Who Says Obama Was a Muslim? Why, Himself of Course!

From The Ryskind Sketchbook:

Obama my Muslim faith cartoon

It’s not just this stumble:

Via Gateway Pundit, Obama’s own official website trumpets the following:

Obama Muslim admission

Obama: Man of the World
The New York Times | March 06, 2007

”I was a little Jakarta street kid,” he said in a wide-ranging interview in his office (excerpts are on my blog, http://www.nytimes.com/ontheground). He once got in trouble for making faces during Koran study classes in his elementary school, but a president is less likely to stereotype Muslims as fanatics — and more likely to be aware of their nationalism — if he once studied the Koran with them.

Mr. Obama recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent. In a remark that seemed delightfully uncalculated (it’ll give Alabama voters heart attacks), Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as ”one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.”

Moreover, Mr. Obama’s own grandfather in Kenya was a Muslim. Mr. Obama never met his grandfather and says he isn’t sure if his grandfather’s two wives were simultaneous or consecutive, or even if he was Sunni or Shiite. (O.K., maybe Mr. Obama should just give up on Alabama.)

See also Obama’s 57 States: A Muslim Freudian Slip? for more on how various Muslims consider him one of them.

See also Buraq Hussein Obama for some intuitive insight into BHO’s first name that replaced the all-American ‘Barry’.

And once again, I don’t really think Obama is still a secret hidden taqqiya Muslim. But please Obamaphiles, feel free to, bring on your hate mail.

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29 Responses to “Who Says Obama Was a Muslim? Why, Himself of Course!”

  1. kesava Says:

    Monday, September 08, 2008
    Airbrushing at the NY Times: Obama’s Muslim Prayer Article Deleted

    On March 6, 2007, Nicholas D. Kristof at the New York Times wrote an article about Barack Obama’s upbringing, “Obama: Man of the World,” where Obama discussed his Muslim upbringing in Jakarta:

    “I was a little Jakarta street kid,” he said in a wide-ranging interview in his office (excerpts are on my blog, http://www.nytimes.com/ontheground). He once got in trouble for making faces during Koran study classes in his elementary school, but a president is less likely to stereotype Muslims as fanatics — and more likely to be aware of their nationalism — if he once studied the Koran with them.

    Mr. Obama recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent. In a remark that seemed delightfully uncalculated (it’ll give Alabama voters heart attacks), Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.”

  2. kesava Says:

    Monday, September 08, 2008
    Airbrushing at the NY Times: Obama’s Muslim Prayer Article Deleted

    On March 6, 2007, Nicholas D. Kristof at the New York Times wrote an article about Barack Obama’s upbringing, “Obama: Man of the World,” where Obama discussed his Muslim upbringing in Jakarta:

    “I was a little Jakarta street kid,” he said in a wide-ranging interview in his office (excerpts are on my blog, http://www.nytimes.com/ontheground). He once got in trouble for making faces during Koran study classes in his elementary school, but a president is less likely to stereotype Muslims as fanatics — and more likely to be aware of their nationalism — if he once studied the Koran with them.

    Mr. Obama recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent. In a remark that seemed delightfully uncalculated (it’ll give Alabama voters heart attacks), Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.”

  3. wits0 Says:

    Would a Christian mock the Sermon on the Mount by Jesus? Obama did in 2006 :


  4. hutchrun Says:

    Anil Netto (by extension) would, and there are many like him.

  5. usvet Says:

    Senator McCain won the debate again last night, will become the 44th President of the United States of America.

    Join the Republican Party, support our policies, activities, and agenda, (especially our dominance in local and national government) elect Senator McCain & Governor Palin (She WILL become the 45th President of the USA) and you & your family can benefit, profit, and prosper, as we have as Republicans, the past 8 years in this country.

    Deliberate manipulation of the Global Free Market Economy Financial Markets and designed global orchestration of corporate rescues and bailouts have been designed and implemented to shift more wealth to us, maximize profits & prosperity for American citizens that are active Republican Party members nationally, and our like minded allies globally, before and after our planned coming war with Iran.

    This activity is purposely designed to benefit active American Republican Party members nationally and our like minded, New World Order allies globally ONLY.

