Archive for November, 2009

Presidential Double Standards: Bush and Obama Given Different Treatment on Same Issues

November 26, 09

Hypocrisy Meter from theblogprof.

When Bush golfed while two wars were ongoing and the deficit was dropping, the media excoriated him for his apparent carefree attitude – including Michael Moore, who did a trailer for Fahrenheit 9/11 based on it. (Bush responded by quitting the game for the remainder of his time in office.)

When Obama golfs ten times more frequently (update: now 60 times, equaling two whole months on the green), while two wars, a recession, trillion dollar debt and terrorist attacks are ongoing, the media praise him for his ‘strategy’ and analyse how it takes times away from his basketball – and even try and claim he’s taken more flak than Bush did for vacationing during a major terror attempt. Why, they even praise him for his vacations!

When hawkish anti-terror policies were under Bush’s watch, they were loudly protested and condemned by Michael Moore, Code Pink and so on. When the same are continued under Obama’s watch? Silence.

When Bush’s deficit was high, CNN focused on the record breaking spending. When Obama’s deficit is many times higher, CNN focuses on how it boosts jobs.

When Bush the elder had 6.9% GDP growth rate, it was not considered a recovery. When Obama has 20% real unemployment, it’s a turnaround!

When Bush had 2.7% GDP growth, NYT called it a ‘gross national letdown’. With Obama’s 2.0% GDP growth, NYT calls it ‘steady improvement’.

When Katrina happened, the media went wild with baseless claims of sniper attacks, cannibalism and how George Bush failed to act – including Kanye West ranting that “George Bush doesn’t care about black people.”.

When five states suffered intense freezing cold, Obama enjoyed a turned up thermostat and wagyu beef. Nary a peep from the media.

When liberals portrayed Bush and Condoleeza Rice (a black woman) as apes, it was lauded as creative freedom of speech. When Obama is portrayed similarly, it is racist hate and must be banned.

The same goes for witch doctors and the Joker.

And apparently, Bush is the only one who can be compared to Hitler or Nazis. If you carry protest signs denouncing Nazi-like Dem policies, you are slandered as Nazi-supporting.

When people repeatedly called for Bush’s death, the media covered it ‘objectively’. When one sign saying ‘Bury Obamacare with Kennedy’ was spotted, the media went crazy over this ‘death threat’ against Obama.

Above from here.

When Bush exercised, the media called it ‘creepy’ and say it wastes time better spent leading. When Obama does it, they swoon and gush how it helps him do his job.

The same scavengers who savaged Bush over his vacations and golfing now suck up like remoras at Obama’s many more vacations and golf outings during the worst ‘recovery’ ever!

When the Bushs held a big dinner during a mild recession, they were lambasted for their ‘extravagance’. When the Obamas do it during 10.2% unemployment and 1.75 trillion debt, the media gush with teenage infatuation and avoid mention of the recession while praising the festivities – all 28 parties in December alone.

When Bush had a relatively low key inauguration in 2004 during a mild downturn, the media criticized his spending. When Obama had his massively grand inauguration during the ‘worst recession sinc the Great Depression’ which he was elected to reverse… Well, take a wild guess.

With Bush, the media’s job is to bash the President. With Obama, they think “above the world, he’s sort of God.”

With Bush, it’s okay to hurl serious and unfounded allegations at him. With Obama, ‘it is unfair and, frankly, political to take pot shots at the president‘.

When Rush Limbaugh recently said he hopes Obama’s policies fail, he is attacked – by the same man who hoped Bush would fail just minutes before 9/11.

When Rush Limbaugh calls Obama’s administration a ‘regime’, it is deemed unacceptable. When the liberal media did it 6000+ times to the Bush administration, it apparently goes unnoticed.

When Bush enters, the media remain seated. When Obama enters, they stand for him and then timidly sit down quietly while he speaks.

When Bush holds an Inaugaral Ceremony, he is lambasted in the media. When Obama does the same, the same media praises him.

When Bush led a broad coalition to invade Iraq to oust a mass murdering, UN-flaunting, rape and tprture using, chemical weapons flinging Saddam, the media excoriated him as a warmonger. When Obama attacked Gadaffi – who merely sent his army to fight with armed rebels – with a coalition half the size (update: one QUARTER the size!), he’s acting in the interest of peace. Where are the protests? See here for protests against the previous administration by contrast.

