not voluntary and rarely done cheerfully. Nor do our taxes go to “the poor.” They mostly go to government employees who make more money than you do.SCROOGE WAS A LIBERAL

The reason liberals love the government redistributing money is that it allows them to skip the part of charity that involves peeling the starfish off their wallets and forking over their own money. This, as we know from study after study, they cannot bear to do. (Unless they are guaranteed press conferences where they can brag about their generosity.) – SCROOGE WAS A LIBERAL

Syracuse University professor Arthur Brooks’ study of charitable giving in America found that conservatives give 30 percent more to charity than liberals do, despite the fact that liberals have higher incomes than conservatives. In his book “Who Really Cares?” Brooks compared the charitable donations of religious conservatives, secular liberals, secular conservatives and “religious” liberals… Religious conservatives, the largest group at about 20 percent of the population, gave the most to charity — $2,367 per year, compared with $1,347 for the country at large… Brooks wrote that he was shocked by his conclusions because he believed liberals “genuinely cared more about others than conservatives did” — probably because liberals are always telling us that. So he re-ran the numbers and gathered more data, but it kept coming out the same. “In the end,” he says, “I had no option but to change my views.” – SCROOGE WAS A LIBERAL

Even when it comes to purely secular charities, religious conservatives give more than other Americans, which is surprising because liberals specialize in “charities” that give them a direct benefit, such as the ballet or their children’s elite private schools… On average, a person who attends religious services and does not believe in the redistribution of income will give away 100 times more — and 50 times more to secular charities — than a person who does not attend religious services and strongly believes in the redistribution of income. – SCROOGE WAS A LIBERAL

In his book “Intellectuals,” Paul Johnson quotes Pablo Picasso scoffing at the idea that he would give to the needy. “I’m afraid you’ve got it wrong,” Picasso explains, “we are socialists. We don’t pretend to be Christians.” – SCROOGE WAS A LIBERAL

I feel so much more confident that the TSA’s nude photos of airline passengers will never be released now that I know the government couldn’t even prevent half a million classified national security documents from being posted on WikiLeaks. – LIKE A CONDOM, THE FIRST AMENDMENT CAN’T ALWAYS PROTECT YOU

President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder will be getting around to WikiLeaks’ proprietor, Julian Assange, just as soon as they figure out which law the New Black Panthers might have violated by standing outside a polling place with billy clubs. – LIKE A CONDOM, THE FIRST AMENDMENT CAN’T ALWAYS PROTECT YOU

New York Times reporters are agitators intent on damaging our government, and they’re considered “journalists.” That doesn’t mean they have carte blanche to hunt endangered species, refuse to pay their taxes or embezzle money. The First Amendment isn’t a Star Trek “energy field” that protects journalists from phasers, photon torpedoes, lasers, rockets and criminal prosecutions. – LIKE A CONDOM, THE FIRST AMENDMENT CAN’T ALWAYS PROTECT YOU

As I have noted previously, the only part of the criminal law that doesn’t apply to reporters is the death penalty, at least since 2002, when the Supreme Court decided in Atkins v. Virginia that it’s “cruel and unusual punishment” to execute the retarded. – LIKE A CONDOM, THE FIRST AMENDMENT CAN’T ALWAYS PROTECT YOU

Today’s military features “victim advocates” and sensitivity training facilitators, the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services personnel and a million other goo-goo positions. How did we ever take the shores of Normandy without a phalanx of “sensitivity training” counselors? – DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL, DON’T CALL OUR TROOPS HOMOPHOBES

Maybe there’s a reason gays have traditionally been kept out of the intelligence services, apart from the fact that closeted gay men are easy to blackmail… The most damaging spies in British history were the Cambridge Five, also called “the “Magnificent Five”: Kim Philby, Guy Burgess, Anthony Blunt, Donald Maclean and John Cairncross. They were highly placed members of British intelligence, all secretly working for the KGB. The only one who wasn’t gay was Philby. Burgess and Blunt were flamboyantly gay. Indeed, the Russians set Burgess up with a boyfriend as soon as he defected to the Soviet Union. The Magnificent Five’s American compatriot Michael Straight was — ironically — bisexual, as was Whittaker Chambers, at least during the period that he was a spy. And of course, there’s David Brock. So many Soviet spies were gay that, according to intelligence reporter Phillip Knightley, the Comintern was referred to as “the Homintern.” (I would have called it the “Gay G.B.”) BRADLEY MANNING: POSTER BOY FOR ‘DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL’

Liberals don’t care. Their approach is to rip out society’s foundations without asking if they serve any purpose. Why do we have immigration laws? What’s with these borders? Why do we have the institution of marriage, anyway? What do we need standardized tests for? Hey, I like Keith Richards — why not make heroin legal? Let’s take a sledgehammer to all these load-bearing walls and just see what happens! BRADLEY MANNING: POSTER BOY FOR ‘DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL’

