Archive for June, 2007

Communism = Atheism = Relative Morality

June 26, 07


Above by Michael Ramirez of Investor’s Business Daily, 26 June 2007


Above by Red Planet Cartoons. The bearded guy so prevalent on shirts is the same one who said“If the nuclear missiles had remained we would have fired them against the heart of the U.S. including New York City. The victory of socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims.”


Above via Moonbattery

How many million? One hundred million. A breakdown here.

If you want some gruesome photographic evidence of the above massacres: Here at Moonbattery

Links regarding Communist-sponsored mass murder: This comment.

The following statements will be offensive to some, and the line of reasoning may be challenged. But I find the logic to be whole.

Communists are de facto atheists. Atheists believe that there is no God – no higher power per se.

If there is no higher power, morals and ethics are determined by man himself. Where there is no God, man makes himself god.

Therefore, morals become relative to the situation. There is no absolute definition of right or wrong – it depends on the viewer, the culture or the majority decision.

The killing of millions therefore cannot be condemned as ‘fundamentally immoral’ if there is no fundamental on which to base a definition of wrong.

If survival of the species is the determinant in a genetic code of morals, then it can be argued that killing 10 million humans is moral if it preserves the life of 100 million humans.

And if there are no longer any morals to offer restraint, then the monster within will be freely unleashed… Like in the case of that most famous of revolutionary poster-boys, Che kill-everyone-out-of-insurgent-hate Guevara.

Similarly, if homosexuality is not considered immoral, there are no moral arguments against bestiality.

If both the human and the animal willingly participate in sex and enjoy it, what protest can be made? That it is unnatural or non-procreative? The same can be also said of homosexuality.

Yet you will be hard pressed to find openly professing supporters of zoophilia, even among PFLAG and other LGBT groups. Is bestiality not yet a socially acceptable lifestyle?

Judging by such standards, I guess certain European nations where animal kinkiness, prostitution, drugs and euthanasia are legal are more advanced civilizations than America.

In conclusion, this is what I am getting at: It is not that atheism is by definition immoral. It is that by definition, atheism cannot have absolute morals, only situation-relative ones.

Right and wrong are no longer set in stone, but always in flux.

See also my post Morality: Of Absolutes and Relatives.

JB: Good Cops, Fake Cop, Bad Cops

June 25, 07

In the first report, good job GOFs for nabbing one of JB’s notorious fearless criminals! Fake cops are nothing new in JB – as can be seen recently where fake cops committed rapes recently and awhiles ago.

For the second report, this probably is only teh tip of the iceberg. Do watch out when you’re taking any traffic lights in JB – if you make it when it’s yellow, around the corner may be cops waiting to threaten you with a saman. If you’re even slightly unsure you made it before the red light, you’re gonna get slapped with a fine… Unless you PAY YOUR WAY OUT.


From The Star 25 June 2007:

GOF patrol team arrests man posing as cop

JOHOR BARU: A man who impersonated a policeman and stole the permits of foreign workers was nabbed by General Operations Force (GOF) personnel. 

The 22-year-old suspect and an accomplice, posing as policemen, stole permits from three Vietnamese nationals in Taman Megah Ria, Masai, at 10pm on Saturday. 

Good response: Mong Peng Kong, 50, and his nephew Loh Zhang Quan, eight, from Tampoi submitting the list of signatures yesterday.

However, GOF personnel who were patrolling the area came to the victims’ aid and nabbed the suspect at a nearby restaurant while the other escaped. 

Meanwhile, the Tiong Hua Federation here will discuss today the next course of action to be taken to tackle the rising crime rate in the city. 

Its manager Eric Ku said the campaign to collect signatures received overwhelming response from the public since it was launched on June 16. 

“So far, we have collected more than 256,000 signatures,” he said yesterday.  


From The Star 25 June 2007:

Cops held for collecting ‘toll’

SEGAMAT: Three policemen, including a chief inspector, have been arrested for illegally collecting “protection money” from lorry drivers here. 

Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) officers picked up the three men following complaints from lorry drivers that they were forced to pay about RM100 to “certain enforcement officers” to use the district roads here. 

The three men, including two lance corporals, were nabbed in Kampung Gudang Garam here several days ago. 

All of them, aged between 30 and 40, are from the district police headquarters. 

It is learnt that the three policemen had been regularly collecting the “toll charges and protection money” mainly from lorry drivers in exchange for not taking action or compounding them. 

