Archive for January, 2009

Al Gore Fail – Global Warming Dead Last on Public’s Mind

January 24, 09

Via Moonbattery, from Pew Research Center survey:



Maybe the fact that the world is freezing its ***** off and the temperature has been steadily dropping every year has something to do with it.

Dear President Obama – I Almost Wish Your Mother Had Aborted You

January 23, 09

Yes, you heard me right. I, supposedly the self-proclaimed good and obedient Christian, am (almost) cursing President Obama to his face. Call me an un-Christian hypocrite, but that great is my righteous anger against Obama’s exceeding sin.

Just as the 46% of Americans who voted against him feared, the first thing he does when he becomes President is to throw his full weight behind the detestable act of abortion.

Obama has now signed a bill that uses American taxpayer money to fund abortions WORLDWIDE:

Separately, the administration in the afternoon issued a reversal of a ban on federal funding for non-governmental organizations working outside the U.S. that offer abortions or abortion counseling.

Obama signed the executive order on the 36th anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion in all 50 states.

It’s telling that 58% of those polled oppose this initiative, a higher percentage than the popular vote Obama got in the Presidential Elections:

Fifty-eight percent of Americans said they disagreed with the president’s decision to give overseas funding to family planning organizations that provide abortions…

I’ve said it before… Obama’s rabidly pro-abortion policies kill a higher precentage of BLACK babies than any other race:

This is the President who transcends racism and has redeemed the Blacks??? If he hadn’t been lucky enough not to be one of the black babies making up 56% of all US abortions, he wouldn’t be around to be the FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT, TM, today. And this is the gratitude and thankfulness he shows.

He has voted FOUR TIMES to let babies that survive abortions die… These are babies outside their mother’s wombs, the definition of infanticide.

Tell me, Mr. President… Would you prefer to have been aborted by your mother?

This child’s future is a broken home.

He will be abandoned by his father.

His single mother will struggle to raise him.

Despite the hardships he will endure…

This child will become the 1st African American President.

Life. Imagine the potential.

Ironic, isn’t it? As the video suggests, just one casual abortion by Ann Dunham (Mr. President’s mother) could have ended up saving the lives of tens of millions of babies in the next 4 years. I say it might just be worth it just for that alone.

(Oo, you wanna report me for issuing a death threat against the President? My motive is merely to reduce the societal struggle of a family here, and my capability to commit the crime is that time machine over in the corner there.)

Or how about your two daughters? Have you told them lately that they are ‘punishment’ for your mistakes with the current First Lady?

“Look, I got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.” – Barack Obama

To President Obama, the fact that already one out of five of all pregnancies end in abortion worldwide isn’t enough (as reported by the Guttmacher Institute – and these are not including unreported/illegal abortions).

Barack Obama is evil, full stop, and I am disgusted that anyone in the world looks up to him.

And so is the Vatican:

ROME: A senior Vatican official on Saturday attacked US President Barack Obama for “arrogance” for overturning a ban on state funding for family-planning groups that carry out or facilitate abortions overseas.

It is “the arrogance of someone who believes they are right, in signing a decree which will open the door to abortion and thus to the destruction of human life,” Archbishop Rino Fisichella was quoted as saying by the Corriere della Sera daily.

Obama signed the executive order cancelling the eight-year-old restrictions on Friday, the third full day of his presidency.

“If this is one of the first acts of President Obama, with all due respect, it seems to me that the path towards disappointment will have been very short,” Fisichella said.

“I do not believe that those who voted for him took into consideration ethical themes, which were astutely left aside during the election debate. The majority of the American population does not take the same position as the president and his team,” he added.

Every one of you in America who voted for Obama, and every one of you who voiced support for him in the rest of the world… The blood of 1.2 million babies every single month is now on Obama’s hands, and it has stained yours as well.

May you beg God’s forgiveness for being a part of this evil-monster-masquerading-as-a-caring-President’s unspeakable sins.

From The Ryskind Sketchbook:

Ann Coulter Sums Up Why Homosexual Marriage Totally Misses the Point

January 22, 09

From interview with

Thoughts on same-sex marriage?

I’m against it. Liberals do not understand the point of marriage. The point of marriage is not for society to understand the strong feelings people have for one another. It is to raise children. It’s to harness men’s natural promiscuity and to direct it toward one woman and one set of children.

Good point that clarifies the stand I should take. Marriage for children, civil union for otherwise.

Autobot Atheist

January 22, 09


Click to view full short comic. It was hard for me to choose which frame(s) to preview here. ‘Cogs and gears’ almost won out, but it’s less attracting of attention at first glance.

Jetfire Transformers Autobot Atheist

Fans of Transformers will get the joke. For the rest: Primus and Unicron.

And for hardcore fans: Yes, Jetfire is like that.

Who is Civilized – Liberals/Democrats or Conservatives/Republicans?

January 22, 09

Via Moonbattery, watch this video of Bush 43’s inauguration day:

Now think about Obama’s inauguration.

Did Conservatives and Republicans call him a cheater and thief?

Did the 46% who voted against him riot and attack others in rage?

Remember that it was the Obama supporters who predicted riots and violence and revolution and assassinations if Obama lost.