For liberals, gays in the military is a win-win proposition. Either gays in the military works, or it wrecks the military, both of which outcomes they enthusiastically support. BRADLEY MANNING: POSTER BOY FOR ‘DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL’

I’ve seen James Caan in an airport security line. Is James Caan less recognizable than Rep. Steve Rothman? (Tip for the TSA: When your agents are asking passengers for their autographs, you’re probably not on the verge of nabbing Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.) – STRANGE MEN GROPE NANCY PELOSI OR THE TERRORISTS HAVE WON

If security guards at a big, fat terrorist target like the U.S. Capitol can be expected to figure out that members of Congress aren’t a threat, why don’t we trust TSA agents to figure out that little grandmothers, nuns and 8-year-olds aren’t a threat either? Nancy Pelosi is more likely to engage in a terrorist attack on America than any grandmother or 8-year-old. Just look at what she did to our health care. – STRANGE MEN GROPE NANCY PELOSI OR THE TERRORISTS HAVE WON

Pelosi opposed the Gulf War on the grounds that it would be bad for the environment. She voted to reduce funds for the B-2 intercontinental bomber and repeatedly voted against a missile defense system. She voted to end Radio Marti broadcasts to Cuba. She voted against war in Iraq. She voted against a constitutional amendment to permit school prayer and against allowing state and local governments to display the Ten Commandments. No wonder she has a 100 percent congressional rating from al-Qaida. STRANGE MEN GROPE NANCY PELOSI OR THE TERRORISTS HAVE WON

I’d feel safer if Pistole and Napolitano had the full body cavity search than Grandma. Anyone involved in the creation of an airport security system that requires pilots to be checked for weapons has got to be removed from any government job and promptly institutionalized, as he is a danger to himself and others. We’re talking about the pilot. Is there anyone in the government who can tell us why the pilot doesn’t need a box-cutter to seize control of the airplane and kill everyone on it? You there, in the back — the skinny guy with the big ears behind the teleprompter: Wanna take a guess? – STRANGE MEN GROPE NANCY PELOSI OR THE TERRORISTS HAVE WON

You can’t stop a terrorist attack by searching for the explosives any more than you can stop crime by taking away everyone’s guns. … You have to search for the terrorists. Fortunately, that’s the one advantage we have in this war. In a lucky stroke, all the terrorists are swarthy, foreign-born, Muslim males. (Think: “Guys Madonna would date.”) This would give us a major leg up — if only the country weren’t insane. Is there any question that we’d be looking for Swedes if the 9/11 terrorists, the shoe bomber, the diaper bomber and the printer cartridge bomber had all been Swedish? If the Irish Republican Army were bombing our planes, wouldn’t we be looking for people with Irish surnames and an Irish appearance? Only because the terrorists are Muslims do we pretend not to notice who keeps trying to blow up our planes.NAPOLITANO: THE BALL’S IN MY COURT NOW

As we have learned from ObamaCare, young people are not considered adults until age 26, at which point they are finally forced to get off their parents’ health care plans. The old motto was “Old enough to fight, old enough to vote.” The new motto is: “Not old enough to buy your own health insurance, not old enough to vote.” Eighteen- to 26-year-olds don’t have property, spouses, children or massive tax bills. Most of them don’t even have jobs because the president they felt so good about themselves for supporting wrecked the economy. – REPEAL THE 26TH AMENDMENT!

How about 10-year-olds? Why not give them the vote? Then we’d have politicians wooing voters with offers of free Justin Bieber tickets instead of offers of a “sustainable planet” or whatever hokum the youth have swallowed hook, line and sinker from their teachers, pop culture idols and other authority figures. … Like 18-year-olds, the 10-year-olds would be sublimely unaware that they’re the ones who will be footing the bill for all these “free” goodies, paying and paying until they die of old age. – REPEAL THE 26TH AMENDMENT!

Republicans added two magnificent new black faces to the Congress with Allen West in Florida, who beat sore loser Ron Klein 54.3 percent to 45.7 percent (with 97 percent counted, Klein wouldn’t concede), and Tim Scott in South Carolina, who crushed Democrat Ben Frasier, 65-29. Republicans also launched two new Hispanic stars this election: Sen.-elect Marco Rubio from Florida and the new governor of New Mexico, Susanna Martinez. And we got a bonus Sikh — Nikki Haley, the new governor of South Carolina. MSNBC is still searching for the “Republicans are racist” angle in all of this.WE’RE ALL BIGOTS NOW!

All Newt did was avoid standing in front of a runaway freight train in 1994, when Republicans picked up a comparatively paltry 54 seats. We would have done that if Pee-wee Herman had been the face of the Republican Party. This year, with absolutely no Republican or Tea Party leader, Republicans picked up 60-plus House seats. Republican landslides are apparently inevitable whenever Democrats try to turn our health care over to the Department of Motor Vehicles.WE’RE ALL BIGOTS NOW!