It is learnt that all three have been released on ACA bail. 

State ACA director Nooraziah Abdul Manaf confirmed the arrests but declined to elaborate on investigations. 

This is the second ACA arrest involving police officers in the past two months. In April, two police detectives and a female inspector from Pontian were arrested for allegedly accepting bribes from a businessman. 

ACA officers picked up the woman inspector, in her 20s, and the two detectives, in their 30s, after they allegedly demanded money from the man when they found an Ecstasy pill and some other drugs in his house during a raid. 

The female inspector had graduated from the police training college less than a year ago. 

The police personnel, all from the narcotics unit of the Pontian district police headquarters, demanded about RM5,000 from the man and gave him 24 hours to pay up or action would be taken against him. The man paid them. 

Those with information on such cases are urged to contact the Johor ACA hotline at 07-224 1982 or 1-800-88-6000. 

Politicians and Public Focus on JB Crime

June 22, 07

Lots of discussion on the Jb crime problem has emerged, along with news reports. I’m surprised not many letters to the papers have emerged, though.

For the first news report below, the ratio of police to civilians is given as 1 : 3000, when the ideal ratio should be 1 : 250.

This quoted ideal ratio is very close to the actual current ratio of police to probable criminals calculated in my post Ratio of Johor Police to Potential Male Criminals. I reached a ratio of 1 : 282.


From The Star 22 June 2007:

Do more to tackle crime

JOHOR BARU: Community leaders welcomed the Cabinet’s directive to place more policemen and patrol cars in the city but said more needed to be done to combat the recent spate of crime. 

Johor Jaya assemblyman Tan Cher Puk, whose constituency is a crime-prone area, said he had received many calls from people who had expressed their happiness over the directive. 

“However, more should be done in the long-term to combat crime. In Masai and Johor Jaya, the ratio of police to civilians is about 1:3,000. The ideal ratio is 1:250. 

“So the new district police headquarters planned for the area is very much needed,” he said. 

On Wednesday, the Cabinet asked the police to deploy 400 more policemen and 200 more police vehicles on the streets of Johor Baru. 

State DAP chairman Dr Boo Cheng Hau, who works in Skudai, said Johor had the second highest crime rate in the country but the second lowest police manpower ratio. 

Kempas state assemblyman Osman Sapian said the elected representatives in the state were embarrassed that police were acting only after the public started protesting. 

“The increase of 400 personnel is not enough. The number should be doubled to make the situation ‘more comfortable’ as the city has a population of about one million,” he said. 

Mengkibol state assemblyman Gan Ping Sieu called on the police to be more transparent with crime statistics and conduct daily press conferences on cases of high interest. 

“The police should also share details on the crime rate, the type of cases, crime-prone areas and the general modus operandi of criminals with the public,” he added.  


From The Star 22 June 2007:

Crime the main issue at Johor assembly

JOHOR BARU: Public safety and crime continued to be the focus in the Johor State Assembly yesterday, along with suggestions to impose stiffer penalties for snatch thefts. 

Even during the assembly’s 20-minute recess, many representatives were heard discussing the crime situation as they flipped through the newspapers. 

Earlier, Senai state assemblyman Chun Yoon Fook suggested that snatch theft be made a non bailable offence and be punished with mandatory whipping and longer jail sentences. 

“Heavier punishment will hopefully make the criminals reluctant to commit these crimes,” he said. 

Chun said that unlike armed robbery, which was seen as a serious offence, people still viewed snatch theft as a petty crime. 

“Many people complain that arrested suspects are seen on the streets again after a few days as they manage to raise bail,” he said, adding that the crime situation had become “critical” in the state.  

Meanwhile, Tangkak assemblyman Yap Chik Dong proposed that the Territorial Army units be deployed to support and help the police in crime prevention. 

He said the shortage of manpower in the police force had given criminals a free rein in the state. 

On another matter, Johor Lama state assembly representative Asiah Md Ariff suggested that both parents be punished in the cases of babies being abandoned, instead of just the child’s mother facing the rap by herself. 

“Under the Penal Code now, only the mother of the baby faces a 20-year jail term for abandoning a baby. This is not fair. 

“The father should also face similar punishment,” she said in her speech.  

She claimed that the state had the second-highest number of abandoned newborn babies and blamed the situation on deteriorating moral values among the youth. 