Ecen ESPN covers for Obama by editing out his gross misspelling of a team name as if nothing happened.

No wonder we call them the Obamedia.

And what about the Dem supermajority Congress?

When hard-working, high-achieving black man Clarence Thomas and Latino Miguel Estrada were nominated by Bush, the Democrats dragged them through every hurdle and racial insult possible. When ‘wise Latina’ Sonia Sotomayor was nominated by Obama, suddenly she was the ‘first’ Latin American nominee and her opponents must be racists.

When Joe Wilson interrupted Obama’s speech shouting “You lie!”, he was criticized by the Dems. But guess who interrupted Bush back in 2006?

When people criticize Obama while the conflict in Afghanistan is ongoing, it ‘only serve the goals of al-Qaeda’. Tell that to Obama during Bush’s time of conflict in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Now that Afghanistan is on Obama’s watch – crickets.

When Bush liberated Iraq with 40 nations backing him, he was a war criminal waging illegal invasions. When Obama wants to go to Syria with one… ONE ally…

When Bush had Gitmo, liberals screamed daily. When Obama has places far worse than Gitmo, crickets.

Plenty of Bush-bashing books have gotten favourable reviews in the media. But when someone submits a book detailing Obama’s ties to radicals, the media go rabid on him.

Compare joblessness headlines in the media for the two. Bush’s 5.7% unemployment:

The President’s Jobless Recovery
Frustrated Job Seekers Cause Jobless Rate To Drop
Economy Adds Few New Jobs
Low Jobless Rate Reflects Lost Hope
US Jobless Rate Drops But For Wrong Reasons

vs Obama’s much worse 8.6% unemployment:

Unemployment Rate Drops To 8.6% Raising Hopes
Jobless Rate Drop Could Boost Obama
Obama Gets Economic Indicator He Can Crow About
Good News On Job Front For Obama
Jobless Rate Lowest In 2.5 Years

And again here.

When Bush broke election spending records and opted out of publicly-financed campaign spending, the media excoriated him. Guess how much noise was made when Obama did the same, only moreso?

And guess who criticized Bush’s deficit, saying: ‘Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.… And now has himself achieved a 1.75 trillion deficit?

When there is a massive oil leak, you can bet Bush’s oil connections would be all over the news… Not a peep about Obama’s.

When Bush struggled through 9/11, Katrina, two wars and financial collapse, the media didn’t sympathize with him – in fact, they piled on him all the more. Guess what their attitude to vacationing golfer Obama is, when he has played twice as much golf in 2 years as Bush did in 8?

When Bush couldn’t think of any mistakes he had made, the media ripped into him. Guess what the response is when Obama can’t think of any?

When Bush spoke in his usual style the media often did not ‘clean up’ his words or grammar to make it correct. When Obama does the same and the media doesn’t ‘clean up’ his words, they must be racist.

When oil prices skyrocket, the media loudly complains about it under Bush but ignores it entirely under Obama. Barely 1% of reports about the high prices even mention Obama’s drilling moratorium.

When Bush enacts some surveillance, he’s a despot. When Obama enacts far, unprecedentedly more… It’s more complex.

Via Moonbattery:

When Bush calmly spent 7 minutes finishing his reading of The Pet Goat to schoolkids after being told about 9/11, the media constantly mocked him. When Obama was told of Osama bin Laden’s confirmed location, he postponed his decision by SIXTEEN HOURS and the media spins it as decisive action.

Apparently it’s forbidden to question Obama’s grades and acceptance into tertiary education, but not Bush’s.

And imagine if Bush had spent millions blocking the release of his birth cert, would the media scold him or the seekers – as it targets the latter in Obama’s case?

The gist of the above with some specific examples in this excellent, tongue-in-cheek article at NRO, via Moonbattery.

And Laura Bush dares to point out the double standards.

See also this piece comparing and contrasting Obama and Bush and explaining why America – and even liberals! – miss Bush. Contains several references to the double standard criticisms leveled at them.