Tea Party candidates like Sharron Angle and Christine O’Donnell were bad for the Republican Party. Au contraire! Every Republican who won a tightly contested election should be sending a thank-you note to Angle and O’Donnell for taking all the fire from the mainstream media and keeping the heat off of them. – WE’RE ALL BIGOTS NOW!

Even if you are under the misimpression that Boxer’s Republican opponent, Carly Fiorina, is somehow going to outlaw abortion in California, Carly will cut your taxes so much that you’d be able to fly to Sweden for all your abortions and still come out ahead! YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE CRAZY TO BE A DEMOCRAT, BUT IT HELPS

Liberals won’t say that John Phillip Walker Lindh disgraced his country. Washington Sen. Patty Murray thinks Osama bin Laden is a swell guy for building “day care centers” in Afghanistan. But they say a hero like Allen West “disgraced his uniform” by saving the lives of American soldiers. Yeah, the Tea Party candidates are a real embarrassment. YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE CRAZY TO BE A DEMOCRAT, BUT IT HELPS

“He’s been out in these countries for decades, building schools, building roads, building infrastructure, building day-care facilities, building health-care facilities, and the people are extremely grateful. He’s made their lives better.” Yes, Osama was out building “day-care facilities” — and probably sponsoring “Bring Your Daughter to Work” days! I defy anyone to produce something stupider ever uttered by a homo sapiens. Not Barbara Boxer, Joe Biden or even John Edwards can hold their dimly lit candles to her. – PATTY MURRAY: THE STUPIDEST PERSON IN AMERICA

Excerpts from a Politico reporter who seems not to have been at the event he was allegedly reporting on, probably because he’s homophobic: Ben Smith: GOProud is an explicitly gay group that isn’t particularly focused on gay rights, and Coulter’s speech – full of conservative red meat, and only the occasional Judy Garland joke – reflected its focus. Ann Coulter: More than half the speech — and the entire Q&A –was an argument against gay marriage. Was Ben Smith even there? How did he miss that? Peter Thiel Marriage ‘is not a civil right – you’re not black,’ Coulter said to nervous laughter. She went on to note that gays are among the wealthiest demographic groups in the country. Ann Coulter:Nervous laughter? More like “huge belly laughs.” (I think someone is engaging in gay stereotyping.) – JAYSON BLAIR NOW WORKING AT POLITICO!

Instead of promoting something that’s a terrible idea, that everyone hates and that I know you secretly don’t even want anyway, my proposal is that GOProud demand that heterosexuals start taking marriage seriously. – Reporters Freak as Ann Coulter Meets Gay GOPers

In her speech on Saturday, Coulter says that “not only can gays be conservative, you pretty much have to be,” because they are the “highest income demographic,” because “gays are too stylish to work for the federal government,” because radical Muslims want to execute them, and because “once [scientists] find the gay gene, guess who’s getting aborted?” Ann Coulter Loves the Gays? Inside a Surprising Culture War

The establishment’s complaints are confusing. They say O’Donnell has a problem because she’s never held a job in the private sector (like our president), didn’t pay her taxes (like our treasury secretary), and had her house foreclosed on (like half of the electorate). They also accuse her of saying crazy things — but she’s running for Joe Biden’s old seat, so this may be an advantage. – HOW MANY TIMES DID GOLDWATER RUN FOR PRESIDENT AGAIN?

I haven’t seen hypocrisy like this since — oh, that’s right, since last week when CBS’s Bob Schieffer attacked John Boehner for smoking, after two years of the media’s ferociously avoiding the topic of Obama’s cigarette habit. – HOW MANY TIMES DID GOLDWATER RUN FOR PRESIDENT AGAIN?

Ironically, the elites also compared Reagan to Goldwater and predicted a devastating defeat for him in 1980. But Reagan didn’t lose. He not only never lost an election, he never won by less than a landslide. (You might say Reagan’s opponents suffered Goldwater-style defeats.) So what was the difference between Goldwater and Reagan? Had the country changed that much in 16 years? The social issues were the difference. – HOW MANY TIMES DID GOLDWATER RUN FOR PRESIDENT AGAIN?

A random encounter with a rude, abusive jerk in public is supposed to make her look bad? Liberals have really lost their minds about Palin. They’d laugh if someone hit her with a baseball bat. – LIKE, IS SARAH PALIN TOTALLY CONCEITED?

I don’t on principle, unless I’ve stayed several nights or left a dead body in the room. Even then, it depends on the size of the body. I also don’t leave a tip for the guy who put batteries in the TV remote, the hotel buyer who chose the nice soaps, or the interior decorator who designed the room. That’s what I’m buying: a clean, functional room for one night. – LIKE, IS SARAH PALIN TOTALLY CONCEITED?