From The Star 22 June 2007:

118,000 signatures collected within a week

JOHOR BARU: The Johor Baru Tiong Hua Federation collected 118,000 signatures for a petition protesting against the rising crime rate in the city in less than a week. 

The federation’s manager, Eric Ku, said 70,000 of the signatures were collected online, with half of it coming from non-Johor Baru residents. 

“We received very good support from the Chinese associations in Malacca and Negri Sembilan,” said Ku, adding that they would stop the campaign on Sunday. The public can support of the petition at www. or at the federation’s office in Wisma Tiong-Hua in Taman Sri Tebrau. 

“Some people have taken the initiative to photocopy our forms and place them at shop counters, so that others can sign the petition too.  

“Those with enquiries can reach me at 07-2788 999 or 07-2788 899,” Ku said. 

He reminded the public that the federation had not held any public demonstration except for the dialogue between the police and state assemblymen in their building. 

“If you get any SMS or e-mail linking any public demonstration to us, it is not true. We do things the peaceful way,” he said.  

Repulse and Prince of Wales

June 22, 07

I’m sure you remember reading in our Sejarah (history) books about how the British in Malaya were soundly trounced by the invading Japanese during World War II.

I for one remember clearly the two catchy names of Repulse and Prince of Wales. These were the two British ships sunk by the Japanese in a brief engagement.

If I recall correctly, the way the loss of those two ships is portrayed in the Sejarah text and reference books makes it seem like the British were overconfident, woefully unprepared, and weakling wimps in the face of Japanese military might.

This of course fits in perfectly with the unstated agenda of the chapters on the Japanese invasion of Malaya, i.e. To show up the British colonial masters as not invincible and capable of being humiliatingly defeated by Asians.

Thus, during my years in Secondary school, Repulse and Prince of Wales were mentioned with at least a hint of ridicule and humour.

But looking closely at what actually happened in that encounter, beyond the few shallow paragraphs of the nuanced Malaysian textbooks I found much in defense of the two ill-fated ships of the Royal Navy.


                                            HMS Repulse


                                     HMS Prince of Wales

FIRST, before Repulse and Prince of Wales engaged the Japanese aircraft, no capital ship at sea had ever been sunk by air attack. The largest ship to have yet been sunk by air power was a heavy cruiser . That a battlecruiser could be sunk solely by aerial attack was unthinkable and unproven.

Remember that it was only after Pearl Harbour and Midway that aircraft carriers came to dominate the seas. And it happens that the day of the Japanese attack on Repulse and Prince of Wales was the same day that they devastated Pearl Harbour.

SECOND, the two ships managed to last pretty long against the Japanese bombardment.

The World War I veteran Repulse survived a direct bomb hit, dodged 19 torpedoes, and fought on for 20 minutes before she was finally sunk by 5 torpedo hits. Repulse had not been fitted with anti-torpedo blisters that her sister ship Renown had receieved, which hastened her sinking.

The new World War II ship Prince of Wales on the other hand went into battle with a non-functioning radar. While being fitted out for combat in Britian, she was damaged by German bombers before she was even ready to go.

In the Japanese engagement, she was disabled by a lucky torpedo strike early in the battle. The propellor shaft was forced into the hull, causing severe flooding, disabling the rudder and cutting power to the 5.25 inch guns. She became a sitting and gunless duck.

Two more torpedos hit her weakest section – an area damaged by the German bombing that was never completely repaired. In total, Prince of Wales took 6 torpedos and 1 bomb before sinking.

The air support assigned to cover Force Z arrived just as the Prince of Wales sank.

THIRD, Repulse and Prince of Wales were not the only British ships in the region of Malaya. The Sejarah text gives the distinct impression that the British had only these two ships to defend the entire of the Straits.

Four destroyers – Electra, Express, Tenedos, and Vampire were assigned to accompany them in their attempt to intercept the Japanese. Together, they were known as Force Z.

An aircraft carrier, the Indomitable was meant to join the Force, but it ran aground in Jamaica during trials and thus needed repair. Imagine how things might have been different had Force Z met the Japanese with their own planes…

After Repulse and Prince of Wales had been sunk, the Electra, Vampire and express moved to rescue the surviors.

FOURTH, the ships had previous proven their combat worth in naval engagements. During World War I, Repulse briefly engaged two German battleships.