BONUS: see how the media reported on Reagan vs Obama during a recession:

No one blinked when reporters heckled Reagan and both Bushes… But when a reporter interrupts Obama briefly? RACIST!

Via Liberal Logic 101:

When Bush invoked ‘executive privilege’, Obama and his cronies blasted Bush. When Obama does it to defend Eric Holder whose acts cause the loss of hundreds of lives? Cronies defend it – even though that means Obama is the one behind the murderous operation! Including taking the contempt charge to the grand jury.

When Obama adds 200,000 fewer jobs than Bush, he’s doing a great job not like that failure!

The Federalist:

Anywhere, anywhere, but a discussion of Obama’s handling of national security as it relates to Islamist terrorists. Can you even imagine such journalistic avoidance under the Bush administration? Particularly, seven long years into the Bush administration?

From Washington Examiner:

Where Bush was asked every day if he regretted invading Iraq, Obama is never asked if he thinks leaving Iraq had something to do with the chaos engulfing the region, or the vulnerability of citizens here and in Europe to Islamic State-inspired attacks.

And while Bush was held responsible for every last casualty that occurred anywhere while he held office, Obama is absolved from responsibility for the massacres, rapes and enslavement of innocents that have followed his numerous foreign policy blunders — given a pass as the victim of forces he did not enable and disasters he didn’t create.

Pajamas Media:

A few hours before delivering that State of the Union, President Obama met with rapper Kendrick Lamar. Obama announced that Lamar’s hit “How Much a Dollar Cost” was his favorite song of 2015. The song comes from the album To Pimp a Butterfly; the album cover shows a crowd of young African-American men massed in front of the White House. In celebratory fashion, all are gripping champagne bottles and hundred-dollar bills; in front of them lies the corpse of a white judge, with two Xs drawn over his closed eyes. So why wouldn’t the president’s advisors at least have advised him that such a gratuitous White House sanction might be incongruous with a visual message of racial hatred? Was Obama seeking cultural authenticity, of the sort he seeks by wearing a T-shirt, with his baseball cap on backwards and thumb up?

To play the old “what if” game that is necessary in the bewildering age of Obama: what if President George W. Bush had invited to the White House a controversial country Western singer, known for using the f- and n- words liberally in his music and celebrating attacks on Bureau of Land Management officers? What if Bush had also declared that the singer’s hit song—perhaps a celebration of the Cliven Bundy protest—was the president’s favorite in 2008, from an album whose grotesque cover had a crowd of NASCAR-looking, white redneck youth bunched up with an African-American official dead at their feet? And what if the next day, Bush told the nation that he regretted not being able to bring the country together? Would there have been media calls for Bush’s impeachment?


Also this tipped by kesava:

If George W. Bush had doubled the national debt, which had taken more than two centuries to accumulate, in one year, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had then proposed to double the debt again within 10 years, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had criticized a state law that he admitted he never even read, would you think that he is just an ignorant hot head?

If George W. Bush joined the country of Mexico and sued a state in the United States to force that state to continue to allow illegal immigration, would you question his patriotism and wonder who’s side he was on?

If George W. Bush had put 87,000 workers out of work by arbitrarily placing a moratorium on offshore oil drilling on companies that have one of the best safety records of any industry because one company had an accident, would you have agreed?

If George W. Bush had used a forged document as the basis of the moratorium that would render 87,000 American workers unemployed, would you support him?

If George W. Bush had been the first President to need a TelePrompTer installed to be able to get through a press conference, would you have laughed and said this is more proof of how inept he is on his own and is really controlled by smarter men behind the scenes?

If George W. Bush had spent hundreds of thousands of tax dollars to take Laura Bush to a play in NYC, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had reduced YOUR retirement plan’s holdings of GM stock by 90% and
given the unions a majority stake in GM, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had made a joke at the expense of the Special Olympics, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had given Gordon Brown a set of inexpensive and incorrectly formatted DVDs, when Gordon Brown had given him a thoughtful and historically significant gift, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had given the Queen of England an iPod containing videos of his speeches, would you have thought this embarrassingly narcissistic and tacky?

If George W. Bush had bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had visited Austria and made reference to the nonexistent “Austrian language,” would you have brushed it off as a minor slip?