Most psychotically insane is Gross’ rumination on why the Palins would leave their home on, I quote, “the anniversary of Sarah’s resignation.” This is the kind of “anniversary” celebrated only by Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann and other Palin obsessives. It is not yet, as we go to press, an anniversary celebrated by Hallmark. … But the reader is supposed to be gasping at the strangeness of the Palins, not the strangeness of the two reporters, standing alone, staring at the Palins’ empty house on an imaginary “anniversary,” postulating theories on why the Palins aren’t there. It turns out the Palins had simply flown to Todd’s parents’ house for the weekend. No “curiosity seekers” showed up at the house to gawk — other than the two reporters, who are utterly oblivious to the fact that the only paranoid psychotics in this story are themselves. – LIKE, IS SARAH PALIN TOTALLY CONCEITED?

No wait, my mistake. This is what liberals said about the ground zero mosque only five minutes ago when they were posing as First Amendment absolutists. Suddenly, they’ve developed amnesia when it comes to the free-speech right to burn a Quran. Weirdly, conservatives who opposed building the mosque at ground zero are also against the Quran burning. (Except in my case. It turns out I’m for it, but mostly because burning Qurans will contribute to global warming.) – BONFIRE OF THE INSANITIES

Whenever you see a liberal choking up over our precious constitutional rights, you can be sure we’re talking about the rights of Muslims at ground zero, “God Hates Fags” funeral protesters, strippers, The New York Times publishing classified documents, pornographers, child molesters, murderers, traitors, saboteurs, terrorists, flag-burners (but not Quran-burners!) or women living on National Endowment of the Arts grants by stuffing yams into their orifices on stage. – BONFIRE OF THE INSANITIES

But wait — weren’t we assured by Fire Island’s head of national security, Andrew Sullivan, that if America elected a “brown-skinned man whose father was an African, who grew up in Indonesia and Hawaii, who attended a majority-Muslim school as a boy,” the terrorists would look like a bunch of lunkheads and be unable to recruit? It didn’t work out that way. There have been more terrorist attacks on U.S. soil by these allegedly calmed Muslims in Obama’s first 18 months in office than in the six years under Bush after he invaded Iraq.BONFIRE OF THE INSANITIES

The reason not to burn Qurans is that it’s unkind — not to jihadists, but to Muslims who mean us no harm. The same goes for building a mosque at ground zero — in both cases, it’s not a question of anyone’s “rights,” it’s just a nasty thing to do. – BONFIRE OF THE INSANITIES

The nonsense about President Obama being a Muslim has got to stop. I rise to defend him from this absurd accusation by pointing out that he is obviously an atheist. … All liberals are atheists. Only the ones who have to stand for election even bother pretending to believe in God.OBAMA IS NOT A MUSLIM

Former divinity student Al Gore famously botched a biblical verse, switching God’s instruction that we put heaven before earthly things (“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also,” Matthew 6:21) by saying we should make the Earth our treasure. (In the druidical religion of liberalism, not separating your recyclables is a sin, but abortion is just a medical procedure.)OBAMA IS NOT A MUSLIM

MSNBC’s Monday programming was dedicated to denouncing Sen. Mitch McConnell’s response to a question about whether Obama is a Muslim. McConnell said: “We all have to rely on the word of (Barack Obama) — something about as reliable as a credit default swap.” No, I’m sorry, that’s what The Atlantic’s Andrew Sullivan said about whether Trig Palin was really Sarah Palin’s child. McConnell responded by demanding that Obama be fired — or at least have his security clearance suspended. No, no — wrong again: That was Sen. John Kerry and Sen. Chuck Schumer, respectively, not taking Karl Rove at his word when he said he had not released Valerie Plame’s name to the press. (It turned out Rove was telling the truth; it was Richard Armitage, and it wasn’t a crime.) What McConnell actually said in response to the Muslim question was: “The president says he’s a Christian. I take him at his word. I don’t think that’s in dispute.” Over at MSNBC, that’s Republican code for: “He’s a Muslim!” – MSNBC SWEARS TO ALLAH THAT OBAMA’S NOT A MUSLIM

Evidence for the Proposition That Liberals Lie About Republicans Being Racist: Video of a supporter of Rand Paul’s opponent pretending to be a racist Paul supporter; Oregon public school teacher Jason Levin caught operating a website asking liberals to show up at Tea Parties pretending to be right-wing racists; The New York Times’ Maureen Dowd claiming she heard Rep. Joe Wilson shout, “You lie, boy!” when he shouted “You lie!” during Obama’s speech to a joint session of Congress; and the mainstream media lying about civil rights hero John Lewis being called the N-word 15 times at an anti-ObamaCare protest, with no one ever being able to produce a videotape, despite a $100,000 reward. – MSNBC SWEARS TO ALLAH THAT OBAMA’S NOT A MUSLIM

Liberals are constantly hectoring Americans to adopt Sweden’s generous welfare policies without considering that one reason Sweden’s welfare policies haven’t bankrupted the country (yet) is that the Swedes don’t grant citizenship to the children of any deadbeat who manages the spectacular feat of giving birth on Swedish soil. – LOOK WHO’S ‘NATIVIST’ NOW!

