Archive for the ‘Me and my Blog’ Category

Location of Blog Viewers, 17 Dec 2010

December 17, 10

Past 1 week ending 17 Dec 2010:

Click for larger.

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11111 Unread Mails

June 22, 10

Follow up to 10001 Unread Mails:

Just because.

10001 Unread Mails

March 31, 10

Mostly because every comment made on this blog causes an email to be sent to my Yahoo mail, and I just shift them to a folder without reading them (again, as I’ve read them on the blog already).

For the record, this blog has 12,685 comments to date (including my own).

See also update, 11111 unread.

Sociopolitical Views

March 24, 10

Regular commentors are invited to share theirs. I’ll begin as an example.

Abortion: Pro-life. Abortion only in health emergencies or rape, incest etc.

American politics: Lean Conservative, not necessarily Republican.

Anthropogenic Global Warming: Skeptic.

Communism: Nice idea that really, really doesn’t work in the real world.

Economy: Free market with regulations to prevent unethical practices.

Energy: Fossil fuels now, gradual introduction of better technologies and renewable energy. Pet favourite is

Polywell clean fusion reactor. USA should drill for its own oil, stop buying it from terror-funders.

Environment & Animals: Humans first. Animals should be treated well, but have no rights per se.

Evolution: Middle ground. Transitional fossils meh, DNA link yeh. Still don’t see how macro-evolution could work.

Government size: Smaller, leaner government. Privatization is the way to go.

Gun rights: Gun ban in countries with few guns, concealed carry for countries already swimming in guns.

Homosexuality: Neutral on gay marriage. Believe homosexuality is prohibited by JudeoChristianity.

Immigration: Legal only, skills/qualification/dire needs based, no mass amnesty. Thousands are waiting patiently in legal line. If you broke the law to get in, you’re likely to break the law in other ways too.

Israel/Palestine: Two state solution. Hamas stops trying to kill Israelis, and Israel reciprocates.

Obama: Think he is inexperienced, egoistic, very very far left, doing a lousy job.

Religion/Philosophy: Protestant Christian.

Torture: Hawkish. Water in your nose is not torture, gouging our eyes as shown in Al Qaeda manuals is.

War on Terror/National Defense: Hawkish. Peace through strength. Military intervention to prevent genocide. Kill terrorists before they kill innocents (including Muslim


Help Needed – The Friendly Old Owl With the ABCs

February 10, 10


Commenter mae graciously converted and uploaded a copy of this hard to find classic!



Can anyone help me with this?

As a kid in the 1980s, I used to watch this video tape of a show over and over. It has the following characteristics:

1) Traditional cartoon animation

2) Featured a talking owl who taught about the alphabet – his catch phrase: “Hello again, it’s me! The/Your friendly old owl with the ABCs,” after he woke up from being perched on a tree branch at the start of each episode.

3) Each episode focuses on a letter of the alphabet – as the owl put it, “Big D… And little d.”

4) Once every episode, he would invite us to look inside ‘the magic pot’. The screen would zoom into the mouth of the pot/vase, inside which looks like outer space. Items that start with the letter of the episode would zoom towards us as the owl says out their names. After that was all done, the owl would reach his wing to dig around inside the vase and pull out the letters featured.

5) For the letter X, the owl admitted that there were very few words that begin with that letter. The magic pot was correspondingly sparse, with xylophone and x-ray being the only items.

6) At the end of each episode, a jazzy tune would play (led by clarinet or something similarly high pitched) we would see all the letter of the alphabet lined up in several rows – each big letter next to its small letter – and the letter pairs would light up or bulge out (I forget which) one by one until the featured letter pair was reached, at which point it would light up/bulge out for longer than the others.

7) There were other animals too, kind of guests for certain letters.

I’ve been trying my very best, but I simply cannot find any trace of this show online – not even the name! And I’m no noob when it comes to Google searches either. Unfortunately, there are lots of other cartoon owls to clog up the searches – such as Owl from Winnie the Pooh and Owl Johnson (I love to singa!).

Can anyone help me name this show or even find a copy?

It’s a treasured childhood memory. I even remember the tunes for the magic pot sequence and at the end of each episode. Christmas Tribute

December 26, 09

This is cool.

I’m near the bottom of the graphic.

Kudos to for the Obamockeries!