If George W. Bush had filled his cabinet and circle of advisers with people who cannot seem to keep current in their income taxes, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had stated that there were 57 states in the United States, would you have said that he is clueless.

If George W. Bush would have flown all the way to Denmark to make a five minute speech about how the Olympics would benefit him walking out his front door in Texas, would you have thought he was a self important, conceited, egotistical jerk.

When Hurricane Katrina hit, the media blamed Bush. When Hurricane Sandy hit, the media praises Obama for doing basically nothing (even though a Dem Governor calls it worse than Katrina). What a blatant and disgusting difference.

If George W. Bush had been so Spanish illiterate as to refer to “Cinco de Cuatro” in front of the Mexican ambassador when it was the 5th of May (Cinco de Mayo), and continued to flub it when he tried again, would you have winced in embarrassment?

If George W. Bush had misspelled the word “advice” would you have hammered him for it for years like Dan Quayle and potatoes as proof of what a dunce he is?

If George W. Bush had burned 9,000 gallons of jet fuel to go plant a single tree on Earth Day, would you have concluded he’s a hypocrite?

If George W. Bush’s administration had okayed Air Force One flying low over millions of people followed by a jet fighter in downtown Manhattan causing widespread panic, would you have wondered whether they actually get what happened on 9-11?

If George W. Bush had failed to send relief aid to flood victims throughout the Midwest with more people killed or made homeless than in New Orleans, would you want it made into a major ongoing political issue with claims of racism and incompetence?

If George W. Bush had created the position of 32 Czars who report directly to him, bypassing the House and Senate on much of what is happening in America, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had ordered the firing of the CEO of a major corporation, even though he had no constitutional authority to do so, would you have approved?

If George Bush would have taken a vacation involving 40 planes and 3000 people to the Taj Mahal in India, costing almost a Billion Dollars, would you have approved?

So, tell me again: what is it about Obama that makes him so brilliant and impressive?

Can’t think of anything?

Don’t worry. He’s done all this in 15 months — so you’ll now have two years to come up with an answer.

Every statement in this email is factual and directly attributable to Barrack Hussein Obama, a self-important, conceited, egotistical jerk.

Every bumble is a matter of record and completely verifiable.

Obama Golfs While Economy and Afghanistan Burn

November 25, 09

Via Gateway Pundit, via The Wall Street Journal:

Barack Obama has now played 25 rounds of golf, a sport he picked up about a decade ago when he was an Illinois state senator. That’s more golf than former President George W. Bush played in two terms, according to CBS White House correspondent Mark Knoller, who tracks presidential trivia. (In 2003, Mr. Bush quit golf, saying he did so out of respect for the troops serving in Iraq. Since leaving office, he has returned to the sport, an aide says.)

It took President Obama just just 9 months to match the number times President Bush played golf while in office over 8 years. Quite an achievement while the economy tanks, jobs go down the drain and two wars are ongoing – one that’s practically already won thanks to Bush and Petraeus (who have saved 750,000 Iraqi lives), and one that’s getting more and more bogged down as Obama refuses to bother with his responsibility as Commander in Chief.

As Gateway Pundit notes, it’s been over 3 months since the top general in Afghanistan requested more troops. Obama has still not made his decision on whether to support the US soldiers and marines in Afghanistan.

His mental faculties must all be tied down making the important decisions like whether to use a wood or an iron.

No wonder his approval rating is now at negative 15.

Via Day by Day:

Global Warming Theory is to Environmentalism as Blood Letting is to Healthcare

November 25, 09

The following dialetical illustration is inspired by and partly based on a commentor’s remarks.

In fact, he can probably spot plenty of his almost exact words in there somewhere… So kudos to him, eh?


Blood Lettist: You! You blood-letting denier!

Blood Letting Skeptic: What? Me?

Blood Lettist: Yes, you! Why do you spend hours blogging about how you think blood letting isn’t proven science and mocking those who are trying to save our precious bodies? You should use your time and effort to promoting healthcare instead of convincing people we’re just fine!

Blood Letting Skeptic: But I’m not saying we’re just fine. All I’m saying is that blood letting theory is based on faulty assumptions and is contradicted by available data.