    It will consolidate and secure our global financial power and hegemony once and for all, within the next 4 years.

    Extremist jihadist islamic terrorists hate American people because they believe, what most American people believe too, that the United States of America is a Democracy, governed of the people, by the people, for the people but it’s NOT! It is NOT A DEMOCRACY! The United States of America is A REPUBLIC as in Republican. It is a government of the Republican National Committee, by Republican Party Members, for American Republican citizens . That is why only republican party members have profited and prospered the past 8 years and why republican citizens will continue to prosper until the end of time.

    If you want to live, if you want to profit and prosper too, you must become an active Republican party member and supporter now. Space is limited in the tax payer financed life sustaining underground cities that have been prepared for Republicans ONLY, in advanced of planned future events that will temporarily necessitate their use.

    Take a good look at things in OUR country and around the world. Isn’t it obvious to you now that WE rule the world? All things are transpiring according to OUR foresight and OUR plans as all global history has. Now do you realize, the United States of America is NOT a Democracy. The US government is NOT of the people, by the people, for the people! The United States of America is a Republic, as in Republican. It is a government run by “elected representatives” “of the people”. Just like the Imperial Roman Empire. It is all in preparation for a more glorious grand historical event to come, the greatest American days ahead!

    If you and your family want to benefit, profit, and prosper too, and see “America’s Greatest Days Ahead” you need to join us in the Republican Party and elect Senator John McCain, the 44th President of the United States and Governor Sarah Palin, the 45th President of the United States of America!

    The choice is yours. Soon there will be a “surge” in national and global events that will permanently secure Republican Party member hegemony until the end of time! Choose the good life, join us, vote and BE Republican.

    Thank you.

  6. Scott Thong Says:

    That is why only republican party members have profited and prospered the past 8 years and why republican citizens will continue to prosper until the end of time.

    So apparently, Obama and wife are Republicans.

    The Democratic candidate and his wife earned $4.2 million last year

    As is Al Gore.

    Now he’s making enough to put $35 million in hedge funds and other private partnerships.

    And as are Bill and Hillary Clinton.

    Clintons’ Income Skyrocketed After White House – The two made more than $20 million between them in the most recent tax year, and a total of more than $109.2 million during the period beginning in 2000.

    And also John Kerry.

    Kerry’s wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, controls a vast fortune estimated by a Los Angeles Times study to be as great as $900 million to $3.2 billion.

  7. wits0 Says:

    Obama claimed he was never a muslim and CNN concurred.

    However Daniel Pipes wrote otherwise:
    Confirmed: Barack Obama Practiced Islam

    “Therefore, what MMfA calls the “Obama-Muslim falsehood” is in fact confirmed by both articles as truthful and accurate.

    Calling this a falsehood is in itself a falsehood.” u/q

    Who would you believe?

    However, no point telling the LLL(Loony Leftist Liberals)who have a wondrous way of not seeing facts presented right before their eyes.

    IOW, Obama lies big time!

  8. data Says:

    This idiot Obama should be put in a Burqa and sent to Taliban where he can be a suicide bomber.

    Barack Hussein Obama was registered under the name “Barry Soetoro” serial number 203 and entered the Franciscan Asisi Primary School on 1 January 1968 and sat in class 1B.
    School documents listed Barry Soetoro as an Indonesian citizen born in Honolulu, Hawaii on 4 August 1961. Barry’s religion was listed as Islam.

    Classmate Rony Amir describes a young Barry Soetoro as enjoying playing football and marbles and of being a very devout Muslim.
    “Barry was previously quite religious in Islam. His birth father, Barack Hussein Obama was a Muslim economist from Kenya. Before marrying Ann Dunham, Hussein Obama was married to a woman from Kenya who had seven children. All the relatives of Barry’s father were very devout Muslims”

    “We previously often asked him to the prayer room close to the house.” If he was wearing a sarong he looked funny , said Rony Amir, Barry’s classmate when he lived on H Ramli street in Menteng, Jakarta.”


  9. barack husain obama Says:

    i am barack obama and i approve this message!!!

  10. barack obama Says:

    i am obama and i ams who i says i am!!!!!!!!

