Posts Tagged ‘Utusan Malaysia’

Top Editor of Renowned Tensions-Rouser Utusan Malaysia Accuses Malaysiakini of Causing All Problems

April 8, 10

From Susan Loone, with image by Wits0:

Malaysiakini article here.

Yeah, I’m totally sure it was Malaysiakini which fantasized about murdering a politician.

And slandered Indians with the worst negative stereotypes.

And libeled a political party as grossly disrespecting Islam.

And landed someone in ISA detention over totally unsubstantiated hearsay.

Yup… Totally Malaysiakini doing those dastardly deeds!

Who are the ones spreading hate, Hishamuddin? Those online, or those in print?

Utusan Malaysia Issues Unsubtle Death Threat Against Teresa Kok, Defended by Rocky Bru

October 15, 08

Utusan Malaysia Teresa Kok

Above is part of the 50-plus Malaysian Politics Motivational Posters.

Original photo from Teresa Kok Sassy MP – My Suit Against Utusan & Zaini Hassan.


So it seems that Rocky Bru supports Utusan Malaysia over Teresa Kok, even though the latter had to suffer ISA detention directly due to Utusan’s unfounded scaremongering and smear attacks.

Haris Ibrahim thinks differently, as would any unbiased observer: “What if it were YOU being thrown in the slammer and threatened because the NST printed blatant lies about you, Rocky?”

Rocky says in his post that he hopes ‘Theresa would find it fit to withdraw her suit against Utusan Malaysia’.

Well, Rocky, if one of the Tamil dailies falsely accused you of calling for the demolition of Hindu temples, and that daily then refused to apologise despite your demands that they do so, and your home was then turned into a war zone where molotovs were tossed into, would you sue to clear your name and to prevent any further trauma for those near and dear to you?

Or would you, Rocky, champion the right of that daily, in the name of freedom of expression and opinion, to continue to lie about you, and therefore refrain from taking the matter to court? – Haris Ibrahim

Head on over to Haris Ibrahim for the full story, with timeline of events and accompanying evidence.

Utusan of course refuses to issue any retraction, but rather demands that Teresa Kok be the one apologizing!

Not only that, but Utusan’s friends in high places are trying to turn it into a Chinese-challenges-and-insults-Islam controversy, attempting to rile up the public and obfuscate the simple heart of Teresa’s lawsuit: “Your idiotic lies landed me in prison!”

And now Utusan Malaysia shows its total lack of conscience, repentance and class by printing an article that is obviously a thinly veiled death threat against Teresa Kok.

Observe excerpts of the long story:

PAGI itu resah YB Josephine, yang lebih mesra dengan panggilan YB J sukar dikawal. Sepanjang perjalanan menuju ke Dewan Perhimpunan Warga Cha di ibu kota, fikirannya terganggu. Tuduhan bahawa dia anti-Islam dan anti-Melayu sungguh-sungguh menghantui perasaannya sejak malam tadi lagi.

Tetapi fikir Ahmad, amaran kalau tidak diendahkan berbahaya. Dia teringat apa yang diceritakan berlaku pada 13 Mei 1969. Bapanya menceritakan dalam tragedi selepas pilihan raya umum pada 10 Mei itu, orang Cina dan Melayu berbunuh-bunuhan.

Perjuangan yang mahu menafikan hak-hak istimewa orang Melayu dan kaum bumiputera lain yang dijamin oleh Perlembagaan Persekutuan, tidak dapat diterima oleh mereka.

Kata-kata kesat dan menghina orang Melayu oleh para penyokong parti-parti pembangkang sewaktu berarak meraikan kemenangan besar di Kuala Lumpur dan bandar-bandar utama lain pada pilihan raya 1969 itu tidak dapat ditelan oleh orang Melayu.

Apabila YB J bangun untuk menuju ke rostrum ucapan, seorang anak muda dari belakang pentas berjalan tenang menuju ke arahnya. YB J tersenyum kepadanya. Dia menyangka anak muda seketurunan dengannya ingin mengiringinya ke rostrum atau bersalaman dengannya.