There have been hundreds of news stories about Bell city officials’ jaw-dropping salaries. In this poor city on the outskirts of Los Angeles, where the per capita annual income is $24,800 a year, the city manager, Robert Rizzo, had a salary of $787,637. That’s about twice what the president of the United States makes. (To be fair, Rizzo was doing a better job.) … Reached in Spain, even Michelle Obama was outraged.LET’S PLAY ‘SPOT THE DEMOCRAT’! (see also:Name That Party! MSM Almost Always Omits Mention Democrat Party Affiliation of Convicted Politicians)

The very author of the citizenship clause, Sen. Jacob Howard of Michigan, expressly said: “This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers.” … And then, out of the blue in 1982, Justice Brennan slipped a footnote into his 5-4 opinion in Plyler v. Doe, asserting that “no plausible distinction with respect to Fourteenth Amendment ‘jurisdiction’ can be drawn between resident aliens whose entry into the United States was lawful, and resident aliens whose entry was unlawful.” (Other than the part about one being lawful and the other not.) Brennan’s authority for this lunatic statement was that it appeared in a 1912 book written by Clement L. Bouve. (Yes, the Clement L. Bouve — the one you’ve heard so much about over the years.) Bouve was not a senator, not an elected official, certainly not a judge — just some guy who wrote a book. – JUSTICE BRENNAN’S FOOTNOTE GAVE US ANCHOR BABIES

Liberal protesters at the 2008 Republican National Convention were arrested for smashing police cars, slashing tires, breaking store windows, and for possessing Molotov cocktails, napalm bombs and assorted firearms. (If only they could muster up that kind of fighting spirit on foreign battlefields.)WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE, WHO NEEDS KEITH OLBERMANN?

Over the past couple of election cycles, Bush and McCain election headquarters around the country have been repeatedly vandalized, ransacked, burglarized and shot at (by staunch gun-control advocates, no doubt); – WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE, WHO NEEDS KEITH OLBERMANN?

With the vast majority of Americans supporting Arizona’s inoffensive little law, the fact that Obama is suing at all suggests that he consulted exclusively with the craziest people in America before filing this complaint. (Which is to say, Eric Holder’s Justice Department.) – NEW BLACK PANTHERS, YOU’RE FREE TO GO — NOT SO FAST, ARIZONA

Now, drug prices will not only have to incorporate R&D costs, but also the cost of paying for trial lawyers’ Ferraris. (Perhaps that should be listed as a side effect: “Caution! Improper use may cause nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath, and six new houses for John Edwards.”) – NEW BLACK PANTHERS, YOU’RE FREE TO GO — NOT SO FAST, ARIZONA

The obsession with Afghanistan was pure rhetoric. Democrats have no interest in fighting any war that would serve America’s interests. (They’re too jammed with their wars against Evangelicals, Wal-Mart, the Pledge of Allegiance, SUVs and the middle class.) – BILL KRISTOL MUST RESIGN

In the entire seven-year course of the Afghanistan war under Bush, from October 2001 to January 2009, 625 American soldiers were killed. In 18 short months, Obama has nearly doubled that number to 1,124 Americans killed.BILL KRISTOL MUST RESIGN

First, it has been repeatedly observed how wonderful it is that Ms. Kagan is “someone who’s an intellectual heavyweight who’s going to give Roberts a run for the money” — as Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., put it. Whew! Good thing the Democrats got that Hispanic nominee out of the way, so they could appoint somebody with intellectual heft! Hey! What happened to the “wise Latina”? At least now you know what liberals really think of you, Sonia.KAGAN HEARINGS SURPASS WORLD CUP FOR MOST BORING TV EVENT

But liberals see the Supreme Court as their backup legislature, giving them all the laws Democrats can’t pass themselves because they’d be voted out of office if they did. Can’t get Americans to approve of abortion? Get the Supreme Court to do it! Can’t get Americans to ban the death penalty? Get the Supreme Court to do it! Can’t get Americans to release criminals? Get the Supreme Court to do it! – KAGAN HEARINGS SURPASS WORLD CUP FOR MOST BORING TV EVENT

How would the following remarks fare at a dinner table on the Upper West Side where “nothing was sacrosanct”: Hey, maybe that Joe McCarthy was onto something. What would prayer in the schools really hurt? How do we know gays are born that way? Is it possible that union demands have gone too far? Does it make sense to have three recycling bins in these microscopic Manhattan apartments? Say, has anyone read Charles Murray’s latest book? Those comments, considered “conversation starters” in most of the country, would get you banned from polite society in New York. And unless you want the whole room slowly backing away from you, also avoid: May I smoke? I heard it on Fox News and Merry Christmas!WHAT A SACK OF SACROSANCT