Random Posts

September 24, 09

Found a new toy for the blog.

Click THIS LINK or the link at the topright corner of my sidebar to open a random post of my blog!

Delve into the past in one of the 1,320+ posts!

Hours of endless fun! (Wait, is that a contradiction?)

If you use WordPress too, find out how to do this for your own blog at here.

Absent From Blog Due to Agent Orange (The, Box)

May 21, 09

Sorry that lately, I haven’t been posting (usually quite frequent) or responding to comments (usually to most of them). I’ve been busy with a new job, and… Well…

The Orange Box

The Orange Box. Three supoib games and three expansions for the price of one. (And if there hadn’t been credit card annoyances, it could have been at for the price of one third! Natch.) Purchased, downloaded and played entirely via Steam.

I apologize for currently finding Portal, Half Life 2 and especially Team Fortress 2 to be more pressing concerns than debating with my favourite commentors. Lol.

Scott Gets Credit for Obama Phone FAIL on Michelle Malkin’s Blog

March 10, 09

Thank you Miss Malkin! I had given up hope that my creation of the lol would ever be credited, but the alert Michelle Malkin actually noticed my email and/or trackback and/or comment amidst her hundreds of messages, and has now publicly credited me plus a link!

Obama Phone Fail

The minor formatting issue on my name destracts from my joy not! And nowadays I always put a little watermark of sorts on my creations.

Made with the excellent free graphics editor software, GIMP by the way. Try it out yourselves – it takes a bit of getting used to if you’re more familiar with Photoshop.

I still have no idea of the chain of passing-alongs that led to Michelle Malkin stumbling across the Obama Phone FAIL though.


Lowyat.NET – Mesti ISA Scott Thong

February 27, 09

Hmm, interesting… Anyone have any idea what this was all about?

Lowyat mesti ISA Scott Thong

Here’s a morsel of what the contents were:

Lowyat mesti ISA Scott Thong

Click for full sizes.

The first screenshot is from Google’s cache of the page, I squeezed the width to make it fit my layout better. It’s an obviously old thread (31st October 2008) that I’ve only just learned about.

The thread has already been removed, likely due to the Kopitiam discussion board’s rule:

Racially charged threads which serve to incite religious or racial incitement, intolerance or hatred is strictly prohibited. Racial discussions of a limited nature may be discussed at Real World Issues, and will be subject to strict moderation.

Apparently someone with the screen name Polaris took offense at this post:

Anwar: Najib Had Sex With Altantuya, Had Her Murdered To Shut Her Up!

(Don’t ask me how I know which post it was – I have my methods.)

And lacking any blogging skills (as I surmise from the condescending attitude towards blogs in the second image), he/she resorted to whining on a forum…

And got his/her post yanked for violation of the rules. Great going, Polaris!

I’m quizzical as to why this, of all posts, should make me ISA-worthy. Even as the title of the post shows, all I did was report on what Anwar was insinuating.

And even then, it was through Susan Loone’s reporting on her blog. (But for me to take a weak-wristed, verbal bullet for Susan is an honour any day!)

I always take care to avoid self-ISAing material, such as insulting religion, royalty, race and whatnot. (I consider politicians and public figures open game, however.) I am civil and polite even towards those I disagree with.

(Even when they’re morons. Which they often are. I mean, just look at their line of non-argument! So noob and amateur! Spastically retarded and retardedly spastic!

…Uh, where was I? Oh yeah. Civil and polite, that’s me. And snarky, very snarky, full of sarcasm and clever mockery I am. Just witness below…)

But some people are just SO over-touchy and super-emo, particularly when it comes to their love idol, Dr. M (just read the comments).

And now, apparently they pine their lovelorn hearts (and other bodily organs too, *ahem*) for Najib as well.

Well, I have this poster on my wall that pretty much sums up their UMNOphilia:

Class Motiv

Sorry, Polaris. Seems that no one wanted to hear your whining all over the forum, nor your moans of unrequited longing for the M and N of the RAHMAN prophecy. It’s all right to do it in the privacy of your own room, just please don’t get any of those sticky fluids on your keyboard, for the sake of the Dell technicians.

Anyway, if anyone has the full story, text or screenshots of what the hoo-hah was all about, do update me. And if you know him/her or post on Lowyat, tell Polaris that I am brutally mocking him/her too!