YB J menghulurkan tangan. Tiba-tiba YB J tergaman dan berdiri kaku. Dia tidak percaya dengan apa yang dilihatnya. Tergenggam erat pada tangan anak muda yang seolah-olah mahu membalas salam tangan yang dihulur itu ialah sepucuk pistol jenis Revolver yang betul-betul diajukan ke arah dada YB J.

Tanpa berkata apa-apa, anak muda itu melepaskan beberapa das tembakan. Salah satu daripadanya tepat mengenai jantung YB J. Dia rebah ke lantai.

Sewaktu pemeriksaan dibuat ke atas mayat anak muda yang tidak dikenali itu, terselit sehelai nota yang ditaip rapi, ditulis dalam bahasa Kebangsaan.

Ia berbunyi: YB Josephine adalah ancaman terhadap keharmonian. Lebih baik riwayatnya ditamatkan supaya masyarakat berbilang kaum boleh tinggal aman damai di negara bertuah ini. Saya berkorban untuk masa depan. – Utusan Malaysia

And there you have it. Utusan Malaysia’s literary representation of YB Teresa Kok is murdered for ‘the sake of the future and inter-racial harmony.’

Note also how they insidiously slip in a reference to the bloodshed of May 13 1969 early in the piece, in order to further justify the silencing of ‘YB Josephine’ whom they insinuate that – like the 1969 provocateurs – challenged the sacrosanct Malay special rights. (Of course, in Utusan’s version of reality, the Opposition and non-Malays are solely and entirely to blame for the provocation and escalation into riots.)

Did these Utusan foo’s not realize that such hate-mongering as in their paper is exactly the sort of thing that shatters inter-racial harmony??!!! Wasn’t it they themselves who stoked the fires of rabid mob paranoia and rage by spreading unproven rumours that have now been totally debunked? (See Haris Ibrahim‘s post again.)

Uncle Lim is not taking this unilateral, coded fatwa by Utusan Malaysia lightly, pseudonym ‘Josephine’ or no. Lead the charge!

DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Ipoh Timur) has accused the Malay newspaper, Utusan Malaysia, of planting the idea of assassinating members of parliament through a story published in Mingguan Malaysia, its Sunday edition.

Lim said the fictitious story entitled “Politik baru YB J” was aimed at Teresa Kok.

“The YB Josephine, who is the main character in the piece, actually referred to Teresa Kok,” he said.

YB Josephine takes an anti-Islamic stand in the story and is killed by an alleged supporter at a function held in her stronghold.

The assassin approaches her on stage and then shoots her three times in the chest.

“I know it is creative licence, but the author had clearly planted the idea of political assassination. He was being inciteful,” Kit Siang said during the debate on the budget. – Malaysia Today

Teresa Kok is not shaken by this incitement.

Seputeh lawmaker Teresa Kok was surprised to learn today that she had been made the target of an assassination in a thinly-veiled plot of a short story publised in a weekend edition of the Malay-language newspaper Utusan Malaysia last Sunday. – Malaysia Today

The original blatantly outspoken Utusan Malaysia article is again at here, kudos to ShadowFox’s Hideout.

Jed Yoong has the article reproduced here. Uncle Lim also has the offending Utusan Malaysia article reproduced here in case of sneaky withdrawal, and has these words to add:

I lambasted Mingguan Malaysia and Datuk Chamil Wariya for this irresponsible piece of literary licence for inciting the killing of Teresa Kok during my budget speech in Parliament today.

I asked what would be the reaction of UMNO and BN MPs if the Prime Minister or Deputy Prime Minister had been similarly targetted like Teresa in a cerpen like in Chamil’s irresponsible short story. – Lim Kit Siang

Tell me exactly what Teresa Kok actually did to warrant false reporting and smears in a national paper, ISA arrest and a week’s detention without proof, firebombing of her house, racist threats, and now a snide, self-righteous and condescending death fatwa by Utusan Malaysia which started this whole mess? With absolutely NO apologies from any of the offending parties in these matters, of course.

Hey, why not send the papers thinly veiled fiction about a Vice President who blows up a Tibetan model with nitroglycerin?

Teresa Kok ISA

Above from They Survived ISA Detention! and the 50-plus Malaysian Politics Motivational Posters.

Remember, Raja Petra Kamarudin is still in there!

On a tip from wits0.


PS. Featured on Malaysia Today. Cool! Thanks to kean.