I wonder if you’d think it was serious if Alvin Greene would have dropped his pants & said ‘kiss it’? – With Geraldo Revera, comparing Alvin Green to Bill Clinton

Greene beat Vic Rawl, a former state representative and judge, with a whopping 60 percent of the vote in last Tuesday’s primary, despite Greene’s having no job, no house, no campaign website, no campaign headquarters — indeed, no campaign. … Obama senior adviser David Axelrod said Greene was not a “legitimate” candidate and called his victory “a mysterious deal.” (Yes, how could a young African-American man with strange origins, suspicious funding, shady associations, no experience, no qualifications, and no demonstrable work history come out of nowhere and win an election?)ALVIN GREENE: THE MOST QUALIFIED DEMOCRAT I’VE EVER SEEN

But the situation has gotten so urgent that Obama did take time off from his golf game to praise the Phoenix Suns for protesting Arizona’s new immigration law. He really did endorse the Phoenix Suns, which — like most of his endorsements — has resulted in their being eliminated by the Los Angeles Lakers over the weekend.DID YOU PLUG THE HOLE WITH A BLUE DRESS YET, DADDY?

So yeah, I know it sounds fishy, but if Bill Clinton says this is how it happened, that’s good enough for me. Why, Clinton hasn’t lied under oath in front of a federal grand jury for more than a decade.DID YOU PLUG THE HOLE WITH A BLUE DRESS YET, DADDY?

As far as I’m concerned, the only good thing Obama has done so far is to endorse Specter, thus ensuring his defeat. Maybe Obama should endorse oil spills.DID YOU PLUG THE HOLE WITH A BLUE DRESS YET, DADDY?

5. What’s your current “guilty pleasure” non-news television show?
COULTER: My favorite non-news television show is “The CBS Evening News with Katie Couric.” It is absolutely hilarious. They have this chirpy, left-wing ninny who pretends she’s a real journalist, and…well, you just have to see it—it’s a regular laugh riot every night.

6. Which movie, television or rock star would cause you to lose your ability to speak if you ever met?
COULTER: Bono, because he would never let me get a word in edgewise.

11. What question do you wish reporters would ask you? What’s your answer to that question?
COULTER: “What do you think of Keith Olberman?” and “I think he’s a girl.”

Human Events, De Pasquale’s Dozen: Ann Coulter

I just want to say: I think it’s fantastic that the Democrats have finally come out against race discrimination. Any day now, maybe they’ll come out for fighting the Cold War. Perhaps 100 years from now, they’ll be ready to fight the war on terrorism or champion the rights of the unborn. It would be a big help, though, if Democrats could support good causes when it mattered. – MODERN CIVIL RIGHTS: COCKFIGHTING AND SAME-SEX PROMS

Democratic political consultant Bob Shrum pioneered the technique, running ads against Republican Ellen Sauerbrey in the 1998 Maryland gubernatorial race, accusing her of having “a civil rights record to be ashamed of.” To really drive the point home, Shrum’s ads showed sad-looking black people in front of a mural of Africa. Of course, if I were forced to appear in political ads for Bob Shrum, I’d be sad, too. But the only “civil rights” bill that Sauerbrey opposed had nothing to do with blacks. It was a sexual harassment bill that was so silly that Democrats in the Maryland legislature helped kill it. – MODERN CIVIL RIGHTS: COCKFIGHTING AND SAME-SEX PROMS

When six Germans and two Americans were suspected of plotting an attack on U.S. munitions plants during World War II, FDR immediately ordered them arrested and tried in a secret military tribunal held behind closed doors at the Department of Justice… Consider that the eight saboteurs never actually did anything other than enter the country illegally, which I gather is considered a constitutional right these days (except in my future home state of Arizona).SUPREME COURT TO FACE MECCA

We are at war. The Supreme Court has no right to stick its fat, unelected nose into the commander in chief’s constitutional war powers, particularly in a war against savages whose only reason for not nuking us yet is that they don’t have the technology. (The New York Times hasn’t gotten around to printing it.)SUPREME COURT TO FACE MECCA

Meanwhile, elected Democrats in Congress are also happy to yield their law-making authority to the court, so they don’t have to be the ones voting for laws mandating late-term abortions; hard-core pornography on the Internet; government-sanctioned race discrimination; forced cross-district busing; confiscatory property tax hikes to fund socially engineered school desegregation plans; bans on the public observation of religious traditions shared by most Americans; free education, health care and welfare benefits for illegal immigrants; and a redefinition of the 2,000-year-old institution of marriage against the express wishes of voters in every state to vote on it. (Note: This is only a partial list.) – SUPREME COURT TO FACE MECCA