  11. barack o. Says:

    This is obama look up the meaning to my name in hebrew and arimaic language.. vote for barack he is the man and he will take over the world. and be aware of what you say…

  12. Scott Thong Says:

    I second that!

    But do you mean in hebrew, or in Arabic? Lolol!

  13. My News Summary, 6/16/2009 « Mr. Smith Goes Conservative Blogging Says:

    […] did, almost everyone would be willing to give Obama the benefit of the doubt. I’m not because he studied the Koran for several years when he was young. He has to be aware that Muslims will see his words in a much different context than most […]

  14. Celestine Says:

    Sa?l?k sitemizide ziyaret etmenizi isteriz siteniz i?erik olarak gayet kaliteli olmu? tebrikler.
    Google tranlate sayesinde okudum 🙂

  15. Nasaei Ahmad Says:

    In case Obama is a Muslim..so..a Muslim is dangerous? Or.. a better man ?

    I don’t think he is a Muslim however..

  16. Scott Thong Says:

    If he is actually a Muslim but doesn’t admit he is one? That would make him a liar.

    Of course, Obama has proven many, many times to be an on-the-spot liar and someone who breaks his word… So make your own conclusion.

  17. Deschamps Says:

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  18. nasi goreng Says:

    “If he is actually a Muslim but doesn’t admit he is one? That would make him a liar.”

    That is “Taqiya” and allowed.

  19. nasi goreng Says:


    Taqiyya, or not showing their faith openly by means of pretense, dissimulation, or concealment, is a special type of LYING which is taught and used by Shi’a Muslims, cf. Sunni Muslims and Taqiyya. “Taqiyya” (or taqiyyah) is related to the terms “taqwa'” and “taqi'” – all have the root meaning of “guarding” something, in this case, the Islamic faith.

    This practice, along with the practice of Kithman, or concealing their faith from non-Shi’as, were, and are many places today, a method of self-preservation for the Shi’a community. Historically, the Shiites have been in the minority and have been persecuted by Sunni Muslims who considered them heretics.

    Shi’as are often persecuted today in Pakistan and Afghanistan and Sunni-Shi’a violence is fairly common. Sunnis would often attempt to force Shi’as to curse the House of Ali – believing that no devout Shiite could commit such an act. As a result of this persecution, the idea of taqiyya emerged.

  20. Oyunlar Says:

    I really love the website! thanks.

  21. Ron Says:

    “Of course, Obama has proven many, many times to be an on-the-spot liar and someone who breaks his word… So make your own conclusion.”

    Bush’s lies:


  22. hutchrun Says:

    “Give me a child before he’s 12 years old and I’ll mold him for life”

    You never forget the religion that gets drilled into your head at a young impressionable age. Thus Obama has plenty of Muslim memories. With all it’s prostrating and prayer Islam knows exactly how to inculcate this “faith” into young skulls. Old ones too.

  23. hutchrun Says:

    While Ron is still flagellating Bush, we have time to visit the Apostate:

    Obama defended his handling of the oil spill at his first full press conference for months. Polls are showing that the public is losing its patience with the administration’s response to the disaster. Gallup finds that more than half of those asked say that Obama’s performance has been poor or very poor. Karl Rove — who would have guessed? — says Yes, the spill is Obama’s Katrina. In fact, he reckons, it could be even worse.

  24. wits0 Says:

    Obama is THE Manchurian candidate but he won’t get far with just one term!
    Obama is the most contrived Prez I ever seen. Can’t understand wtf he’s saying as the TOTUS!

  25. latma Says:

    Oblardi oblada does “taqiya”:

    Brazil is furious with the United States’ rejection of the deal it made with Iran over the latter country’s uranium enrichment program. The Brazilians are claiming that President Obama had approved the outline of the deal before the Brazilians negotiated it.

    “There continues to be some puzzlement” among Brazilian officials about why American official would reject the deal now, a senior Brazilian official said. “The letter came from the highest authority and was very clear.”

  26. Runck Says:

    cool picsxx

  27. Nasaei Ahmad Says:

    I think John McCain is a Muslim..

    He he…

  28. mofodo Says:

    McCain is pleased to note that Nasaei Ahmad claims to “think”

  29. Reddell Says:

    Very nice post!

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