Blood Lettist: You claim to reject the hard science based on data. But there is already a consensus on the science!

Blood Letting Skeptic: Just look around! The exact opposite of what blood letting theory claims is happening. More and more people have lots of blood in their bodies, yet their health is improving, not worsening as blood letting theory claims.

Blood Lettist: Whether you have decided to accept the science or reject it, even you know that the homeostatic balance of our bodies is out of whack and WE are the reason. Stop being part of the problem and help contribute to the solutions we so desperately need.

Blood Letting Skeptic: Yes, I admit and accept that our health is under jeapordy. Where do I ever deny it? I acknowledge the need to stop heart attacks, cancer and stroke. Just because I oppose blood letting theory does not mean I reject all other health issues. I simply think that blood letting will not accomplish anything for our health. Don’t conflate blood letting with healthcare in general.

Blood Lettist: Healthcare as a whole will benefit from awareness and mitigation efforts raised by the blood letting issue.

Blood Letting Skeptic: I disagree. If blood letting is not a real issue, then it is a waste of time, effort, money and public interest that could be far better focused on proven health issues. I mean, how does applying leeches or puncturing a hole into the head do anything at all to reduce obesity and fight tooth decay?

Blood Lettist: You must be on the payroll of Big Aromatherapy. There are those people who help and contribute to protecting our fragile health and those who delight in twisting scientific information in order to ingratiate themselves and maintain the status quo that is destroying what we have left to hand down to future generations. You obviously fall into the latter. Shame on you and your narrow minded view of the big picture.

Blood Letting Skeptic: Wait a minute… It isn’t blood letting skeptics who have been twisting the data to hide what they know – that our blood pressure is NOT rising!

Blood Lettist: I’m afraid attitudes like yours are the reason our children will be left with nothing but the dregs we decide not to consume or destroy.

Blood Letting Skeptic: Look who’s talking. I am sure I have far less blood in my skinny frame than the fat and bloated politicians, celebrities and bureaucrats who travel around the world getting tranfusions of blood into their veins while telling us to shed our own.

Blood Lettist: Enough of this denial! Just stop being part of the problem and help contribute to the solutions we so desperately need.

Blood Letting Skeptic: I really am trying to contribute to the solution to the problem. But we get nowhere fast if we make a start based on ignoring the facts and continue onwards guided by wrong assumptions. If blood letting theory is wrong, then we are only making existing, real problems worse by putting all our focus on the wrong priorities.


Wow, the perfect matching lol from Comixed:


See also posts with similar style or comparisons:

One Piece Opening 12 – Kaze O Sagashite

November 24, 09

This is the current opening sequence for the One Piece Anime, beginning from Episode 426.

I find this song extremely catchy. The visuals match very well too, especially at the sentimental bridge:

Animated gif of part of the sequence from the song bridge:

Lyrics from One Piece Wikia (which also explains the scenes shown, for those unfamiliar with One Piece):


Global Warming Liars of Climatic Research Unit Exposed Doctoring Data

November 21, 09

UPDATE: Phil Jones finally admits it – no warming in the past 15 years!

Excellent summary of who is who involved in Climategate via Moonbattery:

UPDATE: Phil Jones temporarily steps down as head of CRU.

UPDATE: They knew about problems with the data but sat on it for three years!

Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin syndicated columns here.


From Moonbattery via Watts Up With That, more evidence that global warming hoaxters are intentionally trying to deceive the public.

Above from Daily Mail UK.

From emails hacked out of the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia:

From: Phil Jones

I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline. Mike’s series got the annual land and marine values while the other two got April-Sept for NH land N of 20N. The latter two are real for 1999, while the estimate for 1999 for NH combined is +0.44C wrt 61-90.

Phil Jones is none other than the director of the CRU. Mike’s Nature trick is explained here.

Above from Watts Up With That

To which is replied to by one guilty (or self-protecting and nervous) soul:

I’m not too comfortable with this, and would rather not sign — at least not without some real time to think it through and debate the issue. It is unprecedented and political, and that worries me.


