Archive for November, 2012

Obama in 2017 – The Only Job Left That’s A Step-Up from President

November 30, 12

So barring an overhaul of the legislation to allow a third term as President, Obama will be all packed to leave the White House by January 2017. Where to from there? What remains to be achieved by the most powerful man in the world, the head of the richest, only superpower among the nations?

It’s been said by some that there is no higher position left to attain. This is it, and anything else represents a step down for Obama.

Actually, I believe there is one step up left.

Say hello to U.N. Secretary General Barack Hussein Obama.

It makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? He was always less of the Leader of the USA, and more of the Healer-Messiah Ascended Guide of The World. Even as practically half of America rejected him in 2012, he’s still wildly popular in the rest of the world that doesn’t actually have to live under his domestic policies (Pakistan, Iran and anywhere else his Kill Drones are circling not included of course).

He’s especially beloved in Europe – that debt-sunken, chronically unemployed, high-gas priced, green energy failing territory he’s trying to make the USA emulate. It was a bunch of Euroweenies who voted him his Nobel Peace Prize remember.

It fits his temperament perfectly – a few mediations here, a few high-society cocktail receptions there, a lot of empty platitudes to world peace and the universal brotherhood of humanity with very little actually getting accomplished.

Plus, heading the carbon-cappy UN gels perfectly with his intentions to slow the rise of the oceans and redistribute the wealth of the imperialist First World that deserves to be punished for their historic wrongs against the rest of the world.

So be warned, Americans – just because Obama doesn’t stick around as Diktator for Life, doesn’t mean he can’t find other ways to mess up America!

Dow Jones Celebrates Obama’s Second Term Pretty Much the Same Way it Did His First Term

November 9, 12

By binge drinking their sorrows away:

Dow drops in post-election sell-off

NEW YORK — Wall Street greeted a second Obama term the way it greeted the first.

Investors dumped stocks Wednesday in the sharpest sell-off of the year. With the election only hours behind them, they focused on big problems ahead in Washington and across the Atlantic Ocean.

Frantic selling recalled the days after Obama’s first victory, as the financial crisis raged and stocks spiraled downward.

It was the worst day for stocks this year, but not the worst after an election. That distinction belongs to 2008, when Barack Obama was elected at the depths of the financial crisis. The Dow fell 486 points the next day.

Tipped by wits0, via FireAndreaMitchell: 45 companies announce layoff plans in 48 hours following Obama’s ‘victory’.

From MSN Money:


Yep, credit must go to Obama… The allergic reaction to his second term is nowhere near as bad as it was to his first term:

Plus plenty more at the link, stretching up to 2 weeks (and 1628 points down) from his first Election win.

See also related:

Obama’s Economic Successes: A Roundup – Dozens of graphs showing just why the markets don’t trust Obama

Obama, Please Stop Talking Sh*t:

Obama Stop Talking Sh*t

Four Years On, Stock Market Still Allergic to Obama

Obama Speaketh, Stock Market Crasheth:

Dow Jones Surges After 2011 GOP Debate

American Stock Exchange ‘Celebrates’ Obama With Record CRASHES – Repeatedly!