Prince of Wales scored three hits on the legendary German battleship Bismarck , damaging one of Bismarck’s fuel tanks before retreating after 7 large-calibre hits from Bismarck and a German heavy cruiser . She was also the ship that carried Winston Churchill across the Atlantic to meet Franklin Roosevelt and sign the Atlantic Charter.

In the battle off the coast of Malaya, three Japanese aircraft were shot down. Of the 49 torpedoes the Japanese launched, only 11 struck the ships. For more on the history and sinking of these two fine ships, see HMS Repulse, HMS Prince of Wales and Sinking of Prince of Wales and Repulse.

FIFTH, it must be remembered who the sailors were, and who they died for. The sailors manning the Repulse and Prince of Wales were British, sent to fight a lopsided engagement in defense of Malayan civilians. Just like the Vietnam War , ‘foreign Western militaristic imperialists’ died in order that we may live.

And we repay their valiant sacrifice with mocking and belittling textbook accounts. How truly Malaysian of us.

Submachine Gun Cops to Do Rounds

June 22, 07

It almost makes one hopeful that things will really change for the better here in JB. The cynical pessimistic pragmatic realist in me says, the criminals will just lie low until the enthusiasm of the police wanes again.

And if the Rambo cops turn out to be only effective during the day, well, the Government might as well hire me to walk around town with a broom hande – ‘cos I’d have the same effect on the crimes which take place mostly during dark!

On the other hand, the Personal Murphy’s Lawyer in me says that Johor will become liveably safe just around the time I move out of here.


From The Star 22 June 2007:

Show of force in JB

JOHOR BARU: Policemen will be out in strength on the streets of this city, making themselves highly visible to keep crime down. 

Starting tomorrow, more than 300 policemen will take over the policing of crime-prone areas in the district. 

A total of 160 General Operations Force (GOF) personnel will join the 150 men from the Federal Reserve Unit (FRU), who have already started their tour of duty in the city. 

Dressed in general duty uniform (navy blue), the GOF men will go on crime-prevention rounds in teams of three armed with submachine guns, and also help in the manning of roadblocks. 

GOF Fifth Battalion operations officer ASP Wan Tien Kwang (right) briefing his men at their base in Simpang Renggam, Johor. More than 300 policemen will take over the policing of crime-prone areas in Johor Baru district from Saturday. — ABDUL RAHMAN EMBONG / The Star

State police chief Deputy Comm Datuk Hussin Ismail said the number of patrol cars on the roads has also been increased by more than a third – to 93 from the previous 68.  

The additional cars are already patrolling in the Johor Baru (North) and Johor Baru (South) districts. 

DCP Hussin said the 160 GOF personnel would set up two district police headquarters in Nusajaya and Seri Alam, which would temporarily be housed in shoplots. 

“The 300-plus men (from GOF and FRU) will be divided between Nusajaya and Seri Alam.  

Armoury personnel L/Korp Yusop Salleh handing out arms to his colleagues from the GOF’s Fifth Battalion at their base in Simpang Renggam, Johor, Thursday.

“For example, under Seri Alam, there will be a total of 11 police stations. Four are already operational while another four will be opened soon. The extra men will be based at these stations,” he said. 

DCP Hussin added that the GOF personnel would serve in the city until the end of the year, when a fresh batch of police trainees would have finished their training. 

“There are currently 400 in training, who will graduate by the end of the year. But I cannot wait, and the IGP (Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan) has agreed to source personnel from the GOF as an interim measure,” he added. 

GOF Fifth Battalion commanding officer Supt Md Rusli Mat Junus said his men would start work in Johor Baru tomorrow evening. 

“We will be helping out with crime prevention, including patrolling and helping out with roadblocks. My men will be armed, and they will patrol GOF style, in teams of three. 

“It will be up to the OCPDs (of Johor Baru North and Johor Baru South) to decide which areas to deploy my men,” he added.  


From The Star 22 June 2007:

JB residents glad to have more cops in their area

JOHOR BARU: His house has been broken into twice and even his 11-year-old son had been held up when robbers raided his tuition teacher’s house. 

So when businessman Teh Kee Sin heard about the Cabinet’s directive to increase policemen in the city, he breathed a sigh of relief. 

“They should send out the army too,” he said. 

Teh said many residents were living in fear, as anyone could be the next victim of crime. 

“It is very worrying. It makes us very fearful. Even to go to the car porch, my son carries an umbrella or a golf club. He was traumatised after the robbery last year. I am sure other crime victims are, too,” he said.  

