Posts Tagged ‘Obama $150000 tax’

Who Will Obama Put Heavier Taxes On?

November 3, 08

In his own words, anyone earning $250,000 a year or more.

No, wait… Anyone earning $200,000 a year or more.

No, wait… Anyone earning $150,000 a year or more.

No, wait… Anyone earning $120,000 a year or more.

No, wait…

Still think a President Obama will take money from everyone but you? Still think he will pay for your gas and cover your mortgage using other peoples’ money?

Obama pay all bills

UPDATE: Obama’s tax cut that he promised to give 95% of all Americans? CANCELLED.

And remember his breaking his word on all his other promises, especially ones to do with money. Do you trust him to only tax the ‘rich’?

Heck, he doesn’t even give money to his impoverished illegal alien aunt and mud-hut living half-brother in Kenya.

Nor is he paying his own campaign workers their dues.

And even if you don’t pay taxes currently… Watch for your bills to break your wallet and your jobs to disappear as Obama purposely makes energy costs “skyrocket” and bankrupts the coal industry.

Sure, he’ll keep his word. Only, he’ll redefine ‘rich’ to mean ‘anyone at all who has any amount of money to redistribute’.