It took Faisal Shahzad trying to set a car bomb in Times Square to get President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano to finally use the word “terrorism.” (And not referring to Tea Party activists!)OBAMA NATIONAL SECURITY POLICY: HOPE THEIR BOMBS DON’T WORK

But after the car bomber and the diaper bomber, it has become increasingly clear that Obama’s only national defense strategy is: Let’s hope their bombs don’t work! If only Dr. Hasan’s gun had jammed at Fort Hood, that could have been another huge foreign policy success for Obama.OBAMA NATIONAL SECURITY POLICY: HOPE THEIR BOMBS DON’T WORK

Wall Street’s defenders also crow that the money in the bailout fund won’t come from taxpayers! (There’s a newfound sympathy.) No sir, it will come from “the banks.” That’s like saying that the original bailout money didn’t come from the taxpayers — it came from the government! Where do Democrats imagine banks and the government get their money?WASHINGTON TAKES BREAK FROM PORN SURFING TO BAIL OUT WALL STREET

Unless the organizers of the Second Amendment March and the Open Carry rally specifically told Rachel, “Oh no, we picked April 19 to honor the bombing in Oklahoma City — gosh, we had no idea it was date of Lexington and Concord!”, I’m pretty sure they picked April 19 because that was the day armed patriots defended themselves from British troops. … In fact, the very day that Maddow was attacking gun rights groups on her show — April 14 — was the 235th anniversary of the founding of the first anti-slavery society in America! It is also the anniversary of an anti-war actor’s murder of a crusading, anti-slavery Republican president. … Oh sure, Rachel may claim that she had no idea what April 14 was the anniversary of, and that the date of her attack on our constitutionally guaranteed right to bear arms was just a coincidence. But given the long and ugly history of gun control laws in America being used to keep guns out of the hands of free blacks, it was a shockingly insensitive date for Maddow to engage in such extremist anti-gun rhetoric. – WOULDN’T A MINI SERIES ON ATTILA THE HUN EXPLAIN NANCY PELOSI?

Is abortion more sacrosanct than a son’s funeral? Is singing “Jesus loves the little children” deserving of less First Amendment protection than placards saying, “God Loves Dead Soldiers”? Hey, reasonable man over there — got a minute? – GOD HATES JUDGES

How did that happen without Obama signing the National Cell Phone Reform bill, as a poor 10-year-old black kid who couldn’t afford to text-message his friends looked on?PRESCRIPTIONS FOR DISASTER NOW COVERED UNDER OBAMACARE

And, to even to make an issue of this when the former co-chair of the DNC had a major fundraiser gala at the Democratic National Convention in 2000 at the Playboy Mansion… These are democratic representatives who actually went to a Playboy events and they’re trying to act like Michael Steele some low level person who’s been fired since then is a totally fake issue because he’s effective. – Vs Al Sharpton

This marks the first time I’ve ever gotten hate mail for something I might do in the future. – OH, CANADA!

The market is a more powerful enforcement mechanism than indolent government bureaucrats. If you don’t believe me, ask Toyota about six months from now.MY HEALTH CARE PLAN

You will notice a pattern developing: We only hear paeans to the “American tradition of zealous representation of unpopular clients” when it’s being used to defend causes popular with liberals — serial killers, terrorists and a horny hick who promised to save partial-birth abortion. – WHAT’S ARABIC FOR ‘YOU’RE NO ATTICUS FINCH’?

I’m not a lawyer — oh, wait, yes, I am — but I count approximately a half-dozen state law crimes being discussed on those tapes, from money laundering to advancing prostitution. … If none of the advice given by ACORN on those videotapes constitutes conspiracy or aiding or abetting a crime, see this column next week for my opus: “10 Detailed Plans to Kill George Soros and Why This Might Be Right for You.” – SUBPRIME MORTGAGE CRISIS HITS WHOREHOUSES

If they could, Americans would cut the power to the Capitol, throw everyone out and try to deport them. (Whereas I say: Anyone in Washington, D.C., who can produce an original copy of a valid U.S. birth certificate should be allowed to stay.)WHAT PART OF ‘PARTY OF NO’ DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND?

There are other important points Republicans cannot raise often enough — such as putting scuzzy medical malpractice lawyers like John Edwards out of business. OK, that wasn’t fair: Even trial lawyers are almost never as scuzzy as John Edwards. We want to put them all out of business.WHAT PART OF ‘PARTY OF NO’ DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND?

CIA agents can’t spy because that might require them to break laws in foreign countries. They are perfectly willing to break U.S. laws to leak to The New York Times, but not in order to acquire valuable intelligence. AHMADINEJAD: ‘YEP, I’M NUCLEAR!’