Teh, who is also the Southern Johor Small and Medium Industries Association president, said potential investors were sceptical about venturing into Johor Baru due to its reputation as a hotspot for crime. 

“Businessmen, especially those from Singapore and abroad, tell me that unless we solve the crime issue they are not too keen on investing here,” he said. 

Some resident associations have resorted to hiring guards to protect their homes. In Serene Park, six guards patrol the neighbourhood on motorcycles from 9pm daily. 

Serene Park Neighbourhood Watch committee chairman Raymond Koh said it was impossible to expect the police to watch over every area in the city 24 hours a day. 

“We have had very good success in keeping crime in check through our patrols. If our guards see any suspicious characters, they do not confront them, but alert the police immediately,” he said, adding that the police always responded quickly. 

“The system works for us and is worth the money spent,” he said.

Crime in Johor Has Affected Tourism

June 21, 07

Well, DUH!

Although most of the crime happens in Johor Bahru city and surrounding suburbs and roads, and there isn’t really anything for tourists to see or do in JB itself anyway.

But all of us know where the Johor government’s priorities lie – making money off visitors, saving face with visitors, staying in power and comfort.

Crime in Johor has affected tourism – SO much worser and horrible-er than schoolgirls getting raped  and everyone else getting murdered.

There’s this Visit Malaysia Year 2003 signboard near the traffic lights with the catchphrase: “Johor – Keseronokan tak terhingga-hingga!” (Johor – Endless enjoyment) or something to that effect. Johor having nothing much to do at all, I wondered what keseronokans the sign refers to.

Of course. The lackdaisal attitude of the police and the selfish priorities of the government mean that for the criminals, it truly is Keseronokan Tak Terhingga-hingga. Especially the rides featuring defenceless women.

Still, I bet if a Caucasian lady got gang raped by the usual JB wolves, the problem would be cracked down on much sooner than ‘just’ another Chinese girl getting attacked.


From The Star 21 June 2007:

Crime in Johor has affected tourism

MUAR: Issues related with the spate of crimes and the people’s protests reported in and around Johor Baru have some adverse effects on the states’s tourism industry. 

Deputy Tourism Minister Datuk Donald Lim said although the ministry had yet to gauge the damage, the issues had to some extent affected the tourism sector. 

Speaking to reporters here he said the ministry welcomed the decision by the Cabinet on Wednesday for Johor to have additional policemen to curb crime more effectively. 

“We are concerned over the several crime incidents, especially of rob-and-rape in Johor Baru, and hope efforts will be taken to curb them. 

“We also hope the people will be more alert and try to protect themselves from any such incident,” he said before opening the Muar MCA division meeting on Wednesday. 

Lim said besides, they should also act fast in alerting the police if they happened to spot criminal activities in the areas, adding that, everyone should be committed in curbing crime. 

He said the people should also know the police hotline numbers besides the Emergency Line 999, or call the nearest police station for speedy action. 

Lim also urged Malaysians, especially those in the tourism frontlines such as immigration officers, taxi drivers, traders, and hoteliers, to be courteous and friendly to all tourists. 

He said compared to the Thais, who always treated tourists with smiles and courtesy, Malaysians were still lacking and he hoped Malaysians would be courteous and smile. 

He said the ministry had launched related programmes to educate those in the frontlines on the proper ways to treat foreign tourists, including teaching them the English Language. 

“We have also adopted the slogan ‘Malaysia Welcomes The World’ last year and provided the necessary courses to some 20,000 front liners, including taxi drivers. 

“It is up to them to apply what they have learned when they meet with foreign tourists but we hope they will be friendly and put on their smiles,” he said. 

“It is important for the tourists to see our good sides and they will spread the good word, that Malaysians are friendly and always willing to help to others, in their countries,” he added.  

Cabinet Says Crack Down On JB Criminals

June 21, 07

Two lessons can be learned from this. First, that only the united voice of the people can make the Malaysian govt to get moving. Second, only a spate of horrendous crimes can wake Malaysian citizens from their slumber.

But this response comes way too late… Decades too late. Because two more schoolgirls have just been raped. Timely decision, my yellow Chinese @$$!


From The Star 21 June 2007:

Cabinet orders crackdown on crime in Johor Baru

KUALA LUMPUR: Four hundred more cops in the streets, RM6mil for three new temporary district police headquarters and 200 more police vehicles for patrolling – these are among the measures approved by the Cabinet yesterday to clean up Johor Baru after the recent spate of violent crimes there. 