The other paper by MM is just garbage – as you knew. De Freitas again. Pielke is also losing all credibility as well by replying to the mad Finn as well – frequently as I see it. I can’t see either of these papers being in the next IPCC report. Kevin and I will keep them out somehow – even if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is!
Cheers Phil

And it seems that all claims that it was all semantics aside, a file of code also in the collection of emails and documents from CRU is even more telling:

Uses “corrected” MXD – but shouldn’t usually
; plot past 1960 because these will be artificially adjusted to look closer to
; the real temperatures.

And they also discuss how to discredit research that shows how solar activity is the main factor that affects climate, not CO2.

There are now calls for a serious investigation coming from both believers and skeptics.

Michael Mann, who is ‘Mike’ cited in the email, gives his defense of Phil Jones – basically spinning that they didn’t try to mislead, merely throw out the data that didn’t help their theory!

Of course they need to hide the reality – even the BBC admits that there has been no warming in 11 years.

In fact, the researchers themselves admit as much privately:

The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t. The CERES data published in the August BAMS 09 supplement on 2008 shows there should be even more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate.

And listen to this poor programmer trying to recreate the results using the same data:

I am seriously close to giving up, again. The history of this is so complex that I can’t get far enough into it before by head hurts and I have to stop. Each parameter has a tortuous history of manual and semi-automated interventions that I simply cannot just go back to early versions and run the update prog. I could be throwing away all kinds of corrections – to lat/lons, to WMOs (yes!), and more.

Even the leftwing Guardian UK newspaper investigates the files to find deeply flawed Chinese weather stations data.

You can see the rest of the evidence against global warming I have collected at the handy Global Warming is Unfactual site.

All the emails, searchable, through this link.

But we global warming skeptics have already come to expect such dishonesty from the likes of global warming fearmongerers like NZ scientists faking a cooler past; NASA similarly withholding data; cherry-picking data to create the infamous and disproven hockey stick; putting temperature sensors next to BBQ pits; data manipulation by none other than NASA head James Hansen; and basically everything from Al Gore.

Meanwhile, of course, the Lie-beral media refuses to inform the public of this major story, even as hardcore warmists admit its importance and a major conflict is brewing in the IPCC.

Instead, they keep churning out global warming stories… While the commentors keep bringing up Climategate.

Meanwhile, in contrast to other search engines, Google does not auto-suggest Climategate even when users type in most of the phrase – even though ‘Climategate’ has surpassed ‘global warming’ as a common search term.

The NYT and BBC even refused to run the story despite receiving the files over a month ago.

Thrree of the major US networks have not mentioned anything about Climategate even once by 12 days after the scandal, despite Phil Jones’ stepping down and Congressional calls for investigation.

Yet 59% of Americans believe that some scientists could have falsified data to push their agenda.

Above via Moonbattery.

Via Moonbattery, an amusing video illustrating many of the dishonesties surrounding Climategate:

S. Banggarma – The ‘Hindu Lina Joy’

November 20, 09

This is what would happen if former Muslim, now Christian Lina Joy tried to go ahead and get married to her Christian fiance.

Of special note is the cruel omission on the children’s birth certificates.

From The Star 20 Nov 2009:

Eight years on and woman can’t register marriage

GEORGE TOWN: Even though Siti Hasnah Vangarama Abdullah, whose original name is S. Banggarma, has been married for eight years, she is still unable to register her marriage.

This is because she is listed as a Muslim while her husband is a Hindu.

The 27-year-old woman, who preferred to be known as Banggarma, said she has been practising Hinduism all this while although she was converted to Islam at the age of seven.

Banggarma said she and her three siblings were handed over to the Rumah Kanak Kanak Taman Bakti orphanage in Kepala Batas when she was about five by the Social Welfare Department after they were found wandering in the streets.

On Dec 28, 1989, she was converted to Islam before the Penang Kadi after she was taken to the kadi’s office by officers from the state Muslim Welfare Organisation of Malaysia (Perkim) and Majlis Agama Islam Pulau Pinang.

Banggarma said she had no clear memory of the incident until she was 18 when she wanted to get married.

“I ran away from the home with my friends when I was 16 and did not take any documents with me.

“So, when I wanted to get married at 18, I went back to the home to collect my documents. I was given the Muslim conversion certificate,” she said at a press conference called by Kedah PKR Youth deputy chief Gooi Hsiao Leung at his office here yesterday.

