Archive for August, 2017

J Warner Wallace and the Cold Case Christianity Series

August 18, 17

I’ve been listening to the many talks by J Warner Wallace, author of Cold Case Christianity, God’s Crime Scene and Forensic Faith.

He speaks logically, clearly and factually. As a staunch atheist who was convinced by the forensic evidence for the Gospels and God, I will be adding him to my list in Christianity – The Faith of Famously Intellectual, Logical, Reasonable Thinkers.

So here are four videos that I recommend in this order.


First, how Jesus’ resurrection is a ‘cold case’ – it happened so long ago that no living witnesses are around now to testify. But we do have eyewitness testimony recorded, it’s called the Gospels. Can we trust them though?

Best part: Demonstrating how the writing of the Gospel accounts can be dated to within years of Jesus’ crucifixion – meaning that any they could be disputed by still-living eyewitnesses if any details were false.


Second, how the many hallmarks of the universe, life and biology cannot be explained by ‘staying in the room’ – it’s obvious that an intruder from outside the universe’s space-time-matter intervened.

Best part: The bacterial flagellum, which when I showed a friend without context, made him think “Wow what cool (human) machine is this?”


Third, can it be reasonably argued that Jesus didn’t die on the cross?

Best part: Details about Jesus – sweat like drops of blood, and water and blood coming out when He was pierced by the spear – that the Gospel writers and early church couldn’t explain, yet left in the accounts as they were true events… And modern medicine finally finding out that those details actually can happen in real life.


And fourth, how the problem of evil actually points towards the existence (and defends the righteousness) of God.

Best part: Putting all life experiences into the correct context of eternity

Scotttcast Ep 1 – Crucified on A Wednesday? The Two Sabbaths Interpretation

August 2, 17

The first episode of my podcast series is up!

Crucified on A Wednesday? The Two Sabbaths Interpretation