Even while they accuse Conservatives of being consumed by violence, repression, aggression, police-fascist mentalities and Bible-inspired bigotry… Liberals always prove themselves to be the ones with planks in their eyes.


Pro-Hamas is Pro-Peace? (The Violence of Hamas-Supporting Protestors Worldwide):

Separation of Church and Hate:

Anti Prop 8 Homosexuals Hate at Mormons

Let’s Compare: DNC Protests vs RNC Protests:

From Diversity Lane:

And as Ann Coulter writes, remember also how the media bashed Ronald Reagan’s inauguration:

But I gather that if Obama had uttered anything more than the briefest allusion to Bush, that would have provoked yet more booing from the Hope-and-Change crowd, which moments earlier had showered Bush with boos when he walked onto the stage. That must be the new tone we’ve been hearing so much about.

So maybe liberals can stop acting as if the entire nation could at last come together in a “unity of purpose” if only conservatives would stop fomenting “conflict and discord” — as Obama suggested in his inaugural address. We’re not the ones who booed a departing president.

Liberals always have to play the victim, acting as if they merely want to bring the nation together in hope and unity in the face of petulant, stick-in-the-mud conservatives. Meanwhile, they are the ones booing, heckling and publicly fantasizing about the assassination of those who disagree with them on policy matters.

Republicans are not the ones who need to be told that “the time has come to set aside childish things” — as Obama said of his own assumption of the presidency. Remember? We’re the ones who managed to gaze upon Carter at the conclusion of his abomination of a presidency without booing.

Compare to the $150 million cost, Bush-bashing and racist prayers at Obama’s inauguration receiving nothing but praise and glory.

President Obama is a Joke(r)

January 21, 09

On a tip from wits0, from the creative members at discussion board:

See this post for another Jokerization:

Joker Cat Lolcat Why So Serious Cat

The Obamas – Webcomic Not By Obamamaniacs

January 21, 09

Found at Moonbattery, here’s a great, witty comic poking fun at the Obamas and their trusty lapdog, Media.

From iOwntheWorld:

The Obamas Comic

The Obamas Comic

You want references? See this post for 155 or so of them.

The Obamas Comic

The Obamas Comic

But but but… He does have a publicly released, fully viewable birth certificate! It’s right here:

Obama Real Birth Cert

Super Mario Brothers: Realistic Art

January 20, 09

Warrior Plumbers T-Shirt, click to view full size:

Super Mario Realistic Warrior Plumbers

By the fellas who bring you the webcomic, The Adventures of Dr. McNinja.

Available at TopatoCo.

Rocket Propelled Chainsaw Comic

January 20, 09

Wow. This is uber cool.

Via TV Tropes – Chainsaw Good, from member sergey31 (with idea by Mr.Skorotsnoy) at Military Photos Forum:

Rocket Propelled Chainsaw Launcher

More below the fold. Click images for full size, or just visit the origin link.

WARNING: Political incorrectness and bloody gruesomeness included.


Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad to Propose to Cabinet, Reopen Old Customs Checkpoint at Causeway

January 20, 09

Took long enough for someone with some clout to realize this. And he actually went to take a look at the CIQ problems himself! RESPECT.

All the infrastructure is already there – and it’ll probably be cheaper to pay for a few workers there than for the police personnel currently posted at the CIQ bus waiting area.

Hurry up and implement it!

From The Star 20 Jan 2008:

CIQ woes to be brought to Cabinet

JOHOR BARU: Reopening the old Customs and Immigration complex to pedestrian traffic can be one solution to the long walk public transport users now endure at the new CIQ.

Another will be for public buses to drop off passengers at the main entrance to the CIQ, which is at the west side of the building.

Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad said he would propose these and other measures to the Cabinet as soon as possible.

Green lanes: Shahrir at the new CIQ complex in Johor Baru Monday.

Shahrir, who is also the Johor Baru MP, was speaking to reporters after a closed-door meeting with the relevant departments and authorities on the CIQ issues.

Among those present were PWD director-general Datuk Seri Prof Judin Abdul Karim, Works Ministry deputy director-general (development) Datuk Nasir Mat Dam, Gerbang Perdana managing director Datuk Yahya A. Jalil and PWD-Gerbang Selatan Bersepadu project director Zulkifly Nadom.

Currently, public transport commuters leave the CIQ through Johor Baru Central and City Square, requiring a long walk to the nearest bus stop.

Shahrir noted that another problem was the long and winding route from Johor Baru Central to the Immigration counters and then to the bus bay.

On the problems faced by traders in the city, Shahrir said they would be given the chance to rent a lot either at Johor Baru Central or within the complex.

“I am sure businessmen who had shops at the old CIQ and the areas nearby will want to get a lot in the new building or at Johor Baru Central,” he said.

Mentri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman said Johor was seeking approval from the Federal Govern-ment to build a new RM200mil medium-term link from the CIQ to the Causeway.

The link would allow motorists to drive straight to Singapore, he told reporters at the opening of Teo Seng Capital Bhd’s new RM40mil corporate office and production complex near Yong Peng.

He pointed out that the new CIQ was designed to cater for a bridge which would replace the Causeway, but the bridge project did not take off, hence the problems.

Previous CIQ posting at this link.