Archive for October 13th, 2006

Dilbert Newsletter

October 13, 06


Do you get the Dilbert Newsletter? You can get it e-mailed to you free (whenever it’s published) by becoming a member of Dogbert’s New Ruling Class. Take a look and sign up. Latest newsletter here.

Especially enjoyable are the true quotes and stories of incredibly DUH things that people say and do. Some examples:


“I think there’s something wrong with my alarm clock; it keeps making this really loud noise in the morning!”

“You shouldn’t violate the law because that’s illegal.”

“Cows died to give us that cheese.”


So a few friends and I were at a museum, and they had this wall of analog clocks with a city name written under each one, showing what time it was around the world. We had about ten clocks in view, when my friend looks at a clock, looks at his watch, looks at the clock again, and says, “Well, this one’s pretty close, but all the others are way off.”



I’m becoming a little concerned about how my wife and I are raising our 3-year old. Whenever one of us makes a suggestion to him regarding an activity, he refuses to do it and within a few minutes presents the suggestion as one of his own ideas. I think we may be raising him to be a manager. What are we doing wrong?



Dear Toilet,

I wouldn’t worry. From what you described, the kid actually performs activities, albeit after claiming them to be his idea. An actual manager would convince other people to do those activities for him. Your son is merely a liar, and that bodes well for a career in marketing.



…And you could also read the Dilbert Blog by writer Scott Adams (one of the Grand Kings of Sarcastic Cynicism).