Her husband, S. Sockalingam, 31, a fisherman, said he had a shock when they went to the National Registration Department and found out that she is a Muslim.

“We couldn’t register our marriage after our temple wedding in Tanjung Piandang in March 2001 since she was a Muslim,” he said.

Banggarma said the column in her two children’s birth certificate under the father’s details stated “maklumat tidak diperolehi (information not available)”.

As I have said before, we don’t want ‘Ketuanan Cina’ or ‘Ketuanan India’, or to remove the national status of Bahasa Melayu and Islam, or even to the Sultans as our nominal rulers.

We just want to be given our basic human rights and not be discriminated against in official policy. That is what will unite Malaysia – when all are treated equally, as Malaysians.

Al Gore’s New Book – Yet More Scaremongering (and Photoshopped) Fakery

November 19, 09

Al Gore is a pathological liar. He has now apparently even resorted to Photoshopping out the Arctic, Photoshopping oceans over coasts, and Photoshopping in several hurricanes onto a photo of the Earth.

From Watts Up With That and Moonbattery via Prison Planet:

A midget Southern Hemisphere cyclone is off the coast of Florida, another hurricane is sitting on the equator off the coast of Peru — and the Arctic Ice is gone (perhaps it is summer) and the Florida Peninsula is half gone

There are other differences I am sure you can find — but the hurricanes are just nonsense…

Maybe it’s Gore’s vision of what the future world will look like if global warming continues unabated. But even that theory fails.

The Arctic ice is at the same levels as 1979, meaning there is no net melting.

Similarly, Antarctic ice is at the highest levels ever recorded.

Hurricanes are at a 30 year low.

The oceans have actually been getting cooler since 2003.

And as the BBC admits, there has been no warming in 11 years.

All this while concentrations of CO2 – the gas that supposedly causes world-ending global warming – continue to increase.

Many more facts, graphs and photos with citations at my collection, Global Warming is Unfactual, and excellent overview for those uninitiated into serious global warming debate.

What can we expect, really, from a guy who barely passed his science papers in university and thinks the Earth’s interior is millions of degrees hot?

No wonder he was greeted with a protest in Portland.

Al Gore really is a pathological liar (much like that other guy he supported for President).

He lies tons in his film. (Which most people actually ignored.)

He lies 180 degrees about the relationship between carbon dioxide and temperature.

He lies about drowning polar bears.

He lies about reducing his massive energy use and carbon footprint.

He lies about his true motives for scaring us about global warming.

So to wit: This is the man who is at the forefront of the global warming fearmongering movement. How do you think this reflects on other supporters/salesmen of the global warming farce, like lying NASA head James Hansen, blindo NASA scientists and researchers who intentionally skew data?


Also covered by Newsbusters,


PS. Excerpts of some interesting and very insightful comments from the Watts Up With That page:


Al Gore Fails on Sciences Other Than Global Warming Too

November 19, 09

Al Gore got a D grade in Natural Sciences at Harvard:

For all of Gore’s later fascination with science and technology, he often struggled academically in those subjects. The political champion of the natural world received that sophomore D in Natural Sciences 6 (Man’s Place in Nature) and then got a C-plus in Natural Sciences 118 his senior year.

When John C. Davis, a retired teacher and assistant headmaster at St. Albans, was recently shown his illustrious former pupil’s college board achievement test scores, he inspected them closely with a magnifier and shook his head, chuckling quietly at the science results.

“Four eighty-eight! Terrible” Davis declared upon inspecting the future vice president’s 488 score (out of a possible 800) in physics.

“Hmmmm. Chemistry. Five-nineteen. He didn’t do too well in chemistry.”

But that was then. This is now: He thinks that the Earth’s interior temperature is several million degrees:

Al Gore: It definitely is, and it’s a relatively new one. People think about geothermal energy — when they think about it at all — in terms of the hot water bubbling up in some places, but two kilometers or so down in most places there are these incredibly hot rocks, ’cause the interior of the earth is extremely hot, several million degrees, and the crust of the earth is hot …

FYI, the Earth’s core is about 5400 degrees Celsius or 9800 degrees Fahrenheit, neither of which approaches even 1% of Gore’s Bizarro World figure. But it’s okay, he’s only off by about 990,000 degrees or more. Say’s a lot about his grasp of global temperature fluctuations, hmm?