Feb. 11, 2010: Ahmadinejad announces that Iran is now a nuclear power. Thanks, liberals! – AHMADINEJAD: ‘YEP, I’M NUCLEAR!’

How about just punishing the guilty? The Democrats can’t do that because the list of Wall Street’s biggest offenders may turn out to be eerily similar to the list of Obama’s biggest campaign contributors.OBAMA’S OWNED — YOU CAN BANK ON IT

Never bet against Republicans being outwitted. – OBAMA’S OWNED — YOU CAN BANK ON IT

Weeks after Obama made those unsubstantiated political assertions before a joint session of Congress, Democrats were in death-match battles with Republicans (and some moderate Democrats) who tried to exclude coverage for illegals and abortion from the very bills Obama said never contained such coverage in the first place.MATTHEWS AND OLBERMANN NOW OPENLY FIGHTING OVER OBAMA

Less than two weeks ago, The New York Times said that so much as a “tighter-than-expected” victory for Massachusetts Democratic Senate candidate Martha Coakley would incite “soul-searching among Democrats nationally,” which sent Times readers scurrying to their dictionaries to look up this strange new word, “soul.”THAT OLD OBAMA MAGIC IS BACK

Did he ask you to stop using your negro dialect too?To Al Sharpton, regarding the Democrat’s racial double standards for spending five minutes defending Harry Reid’s remarks

Democrats regularly say [racist] things that would end the career of any conservative who said them. And still, blacks give 90 percent of their votes to the Democrats. – HARRY REID’S NEGRO PROBLEM

BREAKING NEWS: Hoping to curry favor with the African-American community, Sen. Reid was arrested late this afternoon after breaking into his own home.HARRY REID’S NEGRO PROBLEM [Reference]

The single most insulting remark made about blacks in my lifetime was Bill Clinton’s announcement — after being caught in the most humiliating sex scandal in world history — that he was “the first black president.” He did not call himself “the first black president” when liberals were dancing and singing to Fleetwood Mac at his inauguration. He did not call himself “the first black president” when he was feeling our pain and being lionized by the media. He did not call himself “the first black president” when he was trying to socialize health care or passing welfare reform. Not until he became a national embarrassment did Clinton recognize that he was “the first black president.”HARRY REID’S NEGRO PROBLEM


See also other excerpts from Coulter’s articles featured in my posts.

10 Responses to “Ann Coulter’s Most Piercing and Snarky Quotes of 2010 onwards”

  1. Robert Says:

    Well Scott, if mAnn Coulter, also known in the vulgar vernacular as the t*tless, c*ck starved media wh*re, is your inspiration then there really is no hope for you! Kidding, of course. Now this post just may stir up some interest out here. Then again, those of us center, center left and further left all know she is the intellectual buffoon of the right who really does not believe a word she says or rights. Much like Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin. They just do it for the money.

    You failed to mention how obviously large ‘her’ Adam’s apple is….

  2. Joshua Says:

    Robert seems to suffer from both an very small sense of humor and an absolutely invisible organ, altho he would claim the opposite to be true…much like claiming that Obama and the Demcrap Congress are honest, transparent, and want the best for the nation.

  3. Simon Thong Says:

    Nope, Robert never ever loses his cool..if we believe what he says.

  4. Igor Marxomarxovich Says:

    Difference between USSR Communist media and USA “mainstream media”

    In Russia government make media say what they want – even if lie.

    In USA “mainstream media” try make government what they want – even if lie..

    …..eventually they become same thing?!

    Old Russian saying You can tell same lie 1000 time but not change truth!

    I Igor produce Obama Birth Certificate at

    Compare Obama Care vs Igor Care at Obama Care vs Igor Care

  5. ClassicFilm Says:

    Hilarious, Scott! Thanks for the laughs – Coulter has some fab zingers here, and the leftists can’t take what they themselves dish out. Coulter is a fastidious researcher and if statists claim she is a “liar,” please provide facts and documentation to prove it. *crickets chirping*

    To the clueless statists out there who hate and loath Coulter, you need to buck up, little Obama soldiers. You’ll be hearing from her and others (some of whom are defecting from the progressive-socialist left) as we approach November. You’ll need to thicken up that thin skin (Obama will need to, as well) as more corruption and dismantling of the Constitution is exposed about this administration. Coulter is the LEAST of Obama-bots’ worries. BHO will be his own worst enemy in the coming months. Not even the love-fest of MSNBC will be able to shield him from the truth being revealed.

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  7. Peter Castle Says:

    Coulter’s words and actions are deliberately designed to bring her glory!

    Ann Coulter’s book tour is all about seeking her own glory as noted in this free PDF book, Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory, at

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    Is ‘Peter Castle’ some place in San Francisco?

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  10. Says:

    Ann Coulter’s Most Piercing and Snarky Quotes of 2010 onwards | LEADING MALAYSIAN NEOCON

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