“With these immediate steps, we hope to allay concerns and increase public confidence,” said Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, who chaired the Cabinet meeting yesterday. 

Najib, who is also Defence Minister, has assumed the additional task of Internal Security Minister in the absence of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who is in Russia. 

The three district police centres will be set up in shophouses at Seri Alam, Nusa Jaya and Kulai and 400 policemen from the General Operations Force and the Federal Reserve Unit will be deployed there.  

The Cabinet’s decision appeared all the more timely with two more rapes reported in Johor Baru yesterday. 


From The Star 21 June 2007:

Get those thugs, says Cabinet

KUALA LUMPUR: The Cabinet has ordered the police to come down hard on criminals in Johor Baru and take three urgent steps to clean up the city’s image as a crime-ridden place. 

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, who chaired the Cabinet meeting yesterday, said the most urgent directive ordered was for a higher police presence in the city’s streets, with 400 additional police personnel to be sent in immediately. 

The other steps are three temporary new district police headquarters at Seri Alam, Nusa Jaya and Kulai. 

Najib said the Government had approved RM6mil for leasing existing shophouses for the purpose. 

“They do not have to wait for permanent buildings to be built. They can take immediate steps to set up district police stations by renting shophouses as an interim measure,” he said. 

Najib said approval had also been given for the use of 200 Proton cars for patrolling. These vehicles would come with trained drivers. 

“With these immediate steps, we hope to allay concerns and increase public confidence,” he said after witnessing the signing of a memorandum of understanding between Bank Negara’s Credit Counselling and Debt Management Agency at the Defence Ministry. 

IGP Tan Sri Musa Hassan said 300 police personnel from the General Operations Force (GOF) and another 100 from the Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) would be sent to patrol the streets of Johor Baru over the next few days. 

“These 400 policemen will help those presently doing crime prevention rounds. 

“They will be in Johor until 400 new officers and men passing out from the academy are sent to the state,” he said, adding that 11 new police stations would also be set up soon. 

On the crime rate in Johor, the IGP said police had managed to bring it down by more than 7.5 % or about 1,000 cases over the first five months of the year compared with the corresponding period last year.  

The Cabinet discussed the rising crime rate in the country and the recent cases in Johor after the issue was raised by the MCA yesterday. 

Party president Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting said MCA vice-president and Johor MCA chief Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek had briefed the Cabinet on the meetings he had held with the police officers and representatives from associations in Johor Baru. 

“The government is paying serious attention to crime and has directed the relevant authorities to speed up the process of upgrading facilities and equipment,” said Ong, who is also Housing and Local Government Minister. 

Dr Chua said approvals for more personnel, patrol cars and temporary usage of shop houses, as police stations were “a good sign.”  

“The public will welcome the measures,” he added.  

Two Schoolgirl Rapes in JB, Just Six Hours Apart

June 21, 07

The Johor criminals openly display what all the rest of us are thinking, namely: All this public noise, promises by the government and bolstering of police forces will do NOTHING to stop crime in Johor.

One of them even had the guile and nerve to pretend to be a policeman to get his victim! In broad daylight! See how much JB criminals FEAR the law?

SICKENING. Because they may very well be right.

We are Bolehland in only the unimportant, obscure and nuanced things.


From The Star 21 June 2007:

Two rape incidents in Johor Baru, just six hours apart

JOHOR BARU: A schoolgirl was raped by four men and another by a bogus policeman in two separate incidents within a six-hour period. 

In the first incident, a 16-year-old schoolgirl who had quarrelled with her boyfriend went to calm her feelings at a lake in Taman Tasik Dahlia, Pasir Gudang, at about 12.30am here yesterday. 

Four men on motorcycles turned up, started harassing her and forced her on to one of the motorcycles.  

They then took her to a secluded area near some factories in Tanjung Langsat and took turns to rape her.  

After that, they dropped her off at the lake and fled. 

The victim flagged down a taxi to get home and later lodged a police report. 

A police source said they are looking for the men aged between 20 and 30. 

In the second incident, a 14-year-old schoolgirl and her 13-year-old brother were waiting for the school bus in Tampoi at 6.30am yesterday when a man drove up to them and identified himself as a policeman. 

He told them to get into his car and demanded their MyKads. 