Our Sun, however, is 13.6 million Celsius or 24.5 million degrees Fahrenheit at its hottest. With a grasp of temperature measurements like this, maybe that’s why Gore keeps thinking the planet is catching fire even though even the BBC admits there has been no warming in 11 years!

But remember, global warming that will doom humanity is real and factual. Real I tell you, factual!!!

We must all stop global warming now!!!! (Or backdated to 11 years before we start trying to stop it now.)

Planned Parenthood Director Abby Johnson Becomes Pro-Life After Seeing Abortion Ultrasound

November 3, 09

UPDATE: Many more are turning pro-life after viewing ultrasounds of unborn children!


Via Moonbattery via Gateway Pundit which has video:

Planned Parenthood has been a part of Abby Johnson’s life for the past eight years; that is until last month, when Abby resigned. Johnson said she realized she wanted to leave, after watching an ultrasound of an abortion procedure.

“I just thought I can’t do this anymore, and it was just like a flash that hit me and I thought that’s it,” said Jonhson.

She handed in her resignation October 6. Johnson worked as the Bryan Planned Parenthood Director for two years.

Johnson now supports the Coalition For Life, the pro-life group with a building down the street from Planned Parenthood. Coalition volunteers can regularly be seen praying on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood. Johnson has been meeting with the coalition’s executive director, Shawn Carney, and has prayed with volunteers outside Planned Parenthood.

As Moonbattery poster Gregory of Yardale adds:

And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales: and he received sight forthwith, and arose, and was baptized. – Acts 9:18

Know too that anesthesia is used on fetuses when operating on them in the womb. If they don’t feel pain, then why is anesthesia used? If they do, then what the heck are abortionists doing?

For more on why exactly seeing what an abortion looks like might make Abby Johnson become pro-life instead of pro-infanticide, see the following:

  • Hey, Do You Think We Should We Kill Babies? – Then I inserted my forceps into the uterus and applied them to the head of the fetus, which was still alive, since fetal injection is not done at that stage of pregnancy. I closed the forceps, crushing the skull of the fetus, and withdrew the forceps. The fetus, now dead, slid out more or less intact.”

PM Najib Says Only One or Two UMNO Leaders Utter Racist Comments

November 2, 09

From The Star 2 Nov 09:

Najib: Disregard racist remarks from certain leaders

KUALA LUMPUR: Racist comments from “one or two Umno leaders” should be ignored because the majority of members in the party are not racists, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

The Umno president stressed that the party’s policies had always been fair, inclusive, democratic and open.

“Umno is not a racist party. From the beginning, we wanted a multiracial society. Don’t listen to one or two leaders talk; that’s different. Any party has leaders like them. But look at our policies from Day One,” he said at the opening of the Gerakan national delegates conference yesterday.

Umno, he said, derived its strength from the country’s racial diversity.

“That’s our uniqueness. We can celebrate our diversity,” he added.

This, he said, gave Malaysia a strategic advantage in developing diplomatic and economic ties with countries such as China, India and those in the Middle East and Asean.

Funny, I counted at least eight UMNO leaders who utter racist comments.

And if UMNO is not a ‘racist party’, then where do its title of ‘United National Malays Organization’ and focus on championing Malay supremacy fit it?

And while we’re on the subject of UMNO deriving ‘its strength from the country’s racial diversity’, can anybody tell me exactly how many non-Malay members there are in the party? Doesn’t PM Najib mean Barisan Nasional deriving strength from racial diversity? (Or perhaps, trick question: BN is basically UMNO and various lackey hangers on, so no practical difference between BN and UMNO!)

And don’t UMNO’s ‘policies from Day One’ include such totally non-discriminatory, non-racial, ethnically colourblind gems as Article 153, Article 160, the NEP and Ketuanan Melayu?

Serious, Mr. Najib… Quit trying to hammer home the ‘fact’ that UMNO is not race based. At least until you guys even bother to change the name and vision of the party! The more you try to spin it, the more nauseous we feel.