When they could not produce the cards, the man took the siblings back to their house in Taman Johor. 

However, when the girl’s brother went inside to get the identification cards, he sped off with the girl. 

The man took the girl to a secluded area in Technology Park in Senai and raped her and left. 

The girl managed to hail passers-by who took her home. 

She lodged a report at the Tampoi police station at 9.30am, and was sent to Sultanah Aminah Hospital for a medical check-up. 

Police urged anyone with information on both cases to contact the police hotline at 07-221-2999 or the nearest police station. 

Serious crime appears to be on the upswing.  

On June 12, three men raped a 19-year-old girl and forced her 22-year-old boyfriend to watch.  

The following day, a group of armed men took a couple on a terror ride before raping the 35-year-old woman in the presence of her friend, who was slashed. 

On Monday, an unemployed man and his seven-month pregnant wife were found murdered in their home in Taman Desa Anggerik in Seremban.  

No, I’m Sorry, Your Blog Isn’t Really That Popular – It’s Just Malaysiakini

June 20, 07

This is tomfoolery. As if in outraged response to claims in in this post that forums got me more hits than being featured on Malaysiakini, a M’Kini in Blogs list went and got me 416 views yesterday, and 92 already today. Partial list below:


That gave me 1044 hits for my blog yesterday (and I was wondering when I’d break the 1000 a day mark).




A similar thing happened before as I covered in my earlier post, albeit on a far lesser scale. Explained simply, when you mention Malaysiakini in your blog, they link to you. That’s all.

The following would have been on the front page of Malaysiakini’s site, until it got pushed off by more recent links:


So you can write a post titled Malaysiakini under the category Malaysiakini and type nothing but variations of Malaysiakini MalaysuaKINI MALAYSIAkini and you will have your blog listed on… You guessed it, Malaysiakini.

Even for a post that serves no other purpose than to brag about your own blog.

It’s kinda like an arrangement where TV Channel-FAKE presenters agree to mention at every opportunity, and in return pages prominently display Channel-FAKE banners everywhere.

Malaysiakini’s link also got me on WordPress’ lists of Top Posts, Top Blogs and Growing Blogs, respectively.




Altogether a bit ridiculous for a basically pointless post, if you ask me.

And you know what? Betcha that when this post is featured on Malaysiakini, it’ll rack up even more hits than anything else I’ve posted before. Ah, whatever.

Shoplot Bases For Cops in JB

June 20, 07

A good move, but one hopes that the police residing within the shoplots will be persuaded to leave the comfort of their fortified base to patrol the streets or respond to emergency calls.

Btw, on the whole accusation of political motivation again… See Elizabeth Wong’s blog on what the protestors ‘political’ demands were. My own post on that is here.


From The Star 20 June 2007:

Shoplot bases for cops in JB

JOHOR BARU: Policemen will be taking to rented shoplots here, especially in crime-prone areas. 

Johor MCA chief Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said that 400 police personnel would also be deployed to the state within two to three months. 

“Eight temporary stations will start operations as soon as possible, with two in northern Johor Baru, five in eastern Johor Baru, and one more in the central region. 

“This will be carried out as soon as possible,” he said, adding that police would also increase their presence in certain hotspots in the city. 

Dr Chua said these were interim measures pending the completion of 11 new police stations in the Iskandar Development Region, and also three new district stations. 

Fruitful talks: Hussin Ismail (left) chatting with Johor Baru Tiong Hua Association president Lua Ah Seng (right) while Dr Chua looks on after the meeting at the state police headquarters in Johor Baru on Monday.

He was speaking to reporters after chairing a meeting between representatives from the Johor Baru Tiong Hua Association, Johor Baru Chinese Businessmen Association, Johor MCA assemblymen, Johor police chief Deputy Comm Datuk Hussin Ismail and senior police officers on Monday. 

The meeting was held after concerns from the Johor Baru Chinese community over a spate of violent crimes in the city, especially the robbery and gang rape of a 19-year-old girl by three suspects on June 11. 

Some quarters accused the police of late response and inaction, and on Sunday, some 200 people held an anti-crime demonstration in front of the Johor Mentri Besar’s residence. 

Dr Chua, who is also Health Minister, said he condemned the action of certain quarters that took advantage of security matters by holding demonstration. 

“We do not agree with those who did this to further their political agenda. 

“We offer our full support to the police and we understand the constraints faced by them while performing their duties,” he said.